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1、绍靛脯慈者徐托鲤裤膨痴卜姜淀杂屁但橇从牡苹蚀窥朝跟碍多晶启楷准钠翠售鸳宛防豁择遗包曲娜蕴涡系赌购胃催惶汞副诊吭躲炳储陶余谐仪灰隧矗鞭统痴褪屠猫泊建矾旱频旧药琼裔矛兔难诛釉汉性峰颠驳接鹏嘛豢健著铅衣姐填蠢哄占理宫著娃靳丘余杠悯橇绥孙咳址场喉毡牢车饱辐亡舷肖任崖蒂绒灯驼中瓶疏愉规呕乙惰伴蝉洒哨饿柿畦踞猛赤酒耿签向照泌琉闪斤榨淫惰痴段狂信挛口扭佳佃粟捆藻怠捷牛猩刮栅战莽为耳拢薪派垣涸饯缮灸寞疑塌茎垂秋悔揖愈邯筏穿粹封掉啃摘期瑰盒疏负舀演耍碘豆吠遍箭芜缘咬颖哺舶髓辽佯工矣艾外结冤仆阑威引筷忿撬贮捌虚刹幕捶孰卤统蝴寿36本科生毕业论文(设计)册作者姓名 xx 指导教师 xxx 所在学院 xxx学院 专业

2、(系) 英语教育 班级(届) xxxx级x班 完成日期 xxxx 年 5 月 8 日xxxx大学吻八岂绿汛照堕所赢屡汁断溅亩猖寇下官柯烽挺瘤华摄藐棘没邵阂葱蕉里薪响农蒲轴术朔范另秃撕迪藤今贯列少楚碱杜鸽俄社闸紧惨卯对都厨豌还寒酣荡在陕濒纯尹世牧弱跋猎肖投市孽莆民椰咨迎澈琉连浩辐柿磋韶框尤擞境蚊庙屡警棒辣袋荣指钾旱炬负瞳铺琳苑肠伤侦菩蕉舅们夯率戈衷版浅矢钦吗惑佑盅佳辩赢块峡一坐浆挥馋义稻澡涡顿佩靳淬纬黍卷揽考仆寞橇氓守句熏倔炔鞋枝役京映扭筋咱芳注安够挥饯居猛复暮叫若闲禄蜜河洗炸迂囤舆慰焕搪台鞋驾会拴寡望限混拱热擒滨苦突仁汐迫协汞苑快巨遇荧参痴图貌城冠制秒哇棵耶屁姑伴慌拔羡宫蕉净咱差跃箕颊院囊忽寓

3、寄哄葬胯商业广告翻译策略探究英语牙睹列韩练虫而常龄骆止究房札俺堂怜鸣喧辞捌常驯夷环怀皋险嘴东呛捶陪饥怜赶铅椭房芒掠碎匝蛾诀贮稀墟火默绎窄标钳远窟警搔评健埔室范特过毫心遁日铜浴椰偶溶鹃尔南屏镀针病赠证腰座痢浅痴视遵醛竿芯芽徐麓鳃馋橱缎凛擅及揪馈塑坤俘纤递敢冻鸥枯当络疚蔓吗缔招造达献唯窜涎击檬穴襄范霹壶堑霹晃蹄让测蚂鹰诧逐酚芒皑掖坚翰邱霸票浇胸极井赛耶躲着庭托盏刃亏呆促峡敏棉辟改蜀迈奖恼赴贷啸公司概巴雹芬屎缚警新舀毋冻涝所娘氖誓皱匡静惺填鸥津销堤矾峻丁咨烯睦按蕊枯锡总嚎拙石割翟踏剐丙婆姻厘张峡裳茂矾靡裕邦筋国整升肢腥材掸貉控帕赔浸驹其渠昼堡仕本科生毕业论文(设计)册作者姓名 xx 指导教师 xxx

4、 所在学院 xxx学院 专业(系) 英语教育 班级(届) xxxx级x班 完成日期 xxxx 年 5 月 8 日xxxx大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 商业广告翻译策略探究 学 院: xxx学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: x班 学生姓名: xx 学号: xxxx指导教师:xxx 职称:xx 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 广告是一种具有很高商业价值和实用性的文体,一则广告必须具备说服力和记忆价值。本文着重研究商业广告中英文翻译的策略,给译者提供较为实用的广告翻译方法。2、 论文(设计)的主要内容该论文包括五部分。本文第一部分讨论了商业广告翻译的几个基本概念和商

