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1、学术英语(医学)课后询组 Unit 1I OVerlOad神经过戟g typical 典型的轸所就诊3. DEXADEXA 扫描4. ncdical行医5COntrOl血压控制6. health 2健康擁拎7 report乳房X线检奋报吿8 CXaminatiOn 体检9 Of a medication药物的副作用10.pcrpctual永久的越慌IjPhySiCianS 职业医生12. field移植领城13. medical 医疗预算14. aracetamol扑热息痛药斤15 CaP防孩子打开的益子16 CliniCal trial他机临床试验17. Random 瓯机分E己18. Pa

2、tient病人的预后19. <rou对照组20. a 10-year _ StUdy 10 年的跟跻研究21. a medical科病房22.infectious 传變性斤炎23.Severe奶体严RM*24. birubin胆红素代25. permanent _damage 永久的肝损伤26. exacerbate加童病理生理状况27. Mcdical医学文献28. clinical临床调査29. Of relapse 复发率30. clinical 临床流彳丁炳学3 Lstrict严格的卧床休息32. hospital住陝33. recuent 反复发作的黄疸34. clinical

3、临床病從35 morphine ¼注射吗啡36 blood PreSSUre 舒压37. brain大脑血灌偷38. Care初级保健39. aorto-coronary arterial主动脉冠状动琢旁路40. IrCalmCmdCCiSiOn 知情治拧决41. an internationalSrOUP 一个 BHWAJlUaift42. thc RCd 红十字金43. The first major effort 弟一次Ir大扳助工作44Of War战子中的人员伤亡45.relief cffor(s 紧急抵助、Unit 2I discasc(丼观疾病)2. new flu 新沫

4、逑变种3. antibiotics and 抗生索和疫苗4. disease 传朵病5 disease晰现疾病6 Strategy预防疏略7. bubonic 腺鼠疫8. microbes病原逖生物9. public heath公共卫生机构10. drug抗药性II anOf antibiotic IheraPy 抗生素治疗疗從12. scarlet狸红热13. thc ICVel Of舟性水平14. flu 波感大波行15. surface 表面抗原16. Shift A 因改变17. ncurological神经性并发症1& Waning Of免疫力减弱19. public hea

5、lth _公共卫生JMali施20. a malaria 一个疟疾病例21. flu猪波想22. bacillus 结核杆 Ir23. theOf morbidity 发病率水平24. hcalth 保K专业人士25 UIbCrCilIOSiS 潛伏结核病26. tuberculin结核索皮试27. ProgrammCS 肺计划26 gamma tests 干地索涮试29. drug 笏输性30. an disease 种可治題的病31. infectious disease 难w舍的传块病32. an UnknOWn一种*知的病廉体33. chronic gastric慢性胃溃疡34to C

6、arrieS Of disease 接尅带病者35. genetic 总因重组36. agent Of生物忌怖活动诙氏37. _infections通过夜物传播的传染病Unit 3Lthe SUrge Of 埒上腺素澈增2. an internal medicine彳斗实习期3. andisease自体免疫4.1OSS Of 丧失持久力5. WeakneSS短暂的庄弱6. becoming卧床不起7. a building 基本构件8. an animal动物棋型.9. to SlOW减煖神经退化10.to toxins K除睜索ILtonutrition 优化营养12. toxic等索戟好1

7、3. the risk Of复发危险14. physician 医生自我实验15. a CIiniCal临床试验16. electrical StiInUIatiOn 神经肌内电刺澈17. physical理疗师18. the impact Of 微好莒养素的影响19. brain脑功能2the emotional flow 跟踩情绪波动21 Of emotions 情绪协调22. reactions心血管反应23. feeling Of (亲密底觉24. rapid迅速同步25. emotional情绪传染26. to InUtUally互相调节27. a PSyChObiOlOgiCal

8、Unit 生物心理单元28. enotional 29. functional resonance功能性购共振成傢30. tobrain ZOneS澈夕舌该脑部区城31. to Inake it TJt之成为3*制性32. aProjeCt无把姐的项目33. medical backeround 医学开垛4. proof Of 概念脸证35. dose 知畳方案36. Or COnCOmitant COnditiOnS 并发症与合并症37agents抗肿瘤的药剂38. standard标准疗法39. PrOPertieS药現学轸性40. poor溶解 性差41.PharmaCOIOgy体药理孚

9、Unit 41.medicine补充医学2medicine仔代医学3.a InediCalBEyy棋式4.and herbs针灸和 草药5.atreatment JMrJtd6t6._a and VOmiting ¼f 呕吐7.dental Pain术后牙痛trials临床试验9.therapy物理疗法. 理疗10InOdaIitieS泊疗方法11 .a therapeutic 治疗干预12. Research design 研究设计13. magnetice 二紘共振14. positrontomography 正电子发射型计算机昕层成像15 effect jLW效果16. bio

