



1、2020年四川省中考英语专题总复习 一完形填空一完形填空。A、B、C、D四个选项中选阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 出可以填人相应空白处的最佳答案。The first astr On autsSinCe the earliest times, people have looked UP at the stars, the moon and the PIanets. Today people USe modern machines 1 at the sky. ThiS is Very different from the SitUation 2years ago When p

2、eople could only USe their eyes. PerhaPS they dreamed of 3 theUni verse.When did huma ns first go into space? The story bega n not so Very long ago, 4 the first astr on auts Were not peoplethey Were ani mals.SCientists Wanted to make travelling to SPaCe as 5 as POSSibIe for humans. So they decided t

3、o experiment With animals and test 6 in spaceflights. Insects, mice, frogs, dogs and mon keys Were some of the ani mals 7 first WentintO space. Many of them 8, butthey helped to make SPaCe travel Safer for humans. For their great service, We 9 forget these ani mals.AIbert WaS the first mon key to go

4、 into SPaCe in 1949. Sadly he died 10 his SPaCeShiP Ian ded back on Earth.11 the result WaS different for Ham the Monkey. HiS story ended happily When he retur n to earth 12 Very good health.SCien tists Wan ted to knoW the an SWer to the importa nt questi on: could 13 a ni mal like Ham do the Same t

5、hings in SPaCe as he could do on Earth? The an SWer Came Whe n Ham 14 into SPaCe in 1961. Yes, he did everythi ng Well and lived for 15 16 years()1. A lookB. to lookCo oki ngD.looked()2. A. thousa ndB. thousa ndsC. thousa nd ofD.thousa nds of()3. A exploreB to exploreC exploredD. explori ng()4.A.asB

6、. orC. butD.so()5. A. SafeB. SaferC. SafeStD.the SafeSt()6. A. theyB.themC. theirD.theirs()7. A WhomB. WhatC. thatD. Whose()8. A. dieB. diedC have diedD. Will die()9. A shouldn ' tB. may notC.don ' t have toD. needn 't()10.A.ifB.becauseC. afterD. SinCe()11. A. LUCkB. LUCkC. LUCkD. LUCkiI

7、y()12. A. atB. onC. i nD.for()13. A. aB. anC. theD./()14. A. SendB. SentC. is SentD. WaS Sent()15. A. an otherB.otherC. OtherSD. the OtherSBAt the age Of 16, EinStein failed in SeVeral exams because he Often Played With SOme badkids. One Weekend morning, EinStein Carried a fishing net and PrePared t

8、o go fishing With those 16, his father StOPPed him and Said to him calmly,” Ein Ste in, you Were SPe nding tmuch time 17 , so you failed in the exams. I 18 a'omt your future With your mother.”“ What are you worry ing about? JaCk and RObert also 19 , but they Went fish ing as usual.“ My boy, you

9、Can ' t think so, ” Looking at EinStein, his father Said Iovingly, 20n our hometOW n. I hope you Can liste n to it carefully.”“ There Were tWO CatS Playi ng on the roof. 21, they fell in to the Chi mn ey(烟囱).Whe nthey CIimbed out of the Chimney, one Cat ' face WaS dirty 22 the other 'fac

10、e WaS clean. Seeing the dirty-faced cat, the CIeanfaCed one thought its own face WaS also dirty, so it quickly ran to the riverside and WaShed its 23 . The dirty-faced Cat SaW the CIean-faced one, thi nking its OWn face WaS clea n as Well, so it WaIked happily in the street.”“ Ei nstein, 24 Ca n be

11、your mirror. Only you are your OWn mirror. Some of the kids arenot StriCt With themselves. If you take them to be your mirror, even a 25 PerSon may become StUPid. ” Heari ng this, Ein Ste in WaS ashamed and lay doW n his fish ing rod and retur ned to his small room. SinCe the n, Ein Ste in face tur