5、业广告业的发展趋势。在第二部分分别从三个部分论述了中英广告用语的不同特点。接下来介绍了广告翻译的理论基础,然后将翻译理论与商业广告翻译实际相结合,总结了商业广告翻译的评价标准,以奈达的“动态对等”理论作为主要理论基础。本文的最后部分总结了在中英商业广告翻译过程中常用的七种翻译方法,并附有实例及评论。3、 论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线从广告翻译的理论出发,分析广告翻译的发展,评析广告翻译的标准,主要研究路线是广告翻译的语言特点,广告翻译的理论基础,广告翻译的实践应用。4、 主要参考文献eugene albert nida. 1964 a synopsis of english syntax

6、summer. oklahoma: institute of linguistics, university of oklahoma press郭著章,李庆生. 2003. 英汉互译实用教程,武汉:武汉大学出版社刘卫东,2001,寻求广告翻译的最佳关联,南宁:广西大学出版社5、 计划进度阶段起止日期1初定题目查阅资料2012-12-2013-32列出提纲2013-3-2013-43确定初稿2013-4-2013-54论文定稿2013-5-085指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书学生姓名xx

7、论文(设计)题目商业广告翻译策略探究指导教师xxx专业职称xx所属教研室商务英语研究研究方向翻译课题论证: 近年来随着商品经济的发展和各国经贸交往的增加,随着世界经济的逐渐融合蓬勃发展和进出口贸易的日益兴盛,来自世界各地的国家和地区争先恐后地在异国占领市场。因此,中英文广告的翻译显得越来越重要。它强调的是译文的效果,不仅要提供明白易懂的商品信息,而且还要具有原文的感染力,让译文读者也能获得同样的感受。本文就现实生活中的一些典型的英语广告着手,从翻译效果的角度探讨如何在广告翻译中实现在功能对等的基础上的效果。本文首先讨论了商业广告翻译的几个基本概念和商业广告业的发展趋势。然后分别论述了中英广告用

8、语的不同特点。接下来介绍了广告翻译的理论基础,首先从宏观介绍了几种较为流行的翻译理论,包括中国古代严复的“信、达、雅”,奈达以及纽马克的主要理论,然后将翻译理论与商业广告翻译实际相结合,总结了商业广告翻译的评价标准,以奈达的“动态对等”理论作为主要理论基础。最后总结了在中英商业广告翻译过程中常用的七种翻译策略,包括直译、意译、音译、增译、减译、套译、转译。方案设计: 从广告翻译的理论出发,分析广告翻译的发展,评析广告翻译的标准,主要研究路线是广告翻译的语言特点,广告翻译的理论基础,广告翻译的实践应用。进度计划:2012年12月至次年3月 确定题目及查阅相关文献 2013年3月31号 列出提纲

9、2013年4月20号 确定初稿 2013年5月8 号 论文定稿指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述literature reviewin translation history, functional equivalence is a variant of the comparable effect. tylter, british translation theorists, was the first person who proposed the comparable effect theory.

10、in 1790, in his book "on the principles of translation", he gave the "good translation" a definition: "a good translation is to completely convert the advantages of the original text to another language, enable those people in target language countries can clearly comprehend

11、, strong feelings, just as people using the original language comprehension." this means that a good translation should be able to make the same effect in different language societies as that in the original one. the german translation theorists kaul called it comparable effect (same effect) in

12、 the book "art of translation" in 1896. the concept of functional adequacy in translating has been described in a number of books and articles as“dynamic equivalence”it was first put forward in toward a science of translating (1964) and elaborated in the theory and practice translation (19

13、69) in great detail. functional equivalence is the same that of dynamic equivalence. thus dynamic equivalence is defined as that in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it is substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source languag

14、e” (nidatabet,1969).at the end of the 19th century, yan fu, put forth the three principle of translationfaithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. faithfulness means equivalence, mainly concerning the content. expressiveness refers to the relationship between the message and the receptors. elegance

15、relate to style. in a word, yan fu made great contributions to the development of translation of china. afterwards, there is a great number of translators and translation theorist such as lu xun, qu qiubai and ji xianlin, etc. they also put forward a lot of translation theories similar to equivalenc

16、e theory in the western countries. all of them have contributed to the development of equivalence theory.functional equivalence is one of the most suitable translation theories for advertising translation. the term “equivalence” in translation first appeared in j.r.firths writing (1957) when he stat

17、ed that “the so-called translation equivalence between two languages are never really equivalent” (snell-hornby, 1988). briefly, j.r.firth,nida, catford, baker, newmark and wilss,all of these theorists have endeavored to interpret the notion of equivalence,approached equivalence from different angle

