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1、读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境 On the day back to school, dark clouds hung low in the sky. The rain poured down, with cold drops and angry winds slapping (拍;掴) my face. I was drowned in floods of warm tears and freezing rain.1.渲染了忧伤的气氛.2.揭示了故事发生的背景.3.立体感和真实感读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境I can well remember that there was a tim

2、e when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.(M1U1)写作思路写作思路一一:第一步第一步,先尝试概括性描述(,先尝试概括性描述(总体描述总体描述)。)。第二步第二步,在概括描述的基础上增加,在概括描述的基础上增加细节描细节描述述,注意逻辑关系及语意的合理。,注意逻辑关系及语意的合理。读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境外面刮起了大风,吹的树枝乱摆,地上的灰尘乱飞,让人睁不开眼睛。Outside, there was a _wind,

3、 and the branches were blowing in_. The dust on the ground was flying in disorder, _made people unable to open their eyes.strongdisorderwhich 读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境这个冬季,天气异常寒冷。此刻没有风,世界好像停止在这一刻,河流也停下了脚步。This winter, the weather is _cold.There is no wind _this moment,the world seems to have stopped, the riv

4、er has stopped its_.unusually atfootsteps 读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境The dark rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.(M1U1)写作思路写作思路二二:第一步第一步,先尝试,先尝试细节细节描述。描述。第二步第二步,总体总体描述描述。读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境 2017.11 浙江高考真题应用Para 2 ._读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境 The wind was _ dreadfully and the rain

5、 was_from the heaven, _ against the branches of lined trees.The world was_ with a sea of darkness. howlingpouringwhippingburdened/loaded读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境The wind was howling dreadfully and the rain was pouring from the heaven, whipping against the branches of lined tress. The world was burdened with

6、a sea of drakness. A:I was seized with the roaring power of nature. a sense of horror creeping up on meB:A flood of fear washing over me, I immediately turned around to slide into the bed and curled up. 读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境The sun looked at her with a glowing smile and the flowers nodded merrily towards

7、 her. The breeze patted her on the face, warm and comfortable.Everything was the same, only his father being away forever. 怎样将一丝忧伤融入大自然的景色?读后续写微技能训练之如何描写环境 The _(甜蜜的)fragrance of flowers, the faint _(嗡嗡声)of insects as well as the gentle touch of the _(微风)brought back memories of the bygone days shared with father, hot tears almost _(涌出)up in her _(变红)eyes. sweet buzzing breeze wellin


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