1、小说简爱主人公性格之美赏析更新日期:2010-6-24 9:31:40 | 浏览:555次i overview of jane . eyreii. analysis of main characters of jane eyreiil beautifu1 personalities of jane eyreiv. jane' s love摘 要:简爱是英国箸名女作家夏洛蒂一勃朗特的代表作写于1846年。虽然迄今150多年, 但是这部作品仍然深受广大读者的喜爱,这都是因为这部作品的女主人翁简爱。外在的美是短 暂的,内在的美才是永恒的。木论文主要分析简.爱的美,希望有更多的人像'简
2、.爱'那样拥 有内在的美。首先介绍作者,简爱的生活经历以及小说写作的历史背景。其次从简.爱的生活经 历中,通过心理,语言,思想,行为等方面分析简爱的内在性格,以及简爱的爱情,在人间最 美的这件东西上给予了我们很多的启示。最后一部份,从对前面的这些分析和讨论,简一位美 丽的女性。关键词:女性独立自尊口由平等美丽abstract :jane eyre is written by famous talented english critical realist woman novelist charlotte bronte in 1846 al though having more than
3、 152 years by now, it is popular with lots of people because of the heroine 一jane. eyre.as an en glish idiom goes, a beauty is but skin - deep” a person s grea t virtue, a no bl e soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty. tho thesis focuses on the analysis of jane eyre" s
4、beauty, on the assumption that more people may act like “jane” and possess inner beauty. first, it introduces the author charlotte bronte and jane eyre' path of 1 ife, as wel 1 as its historical background of this work second, it mainly analyses the characters in jane eyre through her 1 ife expe
5、rieneo in terms of psychology, language, mentality, behavior and so on to reflect the theme third, it is about jane' s love. it express jane" longing and pursuit for the most beautiful characteristic of human beings, which enlightenus great 1 y. finally, it has a discussion about jane'
6、s personalities and concludes that jane is a beautiful feminist.key words female independent di gnity freedom equal beautifulintroductionjane. eyre is writien by famous talented english woman novelist charlotte bronte in 1846. it is charlotte bronte s seco nd no vel and is one of her masterpieces. t
7、n thi s work, charlotte bronte pictures an amazing female heroine jane.eyre in british literature. although having more than 152 years by now, this work is popular with lots of people because of its heroin jane eyre. tn the early years of the 19th century victorian age, it is a ma 1e-dominated and &
8、quot;money above all” society, and women are regarded as second-class, unexpectedly, emerging a girl who disdains money and power and has a great courage to combat traditional injustice and oppression. everyone has his or her own standard for what is beauty. general 1 y, there are two kinds of beaut
9、y, physical beauty and innet beauty in jane 's period, people usually measure a person on the basis of social status, wealth and physical beauty. on the contrary, jane is an orphan, penniless and plain. she possesses neither wealth nor physical beauty, which are considered symbols of a womes soc
10、ial position in her times.however, our heroin has unique character that makes her beauty everlasting little jane is an orphan, brought up by her despotic and prejudiced aunt in her aunt/ s gates heed, jane is treated cruelly. being rebellious, she is packed off to a charity school. the school, con d
11、i tion is very poor and its administrati on is harsh and severe. jane sets herself to learn and qualifies herself as a teacher. then jane is ambitious to advertise for a post, and leaves the charity school to be a governess in jane' s path of life, she dares to challenge traditional opinions and
12、 oppression. jane' s witted mind and independent character win otherj s respect for her. her indomitable spirit changes her fate no matter how difficult and strenuous, she never gives up straggling for freedom and equality. jane is a marvelous person, a beautiful feminist.i overview of jane . ey
13、rejane eyre is the masterpiece of charlotte bronte who is a famous talented english critical realist woman novelist in the 19th century. it ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of english fiction, although having more than 152 years by now. tt is popular with lots of peopl
14、e because of its heroine一 jane. eyre. a. introduction to charlotte brontecharlotte bronte was born at thornton, in yorkshire england, the third of six children. her father, patrick bronte, em irish anglican clergyman, her mother, maria barnwell bronte, died of cancer on september 15th 1821. tn augus
15、t 1824, charlotte bronte were sent with three of her sisters to the clergy daughters' school at cowan bridge- its poor conditions, permanently affects her health and physical development, and hastens the deaths of her two elder sisters about 11 and 10 years old. soon after, she moved from the sc
16、hool and lived with her surviving brother and sisters, emily and anne. they began to write stories, articles and poems together. in order to get normal education, charlotte continued her education at roe heed school in mir field from 1831 to 1842, where she met her lifelong friends and correspondent
17、s. between 1835 and 1838, she returned as a teacher. in 1839, she took up the first of many positions as governoss to a family in yorkshire, a career she pursued unti1 1841.after her aunt died of internal obstruction in october 1842, charlotte returned alone to brussels in 1843 in may 1846, charlott
18、e, emily, and anne published a joint collection of poetry under assumed names of currer, ellis and action bell, although only two copies were sold, they decided to continue writing for publ ication and began working on their first novels. it is very unfortunate, in 1848 her brother died of chronic b
19、ronchitis emily and anne both died of pulmonary tuberculosis in 1848 and 1849 respectively. she and her father left alone- under the very hardship condition, charlotte contiriuously worked hard in the journey of creating 1 iterature and publ ished shirley and villette and began to create long novel
20、emma in 1853. on june 1854, charlotte married arthur bell nicholls, her father s curate she died nine months later during her first pregnancy.historical backgroundthe early years of the victorian age was a time of rapid economic development. england developed into a rich, advaneed industrial country
21、 however, there were many social problems, for instance the sharpest contrast between the rich and the poor and rigid social hierarchy tn this period, women were still regarded as second-class hierarchy. however some outstanding women appeared, such as famous women writers bronte sisters. they were
22、great english realists of the time. they created pictures of bourgeois civilization, showing the misery and suffering of the common people. although capitalist has appeared, old convention and prejudice remained dominant. women were still regarded as the second-class hierarchy. at this time, women w
23、ere employed as cheap labor and were forced to do very hard jobs, and they did not get the vote until 1918 so in the late period of victorian age, a fem in ist movement started fighting for wome n' s equal ity and freedom, and for their educat i orrnl and employ me nt opportunities. petitions to
24、 parliament advocating women' s suffrage were introduced as early as in the 1840. c. jane eyre' s path of lifejane eyre' s life is full of tears, misery, and starvation, but she constantly strives to become str on ger and has the courage to fight cont inuo usly for freedom and equal ity.
