



1、Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5American youths ' greeting todayModule 3 Body Lan guage and Non-verbalCommuni cati on(教学设计)Teach ing aims1. To lear n ano ther way of com muni cati on-body Ian guage2. To lear n about differe nt greet ings around the world.3. Master the words and phrases:uncon sciou

2、s, aggressive, threate ning weap ons, slap, hold up, onguard, give away, be busy doing,Teach ing difficult pointsMak ing stude nts participate in class activities actively.How to help the stude nts un dersta nd the passage better.Teach ing importa nt pointsHow to let the students understand the body

3、 Ianguage in different coun tries and use them correctly.Teach ing methodsskim ming sca nning careful-read ing group work discussi onTeach ing aidsA multimedia & A blackboardLear ning proceduresStep1: Greeti ng and Lead-i nWha' s the meaning of body Ian guage? Do you know ?Step2. Fast-readi

4、ngTask1. Read the passage quickly and silently, choose the best title.Task2. Skimming. Read the passage , find out the main idea and match.greeti ngs in Asia n coun tries ways of com muni cati on fasc in at ing body Ian guage greeti ngs in western coun triesStep3: Careful reading:Paral:厂wordsbodybod

5、y Ian guage body Ian guagewritten worcsWays of com muni cati on 弋body Ian guagePara2-4: Fill in the form with the details.Coun tries or peopleWays of greet ingMeanings of greet ingWester n coun trieshandsAsia nChin esePut the right left andhand over the1. We are notcoun triesMuslimssalaam :touchthei

6、rheart, mouth and2. IHin dustheir hands and headstheiryou. Look, I ' m not carry ing a“ high five hand, fin gers» hisAmericaoutwards, five,andthe other 's open handStep4: Game TimeLet' s act these different greetings out.Step5: Para 1 and 5: Complete the short passageBody Ianguage h

7、elps us people freely. Itfrom country to country. Every culture has its own way tostrangers.Wherwe are introduced to the strangers,we are _ uni ess they show they are not . BodyIanguage is. If you want to be a, please studyit. Because peoplemuch more by theirthan bytheir words.Step6: Competition.Do

8、“T” or“F” questions.1. Not all body Ian guage is con scious.()2. Europea ns shake hands with their left han d.()3. In Asia, people touch stra ngers whe n they meet.()4.1 n the US a “high five ” is a way of saying hello .().5. A “ high five ” is a formal gesture.()6. Body Ian guage is less com muni c

9、ative tha n spoke n or writte n Ian guage.()Step7: Group DiscussionSome people say that body Ianguage is importantandnecessary, while others don' t agree. What ' s your opinionabout body Ian guage?In my opinion,(3-5sentences).Step8: SummaryToday we have learned somevocabulary and please try

10、to keep them in mind after class. We also have found the importa neeof body Ianguage in our daily life. It is an important way for us to com muni cate with others. However, differe nt coun tries have differentcultures. what we should do is to show respectto the culture of other coun tries and take the adva ntage of other cultureStep9: Homework:Greet ings vary from culture to culture. Summarize thegreeti ngs in differe nt coun tries accord ing to the passage.Complete the senten ces with the words give n in page 23.Self exam in ati


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