12、ned red. He PUt doW n his fishi ng net and returned to his small room.After that, Einstein often took himself as a mirror to be 26 With himself and kepttelli ng himself.“I am SPeCiaI, so I n eed n' t be as com mon as others. ” ThiS WaS Why27_in his career.1,000 people have 1,000 kinds Of WiSheS

13、in life. Different WiSheS Will PrOduCe different_28_about life. You Can Iear n from other people, but you Can 29 follow OtherS completely.You must See yourself clearly, and know What you Want to get. Your future doesn 30_ how OtherS act, but on What you are going to act.()16. A. adultsB. kidsC. teac

14、hersD. artists()17. A. playi ngB. worki ngC. read ingD. StUdy ing()18. A. excitedB. CUriOUSC. WOrriedD. CraZy()19. A. CheCkedB. PaSSedC. dreamedD. failed()20. A. songB. storyC.SPeeChD. Say ing()21. A. LUCkiIyB. HopefullyC. SUdde nlyD. Naturally()22. A. whileB. orC. soD. for()23. A. mouthB. tailC. no

15、seD. face()24. A. somebodyB. nobodyC. anybodyD. everybody()25. A. poorB. richC. lazyD. CIeVer()26. A. tiredB. angryC. StriCtD. SatiSfied()27. A. regrettedB. graduatedC.SUCCeededD. SUrViVed()28. A. ideasB. reas onsC. mistakesD. SeCretS()29. A. SOmetimeSB. oftenC. alwaysD. never()30. A. try onB.depend

16、 onC. live onD. i nsist onCZhang Peng is a Chinese driver in Xi ' arWhen he CheCked the onIine wallet of his WeChat app, he SaW that one of his PaSSenershad Paid 6,500 yuan for a 36 pay. That meant the PaSSe nger Paid about $ 950, but in fact, the PaSSe nger only n eeded to Pay$ 9.50.Zhang Peng

17、guessedthat the Payment WaS a 37. ACCOrding to the time of thePayme nt, he guessed that the four foreig n travelers did it. He 38 the four travelers, from the train Station and dropped them off at a nearby 39.When he 40 to call the four foreign PaSSengers, Zhang Peng directly Went to the hotel aga i

18、n Where he had dropped them off. Then in the hotel he 41 What had happe ned to theWaiter at the front desk.JuSt at that time, the traveler 42 made the Payment Came downstairs. She WaS 43 to hear about her mistake. It WaS her first time to ViSit the Chinese city, and She Said that it WaS also her fir

19、st time 44 the appSonline Payment function(在线付费功能)to Pay for the ride.She WaS 45 more SUrPriSed When Zhan,g Peng refused to get a reward(报酬)and46her all her extra额外的)mon ey.47 is true that the traveler had a Wonderful 48 of USing We-Chat.“I Can ' t believeit, ” the Woman traveler said. 49 Same p

20、eople, money is their only dream, and $ 950 is a lot of money. I felt Very excited yesterday 50 the taxi driver Came back to return the money in PerS on. I am really grateful.”()36 .A. 65 yuanB. 65-yua nC.65-yua nsD.the 65th yuan()37.A. mistakeB. questi onC. foolD. PraiSe()38.A. Cheered UPB.put UPC.

21、 PiCked UPD. looked UP()39. A. Stati onB. hotelC. hospitalD. restaura nt()40.A. SUCCeededB. forgotC. regrettedD. failed()41.A. explai nedB. askedC. Un derstoodD. SUggeSted()42.A. WhomB. WhoC. WhoseD. WhiCh()43. A. i nterestedB. gladC. angryD. SUrPriSed()44.A.useB. USingC. USedD. to USe()45. A. VeryB

22、. evenC. quiteD.too()46. A. gotB. returnedC. costD. SPe nt()47. A. ItB. ThatC. HeD. ThiS()48. A. tripB. exam in ati onC. experie nceD. VaCati on()49. A. ASB. FromC. AtD. For()50.A. becauseB. because ofC. eve n ifD. ifDFour years ago, Joel Kline gave UP his job as a magazine editor to become a freela

