



1、7b u3l11. at an english corner2. talk about their future jobs3. good english alone is not enough.4. want to do/be5. want sb. to do/be6. win honour for our country7. start my own business8. graduate from university9.1 haven't decided yet.10. get good jobs11. will have to12. a teacher of english13

2、. on business14. put out fires15. save people16. type letters*17. receive and send faxes18. answer phone calls*19. answer the door*20. take care of her patients, teeth*21. cook dishes for his customers*22. cure people of their illness23. work as a lawyer24. after three years' hard work25. get ma

3、rried=marry26. donate lots of money to help the poor27. decide (not) to do sth.28. after his graduation from university =after he graduated from university29. all over the world=throughout the world30. be proud of =*take pride in*时间状语从句:在描述将来发生的动作时,如果主句用一般 将来时,时间状语从句多用一般现在时表示 将来发生的动作.hardworking 形容词

4、hard work名词短语work hard动词短语*u3l21. begin doing sth.= begin to do sth.1. 在一个英语角2. 谈论关于他们将来的工作3. 仅仅英语好是不够的4. 想要做/是.5 .想要某人去做.6. 为我们的国家争光7. 开创我自己的事业8 .大学毕业9. 我还没决定.10. 得到好工作11. 将不得不12. 一个英语老师13. 出差14扑灭火15.拯救人命16 .打信件17 .收发传真18 .接电话19. 开门20. 照顾她病人的牙齿21. 为他的顾客做菜肴22 .治愈人们的疾病23. 担任律师24. 在三年的努力工作后25. 结婚26. 捐

5、赠许多钱帮助穷人27 .决定(不)去做某事28. 在他从大学毕业后29. 全世界30. 为.感到自豪*条件状语从句:在描述将来发生的动作时,主句用一般将来 时,时间状语从句多用一般现在时表示将来 发生的动作.alone放在要修饰的名词、代词后only放在要修饰的名词前*decide=make a decisionlots of = a lot ofthe poor =poor people the + adj. 表示一类人1. 开始做某事2. program computers = write computer programs3. finish his studies4. at the ag

6、e ofl3=when he was 135. set up a computer company6. drive himself to work in an ordinary car7. make computers easier for people to use and cheaper for them to buy8. (was/were) be born in/on/at/with.9. ask for information about10. pay sb. money for sth.11. have a chance12. take out a patent13. think

7、for a little while14. be against the spirit of science15. become the first woman to win such a prize16. win the nobel prize for physics*原因状语从句和让步状语从句:从句放在句首时,从句和主句之间用逗号分 开,放在句子中间时则不用逗号。另外, because和although引导从句时,主句前不能 用so和butou4l11. what a shame + 宾语从句!1. startwith2. end with3. award the prizes to th

8、e winners=award the winners the prizes4. do everything by ourselves5. make a closing speechneither.or.连接两个主语时,谓语和邻近 的主语在单复数上一致。u4l22. show sb. around (sp.) = take sb. to visit (sth. / sp.)2. he has broken the school record three times. = it's the third time fbr him to break the record.3. what

9、9;s going on.? = what9s happening?4. who is likely to win? = who will probably win?5. do one's best to do sth.6. jump a record6. quite a few2. 写电脑程序3. 完成他的学业4. 在他十三岁的时候5. 建立一个电脑公司6. 他自己乘一辆普通的小汽车去工作7 .让电脑更容易被人们使用而且更便宜被人 买8. 是出生在.9. 询问关于的信息10. 为了某物付钱11. 有一个机遇12. 申请一个专利13. 不假思索14. 违背了科学的精神15. 成为获得这

10、样一个奖的第一个女性16. 获得了物理诺贝尔奖多么遗憾!以作为的开始 以作为结束 给获奖者颁奖所有的事都自己做致闭幕辞带某人参观某地他己经打破校记录3次了。发生了什么? 谁可能会赢?尽力去做某事 跳出一个记录 很多7. congratulate the winners on their success8. a terrible thing happen to me9. it was no ways.10. come in last12. encourage sth. to sb.*构词法见p137附录1u4l31. what was the score?2. italy beat france

11、 by 6:43. win the championship for the fourth time4. what bad luck for france!5. get a red card6. take place once every four years7. become the first five-time champion8. become the champion for the four time = become four-time champion9. it was the first time for two countries to host the world c叩.

12、10. has a history ofyears*while和when引导时间状语从句时,可延续 的动词用过去进行时,瞬间动词用一般过去 时。writing:祝贺胜利者的成功一件可拍的是发生在我身上 这没用了。得了最后一名12.以某物鼓励某人1. 比分是多少?2. 意大利队以6比4打败法国队3. 第4次冠军称号4 .法国队多么差的运气啊!5 .得到一张红牌6. 每4年举行1次7. 成为第一个赢得5次冠军(的国家)8. 成为了赢得了 4次冠军(的国家)9 .这是第一次两个国家一起举办世界杯10.拥有年的历史* was/were + doingour school art festivalwe

13、had a school art festival at the school hall in started with the opening speech by our headmaster.i enjoyed the pop song by wang ying best because the song was really moving. wang ying had a very sweet voice.the audience gave her a big last, our headmaster awarded the prizes to the wi

14、nners and gave a closing speech. we really enjoyed every minute of it.*our school sports daywe had our school sports day last friday.we had both track events and field events.many students took part in the high jump, the long jump, the 100-metre dash and the football best friend zhang ying

15、came in first in the high jump.quite a few athletes broke the school records.our headmaster awarded the prizes to the winners.we are looking forward to the next school sports day.thomas edisonthomas edison was born in 1847.he was at school for only a few months, but became the greatest inventor in t

16、he 20th century.he had 1,093 patents.he invented the light bulb and many other things.these inventions changed our life a lot.from his success we can know that genius is 1% inspiration(灵感)and 99% perspiration (勤奋).a football matchthere was a football match between italy and france was r

17、eally a wonderful match.italy beat france by 6:4, and won the championship for the fourth time.what bad luck for france!their caption scored a goal, but he got a red last he won the golden ball award.*what do you want to be when you grow up?i want to be a teacher when i grow up because i like


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