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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学科 英语 年级教师 钟琼英 单位教学形式集体初一城北中学课题名称do you like bananas?(section b 2a-3b)学情分析教学目标分析要点:1 .矢口识目标:(1) key words: star, eat, well, habit, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat.(2) important sentences: do you like salad? yes, i do. / no, i don't. what do you like for breakfast ? i like

2、chicken for dinner. does she like tomatoes ? yes, she does. / no, she doesn't.(3) write about what you and your partner like and dislike for three meals.2.能力目标:实义动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句的构成及其回答.学会讨论饮食健康和饮食习惯.英语写作能力训练.3.情感态度与价值观:了解哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食品,从而学会均衡饮食.教学过程一. revision: 1. check homework.2. ask & an

3、swer the questions.二. show time. give a report according to 2a in p35. you can give the report like this:i likeandare healthy food. i like them. maybeandare healthy, too. but i thinkandaren'thealthy. i don't like them.三. learn 2b(1) listen to the tape and circle the food words.(2) answer the

4、 following questions.1. who is the volleyball star?2. does cindy like fruit? why?3. what does cindy think of hamburgers?4. what does cindy eat for dinner?5. what does cindy think of ice-cream?u! 2cwrite five sentences about cindy's eating habits.cindy likes healthy food.1. cindy2. she3. she.4. s

5、he doesn't.5. she doesn't.五. pairworkask your partner about their eating habits, then complete thesurvey ( you can complete the survey using “do you like.? yes, ido. /no, i don't. i like)六. 3b write practice: write about what you and your partner like and don't like for breakfast, lu

6、nch and dinner.板书设计一. i likeandare healthy food. i like them. maybeandare healthy, too. but i thinkand aren't healthy. i don't like them.二. answer the following questions.1. who is the volleyball star?2. does cindy like fruit? why?3. what does cindy think of hamburgers?4. what does cindy eat

7、 for dinner?5. what does cindy think of ice-cream?三. write five sentences about cindy's eating habits.cindy likes healthy food.1. cindy.2. she.3. she.4. she doesn't.5. she doesn't作业或预习一. 预习并完成课本p35 2a二. 预习课本p35 2b,写出文中出现的食物名称.三. 预习课本p35 2b,翻译下列短语和句子.1 .体育明星2.饮食习惯 3.最后_个问题4 .你喜欢什么水果?5 .你喜欢晚餐吃汉堡包吗?6 .我不想变胖.四. 对于三餐,你喜欢吃什么,不喜欢吃什么?根据自己的实际情况完成下表.breakfasthikei don9t likelunchdinner自我评价课前安排预习任务,旨在培养学生预习新课,提前认知新内容的习惯.这样有 利于学生提前发现问题,在课堂上能够有针对性地学习.尽量做到:学生能够自己 独立完成的东西,一定要让他们独立完成.课堂教学任务与任务之间相互关联,并体现了层层递进.随着课堂进程的发 展,任


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