实用英语文体写作第八章 指南、明书及手册_第1页
实用英语文体写作第八章 指南、明书及手册_第2页
实用英语文体写作第八章 指南、明书及手册_第3页
实用英语文体写作第八章 指南、明书及手册_第4页
实用英语文体写作第八章 指南、明书及手册_第5页
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1、brochure, instruction & manualbrochuredefinitionbrochure是指包括推销材料或产品信息的小册子,即说明书、背景资料、简介等。brochure与广告有相近之处,都是一种宣传手段,但也有很大的区别。广告是对产品和服务的宣传,而brochure不仅如此,还可以是对会议、公司等的介绍与宣传,同时,内容也更加详尽,格式也不相同。writing requirements of brochure brochure的种类主要是根据其宣传对象的内容而分的,其宣传对象主要为公司、会议、协会、城市、旅游景点等。公司宣传手册是对公司或企事业单位的职能、产品或

2、服务、特点等方面进行的简单介绍。会议、论坛、展览会等的宣传推广手册主要是关于其主题内容的简要介绍,并对潜在的参与者发出邀请,还可以列出将出席或发表演说的重要人物。协会介绍是对该协会的历史、宗旨、发展情况、入会方式等的说明。旅游景点简介是用尽量简短的语言,对其最突出的特点进行描述,并说明其中相对著名的景点。formats of brochurebrochure一般包括标题、正文、附加信息三大部分。(1). 宣传手册的开头作为第一部分,一般包括标题,有时还有副标题。标题主要表明该机构或宣传手册中介绍对象的名称。副标题通常是对宣传对象的一些简短的描述。有时候,接着标题或副标题,还列有联系方式,如电话

3、号码、电传、电子邮件等。(2). 正文部分是对宣传对象的详细介绍。其内容可以包括宣传对象的建立、历史、特点、业绩、目标、日程,以及其它的相关信息。可以用列举方式,也可以按照普通的文本格式书写。(3). 最后可以是联系方式或注册登记表格等。sample reading sample 1 samples of the headingbeijing - ancient capital in the east, hometown of the great wall北京北京 - 东方古都,长城的故乡东方古都,长城的故乡yangzhou lacquerware - carving flourishing

4、age & inlaying beautiful world扬州漆器扬州漆器 - 雕刻盛世美景,镶嵌七彩人生雕刻盛世美景,镶嵌七彩人生sample 2 samples of the bodyas the ancient capital of eastern civilization, beijing hosts the rich chinese culture, history and high aesthetic value relics, such as the forbidden city-one of the most marvelous monuments to archit

5、ecture in the world today; the great wall-one of the eight wonders in the world; the temple of heaven-the largest place to worship heaven and pray for good harvests in the world; the ming tombs-the densest royal tombs; the summer palace - the representative place of royal gardens. the great wall, th

6、e relics of zhoukoudian, the forbidden city, the temple of heaven and the summer palace have been listed by unesco. the grand tiananmen rostrum, the gorgeous royal gardens, the solemn temples and luxurious princes residences all show the magnificence of eastern civilization.natural landscapes in bei

7、jing are beautiful and attractive. one national scenic spot, two national natural protective areas, three national forest parks and other new scenic spots make beijing tourism better in style. various tourism festivals, such as beijing international cultural tourism festival, watermelon festival, be

8、er festival, picking fruit festival and many newly tour, such as agriculture tour, eco tour, high tech tour, will make tourists feel the vitality of beijing in the new century.version 北京北京-东方文明的古都,荟萃了中国历史跨度极大东方文明的古都,荟萃了中国历史跨度极大, 数量众多且具有数量众多且具有极高审美价值和文化内涵的文物古迹,这里有世界最大的古代宫殿群故极高审美价值和文化内涵的文物古迹,这里有世界最大的古

9、代宫殿群故宫宫, 世界八大奇观之一的万里长城世界八大奇观之一的万里长城, 世界最大的祭天神坛天坛世界最大的祭天神坛天坛, 世界最密集世界最密集的皇家陵墓十三陵的皇家陵墓十三陵, 还有代表古代皇家园林的经典作品颐和园。长城、周还有代表古代皇家园林的经典作品颐和园。长城、周口店猿人遗址、故宫、天坛、颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化口店猿人遗址、故宫、天坛、颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。天安门雄伟的城楼、华丽的皇家园林、庄严的坛庙、豪华的遗产名录。天安门雄伟的城楼、华丽的皇家园林、庄严的坛庙、豪华的王府到处闪耀着东方文明的光辉。王府到处闪耀着东方文明的光辉。 北京自然风光优美迷人