25、 she becomes strong-minded and persistent in struggling against her fate.1 life in gatesheed and lowood institutionjane eyre is an orphan, so brought up by her uncle. when she is ten years old, her uncle died to() lit tie jane is left to 1 ive with her a un t mrs. reed who is despotic, prejudiced, h
26、arsh and unsympathetic. mrs> reed lets her daughters and son cluster round her perfectly happy and keeps little jane at a distanee. mrs. reed declares that jane is not important than a servant in her family. other peoples do not give any sympathy to jane because she is not pretty and her parents
27、leave her nothing some of the servants prejudice to her. furthermore, jane is often beaten and insulted by her cousin john. as jane says that every ncrve she has fears him, and every morsel of flesh in her bones shri nks when joh n come near one day j oh n strikes jane cruelly and hard when j oh n l
28、ifts the book to hit her, she really cannot bear bad-treatment any more and change her toleranee to rebel lious feel ings. she points to john, claims that he i s wicked and cruel boy, and is like the evil rulers of ancient rome. then, mrs. reed imprisons jane in the red-room in which jane' s unc
29、le reed died whi 1 e locked in it, jane believes that she sees her uncle" s ghost, then jane creams and faints, the fear that children of this age can truly feel.when jane awakes to find her in the care of bessie who is a servant in gates heed and she is the only one who gives jane lots of kind
30、ness in addition, the kind doctor who suggests mrs. reed to send jane to school, then jane goes to lowood, a charity school, the school con di tion is very harsh and the girls could not even keep the simplest living standard. the school headmaster is very severe and hard-heated person who prevents t
31、he girls from having normal mental growth at here, jane befriends a young girl named helen bur ns. the stude nts in this school ofte n suffer starvation and frost. the bad conditi on and imperious rules make al 1 the pupi 1 s lose their clever children nature and make most of them tend to catch dise
32、ases easily. a massive typhus epidemic sweeps lowood, and hele n dies of con sumpt io n. jane survives for her tenacious will power she spe nds eight more years at lowood. during the eight years, jane becomes a teacher after six years' hard work.2. tutor in thornfield hallafter years of misery i
33、n the lowood school, jane advertises for a position of governess finally she is employed to teach an eight years old french girl named adele whose custodian is mr. rochester master of thornfield hall. jane gets along with adele very well as for rochester, he is a very proud, sardonic, harsh and mood
34、y master of thorfield hall but he is kind-hearted to jane at here jane also meets a kindhearted miss temple who has no power in the word but possesses great spiritual strength and charm, not only she shelters jane from pain, she also encourages her intellectual development.one night jane saves roche
35、ster from a fire. as for the fire, rochester claims that a drunken servant named grace pool starts it. nevertheless, because grace poole continues to work at thornfield, jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story. rochester continues to admire jane and look after her tenderly. moreov
36、er, rochester gives her a true sense of belonging. at the same times, jane finds herself fall in love with him deeply. however, unfortunately, on the morning of her wedding day, jane knows the fact that rochester has married bertha mason in jamaica some fifteen years earlier and now bertha is still
37、alive and living at thornfield. no matter how sorrowful jane is, she leaves thornfield finally.3. life in moor house and the manor house of ferndeanjane uses up all her small stored money for the coach, so she has to suffer starvation. because of having no money and hungriness, jane is forced to sle
38、ep outdoors she actually begs for food. she is almost dead on the moors luckily, st. john rivers and his sisters save her with great efforts. it happens that jane is dieing but the servant refuses to give her aid, no matter how jane pursues sincerely. at this moment, st. john rivers comes back and s
39、aves her kindly. at here john's two sisters mary and diana, they take her under the shelter of their roof giving her kind aid. jane enjoys the time the pleasure arising from the perfect agreement in taste, feeling and ideas with them. indoors they agree equally well. jane is eager to accept any
40、means of employment that can support her with st. john river's help, she gets a job as a teacher in charity school in morion. jane carnes on the work of the village school as actively and faithfully as she can. she gains social respect from her teaching the student parents are grateful to her. o
41、ne day, a lawyer declares that janet uncle john eyre has died and left her large fortune, which surprise jane greatly. simultaneity jane knows that john and his sister are her cousins jane immediately decides to share her inheritance equally with her three newly found relatives. after a period, st.