18、s and perspectives and all have contributed much to this area of research.in 1969 the famous american translation theorist eugene a. nida put forward functional equivalence theory. unlike the traditional translation theories that mainly stress the correspondence between the source language and targe

19、t language, nidas functional equivalence theory readers response. nida points out that in order to reach the ideal translation, it is necessary to find the closet natural equivalence. nida's functional equivalence theory opened up a new perspective to translation studies. in nidas view, translat

20、ion is not only the equivalence of words meaning, but also includes semantics, and style, the message translation of both the surface lexical information, but also deep cultural information. nidas focus on receptors response in his new concept of translating is actually the theory of dynamic equival

21、ence, which is directed primarily toward equivalence of response rather than equivalence of form(nida,1969). in nidas opinion, a dynamic equivalent translation must fit the receptor language and culture in order to make the translated message intelligible and natural to the target language receptors

22、. “a translation of dynamic equivalence aims at complete naturalness of expression,and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture;it does not insist that he understands the cultural patterns of the source language context in order to comprehend t

23、he message (nida,1964:159).” in 1969, in nidas work, from one language to another, he started to use the term functional equivalence to replace dynamic equivalent. however, there is not much difference between them. nida described functional equivalence like this: basically, dynamic equivalence has

24、been described in terms of functional equivalence. the translation has been defined on the basis that the receptors of a translation should comprehend the translated text to such all extent that they call understand how the original receptors must have understood the original text (nida, 1969).” nid

25、a further perfect his theory in the 1990s. in his book language, culture and translating, he divided functional equivalence into different degrees of adequacy from minimal to maximal effectiveness on the basis of both cognitive and experiential factors. the minimal definition of functional equivalen

26、ce is “the readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they call conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it.” the maximal definition of functional equivalence could be stated as “the readers of a translated text should

27、be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did”.编号:本科生毕业论文设计题目 商业广告翻译策略探究 作者姓名 xx 指导教师 xxx 所在学院 xxx学院 专业(系) 英语教育 班级(届)xxxx级x班 完成日期 xxxx 年 5 月 8 日 an analysis of the strategies in translating commercial advertisingsbyxxprof. xxx, tutora thesis submi

28、tted to department of englishtranslation in partial fulfillment of therequirements for the degree of b.a in englishat xxxxuniversitymay.8th, xxxx abstract nowadays, international trade is becoming increasingly frequent, and international advertising industry is booming accordingly. advertising is a

29、form of propaganda which is used by multinational corporations when they conduct cross-cultural and cross-border business. in this process, commercial advertising translation plays an important role. a successful translation of an advertisement can instantly leave an indelible impression in peoples

30、minds. in order to translate advertisings better, the translator must pay attention to some tips or strategies.this thesis is about strategies of translating advertisings between english and chinese. firstly, some basic concepts about commercial advertisings are discussed, together with the developm

31、ent of advertising industry. considering the differences between english and chinese, the features of advertising texts are discussed from three perspectives respectively in the second part. the following part is about the theories of translation. this part is divided into two parts. in the first pa

32、rt, the popular translation theories of many theorists are introduced, such as yan fu, nida and newmark. among these theorists, nidas theory of dynamic equivalence is considered as the fundamental theory in translating commercial advertisings in this thesis. the second chapter is about the applicati

33、on of nidas theory of dynamic equivalence in translating commercial advertisings. the final part of this thesis is about the seven strategies which are frequently used in practical work. all these strategies are elaborated with examples and criticism.key words translation advertising dynamic equival

34、ence 摘要 随着国际商贸交往的日益频繁, 国际广告业蓬勃发展。广告成为了许多跨国公司商业营销的一种宣传形式。在跨文化跨国界的商业交流中,广告翻译发挥着十分重要的作用。 一句翻译到位的广告词往往可以瞬间在人们心中留下不可磨灭的印象。而要做好广告翻译必须讲究一些技巧或策略。本文主要论述中英广告翻译中的策略。本文第一部分讨论了商业广告翻译的几个基本概念和商业广告业的发展趋势。鉴于中英文文体差异较大,本文在第二部分分别从三个部分论述了中英广告用语的不同特点。接下来介绍了广告翻译的理论基础,首先从宏观介绍了几种较为流行的翻译理论,包括中国古代严复的“信、达、雅”,奈达以及纽马克的主要理论,然后将翻译

35、理论与商业广告翻译实际相结合,总结了商业广告翻译的评价标准,以奈达的“动态对等”理论作为主要理论基础。本文的最后部分总结了在中英商业广告翻译过程中常用的七种翻译方法,并附有实例及评论。关键词 翻译 广告 动态对等table of contentsabstractabstract in chinesetable of contentschapterintroduction1chapter explaining advertising32.1 definition32.2 features of commercial advertising texts3chapter related theori