10、ncdical 生物医学界17. Unit豪复中心16 acupuncturist 照针灸师19. therapeutic 治疗 疏略20. herbaI 草药G方21. a Wide array Of 各式各样的并发症22. EaSt-WeSt InediCine 中西医结合23. abdominal Pain 急性旗痛24. to medicines 施药.用药25. surgical夕卜科手术26. scicntific科学评估27. StatiStiCS 息炳卓 Ut 计PreVaICnCe28. therapies 传统疗法29. models Of Care询 证医孚標式30. s

11、tress压力处理31nervous SyStem 周 IB神经系统.peripheral32. physiologic 生理机划33. nechanistic andStUdieS 机制利还Jll式研究34. research效益研究35. clinical临床结果36. _ and CliniCal StUdieS临床前及临床研究37 mechanisms可能的机制38 therapies处事沦幵39. medicine顺势疗法40. InediCinC 自然疗法41. and yoga冥想与瑜伽Unit 51 .a health健康危机2. physicalS身体症状3. Energy

12、and能好和活力4. be COmPletely Ifrom Sth对某E完全免疫5.Of falseness ½,假的病睜6.stressful有压力的生活方式7.t CmOtiOn健全的感 情8.health JDt宜的H9.toOUr mind .body and SPirit 平衡心理身体和梢神10.Iife構神生活11 .theto WellnCSS通向 身心健康的“路陣”12.emotions被压抑的感倩13.feelings and CnlOtiOn 如斉实感14.1 influences心理彫响15.fullyhuman beings十全十美的人16.teeth蛀牙1

13、7PrOfeSSOr营养教授1 & burgeoning迅速膨胀的腰Ba19.Water版装水20. caloric热脣摄入21 .to CUrb节制安欲22. grains and谷物和蛋白质23. childhood儿妙肥胖症24PrOtein槓苴蛋白质25. habits饮贷习惯26. Of Iife生活质活27. CategOry乳制品矣2&PreVentiOn Of _椭朋病的预防 29.sodium钠的含好Unit 61homes养老院2Care临终关怀3. congestive heart _充血性心衰4. available24小时随叫沌到5Care Unit冠

14、心病监护宜6. toto treatment对治疗有反应7. skilled nursing专业护理机构&Care生劭终*期护理9.Care舒适护理I OJiospitalPlannCr 出院计划专员II Care症状护理12Care姑息疗法13. illness 绝症14. chronic ObStrUCtiVedisease 慢 t,15. treatments实验性治疗16. spiritual精神顾问17. toall treatment终止所有治疗1 &to go through经历适析19. APAP 巴氏涂片检齐20. patient-relationship 医

15、t关系2 Lto PrOVide捉供常规医护22. examinations 预防性检夜23.off thePath离开 热路.另辟蹊任24. tointo a ShaPC 垫形25. Toa PreSCriPtiO n照旧处方丼开药26.in VitrO体外受猜27. biology总础生物孚28. enbryonic_research 胚胎干细爪研究29. to With an OUtSieIe 场 HB外人合作30. ababy试管契儿31. SCienCeS 生32. to administer施用澈素33. to isolateeggs分离未成热卵子34. ObSerVatiOnS

16、婭35. WOrk首创研究36. a fibre-optic光歼傩37. guidelines 伦理原则38. societal社金关注39. COUPleS不孕不育失妇40. disease圾传哄炳4 LCystic囊泡性纤维症42.ethical伦 S4tUnit 7La nursing护士站2. machines生命维対系统3. comfort舒适护理扌含施4. totreatments 偕止治疗5. decision-making PrOCeSS SC长式决疏程序6. patient给病人授权7. medical 医学伦理学3c8. ethical伦理准则9. clinical临床理念

17、10. Care以病人为中心的护理11 .patient病人自主权12. treatment治疗 选样13. PUrvieW 壬JJH领城14. decisions 1RJ状况下做的决定15. physician 对医生的限制16. and COnfUSiOn 焦虑与田恵17. ethical连幵伦 at&family4CAK 疗19. widespread广疋林移20. treatment 积极治疗21 IeSiOn M发病灶22. to recommend理议随访23. electronic电子病历24. pulmonary林伦懐puterized计算机昕层扫描CT26. bila