42、john finds that jane is helpful for his missionary if he takes jane as his wife, so he tries to persuade jane to marry him and travel to india as a missionary. however, jane realizes that she can never abandon the man she truly loves. one night when it seems that jane hears rochester voice calling h
43、er name over the moors, she immediately hurries back to thom field and finds it has been burned to the ground by bertha mason who lost her life in the fire. rochester saved the servants and his mad wife but lost his eyesight and one of his hands. jane goes to a new residence, fern dean where rochest
44、er lives with two servants named john and mary. at here, rochester and jane rebuild their relationship and soon get married. jane and rochester enjoy perfect equality in their life together. after two years, rochester regains sight in one eye and soon jane gives birth to their first baby. they feel
45、very happy because they are together after a long-sufferingi【 analysis of main characters of jane eyreafter reviewing a long journey of jane's spirit, from the readers point of view, what she gives us is not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm
46、 of her personality, she is a marvelous figure, and it is safe to say that jane eyre gives readers treasure spirit a. self-respect and pursuit of freedom and independencefrom jane's journey of life, we have learned that she was exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly str
47、uggles for her ideal life. the story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit when jane lives in giitesheed for ten years, little jane suffers with hard work, mistreatment and unchanging hatred, so jane has no one to rely on. her hobby is reading she always observes circumambient thi
48、ng with her witted mind, when in lowood school, although condition is so harsh that oppresses human nature, and jane often bears starvation and frost with other orphans, but she says that she would not exchange stay in lowood with ggatesheads privations and daily luxuries. jane learns variety of sub
49、jects to enrich her brain. after six years, jane becomes one of teachers at here under the tyrannical controlled ruler, jane feels that she would relish a new challenge, so she advertises for a work as tutor. at thornfield hall, jane shows her independence fully. first, she works as a governess to s
50、upport herself. she gets along with adele very well she teaches what she knows to this little girl. in spite of jane is plain and penniless, rochester falls in love with her, and jane feels as if he were her relative rather than her master, although rich rochester would be glad to help jane, jane re
51、fuses to his helps, her troubled comment on me rochester" proposal that gentleman in his situation is not accustomed to marry their governess rochester is a man with warm heart despite a cold expression rochester emphasizes that jane will be his bride so jane does not have to work, because roch
52、ester is very rich at the same times, jane still worked as adele's governess and tries to get the information that a lawyer tells her that her uncle gives a quit amounts of inheritance, which is helpful for her marriage that she does not want to depend on rochester's wealth. after jane accep
53、ted mr. rochester love, rochester would like to marry jane as a noble woman and buy jewels and expensive clothes for her, which remind jane greatly of her poverty. jane forbids rochester desire to buy them, because she loves him without regard others. furthermore, she would like to be his friend and
54、 companion rather than someone in his possession. jane remains economical independence by maintaining her job as the governess. she refuses to have sexual relationship with him because she does not want to lose her independence for her passion. jane seldom spends some time with him except the moment
55、 after the dinner hours just as they are holding the wedding in the church, mr. mason come in with a lawyer declares that me rochester still has a wife who is alive although his wife has gone mad for many years, rochester has been trying to convince jane to stay with him, and jane also loves rochest
56、er deeply however jane is very sorrow and conflictive in her heart jane fells from an eager, happy woman-a bride to a cold and lonely girl again. all of her hopes are dead. she thinks that if she stayed with him as a mistress she will lose her integrity ultimately, she will degrade herself and depen
57、dent upon rochester for the unprotected marriage bond. no matter how mr. rochester persuades her to stay, jane states, 44i am a free woman with an independent will, which i now extend to leave you: jane leaves thom field, quietly without dawn.at moor house, st. jones and his sisters save the dieing
58、jane, and treat her friendly. when jane recovers, she insists on having a work no matter how hard and humble it is. with st. johns river's help, jane gets a job as a teacher in a village school. it is poor condition. jane lives in a low and dark hut. in the school, there are twenty pupils, but o
59、nly three of them can read and no one can write or ciphe匚 jane takes on the work as actively and faithfully as she can. after a period, st. john admires jane for her indomitable spirit, kind-heartedness and wit, so he urges to marry jane in order to undertake missionary and trip to india, because st. john is a loyal clergyman and decides to devote his life to religious affairs. in many ways, johns proposal tempts her. because it is an opportunity to have a decent job and to be more than a governess or schoolteacher or homemaker, it also can help to relieve jane form the previous painful exper
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