1、 Institute MortgageesInterest Clauses _Hulls 1997年3月1日协会船舶抵押权人利益保险条款 This insurance is subject to English law and practice. 本保险受英国法律和惯例制约A. RECITALWhereas the Assured has entered into a load agreement commensurate with which the Assured holds certain col
2、lateral security including a first mortgage on the Mortgaged Vessel and endorsements of its interests on the OwnersPolicies and Club Entries.Now it is agreed as follows:鉴于被保险人已经与被抵押船舶的船东签署了贷款协议并持有与该贷款协议相对应的包括针对被抵押船舶的第一顺位抵押权以及在船东船舶保险保单、船舶保赔保险保单中的抵押权批单等在内的抵押担保,保险人与被保险人现就下列条款协商达成一致意见:1 INSURING CLAUSE
3、1.1 This insurance will indemnify the Assured for loss resulting from loss of or damage to or liability of the Mortgaged Vessel which, in the absence of an Insured Peril set out in Clause 2. 1 below, would prima facie be covered by the OwnerPolicies and Club Entries, and not excluded therein, but in
4、 respect of which there is subsequent non-payment (or reduced payment which is approved in advance by the Underwriters hereon) by any of the underwriters of OwnersPolicies and Club Entries as a result of any Insured Peril, provided always that such Insured peril occurs or exists without the privity
5、of the Assured.1.2 The indemnity payable hereunder shall be1.2.1 the amount of the Assureds Net Loss and any amounts recoverable under Clause 6 herein, collectively not exceeding the Sum Insured on the Mortgaged Vessel, or 1.2.2 the amount of the unrecoverable claim or part thereof under any of the
6、Owners Policies and Club Entries, whichever is the lesser amount. 1.3 All the above is subject to the Definitions, Exclusions, Warranties and Conditions below. 第1条 承保条款1.1本保险将赔偿被保险人因抵押船舶的灭失、损害或责任引起的损失。在不存在本抵押权人利益保险第2.1条规定的情况下,该损失应当是由船东的保险单推荐精选(H&M、HI、FI、War Risk)及互保协会的入会证书(P&I)承保且未被除外责任所排除的,
7、但在随后的船东保险和保赔保险理赔中由于发生了或存在着本抵押权人保险所承保的危险而被船东保险和保赔保险的保险人拒赔(或经船东保险和保赔保险保险人同意后进行减额赔付)。本保险赔偿被保险人该种损失的前提是被保险人对于本保险所承保危险的发生或存在并不知情。1.2下述应付赔偿款应当:1.2.1 是被保险人的净损失额及根据下述第6条可获赔偿的任何数额之和,累加不得超过被抵押船舶的保险金额,或者1.2.2是根据船东保险和保赔保险不可获赔的索赔金额或任何部分,以1.2.1和1.2.2两者中的金额较少者为准。1.3 上述所有的规定,均受下述定义、除外、保证和条件制约。2 DEFINITIONS2.1 Insur
8、ed Perils 2.1.1 Avoidance of the Owners Policies and Club Entries or any of them by the underwriters thereof on the grounds of a misrepresentation or non-disclosure of any material circumstance, whether such misrepresentation or non-disclosure arises from the assured thereunder or any of such assure
9、ds insurance agents or insurance brokers. 2.1.2 Breach of any statutory provision or any express or implied promissory warranty or condition, including without limitation breach of any implied warranty of seaworthiness or legality, breach of section 39(5) of the Marine Insurance Act
10、of 1906, breach of trading warranties contained in any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries, breach of any warranty or condition in any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries in respect of the classification of the Mortgaged Vessel by the Classification Society or any failure to