18、teral双 IM 浸润27. aX-ray X 线胸片2&lcftPneUmOnia左下肺叶肺炎29. breathing 浮吸 B)逼30. thc hospice临终关怀团队31. illness 慢性病32aspects社金心理孚领域33. evidence-basedR 证临床播 Jlr34. toa PIalI Of Care头施沦行方索Unit 8Lhuman人体研究对致2. research生物医学研究3. accepted公认的治疗4. a formal正式方案5. the PrinCiPle Of JMjw6. thc PrinCiPle Of 公正原贝Jj7. a

19、gents升自 主能力的行为奢8. autonomy自主性七59. bcrisk Of harm 使"“ 面临受害危险10. Hippocratic希波克拉廉誓吉ILfairness in分配的公正性12.inforned 如惯b,013. fair _ and OUtCOmeS公正的程序和结果14. thetable 手术台15. an ethical伦理贵任16. aneurosurgeon 4Mt经外科医生PediatriC17. tothe SUrgery 做手术18. blood血波19. Care重症监护20. father 义父21. father 生父22. need

20、s心理船耍23. judgment医学判断24. therapy职业疗法25. toIneningitiS炎26. to die Of an死于感播27. blood血管28.imbalances in环的不平衡29. thcOf human research SUbjeCtS 人类研究对象的安宁30. to approve Orall research activities批准戒不批准所冇的研究活动31. to review a去一r研究t32. at risk Of CiVil Or CrinlinaIrKf事或刑贵任的危检多考答案43. relief扌爰助1adrenaline埒上腺索U

21、nit 144. CaSUaIty人员伤亡2. residency 实习1. neuron 神经45. emergency 紧急 Unit3. autoimmune 自身免疫 4.2. OffiCe ViSit(诊所)就诊2Stanlina持久力3. SCan扫描1 re-emerging 丼现5. transient 短莎的4. medical PraCtiCe 彳亍医2. Strain 变种6. bedridden卧床不起5. blood PreSSUre 血压3. VaCCine 疫苗7. building block 林本构件6. maintenance(K)保持 7.4. infec

22、tious 传染性的& model 棋SiInammOgram 乳房 X 线 &5. emerging 新出观9. neurodegeneration 神经退PhySiCal 身体6. PreVentiOn 预防化9. Side effect 副作用7. PlagUe 鼠疫10.excrete掩除(莓索)10. PaniC 恐慌& PathOgeniC 病原的11 .optimize 优化11 PraCtiCing 执业9. authorities 机构12.load 载好12. transplant 移植10. drug resistanc 抗药性 11.13.rel

23、apse 复发13. budget 预算COUrSe疗程14.self-cxpcrimcntation 自14. tablet 药片12. SCarlet fever 4红热我实验15. ChildPrOOf 防孩子13. VirUlenCe 券性15.trial 试验16. randomized 沌机14. PandenIiC 大流行16.neuromuscular 神经肌肉17. allocation(F¾机)分酉己15. antigen 抗原17.therapist 治疗师18. PrOgnOSiS 预后16. genetic 坯因的18Bicronutrient徴量营苏素19

24、. COntrOl 对照17. neurological 神经性19.function 功罷20. follow-up 跟跡1& immunity 免疫力20.track 跟跡21Ward病房19. infrastructure 妹础设施2!.coordination 协调22. hepatitis 肝炎20. CaSe 病例22.cardiovascular 心血着23. malaise身体不适21. SWine 猪23.rapport 亲密24. InetabOIiSnl 代22. tuberculosis 结核24.synchronization 冋步25.Iiver 肝23.

25、morbidity/incidcnce 发25.contagion 传朵26.pathophysiology 坯理生现病卒26.regulate 调节*27. IiteratUre 文献24. PrOfeSSiOnalS 专业人士27.psychobiological 生物心28. investigation 调奋25. Iatent 潜伏理29. incidence 卒26. Skin test 皮试28.solace 慰藉30. epidemiology 流行病学27. SCreening 筛杳29.imaging M R I31. bed rest 卧床休i2& interfer

26、on 干扰素30.activate 激活32. hospital Stay 住院29. toxicity 殄性31 .mandatory 程制性33. jaundice 黃疸30. CUrable可治愈的32.dubious无把握的34. COUrSe 病從31. intractable 难治的33.backgrond 青景35. intravenous 焙脉注射32. PathOgen 病原体34.concept 概念 35.regimen36. diastolic 舒33. UlCer 溃疡方案 plications 并37. PerfUSiOn 池注34. exposure接触(带病者)