12、。这些独特功能作用决定了产品说明书的语法特点,体现在其用词专业、语言简洁、意思高度浓缩。writing requirements of instruction instruction同样按其说明的内容划分,大致可以分为产品说明、操作说明等。产品说明是用来说明产品的性能特点、功能、使用与保管方法不同的产品,说明的方法也有出入,但基本的特点是相似的。操作说明主要是关于器具,尤其是电器一类产品的操作步骤及注意事项等。产品说明书必须具备四个基本特点:科学性 产品说明书的资料和内容必须真实、客观、准确,反映产品的实际情况,不能夸大其词,更不能无中生有,不能为了追求经济利益而丧失了商家应有的职业道德。此外

13、,还应清楚地标记出使用产品时的注意事项和可能产生的问题,让用户放心安全使用。实用性 产品说明书必须根据产品的特点进行宣传,从而引导用户。说明书主要是帮助用户正确认识和使用产品。产品说明书必须在遵守科学性的前提下尽可能通俗易懂,使用户能对照说明书正确使用产品。简明性 产品说明书的形式多样,篇幅长短不一,但都要简明扼要,重点突出。随着生产和消费活动的不断发展,越来越多的产品说明书配有生动活泼的图画,内容也不再是简单的产品说明,还会介绍厂家的品牌、优势、售后服务,甚至增加了一些生活、健康常识。无论形式如何变化,产品说明书都应该采用用户能够接受的形式,清楚醒目地介绍产品。语言正式 产品说明书的内容一般

14、都会分项列出,语言简练而正式,大多使用单音节词语,例如“禁”、“忌”、“慎”等。formats of instruction 大多数说明都是关于如何操作器具的说明,此类操作说明的内容通常分为标题、使用前注意事项、操作、索引。(1)标题主要是标明要介绍的器具名称(2)使用前注意事项说明的是在使用前应当了解的信息,如安装、电源、维修、服务、版权、商标等。(3)使用前注意事项之后,是对该器具如何使用的详细说明。此部分的开始通常是准备开始,而其他操作内容根据该器具的不同而不同。(4)最后是索引部分,索引是为了方便使用者迅速查找需要的部分,它可以按照不同的顺序排列,但绝大多数情况下是按字母顺序。(5)还

15、有些说明类似于规则或指令,用来对某些场所或机构进行规范。它们通常按顺序列出要求。sample reading sample 1 sample of titlesony digital still camera dsc-w1/w12索尼索尼dsc-w1/w12数码照相机数码照相机model crfp2 heat regulating electrothermal cookercrep2调温电热锅说明书调温电热锅说明书sample 2 sample of precautionwarningto prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit

16、 to rain or moisture.to reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back). refer servicing to qualified personnel.attentionthis product has been tested and found compliant with the limits sets out in the emc directive for using connection cables shorter than 3 meters.the electronmagne

17、tic field at the specific frequencies may influence the picture and sound of the camera.if static electricity or electromagnetism causes data transfer to discontinue midway (fail), restart the application or disconnect the usb cable again.noticecertain countries and regions may regulate disposal of

18、the battery used to power this product. please consult with your local authority.trial recordingbefore you record one-time events, you may want to make a trial recording to make sure that the camera is working correctly.no compensation for contents of the recordingcontents of the recoding cannot be

19、compensated for if recording or playback is not possible due to a malfunction of your camera or recoding media, etc.back up recommendationto avoid the potential risk of data loss, always copy (back up) data to a disk.notes on image data compatibilitythis camera conforms with the design rule for came

20、ra file system universal standard established by the jeita (japan electronics and information technology industries association).playback of images recorded with your camera on other equipment and playback of images recorded or edited with other equipment on your camera are not guaranteed.precaution

21、 on copyrighttelevision program, films, video tapes, and other materials may be copyrighted. unauthorized recording of such materials may be contrary to the provision of the copyright laws.do not shake or strike the camerain addition to malfunctions and inability to record images, this may render th

22、e “memory stick” unusable or image data breakdown, damage or loss may occur.lcd screen, lcd finder (only models with an lcd finder) and lensthe lcd screen and the lcd finder are manufactured using extremely high-precision technology so over 99.99% of the pixels are operational for effective use. how

23、ever, there may be some tiny black points and/or bright points (white, red, blue or green in color) that constantly appear on the lcd screen and the lcd finder. these points are normal in the manufacturing process and do not affect the recoding in any way.be careful when placing the camera near a wi

24、ndow or outdoors. exposing the lcd screen, the finder or the lens to direct sunlight for long periods may cause malfunctions.do not press the lcd screen hardly. the screen may be uneven and that may cause a malfunction.images may be trailed on the lcd screen in a cold location. this is not a malfunc

25、tion.the power zoom lensthis camera is equipped with a power zoom lens. be careful not to bump the lens, and be careful not to apply force to it.clean the flash surface before usethe heat of flash emission may cause dirt on the flash surface to become discolored or to stick to the flash surface, res