11、comply with the recommendations of such Society to the extent required by such warranty or condition breach of any warranty or condition in any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries which requires compliance with any condition survey, structural survey or P&I Club survey requirements a
12、nd pursuant to which clauses underwriters deny a claim, breach of any warranty or condition in any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries in respect of the ownership, flag, management or charter on a bareboat basis of the Mortgaged Vessel, 2.1.3 failure by the assured under the hull and mach
13、inery policy or the owners, managers or superintendents of the vessel or any of their onshore management to exercise due diligence in respect of any loss or damage to the Mortgaged Vessel where such failure to exercise due diligence entitles the underwriters of the owners hull and machinery policy t
14、o deny a claim otherwise recoverable thereunder, 2.1.4 any deliberate or fraudulent casting away of or damage to the Mortgage推荐精选d Vessel, 2.1.5 avoidance of a claim under any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries or any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries by reason of breach of the duty of go
15、od faith in respect of such claim, or 2.1.6 the operations of any applicable provision in any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries which provides for a time limitation on the presentation of claims, 2.1.7 in the event of the total loss of the Mortgaged Vessel, the final judgment or award of the c
16、ourts or arbitration tribunal agreed to have jurisdiction under the express terms of Owners Policies and Club Entries (or in the event of there being no such express terms the competent court) following a contested hearing whereby the Owners claim is not recoverable under either Owners hull and mach
17、inery or war risks policies on the ground that the loss has not been proved to have been proximately caused by a peril insured under those policies and is not otherwise excluded from payment by an exclusion or other provision therein. 2 定义2.1 承保的危险2.1.1船东保险和保赔保险或其中任何保险的保险人以误述或未告知重要情况为由拒绝船东保险和保赔保险或其中
18、任何保险下的赔付,无论该误述或未告知是由下述被保险人还是由其保险代理人或保险经纪人造成的。2.1.2 违反任何法律规定或任何明示的、默示的承诺保证、条件,包括但不限于: 违反任何适航性或合法性的暗示保证, 违反1906年海上保险法第39(5)节的规定, 违反船东保险或保赔保险中的贸易保证, 违反船东保险或保赔保险关于船级社对于抵押船舶维持船级的任何保证或条件要求,或者未能遵守船东保险或保赔保险中任何保证或条件要求的船级社提出的改进建议,违反船东保险或保赔保险中要求遵守的、一旦未遵守保险人根据条款规定可以拒绝赔付的条件检验、结
19、构检验等各类检验的任何保证或条件, 违反船东保险或保赔保险中关于船舶所有权、船旗、被抵押船舶光船租赁模式下的租赁与管理等方面的任何保证或条件,2.1.3 船壳机器保险下的被保险人或船舶所有人、管理人、监管人或者他们的陆上管理层的未能恪尽职责,该种未能恪尽职责导致被抵押船舶发生损坏或损失,并使得船壳机器险下的保险人有权拒绝下述可获赔付以外的任何赔偿,2.1.4被抵押船舶被蓄意性的或欺骗性的抛弃或损坏,2.1.5保险人以违反最大诚信原则为由拒绝的船东保险或保赔保险下的索赔。推荐精选2.1.6船东保险或保赔保险中的保险人使用索赔时限规定(拒赔或减额赔付),2.1.7 如果被抵押船舶发生
20、全损,该种全损不能被证明是由船壳机器险或战争险所承保的危险造成的,也不能被证明是由船壳机器险或战争险的除外条款或其他规定排除的危险造成的,根据船东保险或保赔保险明确约定的有管辖权的法院或仲裁委员会(如没有明确约定则由相应的主管法院管辖)在审理后作出的最终判决或裁决,船东不能就船壳机器险或战争险下的索赔获得赔偿。2.2 OwnersPolicies and Club Entries means hull and machinery policies on terms equivalent to or wider than the current Institution Time Clauses,
