



1、3 Stay ing healthy主讲教师广东版开心英语教学对象小学六年级(2)班课时第四课时课型Read ing and Writ ingTeaching Objectives1. Language knowledge and skills1) Function: Ss will be able to talk about their own living habits according to some key words and pictures.2) Vocabulary: Ss will be able to use these words and phrases during d

2、iscussion and writing properly :eno ugh vegetables junk foodple nty oftoo much a lot of3) Target Ianguage: Ss will be able to say and use the following sentence structures correctly:It is bad for/good for me.They are bad for/ good for me.2. Affective attitudes :1) Ss will be able to like speak ing E

3、n glish to com muni cate with others as much as they can.2) Be able to get the sense of cooperati on duri ng the discussi on in group work.3) Be able to get the awareness of the importance of good habits to health during daily life.Key points1) Ss will be able to talk about their own living habits a

4、ccording to some key words and pictures.2) Be able to write a passage about their living habits according to the work sheet and key words.Difficult pointsSs will be able to write a passage about their living habits according to the work sheet and some key words.Analysis of the students本班学生经过将近6年的英语学

5、习,已经具备一定的语言积累,知识储备和英语学习经验。 他们中大多数基础知掌握良好,掌握了一定的写作技能技巧,对英语有浓厚的兴趣,具有口语 表达能力和阅读能力。但也有少数学生已经失去了刚开始的兴趣,出现严重的两极分化。Teaching ProcedureTeaching AimsStepl PreparationI.Warm upGreeti ngsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Qin.T: Shall we beg in our class?Ss: Yes!Free talkT: Wow! It 'Thur

6、sday. What a cool day! What seas on is it now? I is summer?S1: No. It' fall.T: Yes, it' fall. In fall, there are many apples . Do you like apples?Ss: Yes! / No!T: I like apples very much. They are good for us. Just like an old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Can you read it?Ss:

7、 Yes! An apple a day keeps the doctor away.课前简短的问候,为上课做好 准备。t自由谈论中缓解气氛,营造轻 松的语言环境,从谈论天气季 节过渡到水果,引入谚语“Anapple a day keeps the doctoraway.。2Lead in:Si ng the song “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away” with actions.T: Let me show you a song about this old say ing.Look, liste n and sing. Ready?Ss: Go.

8、 An apple a day keeps a doctor away. A-p-p-l-e, apple. Look, read and guess: How much do you know about me?T: As we know, apple is good for us. I often eat fruits. That ' my habit. How much do you know about me? Look, read and guess: Which is my habit? Which is n ot? No.1 senten ce, Who can read

9、 it for us?S2: I don 'teat junk food.T: It' my habit or not?S3: Yes.T: You are right. Too much junk food is bad for us. What else is bad for us? Too much cola is bad for us.S4: Too much water is bad for us. Too much juice is bad for us. T: Too many can dies are bad for us.由谚语进入歌谣环节,目的一进一步热身,

10、目的二导入写作主题。通过猜测老师的生活习惯,帮 助学生复习词汇短语,明确写 作主题:生活习惯。Step2 Presentation & Practice1. Read about the teache'sliving habits.T: May be you can read more about me.Ss: Hi, I ' m Sandy. I eat plenty of vegetables and drink sofot water. They are good for me. I like can dies. Too many can dies are bac

11、 for me. I play pin g-p ong after school, and I exercise eno ugh. I go to bed at 1:00a.m and get about 6 hours of sleep every ni ght . That is bad for my health.T: Now you know about my habit. Can you tell me what's good for me? What's bad for me?S5: Eat ple nty of vegetables and drink a lot

12、 of water. They are good for you.S6: Get about 6 hours of sleep every night. That is bad for you.2. Look and say.读一读老师的生活习惯,引导学生说说哪些习惯是不健康 的。鼓励引导学生对不健康的生活 习惯给出自己的建议。借助表格形式归纳教师生活习 惯包括的四个方面,并引导学 生在小组合作中谈谈自己的生 活习惯。HabitsMiss QinYoueat ingdrinkingsleep ingsportsT: These are my habits. What about your ha

13、bits? 4 stude nts agroup to talk about your own habits. Are you clear?Ss: Yes. We are clear. S1 ,S2 S3, S4T: Who can try?S8: I eat ple nty of vegetables.S9: I drink a lot of water.S6: I go to bed at 9:00 p.m.3. Group work: Discuss about your own habits according to the work sheet above.T: Good job.

14、Just now you talked about your own habits in your group. During these habits, which are good for you? Which are bad for you? Discuss in your group. Ready?Ss: Yes!小组讨论后选代表出来展示, 有哪些生活习惯,并评一评这 些日常生活习惯是否健康。四 大组按要求分类写在黑板上, 并请同学谈谈看法。HabitsHealthyUnhealthyeat ingdrinkingsleep ingsportsT: Time is up. Any vo

15、lunteers? Write down your habits according4. Look and say. (show time)to the work sheet. Ok. You please.根据自身水平选择作文难度, 第一篇有提示,只需要补充完 整即可,第二篇需要自己完成 整篇文。展示一些学生的作文,并评讲。 当然点评时A,B两种类型作文 都需要涉及到。Step3 Production1. Look, read and writeT: A good job. Now you know the healthy and unhealthy habits. I think you

16、can write down a passage about your own habits. I believe you can do it.S9: A or B.T: Look! You can choose one to complete the passage.Take out your paper.2. Check some studentspassages.T: Who has finished? Hands up, please. 'time to check your writi ng. Ok. You please.S2: Me?T: Year. It's y

17、ou. Can you read your writing?S2: Yes.Step4. Summary1. Tell about what we've lear nt today.T: So much for today. Do you know what we have lear nt today. S1: We learnt how to write a passage about habits.S2: I lear nt some good habits.S3: We should get some good habits.S5: We should keep healthy.

18、2. Complete the passage after school and share with your friends T: You can share your passagewith your friends after class. The class is over. Good bye, boys and girls.Ss: Good bye, Miss Qi n.课堂结束前回顾本堂课主要学 习的写作内容。,小组课后分享个人的作文。Layout of Blackboard3 Stay ing healthyAn apple a day keeps a doctor away.

19、HabitsHealthyUn healthyeati ngdrinkingsleep ingsports写作课教学的探索与反思覃风芹提起小学英语高年级阶段的写作课, 很多老师都会摇头叹息写作课难上, 难在哪里呢?难在单元的综合性的控制和把握上,难在如何系统流畅地复习巩 固已学知识,并通过书写来表达学生的想法。本课属于六年级上册 Unit 3 的读写课,本学期我们英语的教材进行了 新编,我们发现六年级的英语教材难度增加了,特别是增加了拓展阅读,语法 知识比以前多而且复杂,对阅读的要求高了,因此可能一部分学生会感觉吃力 很多。一、 以 “My habits ”为主题 写作课,在于帮助学生重温已学的知识和技能,使记忆中的痕迹得到强化, 并对已


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