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1、 第三届全国“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计Unit 3 Body and Feelings单位:河北省石家庄市维明路小学姓名:刘伟地址:河北省石家庄市维明路小学1 / 13教案背景:1. 面向学生:小学三年级学生2. 学科:英语3. 课时:24. 学习者分析:三年级学生有了一定的单词积累量,能够用简单的句子进行日常的交流。学生们对英语保持着浓厚的兴趣,但是他们注意力时间不长,活泼好动,学习知识还是依赖于具体形象的事物,因此在教学设计中要考虑到教授内容的趣味性、生动性,教学活动的多样性,寓教于乐。5. 学生课前准备:(1) 自备彩色毽子(2) 网上搜索世界上不同人种的头发特征。教

2、学课题:引导学生学会描述自己的头发特征。拓展学生的课外知识。1. 通过布置预习作业,培养学生主动搜集获取信息的能力。2. 课堂上让学生描述自己的头发特征,培养学生语言表达能力。3. 通过有趣的美发游戏,提高学生学习兴趣,有利于学生牢固的掌握所学内容。4. 通过新视角板块,了解世界不同文化、地域、人种间的差异。教材分析:本课为冀教版三年级英语,Unit 3, Lesson21. My Hair is Black. 本课从内容上来讲有两部分。其中第一部分是描述头发颜色。表示颜色的单词学生已有一定的基础,此部分内容较简单;第二部分是描述头发的长短曲直,相比较“short, tall”而言,单词“st

3、raight, curly”学起来有一定的难度。1. 教学重点:(三会词汇)long short straight curly 2. 教学难点:blond 发音。教学之前在百度上搜索谜语,各种发型的图片,优酷视频上搜索歌曲“Head, shoulders, knees, toes”的视频,迅雷上下载美发游戏。在课堂上用歌曲视频热身;用谜语导入新课,趣味性强又能激发学生兴趣;百度上下载的图片做成课件,形象又生动;美发游戏提高了学生语言表达能力以及动手操作的能力。教学方法:教授法、问答法、情景教学法、演示法1. 教师通过语言系统连贯的向学生讲授头发的颜色及长短曲直。2. 通过教师的提问,引导学生用

4、“My hair is ?向别人描述自己的头发特征。3. 通过设置情景:假设学生是名发型设计师,让学生自己设计所喜欢发型并利用美发游戏进行操作。4. 美发游戏需要教师进行演示,然后再让学生自己操作。教学过程:Greeting: 师生问候T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Nice to meet you.Warming Up: 热身复习T: Let sing the song together.Ss: Sing “Head, shoulders, knees, toes”优酷视频:设计意图:学生边观看视频边跟着音乐一起做动作,活跃气氛,调动学生积极性。

5、New concept: 新授Step 1. T: Now I have a riddle, lets see it together. It was raining that day, Mr. Zhang was walking on the street. He has no umbrella and raincoat, but his hair was not wet. Why?Ss:He has no hair.T: Yes, he has no hair, but we have.图片来源:谜语设计意图:用谜语导入新课,既有兴趣,又能自然的导入本课的内容。Step 2. T: Boy

6、s and girls, look at my hair, my hair is black? Can you tell me what color is your hair?Ss: My hair is black.T: Look, Dannys friends are coming, let see what color is his or her hair?T: (出示ppt) What color is your hair?Ss: My hair is black.图片来源:T: What color is your hair?Ss: My hair is brown.图片来源:T:

7、What color is your hair?Ss: My hair is red.图片来源:3%F5%B3%A4%B3%C9%BC%D2%D3%D0%D0%A1%C3%E7%B3%F5%B3%A4%B3%C9/album/item/b05082ad8ee08cb6faed50f5.html#T: What color is your hair?Ss: My hair is blond.图片来源:T: “blond” means 金黄色。此单词不好发音,此处对发音不准确的学生要进行个别指导。T:Lets play a game, a guessing game. I will call on

8、e student to come to the blackboard and take his or her shuttlecock ,pretend its hair, and then Ill put the shuttlecock on their head, and all of you should ask “What color is your hair, and this student can guess “ My hair is ” 游戏设计意图:学生自备毽子,激发学生学习积极性,生动形象。通过学生问答,操练本课句型: “What color is your hair? M

9、y hair is”Step 3. T: I will show you some styles of hair. Look, this is a girl.ppt图片来源:3%F5%B3%A4%B3%C9%BC%D2%D3%D0%D0%A1%C3%E7%B3%F5%B3%A4%B3%C9/album/item/b05082ad8ee08cb6faed50f5.html#T: This is a girl. She has long hair. I have long hair, you have long hair(在班里找几个女生指出长头发) :Long here means 长的。T:

10、Look, this is a pretty girl. (ppt)Is she has long hair?图片来源:Ss: No.T: Compare with that girl, this girl has short hair. Short here means 短的。T: Could you tell me which is long and which is short?ppt: long pencil; short pencil; train; carT: Her hair is long, and her hair is also long, but whats the di

11、fference between them? Thats right. This girls hair is straight, but her hair is curly. Could you tell us which is curly and which is straight.ppt: straight hair; curly hair图片来源:ppt: sheep; goat; noodles; instant noodlesT: Do the actions like me, meanwhile, speak out the words. long short straight a

12、nd curly.(教师加上自己的手势,引领学生复习巩固所学四个新单词)T: Ok, this time, I will just do the action, you can guess whats the meaning.(老师做动作,让学生猜单词)Step 4. T: If you were a hair designer, which kind of hair style do you like,today you can design a hair style by yourself. 美发游戏下载地址:设计意图:此游戏学生们都在网络上玩过,简单有趣,课堂上进行现场操作,既活跃了课堂

13、气氛,学生们又在玩中掌握了知识。Step 5. T: People in different country may have different color of the hair, now lets see some of them.(教师从网络上下载的课外知识让学生来读)图片来源:文字来源:设计意图:新视角拓展了学生们的知识面,让他们更多的了解了世界上不同人种在肤色上的差异以及造成这种差异的愿意。增强了学生们作为黑头发黄皮肤的中国人的自豪感。Step 6. Homework: (1) Draw a person or someone that in your imagination and describe it to your friends.(2)


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