21、 Hulls or American Institute Hull Clauses, (if taken, increased value policies on terms equivalent to Institute Time ClausesHull Disbursements and Increased Value (Total Loss Only and Excess Liabilities) or American Institute Increased Value and Excess Liabilities Clauses), War risks on terms equiva
22、lent to current Institute War and Strikes Clauses HullsTime and full protection and indemnity risks on conditions equivalent to the rules of a P&I Club that is a member of the International Group of P&I Associations.2.2 船东保险和保赔保险,是指与现行协会船舶定期保险条款或美国协会船舶保险条款等同或比其更宽泛的船壳机器保险(如果采用现行协会船舶定期保险条款或美国协
23、会船舶保险条款,则增值保险采用等同于协会船舶营运费用和增值定期保险(仅适用于全损及超额责任)的条款或美国协会增值和超额责任保险条款),与现行协会船舶战争与罢工保险条款等同的战争险,以及与国际保赔协会集团某一成员的保赔保险规则等同的保赔保险。 2.3 Net Loss means the Assureds loss under the loan agreement to the extent secured by mortgage on the Mortgaged Vessel net of any amounts recovered or recoverable under all secur
24、ity arrangements contained in or collateral to the loan including but not limited to all mortgages (whether on vessels insured hereunder or on other vessels), liens, any floating and fixed charges, security interests, guarantees, insurance policies and pledges. 2.3 净损失,是指被保险人在贷款合同下,在以抵押船舶作为抵押担保的范围内,
25、扣除“根据包含在或附属于该贷款的包括但不限于抵押(无论是下文中已被抵押的被保险船舶,还是其他已被抵押的船舶)、留置、任何浮动抵押或固定抵押、担保权益、保函保证、保险和质押等在内的所有担保安排已获得或可获得的任何金额”后的(剩余贷款金额)损失。2.4 Mortgaged Vessel means the vessel mortgaged to the Assured which is listen on the schedule attached hereto. 2.4 被抵押船舶,是指已抵押给本保险附表上列明的被保险人的船舶。 3. EXCLUSION In no ca
26、se shall this policy cover: 3.1 any loss or expense arising from or as a result of 3.1.1 the relevant Owners Policies and Club Entries,having been terminated or cancelled or cover suspended or non-payment of claims by the underwriters or insurance brokers thereof due to non-p推荐精选ayment of premiums o
27、r calls.3.1.2 Insolvency or financial default of any of the underwriters of the Owners Policies and Club Entries, 3.1.3 inability of any party to transmit funds, 3.1.4 any fluctuation in exchange rates, 3.1.5 the operation of any franchise deductible or provision for self-insurance, 3.2
28、loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from: 3.2.1 ionising radiation from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel, 3.2.2 the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or cont
29、amination properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereos, 3.2.3 any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter. 3.除外 在任何情况下,本保险均不承保: 3.1 由于下述原因引起的
30、任何损失或费用: 3.1.1 由于未支付保险费或保赔保险费(calls互助会员会费,指保赔保险保费),相关的船东保险和保赔保险已经被保险人或保险经纪人终止、取消、中止或拒绝赔付,3.1.2 船东保险或保赔保险的保险人破产或发生财务危机,3.1.3 任何当事方无能力进行资金转账,3.1.4 汇率波动, 3.1.5 任何起作用的相对免赔额或自保额规定, 3.2 由于下列原因直接或间接引起的或造成的灭失或损害:3.2.1 由于任何核燃料或核废料或核燃料燃烧引起的电离辐射或放射性污染,3.2.2 任何核装置、反应堆或其他核设施或核组件的放射性、有毒性、爆炸性或其他有危害性的或污染
31、性的财产,3.2.3 使用原子或核裂变和/或聚变或其他相似反应或放射性力量或物质的任何战争武器。 4 WARRANTIES It is warranted in respect of the Mortgaged Vessel that: 4.1 Owners Policies and Club Entries have been taken out and, except as a result of the occurrence or existence of an Insured Peril without the privity of the Assured, sh