26、ulting in insufficient light emission.do not get the camera wetwhen taking pictures outdoors in the rain or under similar conditions, be careful not to get the camera wet. water entering the inside of the camera my cause malfunctions which in some cases may not be repairable. if moisture condensatio

27、n occurs, see page116 and follow the instructions on how to remove it before using the camera.do not expose the camera to sand or dustusing the camera in sandy or dusty locations may cause malfunction.do not aim the camera at the sun or other bright light.this may cause irrecoverable damage to your

28、eyes. or it may cause the malfunction of your camera.notes on the camera locationsdo not use the camera near a location that generates strong radio wave or emits radiation. the camera may not be able to record or play back properly.carl zeiss lensthis camera is equipped with a carl zeiss lens which

29、is capable of reproducing sharp images with excellent contrast.the lens for this camera has been produced under a quality assurance system certified by carl zeiss in accordance with the quality standards of carl zeiss in germany.the pictures used in this manualthe photographs used as examples of pic

30、tures in this manual are reproduced images, and are not actual images shot using this camera.trademarkcyber-shot is a trademark of sony corporation.“memory stick”, “memory stick pro”, “memory stick duo”, “memory stick pro duo”, “magicgate” are trademarks of sony corporation.picture package is a trad

31、emark of sony corporation.microsoft, windows, and windows media, and directx are either registered trademarks or trademarks of microsoft corporation in the united states and/of other countries.macintosh, mac os, quicktime, imac, ibook, powerbook, power mac and emac are trademarks or registered trade

32、marks of apple computer, inc.macromedia and flash are trademarks or registered trademarks of macromedia, inc. in the united states and/or other countries.intel, mmx, and pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of intel corporation.in addition, system and product names used in this manual are

33、, in general, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective developers or manufacturers. however, the tm or marks are not used in all cases in this manual.sample 3 sample of detailed operation下面是sony照相机的正文目录,因篇幅所限,仅列出目录部分。table of contents read this firstidentify the partsgetting startedsh

34、ooting still imagesviewing still imagesdeleting still imagesbefore advanced operationsadvanced still image shootingadvanced still image viewingstill image editing still image printing (pictbridge printer)enjoying moviesenjoying images on your computertroubleshootingadditional informationindexsample

35、4 sample of index下面是sony相机索引的部分节选,由于中文拼音与英文字母顺序不尽相同,而两种语言的版本的排列顺序并不相同。aae 25ae/af lock 25, 50auto focus . 25, 48a/v connecting cable . 36bbattery life 15, 119beach mode . 34ccandle mode 34cd-rom . 83, 90, 94clock set . 18, 115ddaylight synchro . 30dc plug . 16eenlarging an image . 63ffile names . 87

36、focus . 48iimage quality . 22, 46 a ae . 23 ae/af锁定锁定 . 25, 50 a/v连接电缆连接电缆 . 36 c cd-rom 78, 84, 88 d dc插头插头 13电池寿命电池寿命 . 12, 110对焦对焦 . 45f 放大影像放大影像 . 58h 海边模式海边模式 . 31r日光同步日光同步 . 28s时钟设定时钟设定 . 15, 107w文件名称文件名称 . 82y影像质量影像质量 . 20, 43z 烛光模式烛光模式 . 31自动对焦自动对焦 . 23, 45sample 4 sample of ordering instruc

37、tions instructions of the reading room(1) read and study seriously and be concerned about world affairs.(2) keep quiet and pay attention to cleanliness.(3) do not talk or laugh loudly; do not smoke or eat; do not litter the floor with waste paper.(4) spit only in the places designated.(5) produce yo

38、ur student card or identity card when borrowing books. borrow only one book at a time.(6) protect public property. do not scribble on the pages of books or tear them out. pay the cost price for any damage done.(7) do not move the desks or chairs about. close the windows when leaving.(8) let the read

39、ers and librarians help each other and jointly nm the reading room well.manualdefinitionmanual是指能够提供如何进行操作、遵守规章制度的指南的手册、小参考书。writing requirements of manualmanual同instruction的内容有重叠之处,也包括了产品的使用手册、用户手册、操作手册等,另外,它还包括诸如员工手册、学生手册等等。员工手册等主要是对所管辖人员设定的规章制度等。formats of manual许多手册和操作说明差别不大,两者的格式几乎完全相同。而其它的手册、指

40、南,如员工手册,格式是相当简单的,主要包括标题、正文和在结尾标明的手册发布单位。标题只需标明机构名称,并注明此为手册、指南。sample reading sample 1 samples of titlethe new street secondary school dramatic society manual新街中学剧社手册新街中学剧社手册service manual of the workers and staff members of huatian hotel华天宾馆职工服务手册华天宾馆职工服务手册laryngitis pills喉炎丸喉炎丸sample 2 sample of bo

