高三复习选修7 Unit 1Living well_第1页
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1、选修选修unit 1 living wellunit 1 living well marty is a boy who looks the same as other people _ has a muscle disease which sometimes makes him very weak. not being able to climb stairs as quickly as _, he gets out of breath after running just a short way and he has to stop halfway up the stairs and res

2、t _ he can get to the top, for which kids make fun of him. he always feels stupid for being a bit _ the others after a long _(absent) from school. although doctors cant give his disease a name and its difficult to know _ the future will be like, marty _(learn) to adapt to his disability. his motto i

3、s: live one day at _time. he has a busy life without time to sit around _ (feel) sorry for himself. besides writing and computer programming, he goes to the movies as well as football matches with his friends and spends a lot of time with his pets. his ambition is _(work) in the computer industry wh

4、en he grows up.butothersbeforebehindabsence has learntafeeling to workwhat1)every time i returned after an _(absent), i felt stupid because i was behind the others.2)the research, _(conduct) by st. george university, shows that different parents have different approaches to these problems.3)thanks t

5、o volunteers like low, the cnib library has got more than 80,000 _(access) materials for people unable to read traditional print. 4)he is working on his life story, _ (ambition) planned as a 50-volume work.5)apparently, i had difficulty _ (adapt) myself to life in the city, let alone finding a job t

6、o my delight. 6)to her _(annoy) the stranger didnt go away.absenceconductedaccessibleambitiouslyadaptingannoyancethe film is _his story. it mainly tells us his quick_ to the new environment, and in fact at first he thought he couldnt _ himself to the changed environment.adaptvt. 使适应使适应;改编改编 adapted

7、fromadaptationadapt adaptfrom 根据根据改写改写 adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于使自己适应或习惯于 n. 适适应,改编,改写本应,改编,改写本absencen缺席缺席; ;不在某处不在某处in the absence of ( (人人) )不在,缺席;不在,缺席;( (物物) )缺少缺少 in ones absence 某人不在时某人不在时 absence of mind 心不在焉心不在焉 _ adj. 不在的,缺席的不在的,缺席的 be absent from 缺席,不参加缺席,不参加 absent-minded 心不在焉的心不在焉的 abs

8、ent1) however, learning english as a foreign language is very difficult _ (缺乏母语缺乏母语) a native language environment.2) _(他心不在焉他心不在焉)during driving nearly caused an accident.3) _(他没来参加会议他没来参加会议) made the situation even worse.4) seldom _(她她不来上班不来上班)except today and i dont know why. (absent)in the absen

9、ce ofhis absence of mind his absence from/that he was absent from the conferenceis she absent from work 归纳拓展归纳拓展resign from.辞去辞去(工作工作,职务等职务等)resign as 辞去辞去.职务职务resign oneself to (doing) sth. 听任听任摆布摆布; 使自使自己安于己安于(做做)resign.to. 把把托付给托付给(管理管理,照看照看)hand in ones resignation 递交辞呈递交辞呈resign vi.&vt. 辞职辞

10、职;辞去辞去(工作、职位等工作、职位等)1) the plan would be carried on smoothly if he _(resign)the position as a manager last year.2) _the company, the young director still went to office every day to finish off what was left over.3)we had to resign ourselves to make a loss on the sale.4)he was resigned to never _(see

11、) his birthplace again.hadnt resignedresign ones position (as) 辞去辞去职务职务resigning from resign from 辞去辞去 makingresign oneself to (doing) sth 听从听从, ,顺从顺从, ,甘心于甘心于seeingbe resigned to 听任听任 1)according to the statistics, 80% of the school children begin to _(接受接受教育教育)in poor areas.2)dangerous items shoul

12、d not be kept where it is _ (access) to children.accessn( (接近的接近的) )方法方法; ;通路通路; ;可接近性可接近性accessible have access to educationhave /get/obtain/gain access to 拥有拥有的机会的机会, ,可以接近可以接近, ,进入进入 be accessible to可接近的可接近的, ,可使用的可使用的, ,容易理解的容易理解的conduct vt. 实施实施, ,主持主持, ,领导领导, ,指挥指挥, ,管理管理, ,传导传导 n. 行为,举止行为,举止1

13、)his _ is praised by all of his companions and he often _ the orchestra concert.2)the survey _(conduct) in our school last month shows that about 2 percent of the students are addicted to internet games.3) my cousin _(把我们安全地把我们安全地送到送到) the station.4) the children _(表现很表现很好好)at the party. 5) with the

14、 conduct of agricultural experts, local farmers had an abundant year.conductconductsconductedconducted us safely toconducted themselves wellunderconduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey进进行试验行试验/询问询问/调查调查 conduct sb around 带领某人参观带领某人参观 conduct sb to 把某人领到把某人领到 good/bad conduct 好好/坏品行坏品行 under the co

15、nduct of 在在.的指导的指导/管理下管理下 conduct oneself well/badly 举止端庄举止端庄/行为恶劣行为恶劣conduct ones business 管管理生意理生意 in addition; never mind; in other words; sit around; out of breath; all in all; in particular1)i was _after running for the bus.2)the book has some weak spots, but _ i consider it a success.3)-im sor

16、ry i broke your vase. -_, i can buy a new one.4)my uncle gave me some money. _, he encouraged me to work harder.5)he is buried in writing his novel; _, he cant spare us even a minute to take a trip.6)it was a good concert - i enjoyed the last song _. 7)how can i _ when there are so many things to do

17、?out of breathall in allnever mindin additionin other wordsin particularsit aroundthe boss shouted at his engineer, “dont read the report _(一字一句一字一句), i know you are good at expressing yourself _(口头上口头上), but i dont want to listen to your big words any more. _(换句话说换句话说), you should not only promise

18、me _(口头上口头上), but show me your action. _(总之总之), you must _(遵守诺言遵守诺言), or ill let you go.” word for word in wordin other wordsin wordin a word keep your word用用wordword相关的词语完成下列小片段相关的词语完成下列小片段 _ 遵守诺言遵守诺言 _ 不守诺言不守诺言 _ 与与吵架吵架_ 与与谈一谈谈一谈_ 有消息传来说有消息传来说 keep ones word break ones word have words with have a word with word came that the boy _(深吸一口气深吸一口气)and _(屏息屏息) before he got into the water. after a moment, he put his head out of the water and it seemed as if he was quite _(上上气不接下气气不接下气).用用breathbreath的相关词语完成下列小片段的相关词语完成下列小片段 took a


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