32、all be maintained throughout the currency of this insurance for an insured value and limit of liability not less than the amount insured hereunder or the amount of the outstanding loan to the extent secured by the Mortgaged Vessel, 推荐精选4.2 Each of the Owners Policies and Club Entries endorsed to the
33、 extent of the Assureds interest, and 4.3 The Assured has procured and registered a valid first mortgage. 4 保证 关于被抵押船舶,兹保证如下: 4.1 船东保险和保赔保险已经获得,并且除非发生或存在着本保单下被保险人并不知情的承保危险,在本保险整个期间,船东保险和保赔保险应当保持其保险价值和责任限额不低于本保险的保险金额或被抵押船舶担保的应还贷款金额, 4.2 每份船东保险和保赔保险均应批注本保险下被保险人利益(抵押权人利益), 4.3 本保
34、单下的被保险人已获得并有效地登记船舶第一抵押权。 5 CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF CONTROL This insurance will terminate automatically at the time the Assured become or is aware of or privy to any change of: 5.1 Classification Society or of change, suspension, discontinuance, withdrawal or expiry of the Mortgaged Vessels class
35、 within that Society, 5.2 Ownership, flag, management or control of the Mortgaged Vessel, unless the Assured gives prompt notice of such change in writing, and agrees to pay an additional premium, if required, and Owners Policies and Club Entries are maintained. 5 船舶所有权或控制权变更 本保险在被保险人对下述
36、任何变更知道或实际知情之时起将自动终止:5.1 船级社变更或者被抵押船舶船级的变更、中止、中断、撤销或到期,5.2 被抵押船舶的所有权、船旗、管理人或控制人变更,除非被保险人及时将此种变更书面通知了本保险下的保险人并同意支付附加保险费(若保险人提出要求)、确保船东保险和保赔保险(在此种变更发生后)继续有效。 6 DUTY OF ASSURED (SUE AND LABOUR) 6.1 The Assured shall report in writing to the Underwriters any circumstance which may give rise
37、to a claim under this insurance within 30 days of the Assureds knowledge of such circumstances and shall thereafter keep the Underwriters fully informed of all developments. 6.2 It is the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents to take such measures as may be reasonable for the purpose ave
38、rting or minimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance. 推荐精选6.3 The Underwriters will reimburse charges properly and reasonably incurred by the Assured or their servants or agents for such measures except for legal costs and expenses incurred by the Assured in relation to any cla
39、im under Owners Policies and Club Entries which shall only be reimbursed in accordance with clause 6.4 herein. 6.4 Subject to the condition precedent that the Mortgaged Vessel is entered in a Freight, Demurrage and Defence Club covering the cost of the owner proceeding against the Owners Policies an
40、d Club Entries, the Underwriters will reimburse those legal costs and expenses incurred by the Assured in pursuing the non-paying Owners Policies and Club Entries not otherwise recoverable as part of the Net Loss but only where the Assured can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Underwriters that
41、 it has made every reasonable effort to compel the owner to pursue the non-paying Owners Policies and Club Entries. This policy shall not pay for legal costs and expenses incurred by the Assured in monitoring the claim against the OwnersPolicies and Club Entries. 6.5 Any amounts payable under this c
