



1、运用多种教学方法激发学生学习英语的兴趣著名科学家爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。”英语教学中.我注重运 用多种教学方法,激发学生持续学习的兴趣,使学生能够在轻松愉快的情境中积 极主动地学 习 o the famous scientist einstein said: "interest is the best teacher. in english teaching, i focus on the use of a variety of teaching methods, motivate students' interest in learning, so that st

2、udents can study actively in the relaxed situation.在学习英语的初始阶段,学生普遍对英语感兴趣,随着英语课程的不断 加深,这种新鲜感和由此而产生的兴趣会逐渐淡漠和消失。in the initial period of learning english, students are interested in english, as the english curriculum continues to deepen, the novelty and the interest will be gradually faded and disappea

3、red 由此可见,在英语教学中,要想使学生学得积极主动,并取得好的学习效果, 培养学生的兴趣至关重要,甚至可以说这是学习英语的前提和保证。因此,作为 小学的英语教师,首先应该先去激发学生的学习兴趣。那么,应如何激发学生学 习英语的兴趣,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,以提高英语教学质量呢?笔者 认为创设情境,运用多种教学方法,不失为激发学生学习兴趣的手段。.thus, in english teaching, to enable students to learn actively, and achieve good learning outcomes, it's very import

4、ant to motivate the students1 interest, and even can be said that it is the premise and guarantee of learning english therefore, as a junior middle school english teacher, the first thing we should do is stimulating students" interest in learning. so, how to motivate students1 interest in learn

5、ing english and fully mobilize the students" enthusiasm of learning english to improve the quality of english teaching is worth to considerate. from my point of view, the creation of context, using beautiful and humorous language to better the teaching, organizing effective teaching games is wo

6、rth to have a try.根据以往的教学经验,总结以下几点心得,供大家同共商榷。一、创设情境,运用多种教学方法(一)运用轻松、愉快的教学方法,增加学生学习兴趣。初中学生在入门阶 段大都对英语学习有一定热情但随着语言难度的加大往往教师教法枯燥呆板, 形式单一,很难引起学生的学习兴趣,如果教师在教学过程中能够使学生对知识 理解比较透彻,留下的印象比较清晰。那么学生对知识的牢固掌握程度就会比较 容易,就会对英语学习产生并保持浓厚的兴趣。为了激发学习英语的兴趣。本人 曾做过实验,如教学过程中巧用英语幽默、笑话或妙趣横生的句子来讲授英语中 的某些单词、句子、课文等.将会收到意想不到的效果。如:

7、(a) using the relaxed, happy teaching method, to increase the students7 interest in learning. junior high school students in the introductory stage mostly on english learning have passion. but with the increasing of language difficulty. of ten teachers teaching dul 1 dul 1, form a single, very diffi

8、cult to arouse the students' interest in learning, if the teacher can make the students knowledge and understanding of the more thorough in the process of teaching, the impression is clear. then the students of knowledge and master degree would be easier on english learning, will generate and ma

9、intain interest. i have done experiments, such as the teaching process using english humor, jokes or be ful 1 of wit and humour sentences to teach eng 1 ish in some word, sentence, text wi 11 receive beat al 1 effect. such as: 采用绕口令:"cat, cat, catch, that, fat, rat. ” 采用猜谜:11 has got long ears,

10、 four short legs and a short tai 1. what is it?)扌巴“枯燥呆板”变为“生动有趣”。进一步加强“记不住”变为“容易记” 的奇效。如采用歌谣:“是”有:“am is are"共三种。“do”单三要加“es” , 其它一律用原形。还有have和has,我有、你有、大家有,have, have,用haveo 他有、她有、某人有,has, has,用has.在情景中,教师可通过各种角色表演、 唱歌、背诵、做游戏、自由对话、连锁练习等形式,以不同的花样来变换教学方 式。可以促使学生学习起来既生动活泼,又轻松自如。从而在轻松愉快的环境中 学到知识、掌

11、握技能。the "dull dull" into a "lively and interestingz to further strengthen the z,carf t remember" into catchy effect. do single three to add the other are used. there are have and has, t have, you have, you have, have, have, have. he, she, sb, has, has, has. in the scene, the teac

12、her can through a varicty of role playing, singing, reciting, games, free talk, chain exercises etc. , in a different pattern to transform teaching methods. it enables students to learn to be lively and vivid, and relaxed. in order to knowledge, master skills in a relaxed environment in middle schoo

13、l.(二)利用形象的简笔画。引发兴趣。简笔画在词汇教学中、语法教学中、语篇 教学中都可以妙用。在这里我简单谈谈简笔画在词汇教学中的妙用所在。众所周 知.单词的教学对于初始年级的师生而言均为难点,传统单词教授主要是通过 中、英对照来强化记忆,这样易让学生产生枯燥、厌学情绪。近年来的现代功能 性英语教学在此基础上作了很大改进。它强调尽量少用母语,从兴趣人手.为学 生尽量营造一个真实的英语氛围。因此,一般在单词讲述时都采用了实物英语对比记忆法。这种方法。应用于生活中常见的小物件,例如水果、衣物等,确 有可行性.效果也很好。但对动物、以及其他别的大物件及不常见之物,truck、 car、elephan

14、t. tiger等,则明显不适用。简笔画正是在此基础上应运而生的。 它不仅具有英语图片的功能.而且更有趣味性、直观性,更加符合了初始年级的 学生年龄的认知规律,使我们抽象的单词形象化、具体化。这样既使教学充满了 活力,同时又体现了新课标的教学要求。(三)新旧联系,启发兴趣。在英语教学中记忆单词是一大难关,如果机械 地让学生读背抄写,很容易使他们厌倦。因此,在教生词时。要经常以启发诱导、 新旧联系的方法,让学生把学过的单词联系上,让他们去进行比较。可以让他们 比较拼写相近、读音相近的词,如:lift lift / left left, rait right / lait light?也可以让他们把有的加头、有的换尾的单词联系起来记。从而提高 学习兴趣。如果是抽象的概念就要尽量使之形象化。如果是深刻的原理就要使 之通俗化,让学生感到英语也是容易学的。实践证明。应用通俗化的归纳总结, 能使学生容易理解,并牢记不忘。(


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