1、英语学科核心素养 思维品质 语言能力 文化品格 学习能力123WHY -为什么要进行词汇教学? WHAT-词汇教学是教什么学什么?HOW -怎样进行高中英语词汇教学?目目 录录CONTENTS4 落实词汇及三年词汇教学大体规划 5 具体词汇课堂操作(课例)WHY-为什么要进行词汇教学解读2020年全国一卷语篇填空01China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Change-4 probe (探测器) the name was inspired
2、by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 61 (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. Landing on the moons far side is 62 (extreme) challenging. Because the moons body blocks direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot 63 it co
3、uld send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. The far side of the moon to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山), more so 65 the familiar near side. Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Change-4 66 (find) and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. “This real
4、ly excites scientists,” Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, says, “because it 67 (mean) we information about how the moon 68 (construct).” Data about the moons composition, such as how 69 ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether 70 (it) plans for a future luna
5、r (月球的) base are practical.一:看似是语法结构难,实际一:看似是语法结构难,实际.?1. China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Change-4 probe (探测器) the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 61 (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. vt or vi
6、The unmanned Change-4 probe (探测器) the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 61 (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. 一:看似语法结构难,实际一:看似语法结构难,实际.?2.Because the moons body blocks direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a satellite in orbit above th
7、e moon in a spot 63 it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. n or vvt or adj?一:语法结构难:一:语法结构难: 3.Data about the moons composition, such as how 69 ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether 70 (it) plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical.n or vt 话题词汇和表达
8、话题词汇和表达:spacecraft, unmanned,radio communication,orbit,signal,instrument, obtain,data,onboard,moon composition,a lunarbase, basin, probe词汇具有以下特点:词汇具有以下特点:词汇意识合成词Spacecraftonboard熟词生义/一词多义direct,touch,base spot ,composition派生词Unmanned,goddness,extremely,challenging,practical,reseacher名词动化landblock词块t
9、ouch downPutin orbitbe ofinterestMore(so)than金句Have the chance to do新课标词汇“熟”词“生”义,一词多义派生、合成词(变形式)近几年高考英语词汇几大特点WHAT-词汇教学是教什么学什么0212培养学生自主学习英语词汇的能力进行精深的词汇教学培养学生运用英语词汇的能力3词汇意识培养词汇思维训练back03HOW-怎样进行高中英语词汇教学 123基本词汇意识音形义词性词族词块分级正式与非正式用语词义关联词源义基本义语境义比喻义维词六维度一词多义熟词生义精准的汉语释义英语释义辨析义搭配义词汇意识:名词动化/文化意识/价值取向 I d
10、ecided to try harder, although I didnt know what that meant because school had always been easy for me.I read the books carefully .but got another 77.Again, I _with Professor Jayne. again, he.A. quarreled B.reasoned C.bargained D. chatted Bback词汇意识:词块意识词汇意识:词块意识 I started my journey as a Lighthouse
11、Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. .In short, I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family.37. According to Paragraph 2, it is most likely that the author . A. discussed his decision with his
12、family. B. asked previous volunteers about voluntary work C. attended special training to perform difficult tasks D. felt sad about having to leave his family and friendsAback词汇意识:精准的汉语释义and I sent in all the paperwork needed for the application. After countless interviews and presentations, I manag