23、nce COPyWriter for advertiseme nts, but noW he had money trouble. He SayS that he WiSheS he' d n ever 41 to Set UP his oWn bus in ess.I am noW in SUCh a bad SitUati on” SayS Joel, 42 I hoperk iamas an editor.You see, I WaS 43 With my job, and I USed to get really angry at my boss and the Wayhe U

24、Sed to 44 me around all the time. I talked to a few friends and they Said that they could give me 45, so I told my boss l WaS leaving. At first, everything WaS 46: I hadso much work that I had to take Onan assistant助理),my best friend at work, Don, just to be 47to fin ish thi ngs on time. And soon We

25、 48 large amounts of mon ey. Don and I had areally great lifestyle, and Whe n the work WaS fini shed, We USed to take good 49 in PIaCeS like Can CUm and the BahamS,just to get relaxed.At first,we Were busy hav ing fun, and Charged支付 )everyth ing to my Credit CardS in stead, but then I began to 50 ho

26、w much in debt(负债)1 was. At last, I had to 51 Do n off. I then had to sell all my OffiCe equipment(设备).Now I could do almost nothing even if people52 me. ThingS got so bad that I eve n asked my old boss if I could do some work for the53 , but he Said that I' d beten soo him When I left that he w

27、ould never employe(雇佣)me aga in. I ' Ve had to5 my bus in ess now and I don ' t know What I ' m going to do for mon ey. It just goes to show, if you Set UP your own bus in ess, you should n' t SPe nd modon' t have. ”()41. A. Prete ndedB. lear nedC. failedD. decided()42. A. specia

28、llyB. stillC. alsoD. Certa inly()43. A. PIeaSedB. StriCtC. boredD. Patie nt()44. A. showB. orderC. SerVeD. lead()45. A. timeB. moneyC. foodD. work()46. A. PerfeCtB. wrongC. hardD. fun()47. A. afraidB. readyC. ableD. about()48. A. lostB. borrowedC. don atedD. made()49. A. VaCatiO nsB. PiCtUreSC. COUr

29、SeSD. Chances()50. A. imagi neB. rememberC. won derD. realize()5l. A. layB. SeeC. takeD. PUt()52. A. PaidB. helpedC. forgotD. asked()53. A. advertiseme ntB. magaz ineC. equipme ntD. IifeStyIe()54. A. ShyB. rudeC. lazyD. Straight()55. A. close dow nB. PiCk UPC. turn dow nD. Set UPEI Went to school in

30、 China for four years and for another SiX years in Canada. There are two teachers from these COun tries that really impressed me eve n though they are Very 36.Whe n I37 to Can ada, I could n ' t eve n Order food On the flight. After two mon thsOnan ESL (En glish as a SeCOnd Lan guage) course, I

31、got my first 38 card. My mark in En glish WaS 65. I WaS Very 39. I couldn ' t40 What would be Said at the Parentteacherin terview.“ Hello! ” Mrs. FranCeSChini welcomed my Parents.“ Riehard just Came to Canada a fewmon ths ago. I am amazed at how his En glish has 41 so fast, ” She said. “ On his

32、first day, he WaS Very Shy and only USed 42 words. Now he Can an SWer and ask questi ons by USin whole Senten ces.”43many other Chinese Parents, my mom asked if She could give me extrahomework. “ Don' t worry. RiChard is already working Very hard,” Mrs. FranCeSChini IaUghThen She shook my hand.

