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1、2013年下期新场中学初一英语第一次月考题班级姓名考号一.听力部分(20分)请将答案从报纸上抄过来写在下面。 听力题答案:12345678一一9101112131415-16一17181920-二.基础知识部分(62分)(一)字母部分1. 按照字母表顺序默写26个字母(大小写)。(13)2. 写出所学的元音字母大小写。(5分)3. 根据音标写出字母。(8分)eiaakk; i:bb ccppvv ai eff mm nn ssju: a: ou(二)词汇部分1. 根据音标写出单词并写出汉语意思(5分)it pli:z。aegk dis 'p。: pl wait blaek spel a

2、sm fain2. 英语汉语互译(10分)尺子被子颜色一个茶杯一个橙子公斤in englishwhat colora red pen a brown j acket(三) 句子及语法部分1. 单选题(根据题意在四个选项中选出最佳答案,将番号写在题前括号内)(10分) ()1 .this isorange jacket. acket is mine .a. a ,a b. an ,an c. / ,the d. an, the() 2.spell it,please.a. map b. map c. m-a- p d.a map()3.how are you , bob?a . hello ,f

3、rank b. thanks c. it' s ok. d. i' m ok.()4. alice, what" s this in english?a. it is pen . b. a pen c. it is a pen . d.this is a pen .()5.1miss wang.a.am b.is c. are d./()6.is that book ?a.what's color b. how color c.what color d. what color()7. ifsblue.a. a b. an c. the d./()8. whaf

4、s this? it's“mm" and "nn".a. a , a b.an ,an c.a, an d /,/() 9. it's a key.a. what this ? b. what color is it ? c. what's this ? d.what's this ?() 10. i ta purple jacketoa. am b .are c. is d. is2.口语交际部分:根据左栏的句子在右栏中选出相应的答句,将番号写在题前的括号内。 (6分)()a. hello,grace.()b.good morni

5、ng,miss liu.()c.thank you.()d. how are you ?()e. what' s that in english ?()f. what color is this key?l.that'2.1' m3. it' ss ok.ok, thank you blue.4. good morning ,bob.5.1t' s a cd.6.hello ,alice.3. 连词成句(5分)(1) is , this ,my, teacher.(2) what,is .color,the ,book?(3) please, o ran

6、ge,spell(4) you ,are,how ?(5) can, i, say,my,name三阅读部分(20分)aa:hi, frank ,good evening .b: hi,what is your mane ? i forget it.a: fm mary.b:how are you ,mary?a: i am ok.what's that in english ?b: it's a boat.a:please spell it.b:b-o-a-t.a: thank you 根据对话回答问题。1. 文中谈论的时间是。2. 文中谈论的物品是。3. 这个物品用英语怎么

7、写的。4. 对话中出现的人物是o5. what's that in english ?的汉语意思是。bwhat's that ? it's "b". what color is it ? it's blue. what's this and what color is it ? it's“ a “ and ifs green. whafs this letter? ifs "g". it's white. b-a-g. is it a bag ? yes, it is . i have (有) a

8、red bag in my desk. i have an orange pencil box (铅笔盒)in the bag this is my math book. it is in the bag joo.look(看), my chair is yellow. it is nice. i like it.根据短文选择最佳答案。()l.what color is lettet a?a. blue b. green c. red d. orange()2.what color is the bag ?a. green b.red c. blue d. yellow()3.1 have.a

9、.a bag and a pen b. a chair and a boxc. a yellow chair and a red bagd. a bag , a pencil box, a desk , a chair and a math book( )4.wher is the bag ?a. it's in the chair. b. it's on the desk.c. i t's in the desk. d.i don't know.()5.whafs in the bag ?a. a pencil box and a pen .b.a chinese book and a math book.c. a math book and a pencil box . d. a letter b ,a and g.四.书面表达部分(18分)1.翻译下列句子。(8分)a. 这是一个橘子。这个橘子是橘色的。b. 那个茶杯是什么


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