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1、The introduction of three diseasesThree diseasesv. Black Death 黑死病v. Dengue fever 登革热v. Ebola virus 埃博拉. Black Death(黑死病)(黑死病)vYersinia pestis(鼠疫耶尔森杆菌)鼠疫耶尔森杆菌)What was the Black Death?vThe Black Death is also known as the plague(鼠疫鼠疫,瘟疫瘟疫). In the 14th century it spread rapidly across Europe and cau

2、sed a massive reduction in population.vPeople who caught the disease had swellings on their bodies, sometimes as big as eggs. Then the black spots would appear, which gave the disease its name.A hand showing how acral (肢体末端的)gangrene(坏疽) of the fingers due to bubonic plague (淋巴腺鼠疫) causes the skin a

3、nd flesh to die and turn black.How did the plague spread?There were two types of plague:Bubonic Plague淋巴腺鼠疫淋巴腺鼠疫 was the more common and was carried in the bloodstream of rats. Fleas bit the rats and become infected. They then hopped onto humans, bit them and passed on the disease. Pneumonic Plague肺

4、鼠疫肺鼠疫 was more deadly. It was caught by breathing in the germs when an infected person coughed or sneezed.How did people try to prevent the plague?v1. Strictly control the source of infectionv- Isolate the patientsv2. Cut off the route of transmissionv(1) Eradicate animal infectious sourcev(2) Stren

5、gthen the traffic and the frontier quarantine(国境检疫)v3. Protect the susceptible(易感染的)v(1) Get vaccinated(接种疫苗) v(2) Protect the contact person and medical personnel(医务人员). Dengue fever(登革热)(登革热)Aedes albopictus Aedes aegyptiDengue fever virus (DFV)白纹伊蚊埃及伊蚊DefinitionvAcute, febrile(发热的) infectious dis

6、easevCaused by an Aedes mosquito-borne dengue virusvCharacterized by fever, pain in various part of the body, rash(皮疹), prostration(虚脱), lymphadenopathy(淋巴结病), and leukopenia(白细胞减少症).The rash of dengue fever in the acute stage of the infection.TransmissionDengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aed

7、es mosquitoes, particularly Aedes aegypti. They typically bite during the day, particularly in the early morning and evening, but they are able to bite and thus spread infection at any time of day all during the year.No vaccine available to prevent dengue fever.PreventionvIsolate the patientsvWear l

8、ong sleeves and pants if you are outside during the day and evening hours. vMosquito abatement program(灭蚊计划)vUse an insect repellent(驱虫剂) with 20-30% DEET(避蚊胺). Spray insect repellent on clothing. Ebola virus(埃博拉)(埃博拉)Electron micrograph(电子电子显微镜显微镜) of an Ebola virus virion(病毒体病毒体)What is Ebola?Ebol

9、a virus (Ebola haemorrhagic出血的 virus) disease is a severe, often fatal illness, with a case fatality rate of up to 90%. It is one of the worlds most virulent diseases.No vaccine, and no cure are available. But getting treatment at Ebola Centers EARLY increases the chance of recovery.How does Ebola v

10、irus spread?vModes of Human Infectionv- Contact with contaminated (受污染的) blood, tissue, organ or other body secretions(分泌物).v- Handle ill or dead animals.vCommon Modes of Contactv- Family burial ceremonies.v- Health care workers aiding in an outbreak.v- Eat contaminated meat from wildPersonal protec

11、tion noticevPay attention to people who come from epidemic(传染性的) area or return.vMaintain social distance between two people (to keep a distance of 1m).vPay attention to personal hygiene(卫生) and wash your hands often.vKeep a good habit.vKeep adequate nutrition.vInsist to take exercise, enhance immunity.Questionsv1. Which disease can b


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