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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学科english年级7年级教学形式新授课教师王莉单位东激中学课题名称writing学情分析分析要点:1 .我们属于城乡结合部的地区,学生的英语水平不高,但是大部分学生愿意去学习,我认为, 在这种状况下,教会学生答题的技巧对于学生是比较实际的。同时,还要克服学生不会写,不愿意去写的 心态,让学生找到写作的乐趣。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;学生能通过说转化到写短文,提高写作的能力。2. 能力目标:学生能够通过老师有步骤的引导,提高作文的答题能力;3. 情感态度与价值观:通过恐龙灭绝的故事学会爱护环境,保护环境,从而树立环保意识教学过程step 1: warming

2、 up:1. greeting : good morning. how are you? what is the weather like today?2. we talk about strange creatures in this unit. now let's look at the slide and guess what the strange creatures they are.(1) . they need no food. once a year, the female fish lays eggs while everything is quiet. she be

3、comes visible, (the african ghost fish)(2) . it was black in color, with a head in the shape of a triangle, round eyes, anda long tail.(bess)(3) . it has a long body, a long neck and a small head. it first appeared in a large lake in scotland. (loch ness monster)(4) . they are small creatures and li

4、ve in the sea. they are like a horse, (sea horse)(5) this one existed millions of years ago. it has a long body, a long neck and a large head. it 1ived on land, but suddenly disappeared from earth. most of them died in the ice age. (dinosaur)3. oh, you did a good job. and today we are going to write

5、 and article about thestrange creature.step 2:审题1. 呈现题目:书面表达:地球上层存在着某些奇怪的生物。请根据以下提示,描述这种生物的特征,并猜猜这是什么 生物。提示:1. 它们生活在几百万年前,它们有的身子和脖子很长,头很大2. 他们生活在陆地,他们有的吃草,有的吃肉3. 它们突然就从地球上消失了4. 猜猜这是什么生物要求:1 .必须包括所提示的内容,可适当发挥;2.不少于80个词1.制成表格,学生讨论并填写文章的要点1. the description of the strange creature ; 2. the name of the

6、strange creature类型写物时态过去时,现在时语态主动语态句型/短语it iswith;it has. they are like they exist they lived died out , in millions of years ago连词so, and, but, such as, because, at the same time, in my opinion, then2.教师检查,(这个时候大屏幕上可以打上在热身环节猜怪物的短文,可以帮助有需要的学 生。)step 3:逐句翻译1. 让学生翻译以上的句子。2. 待两分钟左右,让四个同学上讲台板书。3. 评讲句子。以评讲句子的语法和优美度为主。step 4:串句成篇1. 让学生给文章添加开头,结尾及相关的连接词,成为一篇完整的文章。2. 检查:自己朗读,并自改;、3. 再次检查:同桌互相改,有问题的地方在旁边标柱。4. 教师改:点评两篇文章。一篇为中上生,一篇为高材生。以点评习作的篇章


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