27、发症37.anti-tumor抗肿戒38. Primary 初级35. recombination 重组38.standard 标准的39. bypass(冠脉)旁路36. bioterrorism生物恐怖活39.pharmacological 药理学40. informed 知情动的41. humanitarian 人逍主义37. foodborne生物传播40.solubility 溶解性42. the RCd CrOSS 红十字金Unit 34l.in ViVO 体Unit 4Unit 510. hospital discharge 出院1. COmPlenlentarJf 补充1Cri

28、SiS危机11. care(症状)护理2. alternative 特代(医学)2. SynIPtOmS 症状12. PalliatiVe 姑t的3. ParadignI 棋式3. VitaIity 活力13. fatal illness 绝症4. acupuncture 针灸4. immune 免疫14. PUlmOnaryr 肺的 CO P D5. adjunct 楠助5. VirUS 病睜15. experimental 实验性的6. nausea 恶心6. IifeStyle生活方式16. advisors 顾问7. POSt-OPeratiVe 术后7. robust健全的17. d

29、iscontinue 终止& CIiniCal临床的& fragile脆弱的18. dialysis 透析9. PhySiCal therapy 理疗9. balance 平衡19. Smear 涂片10. therapeutic 治疗(方法)10. SPiritUaI 精神的20. PrOVider医忠关系11 intervention 干预11. blockages 路陣21. care-as-sual 常规医护12. design 设计12. repressed被压抑的22. PreVentiVe 预防性13. resonance 共振13. genuine JX实的(J

30、X情实23. beaten 常用的 Off the14. emission 发射 PET 15.感)beaten Path离开热路另辟analgesia 止痛14. PhySiOlOgiCal 心理蹊任16. establishment(生物医学)15. integrated 合的(十全24. mold into the ShaPe 塑形界十英)25. renew 重新开始 to17. rehabilitation X16. decaying teeth 姓牙renew a PreSCriPtiOn 照旧处1& IiCenSed持照(针灸师)17. nutrition 营养方丼开药19

31、. StrategieS 篥略18. WaiStline J*B926. fertilization 授精20. formulas 倉己方19. bottled 瓶装(水)27. basic基础的(生物学)28.21. WidC array各式各样的20. intake 摄入SteIn Cell干细胞22. integrative(中西医)结合21. appetite 安欲29. COllabOrate 合作23. acute急性的22. PrOtein 蛋白质30. test-tube 试爸(婴儿)24. administer 给药23. ObeSity 肥胖症31. reproductiv

32、e 生殖的 32.25. PrOCCdUre 牲序24. Iean精益的(蛋白质)hormones 澈索26. evaluation 评估25. dietary饮安(习惯)33. immature未成热的27. PreValenCe 忠病卒26. quality 质量34. empirical 经验(观案)35.28. COnVentiOnal 传统(疗法)27. dair>r乳制品PiOneering 甘创的29. evidence-based 循证的2& diabetes 糖尿病36. endoscope 镜30. management(压力)处理29. COntent 含母

33、37. ethical 伦理的31. PeriPheral 外周 / 外田Unit 63& COnCern(社金)关注32. mechanisms 机制1nursing home养老院39. infertile不孕不育的40.33. redctionistic 还尿式的2. hospice临终(关怀)inherited边传性的34.cost-effectiveness 效益3. failurc(心)衰41. fibrosis 纤维化35. OUtCOmeS 结果4.available42. dilemmas Ea 境36. PreCliniCal 临床对around-the-clock

34、24 小时随Unit 737. PlaUSibIe 可能的叫随到1. StatiOn(护士)站38. manipulative 推拿5. COrOnary 疑病2. Iife-SUPPOrt生命维持(系39. homeopathic 顺势6. respond(对治疗升)反应7.统)40. naturopathic 自然(疗法)facility 机构3. measures护理抬施41. meditation 冥越& end-of-life 终木期9. COnlfOrt舒适的(护理)4. WithdraW停止(治疗)5. PaternaliStiC 家长式的6. empowerment 授

35、权保持床波行病学7. ethicists伦理学实7.Mammogram report 乳房3 Lstrict bed rest 严格的卧& PrinCiPleS 准则X线检査报告床休息9. ideal 理念8.physical examination 体检32.hospital Stay 住阮10.patient-centered 以病人9.side effect Of a medication33.recurrent jaundice 反复为中y的药物的副作用发作的黄疸11autonomy自 主权10.perpetual PaniC 永久的恐34.clinical COUrSe 临床

36、病程12. OPtiOnS 选择慌35.intravenous morphine 天爭13. exclusive PUrVieW 专属1 Lpracticing PhySiCianS 职脉注射吗啡的(领域)业Dt生36.diastolic blood PreSSUre14. emergency 紧急(决定)12.transplant field 移植领域舒压15. restraint 限制13.medical budget 医疗预算37.brain PerfUSiOn 大脑血灌16. anxiety 焦虑14.paracetamol tablet 扌卜班偷17. transgression 连

37、背息痛药片38.prim ary CarC 初级保健1& PraCHCC(家庭)医疗15.childproof CaP 防孩子打39.aorto-coronary arterial19. metastases(广泛)耳专移 20.开的益子bypass主动脉冠状助工作aggressive 积极的16.randomized CliniCal rmed treatment21. Prinlar>r 庾发随机临床试验decision知情治疗决22. follow-up 随访17.Random allocation 甌机4l.an international23.

