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1、Unit 1 What ' the matter?Period 5 Section B (1a-1d)Teaching Aims and Demands:1、Knowledge Object:(1) Words and expressi ons:Feel sick, cut one ' s kn ee, have a no sebleed, fall dow n, cut on eself , have problems breath ing, get hit by a ball, hurt one ' acb or arm, get sun bur ned(2) Li

2、ste ning.2、Ability Object:Train and develop the stude ntsiiste ning and speak ing ability.3、Emotion Object:When accide nts happe n, know how to deal with them calmly.Teaching Key Points:(1) Words and expressi ons:Feel sick, cut one ' s kn ee, have a no sebleed, fall dow n, cut on eself , have pr

3、oblems breath ing, get hit by a ball, hurt one ' s back or arm, get sun bur ned(2) Liste ning.Teaching Difficult Points:Train and develop the stude ntsiiste ning ability.Teaching Methods:1. Liste ning method.2 .Pairwork.Teaching Aids:CAI, A tape recorder.Teaching Procedure:Step1. Warming upTaskT

4、: You know, there are lots of problems in our life. If you are a doctor, please tell us how to solve the problem. I will divide you in to 9 groups. Please work in groups. And the n choose one of you to report your ideas.The following are the problems:I have a toothache.I am hun gry.I have a sore thr

5、oat.I am stressed out. I have a sore back.I am tired.I can ' t sleep.I have a cold. I have a headache.Report:If you have a headache, you should go to bed early.You should see the doctor. You should eat some medicine.You shouldn ' t wash your face with cold water.You shouldn ' t sleep lat

6、e.You shouldn ' t swim.T encourages the students to give advice as much as possible.Step2. Presentation1. Show some pictures on the screen, discuss the accidents with the students, teaching the new words: cut oneself, cut one' s hand / finger, fall down ,cutone' s knee, havenoasebleed, h

7、ave problems breathing, get hit by a ball, get hit on the head,hurt one' s back or arm, get sunburned and so on.2. Let students do 1a individually. Then check the answers by asking a students to say out the answers.3. Have students describe the actions what you should do when the accidents happe

8、n in order, using first, next, then and so on.Step3.Listening1.1b. Listen to the school nurse. Check the problems you hear. Play the recording twice, then check the answers.2.1c.Play the recording again, ask Ss to write letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.Che

9、ck the answers together by talking.T: Whe n some one felt sick, the nu rse- You tell me the whole sentence ,please.Ss: The nurse took his temperature and told him to rest.Step4.Practice1d. Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c. First let student

10、s read the listening text, and try to work in pairs according to it. Then invite some pairs to act out their conversations in front.Step5.ExercisesShow some exercises on the screen and Ss do them carefully. Then check the answers.Step 6.Homework1. Remember the expressions learnt in the period.2. Wri

11、te a passage about what you should do and shouldn' do if accidents happe n accord ing to the contents in the period.Blackboard Design:Unit 1 What's the matter?Period 5 Section B (1a-1d)cut oneself, cut ones hand / finger, fall down ,cut ones knee, have a nosebleed, have problems breathing, g

12、et hit by a ball, get hit on the headhurt one ' s back or arm, get sunburnedPeriod 6 Section B (2a-2e)Teaching Aims and Demands:1、Knowledge Object:(1) Words and expressi ons:ourselves, climber, be used to, risk, take risks, accidents, situation , kilo, rock,run out of , knife , cut off, blood ,

13、mean , get out of ,importa nee, decisi on, con trol,be in con trol of, spirit, death, give up, nurse(2) Readi ng.2、Ability Object:(1) Train and develop the stude ntsread ing ability.(2) Lear n the readi ng strategies: Finding the order of eve nts.3、Emotion Object:Never give up whe never you meet dif

14、ficulties and problems in study and life. Lear n the spirit of Aron.Teaching Key Points:(1) Words and expressi ons:ourselves, climber, be used to, risk, take risks, accidents, situation , kilo, rock,run out of , knife , cut off, blood , mean , get out of ,importa nee, decisi on, con trol, be in con

