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1、Vocabulary ReviewDialogue Reading第1页/共38页Vocabulary happy sad hungry thirsty hot coldtired sick angrynervous scaredembarrassed第2页/共38页Dialogue:Why are you _? Im _ because Im _. I always _ when Im _.第3页/共38页Describing usual and unusual activities第4页/共38页uusual ju:ul adj 通常的,平常的;惯常的uunusual:nju:ul adj

2、不平常的;稀有的;奇特的第5页/共38页第6页/共38页第7页/共38页第8页/共38页A: What are you doing?!B: Im sleeping on the floor.A: Thats strange! Do you usually sleep on the floor?B: No, I never sleep on the floor, but I sleep on the floor today.A: Why are you doing that?B: Because my bed is broken.A: Im sorry to hear that.第9页/共38页

3、A: What are you doing?!B: Im studying with a flashlight.A: Thats strange! Do you usually study with a flashlight ?B: No, I never study with a flashlight , but I study with a flashlight today.A: Why are you doing that?B: Because my lamp is broken.A: Im sorry to hear that.第10页/共38页A: What are you doin

4、g?!B: Im walking to work.A: Thats strange! Do you usually walk to work ?B: No, I never walk to work, but I walk to work today.A: Why are you doing that?B: Because my car is broken.A: Im sorry to hear that.第11页/共38页第12页/共38页第13页/共38页A BAD DAY AT THE OFFICE 第14页/共38页energetic,endetik精力旺盛的;精神饱满的第15页/共3

5、8页employee,emplii:受雇者,雇工,雇员,从业员工第16页/共38页employimpli雇用第17页/共38页employerimpli雇主,雇用者第18页/共38页因此,结果as a resultas a result of由于第19页/共38页receptionistrisepnist接待员;传达员第20页/共38页Mr. Blaine is the president of the Acme Internet Company. kmi 第21页/共38页The company has a staff of energetic employees . Unfortunate

6、ly, all of his employees are out today. 第22页/共38页Nobody is there. As a result, Mr. Blaine is doing everybodys job, and hes having a VERY bad day at the office!第23页/共38页Hes answering the telephone because the receptionist who usually answers it is at the dentists office. 第24页/共38页Hes typing letters b

7、ecause the secretary who usually types them is at home in bed with the flu. 第25页/共38页 Hes sorting the mail because the office assistant who usually sorts it is on vacation. 第26页/共38页And hes even cleaning the office because the custodian who usually clean it is on strike. Poor Mr. Blaine! 第27页/共38页It

8、s a very busy day at the Acme Internet Company, and nobody is there to help him. Hes having a VERY bad day at the office! 第28页/共38页第29页/共38页1. What does Mr. Blaine do? 2. What kind of staff does he have?3. Where ate Mr. Blaines employee today? 4. Who is there? 第30页/共38页5. Why is Mr. Blaine answering

9、 the telephone? 6. Why is he typing letters?7. Why is he sorting the mails? 8. Why is he cleaning the office?第31页/共38页office office assistant employee on strike secretary custodianreceptionist 第32页/共38页1. A person who works in a company is an_.2. The employee who answers the telephone and greets peo

10、ple is the _.第33页/共38页3. The employee who cleans a building is the _.4. The employee who sorts the mail is the _.5. The employee who types the letters is the _.第34页/共38页6. The employee arent working today because theyre all _.7. All these people work in an _.第35页/共38页ListeninguWhat are you doing?uWhat does the office assista


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