33、“ Richard, you did a good job. I 44of you! ” She said.BaCk in Shan ghai, my teacher MiSS Li WaS Very 45. In a test, my average(平均分)was 97, top of the class. I WaS proud to take ParentS 46 the in terview.MiSS Li told my Pare nts,“ Feng YU is doing Pretty well. BUt because47f his, helost 3 POintSin ma

34、th. OtherWiSe he would be the top of the school.”I thought She WaS bein g 48 to me. BUt Whe n I WaS about to leave, I realized MiSS Li WaS Ver nice. She hosted a Party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number ancNals addressWere on the card. “ Feng Yu, you re my best stude9. I you a SUCeSSfUI

35、 life, ” She wrote.“If you Want to talk or n eed any help, I am always here for you.”MiSS Li and Mrs. FranCeSChini are both great teachers, just in different ways. One built UP my lear ning abilities. 50 gave me tons of con fide nce and made lear ning enjo yable. I ' m proud to have had them as

36、my teachers.()36. A. kindB.strictC. SimiIarD. differe nt()37. A. movedB. arrivedC. reachedD. ViSited()38. A. birthdayB. gree nC. reportD. ID()39. A. SatiSfiedB. UPSetC. SUriOUSD. CarefUI()40. A. imagi neB. tellC. wonderD. doubt()41. A. Chan gedB. improvedC.spokenD. in CreaSed()42. A. Io ngB.popularC

37、. SimPIeD. complete()43. A. WithB. EXCePtC. Agai nstD. Like()44. A. proudB. Certa inC. afraidD.free()45. A. Patie ntB. StriCtC. frie ndlyD. hard-work ing()46. A. inB. offC. toD. UP()47. A. methodB. acti onC. habitD. CareIeSS ness()48. A. Un fairB. n iceC. CraZyD. polite()49. A. hopeB. PrePareC. offe

38、rD. WiSh()50. A. OtherB. The otherC. Ano therD. The OtherSFAt a dark night, a man Came to a IOnely village. When he WaIked slowly, a yellow lightSuddenly 41 at the end of the road. It Came from a 42 WhiCh WaS c4iried by a man. A villager n ear him said, "Here Bli nd SUn comes.""Bli nd

39、?" the man said, "That's too 43. A bli nd man has no idea of day and ni ght, Can44 the beauty of n ature, or eve n does n't know What the light is. Wasn't he funny to Carry aIan tern?"AS the Iantern WaS COming near, the yellow light moved gradually to the man. The manasked

40、, " 45, may I ask you Whether you're really blind?"The blind man anSWered, "Yes, the moment I StePPed into the world, I can't see46 ."The man asked, "In that Case, 47 do you Carry a lantern?" The blind man Smiled, "Atnight all the people WithOUt light are j

41、ust as blind48 me, so I light a Iantern."The man said, "I see, you light for others."BUt the man said, "No, I do it for 49.""For yourself? BUt there is n o 50 to do that. " the man felt SUrPriSed aga in.The bli nd man expla in ed, "Were you every kno Cked by O

42、therS 51 the dark?"The man no dded, "yes, sometimes."The man Said proudly, "Believe it or not. I 52knoCked anyone. Although I' m blind,I Carry the lantern, not only light for others, but let OtherS See me, 53 they won ' t knockme."After heari ng that, the man WaS IOS

43、t in thoughtIn fact, everyOne has a lamp in himself, light it actively not only for others, but also for yourself! NeVer PUt yourself in a dark54 Whe n you feel left out and find it hard to 55 well With others, are you ready to light your lamp?()41. A. appearedB. fellC. WentD. closed()42. A. basketB

44、. toyC. la nternD. bag()43. A. easyB. clearC. USefUID. Stra nge()44. A. hearB. enjoyC. touchD. play()45. A. EXCUSe meB. Come onC. I'm sorryD. NeVer mind()46. A. SOmethi ngB. nothingC. everythi ngD. anything()47. A. howB. WhyC. WhereD. WhiCh()48. A. asB. likeC. toD. of()49. A. yourselfB. himselfC

45、. myselfD. ourselves()50. A. timeB. needC. WayD. problem()51. A. SUCh asB. in Stead ofC. because ofD. as for()52. A. alwaysB. neverC. OftenD. usually()53. A. afterB. soC. ifD. because()54. A. SitUatiO nB. villageC. dreamD. COUntry()55. A. turn onB. hold onC. PUt onD. get onGI wrote my first note to