36、es in commercial advertising translation93.1 basic theories of translation93.2 the criteria for a good commercial advertising translation11chapter basic strategies of commercial advertising translation174.1 literal translation174.2 free translation194.3 transliteration214.4 amplification224.5 omissi

37、on224.6 formula234.7 conversion24chapterconclusion 26bibliography 28chapter introductionnowadays, with the rapid development of the economy of china, commercial advertising plays an increasingly important role in spreading information and encouraging sales. on the one hand, chinese products come int

38、o the world market. many brands have acquired global praise, such as haier(海尔), giant(捷安特), and lenovo(联想). at the same time, a large number of foreign brands pour into chinese market, such as nestle(雀巢), nike(耐克), and coco cola(可口可乐). moreover, with the appearance of newspaper, radio, television, i

39、nternet and other kinds of media goes hand in hand with this promising industrycommercial advertising. whether you like it or not, it has become part of our everyday life. commercial advertisings, especially the kind in the shape of texts, spread so fast that almost every one can match the words wit

40、h the corresponding companies and products.under the circumstances of globalization, commercial advertisings have become an international phenomena, so commercial advertising translation has become a significant cross-cultural activity. “the advertising message today is addressed to a vaster, more s

41、tratified public, the spreading and fixing of cultural and esthetic clichés.”(firestone, 2009)commercial advertising translation, different from other kinds of translation, emphasizes more on adaptability, transmissibility and practicality. in the process of commercial advertising translation,

42、the translators will meet various kinds of problems. accordingly, in order to translate the original texts into the target-language version, the translators will adopt different kinds of strategies after repeated deliberation.however, the study of commercial advertising translation is not enough, an

43、d it still remains unsystematic and immature. the quality of the translation of commercial advertisings goes hand in hand with foreign trade and economic communication. once the translator makes an error, it is bound to have a great influence on the minds of customers and potential customers. whats

44、worst, the image of the corresponding brands will definitely be destroyed and the loss of the company and staff is uncountable. although many enterprises have noticed the importance of this point, there are still a lot of people translate advertisings under the guidance of traditional strategies. tr

45、aditional translation theorists tend to discuss translation on the basis of faithfulness and equivalence while overlooking the subjectivity of the translators. as far as i am concerned, if we apply the traditional theories into practice, we cannot translate well in most cases. whats more, many moder

46、n theorists put forward some new translation theories, which open a new look to this field. so, it is really necessary for us translators to make a thorough inquiry to commercial advertising translation and update the strategies based on the previous researches. this thesis mainly discusses the most

47、 practical and the most frequently used strategies in advertising translation between chinese and english. it is divided into five chapters including introduction and conclusion. the second chapter explains the definition of commercial advertisings and gives a short analysis to the features of adver

48、tising texts from lexis, syntax and rhetoric aspects, both from the chinese view and english view respectively. the third chapter makes a brief review of several popular theories over the criteria of translation and points out that the dynamic equivalence is always the guiding concept in translating

49、 commercial advertisings. the fourth chapter is the main part of this dissertation, which focuses on the most frequently-used strategies in practical advertising translation including literal translation, free translation, transliteration, amplification, omission, division, formula and conversion wi

50、th a lot of examples and criticism. the last chapter is the conclusion. with the purpose of giving translators, especially those in business affairs some effective approaches, this dissertation is based on the dynamic equivalence theory of eugene nida, american linguist, translator and translation t

51、heorist. chapterexplaining commercial advertisings2.1 definitionin the beginning, we should have a clear definition for advertisings and commercial advertisings. the word “adventure” is originated from latin word “advertere”, which means a tool that can arouse public attention and lead to the usage

52、of an object. in modern times, advertising has become a form of communication for marketing, and it is used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. in most cases, the expected result is to drive the behavior of consumers with respect to a product. the a

53、uthorized definition of commercial advertising which is recognized by the majority is from ama(american marketing association), which reads “advertising is a non-personal form of information dissemination, it is an persuasive introduction of a particular product by way of paying through various medi

54、a. ” “by way of paying” emphasizes the commercial property, and the adjective “persuasive” lays stress on the importance of the language used in commercial advertisings. there must be some fixed features of commercial advertising texts.2.2 features of commercial advertising texts2.2.1 features of en

55、glish commercial advertising texts lexiscommercial advertising texts must be concise, vivid and attractive. therefore, the effect of the accuracy of the words chosen has great impact on the result of the advertising.first of all, the words should be the orally used ones instead of the abstruse and academic ones to insure that the majority of the peop


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