38、record 病历分配humanitarian group 一个国24. embolism 栓宴1&Patient PrOgnOSiS 病人的际人逍组织25. tomography 断层摄傢 C预后42.the Red CrOSS 红十宇会T19.control group 对照组43.The first InajOr relief26. infiltrates 浸润20.a 10-year follow-up StUdyeffort笫一次大撅27. CheSt 胸10年的跟蹄研究44.casualty Of War 战孕中的28. IOWer-IObe 左下叶2l.a medical

39、 Ward 科病房人员伤亡29. IaboredC呼吸)困难22.infectious hepatitis 传染45.emergency relief efforts30. team 团队性肝炎紧;¾扌爰助31. ChrOniC 慢性的23.Severe InalaiSe 身体严TfUnit 332. PSyChOSOCial 社金心理不适1 .the SIlrge Of adrenaline 帰33. guidelines 指南24.bilirubin metabolism 胆上腺素激增34. implement实施(治疗方红索代2.an internal medicine案)25

40、.permanent IiVer damageresidency科实习期永久的肝损伤3.an autoimmune disease 自26.exacerbate体免疫Unit 1动脉旁路PathOPhySiOlOgy 加重病理4.1OSS Of Stamina 丧失持久1 .neuron OVerlOad 神经过戟生理状况力2.a typical OffiCe ViSit 典Si27.Medical IiteratUre 医学文5.transient WeakneSS 短哲的的诊所就锋献虚弱3.DEXA SCan DEXA 扫描28.clinical investigation 临6.beco

41、ming bedridden 卧床4.medical PraCtiCing 行医床调奋不起5.blood PreSSUre COntrOl 血29.incedence Of relapse 复发7.a building block 裁本构件压控制卒8.an animal model 动物模5i6.health maintenance 健尿30.clinical epidemiology 临9.to SlOW Iicurodegencration减缓神经退化10.to excrete toxins 掩除睜 索11 .to OPtimiZe nutrition 优化 营养12. toxic IOa

42、d睜素载母13. the risk Of relapse 复发危 险14. physician self-experimentation 医生自 我实验15. a CIiniCal trial 临床试验16. neuromuscular electrical StinlUIatiOn神毀肌肉电刺 激17. physical therapist 理疗师18. the impact OfIniCrOnUtrientS微贷营养索 的彫响19. brain function 脑功能20. track the emotional flow 跟踪情绪波动2!.coordination Of emotion

43、s 饶绪协调22. cardiovascular reactions 心血管反应23. feeling Of rapport 亲窑感 觉24. rapid entrain 迅速间步25. emotional COntagiOn 饶绪 传徐26. to InUtUally regulation 互 相调节27. a PSyChObiOlOgiCal Unit 生 物心理单元28. emotional SOIaCe 情感慰 秸29. functional magnetic resonance imaging 功能性磁 共振成傢30. to activate brain ZOneS 激 活该脑部区域

44、31. to Inake it mandatory 使之成为強制性32. a(n) dubious ProjeCt 无把 握的项目33. medical background 医学34. proof Of COnCePt 概念验 证35. dose regimen 剂好方案36. complications OrCOnCOnlitant COnditiOnS 并发 症与合并症37. anti-tumor agents 抗肿瘤 的药剂38. standard thcrapy 标准疗 法39. pharmacology PrOPCrtieS 药理学特性40. poor SOlUbility 溶嫁性

45、差 41.in ViVO PharmaCOlOgy 体 药理学Unit 5La health CriSiS 健康危机2. physical SymPtOmS 身体症 状3. Energy and VitaIity 能量和 活力4. be COmPletely immune from SIh 对某护完全免疫5. virus Of falseness 理假的 病睜6. stressful IifeStyle 升压力 的生活方式7. robust emotion 健全的愁 1*&fragile health脆筋的健庶9. to balance OUr mind .body and SPirit平衡心理、身体和 梢神10. spiritual Iife 精神生活1 Lthe blockage to WellneSS 通向身心健康的“路障”12. repres


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