



1、注意下面词汇的发音(可用词霸纠正):Roster: 花名册Words pronunciationSystem,allow,voltage,capacitor,appropriate,attenuatenominal,called,popular, resonant,switched,transistorssources,dissipating,losses,conversion,typical,containsconsist, rectifier, bulky, polarity,output,laboratoryprogrammable, adjustable,nonisolated,iso

2、lated,pulsating.Nonoscillatory,Ideal,square, abruptly,sufficientvice versa,Laplace,conceptual concept disciplinaryvariations Megatransportation,motorrefrigerator fluorescent controlResidentialuniqueparameterampereanalysisnoughtNormalizedStrictlysimplicitywithstandschematicanodecathode decrease / inc

3、rease (名词重音在前)coordinateaspectnumeratordenominatortechniquepiezoelectricapparentinsightintuitiveintuitionconservation of energyactualrepresentperturbationexcitationsuperimposeemulatesinusoidalcorrespondinginequalitymodulemodelcomponentmainframe: 主机cube root: 立方根square root:平方根The numerator and denom

4、inatorKirchhoffs current lawThewenin's equivalent circuit: TheweninNortonAmplitude:振幅Magnitude:Superposition theorem:叠加定理principle of superpositionInverse laplace transformation: 拉普拉斯反变换Complex-conjugate poles: 共轭复极点imaginary number: 虚数Real number:实数: The definite integral of i with respect to t

5、 from zero to T.: P one and p two, P one plus p two, p one minus p two.: P one is less than or equal to p two, which is less than or equal to p three.: 3 raised to the power of 4 is equal to 81. comma;semicolon:colon.或。full stop,periodetc: et cetraLowercase letter(character):小写字母Capital letter:小写字母S

6、ubscript:下角标Superscript 上角标be inversely proportional to 反比于Inductance homonymous ends电感同名端Laplace transform劈形算符: Nablapolynomial: 多项式special characters for english* asterisk+ plus/positive- minus/negative/dash/ slash/slant backslash/escape  backquote 反引号 tilde! exclam, exclamation at# numbersig

7、n,英语国家是hash,美语是pound, 音乐里作sharp,如C#$ dollar% percent caret& ampersand* asterisk, star(美语), 数学公式中作multiply( parenleft, opening parentheses) parenright, closing parentheses - minus; hyphen连字符,不读 _ underscore+ plus= equal bracketleft, opening bracket bracketright, closing bracket braceleft, opening

8、 brace braceright; semicolon: colon' quote" doublequote| barspace 空格 is less than is more than is not less than  is not more than is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 is more than or equal to 大于或等于号f(x): f of x exp(n): e to powers of n, e的n次方f: f prime, f撇希腊字母读法 1 alpha /a:lf/ 阿尔法2 beta /bet/ 贝塔3 gamma /ga:m/ 伽马4 delta /delt/ 德尔塔5 epsilon /epsilon/ 伊普西龙6 zeta /zat/ 截塔7 eta /eit/ 艾塔8 thet /it/ 西塔9 iot /aiot/ 约塔10 /kappa/ kap 卡帕11 /lambda/ lambd 兰布达12 mu /mju/ 缪13 nu /nju/ 纽14 xi /ksi/ 克西15 omicron /omikron/ 奥密克戎16 pi /pai/ 派17 r


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