42、lause shall be included within and shall not be additional to the Sum Insured. 6.6 Measures taken by the Assured or the Underwriters with the object of averting or minimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance shall not be considered as a waiver or acceptance of a cla
43、im or otherwise prejudice the right of either party. 6 被保险人的义务(施救) 6.1 被保险人应在知晓可能引起本保险下索赔的任何情况后的30日内,书面向保险人报告该情况并在此后时时通知保险人所有的进展情况。6.2为避免或减小根据本保险可获赔偿的损失,被保险人及其雇员和代理人有义务采取合理措施。6.3 保险人将补偿被保险人及其雇员或代理人采取此种减损措施而适当、合理发生的费用,但被保险人发生的与船东保险和保赔保险索赔有关的法律费用和开支除外,此种法律费用和开支仅能按照本保险中的第6.4条的规定获得补偿。 6.4 以被
44、抵押船舶投保 (Freight,Demurrage and Defence Club船东运费、滞期费和辩护费用保赔协会) 的抗辩险承保船东向船舶保险和保赔保险保险人发起诉讼的费用为先决条件,本抵押权人利益保险的保险人将补偿被保险人同时满足下列条件的法律费用和开支:在追诉船东保险和保赔保险未付赔款时产生的;推荐精选在船东保险和保赔保险下不能获得赔偿的;属于本抵押权人利益保险下净损失的。但被保险人只能在提供证据使保险人确信被保险人已尽一切合理努力迫使船东求偿未赔付的船东保险和保赔保险时,方可获得此种补偿。本抵押权人利益保险不赔付被保险人在监控船东保险和保赔保险索赔方面所产生的法律费用和开支。6.5
45、 根据本保险第6条确定的可付赔偿款项,应包括在本保险的保险金额内,而不应在本保险的保险金额外附加。 6.6 被保险人或保险人为了避免或减轻根据本保险可获赔偿的损失所采取的措施,不应视为放弃或接受某项索赔,也不损害任何一方的权利。 7 CLAIMS 7.1 The Assured shall prove a claim under this insurance by: 7.1.1 demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Underwriters that by reason of the perils insured under c
46、lause 2.1 there is no reasonable prospect of the Owners and/or Assured succeeding in the claim against the underwriters of the Owners Policies and Club Entries, or 7.1.2 in the event of disagreement between the Underwriters and the Assured by either referring the issue to a sole arbitrator in London
47、 to be agreed upon between the Underwriters and the Assured or on final court judgment or arbitration award delivered in favour of the underwriters of Owners Policies and Club Entries. 7.2 The Underwriters shall pay any claim hereunder within 3 months of the date that both the claim is p
48、roved in accordance with Clause 7.1 and Net Loss is established. 7 索赔 7.1 被保险人应当通过以下方式证明本保险下的某项索赔: 7.1.1 提供令保险人信服的证据表明,由于本保险第2.1款下的承保危险的发生,船东和/或本保险下的被保险人没有希望向船东保险和保赔保险的保险人成功索赔,或者 7.1.2 在本保险的保险人与被保险人之间存在争议的情况下,可将该争议问题提交给保险人和被保险人共同商定的伦敦独任仲裁员裁定,或者以支持船东保险和保赔保险保险人(拒绝赔付)的法院终审判决或仲裁终
49、局裁决为依据。7.2 自被保险人按照第7.1款完成索赔证明以及净损失确认之日(以较晚日为准)起的三个月内,保险人应当支付本保险下的应赔偿款项。 推荐精选8 SUBROGATION 8.1 upon payment to the Assured of a claim hereunder, the Underwriters shall be subrogated to all the rights and remedies of the Assured in respect of such payment. 8.2 It is a condition of this ins
50、urance that any payments by the Underwriters shall not be applied by the Assured in or towards discharge or satisfaction of the amount of the outstanding indebtedness. 8 代位权 8.1 在向被保险人支付本保险下的某项赔偿款的同时,保险人将代位取得被保险人与该项赔款有关的所有权利和救济方式。8.2 保险人支付的任何赔偿款,被保险人不得用于清偿或偿付其拖欠的债务,这是本保险的一项条件条款。9 EFFECT OF UNDER INS
51、URANCE If the loan amounts are not fully insured hereunder at the time of loss, then the indemnity payable hereunder including any sue and labour amount shall be reduced in proportion to the under insurance. 9 不足额保险的后果 如果在损失发生时,贷款金额未全额投保,那么,根据本保险可赔付的赔偿,包括任何施救费用,将按照不足额保险的比例进行扣减。10 AUTOMATIC TERMINATION 10.1 Cover hereunder for loss of or damage to or liability of a Mortgaged Vessel shall terminate in respect of those risks covered by the War and Strikes Clause of the Mortgaged
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