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1、Unity Hot Standby Ethernet Management网卡故障切换程序逻辑图 PLC冗余切换指PLC在热备运行时,当1#机架上网络出现故障,2#机架上备用的PLC自动接管原主PLC的运行;当1#机架上网络恢复正常后,2#机架上的PLC将控制权切换回1#机架上的PLC;在此期间,生产数据保持正常传输,因此此测试不影响站场、调度中心的控制。Embedded MonitoringMonitoring NOE Board Statistics Health can be monitored locally or remotely Local monitoring embeds lo

2、gic with a watchdog Monitor NOE health with: MBP_MSTR Get Local Statistics (Function 3) Statistics Word 3 Board Status Bytes are swapped, high byte for low byte Link, documented as bit 7, is actually MSB bit position 15 1 indicates link present Run indicates Exec is working Run is documented as bit

3、8, but is in bit position 0 LSB Board status can be used in conjunction with other logic or methods to determine if module is healthy查看通讯字第一位与末位状态获取通讯状态字含义:1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1Module Type4 bits1011=771011100=77111Reserved1 bitDuplex0=HD / 1=FDConfigured?1 bitRUN0=Not Run1=RunReservedLink

4、Speed10=0 /100=1TP=0 /Fiber=1APPL LED(Crash Log)0=Off/1=OnLink0=NOK / 1=OKBit 8 in ConceptBits 12-15 in ConceptBits 0-3 in Concept网卡热备切换原理获取通讯状态程序This section moves the appropriate values into the MSTR_Control word for the MBP_MSTR function block to perform a read local statistics. The NOE backplane

5、 slot number is specified by the “Slot” input pin of the DFB. IN3OUTMSTR_Control1.1MOVE1IN37OUTMSTR_Control3.2MOVE3IN0OUTMSTR_Control4.3MOVE5INOUTMSTR_Control5.4WORD_TO_INT8IN0OUTMSTR_Control6.5WORD_TO_INT2IN0OUTMSTR_Control7.6WORD_TO_INT4IN0OUTMSTR_Control8.7WORD_TO_INT6IN0OUTMSTR_Control9.8WORD_TO

6、_INT9LOW0HIGHSlotOUT.9BYTE_AS_WORD7获取通讯状态程序This section uses the MBP_MSTR function block with function code 3 to get the 37 local statistics words for the NOE. It then uses word (3) to monitor the Link LED and Run state. The appropriate bits are moved to the LinkFailure and RunFailure output pins of

7、 the DFB.The MPB_MSTR function block is executed at a rate determined by the Monitoring_Rate input pin. This input specificies the number of times the 100ms pulse input will be counted. Thus the reprate the MBP_MSTR block is executed equals 100ms times Monitoring_Rate. For example, a Monitoring_Rate

8、 input value of 10 will result in a reprate of 1s. The “Error” output of MBP_MSTR function block is also monitored. If this output is ON for a set number of retries (execution of the MBP_MSTR function block) the NOE_Failure output is turned on, to indicate the NOE is not healthy. The number of retri

9、es is specified by the “Retries” input pin of the DFB. ENABLEEnableABORTSUCCESSDoneCONTROLMSTR_ControlACTIVEActiveERRORErrorDATABUFMSTR_DataFBI_1MBP_MSTR4IN1PulseIN2activeOUT.3AND1ENIN1RateETIN21ENOOUTRateET.6ADD_INT2IN1RateETIN2MonitoringRateOUTEnable.5EQ_INT3ENIN0ENOOUTRateET.8MOVE6IN1doneIN2error

10、OUT.7OR5ENIN1Error_CountIN21ENOOUTError_Count.10ADD_INT9IN1Error_CountIN2RetriesOUTPrimNOE_Failure.9EQ_INT7IN1ErrorIN2PrimNOE_FailureOUT.14AND8ENDoneIN0ENOOUTError_Count.13MOVE10INMSTR_Data3.15OUTPrimNOE_LinkFailure.1MOVE11热备切换细调程序If an error occurs, the Primary PLC is stopped via the HSBY command s

11、ystem word; forcing the Standby PLC to become the Primary PLC. Using the “SwitchDelayTime” input you can program a delay interval between failure detection and the actual switchover. This time interval will prevent a switchover due to an intermitten failure condition. After a switchover status/error

12、s are monitored but no action will be taken for a defined time. This eliminates debounce immediately after a switchover. IN1Standby_NOE_FailureIN2Primary_NOE_FailureOUT.1AND1ENTestModeSWP_MB3PCB_RUNBnSWP_MB1INV_KEYPCA_RUNSWP_MB2ENOHSBYFBI_2HSBY_WR11IN3IN4IN1IN2IN5OUT.7AND8IN1IN2OUT.8AND10THIS_ISBREM








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