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1、nThe world of our sensesask for helpblindaccidentfearWhat can you think of when the word “fog” is mentioned?fogget lostdangerconfuseWhat would you do if you get lost in the fog?Lead-in2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 05学习第3页的Reading Strategy(阅读策略),了解这篇故事的要素。猜一猜其中黑体印刷的单词的中文意思。1.a plot 2.main char

2、acters 3.a certain time period 4.a place 5.a problem to be solved 6.a climax or a surprising ending _ 线索,情节线索,情节主要人物主要人物特定时间特定时间地点地点待解决的问题待解决的问题高潮或出人意料的结尾高潮或出人意料的结尾自主自主学习学习2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 051.mist(L2)_ 2.forecast(L3)_ 3.once(L7)_4.fare(L8)_ 5.observe(L14)_ 6.rest(L16、51)_7.narro

3、w(L21)_ 8.approach(L22)_ 9.beat(L25)_10.still(L29)_ 11.stare(L33)_ 12.rare(L53)_13.that far(L11)_ 14 in sight (L20)_15.wish for(L28)_ 16.watch out for(L37)_e to ones aid(L50)_ 18.in relief(L50)_预习教材第23页,在文中找出下列单词和短语,并写出他们的中文意思。 1.What is the story about? A young lady in the fog At 86 King Street.2.W

4、here did Polly live?3.Who helped Polly?A blind man. Scan the story and try to find the route (路线路线) that Polly took home.outside Pollys working placeat the bus stop on the streetin the Underground trainat Green Park stationin Park Streetat the corner of the streetat 86 King StreetPut these events in

5、 the correct order by writing 1 to 10 in the blanks.1.Polly took the Underground to Green Park .2. An old man took Pollys hand .3. A hand reached out and grasped Pollys arm .4. Polly thanked the blind man .5. A tall man in a dark overcoat was watching Polly .6. Polly and the old man turned left at t

6、hecrossroads .7. Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her cheek.8. Polly got to King Street safely.9. Polly left the office at four oclock.10. The old man went to help others .Read the story again carefully and then answer these questions1. Why did Polly leave work early?2. Why did Polly

7、take the Underground train to Green park?3. What was the weather like outside the train station?Because there was a thick fog that afternoon and she wondered if the bus would still be running in the fog.Because the fog is too thick for the bus to go to King Street.The fog lay like a thick, grey clou

8、d.4 According to lines 23-25, what made Polly afraid ?5. According to line 33, what did the man look like ?6. How could the man tell that Polly was young ?The rough hand that brushed her face, and the mans voice that was close to her ear made Polly afraid.He looked old.He could tell Polly was young

9、by hearing her voice.Find these new words in the article. Guess their meanings from the context. Then match them with the correct definitions.1.d 2.c 3.e 4.f 5.b 6.aHomeworkP5 E P90 A1 A22009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 05自主学习:自主学习:一、预习教材第一、预习教材第1页,写出中文。页,写出中文。1. fog warning(L1)2. left home(L2)3

10、. covered in a grey mist(L2) 4. at lunch(L3) 5. forecast(L3)6.a thick fog(L3) 7. left work (L4) 8. stepped out into (L4) 9.wondered(L5) 10. running (L5)11.once(L7)12.foggy(L10) 大雾警报大雾警报 离开家离开家笼罩在一片灰雾之中笼罩在一片灰雾之中午餐时分午餐时分天气预报天气预报浓雾浓雾下班下班踏进踏进v.猜想,想知道;猜想,想知道;n奇迹,奇观奇迹,奇观运行运行一旦,曾经一旦,曾经有雾的,雾茫茫的有雾的,雾茫茫的2009年

11、上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 05When Polly1. (leave) home that morning, the city already2. (cover) in a grey mist. At lunch, the radio forecast that the mistwould become a thick fog in the afternoon. At four oclock,Polly left work and stepped out3. the fog. She (wonder)4. if the buses would still5

12、. (run) Once out in the street, she walk 6. (quick)towards her(usually)7. bus stop. “How far are you going? the bus conductor asked her before he took her fare.“King Street, said Polly.Sorry, Miss,replied the man, the truth is that it is too (fog) 8. for the bus9. run that far. Take the Underground

13、to Green Park. The weather might be better there and you might be able10. (get) a taix.leftwas coveredintowanderedbe runningquicklyusualfoggytoto get2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 05As Polly1. (observe) the passengers the train. She had a feeling she was (watch) by a tall man in a dark overcoa

14、t. At last the train arrived at Green station. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her. The tall man was nowhere (see) .observedonthatbeing watchedto be seen2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 051.observe(L14) _ 2. passenger(L14) _ 3.while(L16)_4. the

15、rest of(L16)_ 5.get out(L17)_4.glance at(L17)_6.nowhere(L17)_ 7.wherever(L19)_ 8. entrance(L19)_ 9.in sight (L20) _ 在课文第第四段(L14-L17)中找到下列单词或短语,查词典或参考资料,并将他们译成中文。 观察,打量观察,打量乘客乘客然而,当然而,当的时候的时候出去出去瞥一眼瞥一眼,浏览浏览到处都不到处都不剩余的,其他的剩余的,其他的到处到处入口入口看得见,在视野范围内看得见,在视野范围内2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 051.help

16、ful(L26) _ 2. footstep(L18) _ 3.rough(L23)_4. set off(L21)_ 5.walk along(L21)_6.approach(L22)_7.by the time(L22)_8. wish for(L28) 9.hesitate(L31) 在课文第第四段(L18-L31)中找到下列单词或短语,查词典或参考资料,并将他们译成中文。 有帮助的有帮助的脚步脚步粗糙的粗糙的沿着沿着走走方式,方法方式,方法到到时候为止,在时候为止,在以前以前出发,动身出发,动身企望,盼望企望,盼望犹豫,踌躇犹豫,踌躇2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡

17、卫星远程学校制作制作 051.seconds (L32) _ 2. reach out (L32) _ 3. watch out for (L37)_ _ 4. hit the step(L38)_ 5. anxious(L46) 6. firmly(L47) _ 7.in relief(L50)_8. pay back(54) 9. get across(L55) 在课文第第四段(L18-L31)中找到下列单词或短语,查词典或参考资料,并将他们译成中文。 数秒数秒伸出手拿伸出手拿.小心小心.,切关注,切关注焦急的,焦虑的焦急的,焦虑的坚定地坚定地如释负重如释负重出发,动身出发,动身回报,偿还

18、回报,偿还穿过,使穿过,使理解,明白理解,明白2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 051.observe(L14) _ 2. passenger(L14) _ 3.while(L16)_ 4.nowhere(L17)_ 6.wherever(L19)_ 7. entrance(L19)_ 8.in sight (L14) _ 9.set off(L20) _ _ 10.walk along(L15)_ 11. the rest of (L16) 12. nowhere to be seen(L17) 2大声朗读课文第二至五段。在课文第第二、三、四段(L6-L17)中找到下列单词或短语,查词典或参考资料,并将他们译成中文。 2009年上学期年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校湖南长郡卫星远程学校制作制作 051.observe(L14) _ 2. walk quickly towards(L7) _ 3.


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