41、dy1. one member of the teaching staff shall be the adviser. 2. an annual general meeting is held in january. the meeting elects the chairman. vice-chairman, secretary, and four other committee members. this committee is responsible for running the society for the year. there is another general meeti

42、ng in july.3. meetings are held every tuesday from 4.00 -6.00 p.m. during term time. members will meet in the school half if available, otherwise in room 14.4. there will be play-reading each week unless rehearsals for a play are taking place or there is a visiting speaker.5. the society aim is to p

43、roduce one major play, in english or chinese, in december each year and another shorter play in june. if the december production is in english, the play produced in june will be in chinese, and vice versa.6. the program for the following six months is decided at each general meeting. any member of t

44、he society may put forward suggestions.7. membership is open to any boy or girl in the school.8. the membership fee is $ 5.00 per term.9. members of the society not performing in a production are expected to help to the best of their ability in preparing costumes and scenery and in any other work ne

45、cessary behind the scenes.10. members of the society are eligible to attend all productions free of charge.11. cheap tickets for plays and concerts in hong kong are sometimes available to members. when this is the case, the secretary will place a notice on the noticeboard. tickets will be issued by

46、him on a first come, first served basis. tickets must be paid for at the time.12. a student is not considered to be a member of the society unless he or she has paid the fee at the beginning of the term and attended at least 50% of the meetings throughout the year.sample 2 samples of the endingperso

47、nnel department of huatian hotel 华天宾馆人事部华天宾馆人事部reading room of suzhou university苏州大学阅览室苏州大学阅览室prepared by chengdu traditional chinese pharmaceutical factory, china成都中药厂出品成都中药厂出品useful expressions brochure, instruction & manual writing can cover a wide range ofsubject matters, however, there are

48、some structures which canalways be used in composing brochure, instruction and manual: natural landscapes in are beautiful and attractive. 风景秀丽is a spot not to be missed. 是不可错过的旅游景点has a long history (over years) 历史悠久it is famous at home and abroad. 闻名于国内外over 10 million copies sold. 销售量超过计划1000万本ou

49、r products are sold well to over 60 countries and regions. 我们的产品畅销于六十多个国家和地区。to avoid the potential risk of 为避免潜在的危险to implement the external policies of our country为了贯彻国家的对外政策to develop relations of friendship and cooperation with foreign nations 为了发展同其他国家的友好合作关系read the operating instructions care

50、fully and completely before operating the unit. 在使用本机前,先仔细阅读操作说明书。all warnings and cautions in the operating instructions and on the unit should be strictly followed. 请严格遵守本操作说明书、本机上之警告与注意事项。suitable for use in 适用于preserve in a cool place. 置于阴凉处it may cause temporary drowsiness 本品可引起暂时性倦怠with a suit

51、able measured amount of 恰当计量exercises i. try to make tables of contents according to the requirement1. a table of contents of a hotel2. a table of contents of a stereo3. a table of contents of a brochure of a service companyii. translate the following instruction from chinese into english. 风 油 精 风油精

52、系采各种贵重药料,用科学方法炼制而成。有止痛止痒的功效,用于减轻伤风感冒;筋骨酸痛、痛风、神经痛、头痛、牙痛、蚊叮虫咬。 用法:涂于患处。 贮藏:置于阴凉处。 上海市药业工业公司出品 中国,上海 上海市药材进出口公司经销iii. write a brochure of xiamen 要求:厦门的地理位置;作为经济特区发展迅速;厦门港的重要性;发达的金融业;外贸与投资情况等。keys i. 1. locationroomsthe continental clubbusiness centermeeting & conference facilitiesrecreationrestaura

53、nt & barhotel facilities2. preparations sound radio reception cd playing tape playback recording clock and timer other connections general3. about us our products training service consultation service management service contact usii. essential balm essential balm is scientifically prepared from

54、precious ingredients. it acts as an excellent anodyne and anti-itching remedy for the relief of cold, influenza-, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, headache; toothache, mosquito bites and insect stings; directions: applied locally.storage: preserve in a cool place.the shanghai pharmaceutical mfg. corp.sh

55、anghai, chinadistributors: shanghai medical herbs import & export corporationiii. located in the southern part of fujian province and on the west coast of the taiwan straits, separated from quemoy island only by a narrow strip of water, xiamen is a traditional trading port in southeast china and

56、 a famous tourist coastal city ad well. it covers an area of 1,565sq. kilometers and has a population of 1.26 million. as one of the earliest special economic zone (s. e. z.) in china, xiamen enjoys both provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. since the experienced sustained, rapid and coordinated growth, xiamen has been accredited as a national hygienic city, national garden city, national model city for environmental protection and national excellent tour


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