15、trol of, spirit, death, give up, nurse(2) Readi ng.Teaching Difficult Points:Train and develop the stude ntsread ing ability.Teaching Methods:1. Scene teachi ng method.2. Read ing method.Teaching Aids:CAI, A tape recorder.Teaching Procedure:Stepl. RevisionShow some pictures on the scree n and revisi

16、 on the accide nts or problems that can happe n whe n we do sports.Step2. Lead-in and Presentation1. Play the video of the movie 127 Hours. Ss watch it and feel the difficult situati on.2. Present the new words and expressions by showing the pictures on the scree n:take ricks, caught under a 360-kil

17、o rock, fell on somebody, find yourself in a very dan gerous situati on, get out of a difficult situatio n , ban dage yourself, lose too much blood, lose half of his right arm, kept on climbing mountains.3. Ask Ss to read aloud the expressi ons in 2a and the new expressi ons. Step3. Reading1.2b. Rea

18、d the passage and un derl ine the words you do'k now. Then look up the words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.( decision, control, spirit, death , mean , importa nee, be used to , free , run out of ,keep on)2.2c. Read the passage and circle TRUE, FALSE or DO' KNOW.(1) Aron almos

19、t lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.(2) Ar on had a serious accide nt in April 2003.(3) Aro n ran out of his water after three days.(4) Aro n wrote his book before his serious accide nt.(5) Aro n still goes moun tai n climbi ng.First let stude nts read aloud the senten ces in 2

20、c and un dersta nd the meanin gs. If they have problems, give some explanation. Next, students do it individually. Then stude nts check the an swers each other. Fi nally, the teacher checks the an swers.3.2d. Read the passage aga in and an swer the questi ons.(1) Where did the accide nt happen on Ap

21、ril, 2003?(2) Why couldn 'Aro n move(3) How did Aron free himself?(4) What did Aron do after the accide nt?(5) What does 'between a rock and a hard placemean?After stude nts finish them ,in vite stude nts to say out their an swers.4.2e. Put the sen ten ces in the correct order. The n use the

22、m to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from reading.On April 26, 2003, he had a serious mountain climb ing accide nt.Aron loves mountain climb ing and does'm ind tak ing risks.Aron did not give up after the accide nt and keeps on climb ing mountains today.He wrote a book

23、 about his experie nee.Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accide nt.Step4. Summary about the reading strategiesFinding the Order of Eve nts.(Writers describe events in a certain order. Finding the order of events will help you un dersta nd what you are read in g.)找出本文描述事件发生先后顺序的句子或短语。Step4.H

24、omework1. Remember the words and expressions learnt in 2b.2. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.Blackboard Design:Unit 1 What' the matter?Period 6 Section B (2a-2e)take ricks, caught under a 360-kilo rock, fell on somebody, find yourself in a very dangerous situation, get out of a difficul

25、t situation , bandage yourself, lose too much blood, lose half of his right arm, kept on climbing mountains.Period 7 Section B (3a-Self Check)Teaching Aims and Demands:1、Knowledge Object:(1) To write a conversation using target Ianguage .(2) To con solidate vocabulary, check comprehe nsion of conv e

26、rsati on structure,and practice it in a n atural con text.2、Ability Object:Enable students to write a conversation about health problems, first aid and advice using the target la nguage.3、Emotion Object:Develop the stude ntsi nterests and con fide nee in En glish lear ning.Teaching Key Points:To wri

27、te a conv ersatio n using target Ian guageTeaching Difficult Points:Develop the stude nts writ ing ability.Teaching Methods:I. Writ ing practice.2 .Check method.Teaching Aids:CAI, A tape recorder.Teaching Procedure:Step l.sing some songsStep2.RevisionT prepares some pieces of paper, and write dow n

28、the problems on the paper. Then T gets some stude nts to come to the blackboard and act out. The others try to guess them out and give the advice.A: What ' s the matter withB: Does she have / Is sheB: She should She shouldn ' t While play ing this game, we can let the stude nts have a competiti on.Step 3 Writi ng1.3a. Brai nstorm.Ask Ss to brainstorm health problems that Ss might encounter. Elicit and write or project answers on the board. Ask students to imagine a health problem, how the problem might have happe ned, and what advice should


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