13、ed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone. Several months later, I finally received a call asking me to report for the duty. I would be going to a small village near Abuja, Nigeria. Where? What? Nigeria? I had no idea. But I was about to find out. (2014年广东阅读年广东阅读C篇篇 ) 38. In hi
14、s application for the volunteer job, the author . A. participated in many discussions B. went through challenging survival tests C. wrote quite a few papers on voluntary work D. faced strong competition from other candidatesDback词汇意识:一词多义(语境不同词义完全不同) One Monday morning, I received a direct message f
15、rom a boy who found a mean message in his locker. How amazing it was that he did something kind in return to try to balance his mistake. backThe moral: If you see a strange button while you are in a 59 location, 60 it and press your belly button instead.( D )59.A. deserted B. scary C. familiar D. fo
16、reign短语短语动词动词一一词词多多义义创意写作创意写作词词族族词块词块词汇图示化词汇图示化/ /网络化网络化/ /结构化结构化熟词生义熟词生义able(adj)be able to do sth名词:ablityhave the ability to do sth动词:enableenable sb to do sth反义词:unable(adj)sb from doing sth名词:disability形容词:disabled反义词:disable(v) backpick up动作上起来(上)pick up pick up the phonethe phonepick up the c
17、rying babypick up the crying babypick up the rubbishpick up the rubbish(偶尔)得到pick up some pick up some EnglishEnglishpick up some meatpick up some meatpick up pick up some signalssome signals(向上)恢复pick up the speedpick up the speedpick up pick up yourselfyourself接某人 搭救某人pick up sb.pick up sb.pick up
18、 pick up some meatsome meatpick up pick up the speedthe speedpick up pick up the rubbishthe rubbishpick up the pick up the crying babycrying babya lot of exercise a lot of exercise will pick you upwill pick you upback backstrike击打击打基本义基本义罢工罢工n.n.v.v.strickenstrikerstrikingstrike a balancestrike a de
19、alstrike fear/terror into sbs heartgo on strikestrike for more money(struck,struck/stricken)vi&vt(vi&vt(时钟等时钟等) )敲响;报(时)敲响;报(时)vtvt(使)突然想到(使)突然想到/ /意识意识到到vi&vtvi&vt(不幸等)突然降临;(不幸等)突然降临;突然袭击突然袭击vtvt给给.以某种印象以某种印象The church clock began to strike twelve.Si Chuan Province is often struck b
20、y earthquakes.it strikes sb+that从句从句strike sb as (being)Word familyphrases For someone, when touching the topic about getting in touch with others in a short time ,It is as extremely difficult as making their babies touching the food which they dont like. However,in fact,a touch of efforts will make
21、 it easier to build up the touch. You need to employ the touching communication way which can touch my heart. Besides this,you need to put the finishing touches to what you will say. Overtime you will build up your own touch. Then the communication difficulties wont be a struggle to you. 04具体词汇课堂操作(
22、案例)repeatreadreciteread aloudrecite & speak outrepeatTextListening materialVocabularyspellListeningGold sentencesrewriterepeatspeak outPeriod 1处理词汇处理词汇Step 1听音听音写形写形Step 2分级处理分级处理Step 3精深词汇精深词汇(语境中(语境中教词,六教词,六个维度)个维度)音音形形义义句句/篇(创意语篇)篇(创意语篇)Period 2Reading整体阅读整体阅读 框架阅读框架阅读/无题阅读无题阅读篇篇(读读)Period 3处
23、理文章处理文章(语篇填空语篇填空)词法、语法综词法、语法综合运用合运用写写(运用提升运用提升) 怎样落实词汇及三年词汇教学的规划051.要想课堂有效果,课后整理反思和课前检测是必须的。要想课堂有效果,课后整理反思和课前检测是必须的。检测方式:课检测方式:课堂怎么教,课前就怎么检测。听写:听音写形,自带词块句子,自然拓堂怎么教,课前就怎么检测。听写:听音写形,自带词块句子,自然拓展,形成自然词汇思维和意识,训练词汇敏感度。展,形成自然词汇思维和意识,训练词汇敏感度。2.四人小组活动四人小组活动:思维导图,创意写作,试卷二次开发,作文初评等交:思维导图,创意写作,试卷二次开发,作文初评等交学生。(放手学生做)学生。(放手学生做)3.老师不该偷懒的是听写本必须亲自检查老师不该偷懒的是听写本必须亲自检查。查课堂思维和知识落实情况,。查课堂思维和知识落实情况,以便总结,及时跟进,稳打稳扎。以便总结,及时跟进,稳打
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