46、my mother and it said, "Hi, Mom! HaVe a nice day! 46 , Marie!" I WaS twelve When I wrote it, and I 47 the note into her Change PUrSe零钱包). My mother WOrked 48 a clea ner in a cloth ing factory. I knew that Whe n She bought meals in the dining hall, She had to 49 Cha nges in her purse. I did

47、 n't know that She always kept that no te, and Carried 50 With her.After that, I 51 folded the small PieCe of PaPer into my mother's Cha nge purse, She and I left each other SeCret no tes. My mother usually hid her no tes in the fridge, Un der a lamp _52_ beside the TV set. I eve n found one

48、 hidde n in my shoe. Gradually, I Un derstood _53 no tes became the records of our days, ideas and wishes. BUt to my mother and me, they Were aIife-I Ong COm muni Cati On With each other that 54 else shared.On OCtOber 20, 2018, my mother 55 after an ill ness. I stood n ear her bed, holdi ngher han d

49、. I did n't Cry on that day Whe n my mom PaSSed away. A Week 56 ,I eve n did n't cry.I WaS so tha nkful 57 She no Ion ger had aches and pains.()46. A. ReSPeCtB. LoveC. Kindn essD. Frie ndship()47. A. threWB. CarriedC. foldedD. PUShed()48. A. onB. forC. outD. as()49. A. look atB. look forC. l

50、ook afterD. look UP()50. A. themB. thatC. itD. one()51. A. CarefullyB. CareIeSSIyC. SUdde nlyD. an grily()52. A. stillB. butC. orD. yet()53. A. theirB. myC. herD. our()54. A. an ybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. everybody()55. A. livedB. CriedC. leftD. died()56. A. lateB. laterC. IateStD. lately()57. A. W

51、he nB. thatC. beCauseD. although()58. A. foundB. lostC. WroteD. hid()59. A. readsB. readC. read ingD. has read()60. A. exCitedB. PerfeCtC.happyD. SadHBody image-the Way people feel about their looks - is a big problem for many youngpeople today. ACCOrding to a36, more than half the teenage girls in

52、the USA think37should be on a diet 节食),and almost one in five tee nage boys are38about their bodies and their Weight.BUt What ' S the Cause? In the study, many bla责备备)the media (媒体).TUrnOn the TVand you ' ll39See beautiful models, handsome aCtors and fit SPOrtS stars.40amagaz ine or a n eWsp

53、aper, look through the Intern et, and it's usually41.ManyyOUng people feel PreSSUre to42these“ PerfeCt ” people. BUt for most, tis just not possible. In the USA, the average ( 平均的)Woman is 163 Cm tall and WeighS 64 kilos,43the average model is 180 Cm tall and WeighS 53 kilos.When people don'

54、t IOOk the Way many44people look, they may become IeSSCOn fide nt. Some stop eat ing45in order to lose weight. StUde nts Can lose so muchCOn fide nce that they Start to46tak ing Part in CIaSSroom activities at school.Body image problems don' t 47 as We get older, either. In the UK, forexample,wo

55、me n over 50 SPe nd more money on COSmetiCS 化妆品)tha n any other48group. Older men SPe nd a lot of money trying to49hair loss 损失).IS there a solution to the problem? A 2016 StUdy in the UK SUggeSted that bodyimageless ons should be PrOVided in50. OtherS believe it's a problem that all of SOCiety

56、n eedsto deal with. AS Meagha n RamSey says,“ We n eed 评 判()IgJeOPIe by What they do,not What they look like.”()36.A. NeWSP aperB. magaz ineC. StUdyD.book()37. A. WeB. theyC. youD. She()38. A. COnfidentB. SUreC. WOrriedD.happy()39. A. PrObabIyB. hardlyC. neverD. fin ally()40. A. GetB. OPenC. TakeD. Fi nd()41. A. the SameB. differe ntC. SPeCiaID. in terest ing()42. A. look afterB. loo


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