1、sitputgoselldriveridecomehavesatputwentsoldrode drovecamehadrevision of lesson 36when did you do yesterday?free talkwere you happy?yesterday i was happy but busy, because it was my mothers birthday.i went to the supermarket andyesterday eveningbought a gift for my mother.next, i went to the bakery a
2、nd bought a cake.and said “happy birthday !”then i brought the gift and the cake back home ,i gave the gift to my motherat last we cut the cake and ate it together.watchdo you know what was the gift? waterproofthese are waterproof watches.bird feederbird feeder复合名词复合名词喂鸟器喂鸟器whats the use of the bird
3、 feeder?to feed the birds. squirrelnutsthe squirrels like to eat nuts. polly bought a bird feeder last week.its a squirrel-proof bird feeder.labelthe squirrel broke into the bird feeder.guess! what happened then the squirrel was in the bird feeder.guess! what happened then the squirrel was dead.seeb
4、uysaytellbringhangbreakbecomesawboughtsaidtoldhung broughtbrokebecamecutcutgivegavelets review he wordsbreakbringhangtelleatbecomegivegolets learnpolly:did you see my new bird feeder,annie?annie:yes,i did. i saw it last week.see-sawlets answer1._you see my new_ ?2.i _it last week.didbird feedersawle
5、ts learnpolly:well,i bought it because of the label. it said.this bird feeder is “squirrel-proof”.buy-bought say-saidbecause+句子。句子。because of+短语。短语。lets answer1.i bought it _ the label.2.this bird feeder is _.because ofsquirrel-prooflets learnannie:yes,you told me that.polly:well,i brought it home.
6、i put lots of nuts in it. and i hung it outside the kitchen window.tell-told 告诉bring-brought 带来put-put 放起,收起 hang-hung/h/ /h/挂起,悬挂lots of = a lot of 许多, 修饰可数和不可数名词lets answer 1.polly put lots of_in it.2.polly hung it _ the kitchen window.nutsoutsidelets learnpolly:that night,a squirrel broke into th
7、e squirrel-proofbird feeder. it ate all the nuts.the squirrels tummy becameenormous.annie:oh,no! dont tell me!break-broke 打破,破坏break into 破门而入become-became 变成 成为 tu mmy /t mi / 肚子stomach 胃lets answer1.a squirrel_the squirrel-proof bird feeder.2.it_all the nuts.3.the squirrels tummy_ enormous.broke i
8、ntobecameatelets learnpolly:the next day,i went into the kitchen. what did i see? a dead squirrel in my bird feeder,outside my kitchen window!annie:thats awful!go-went go into 进入进入lets answer1. a_squirrel in my bird feeder.2.i_ the kitchen.deadwent intolets learnpolly: i cut it down,and put it in a
9、bag. then i took it back to the shop. they gave me my money back.annie: but whats the use of that?polly:i wanted a squirrel-proof bird feeder,and i havent got one!cut-cut cut sth downput-put put sth in take-took take sth back togive-gave give sth back 归还lets answer1.i_it_,and_it_a bag.2.i_it_the sho
10、p.3.they_me my money_.4.i_one!cutindownputtookback togavebackhavent gotthat night, a squirrel _ into the _ bird feeder. it _ all the nuts. the squirrels tummy _ enormous. oh, no! _ tell me! the next day, i _ the kitchen.what_i see? a _ squirrel in my bird feeder_my kitchen window! thats _! what _ you do? i _it _, and put it _ a bag. then i _ it back to the shop.
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