



1、外国语学院中国文化概论研究论文系(院):班别:姓名:学号:专业:指导老师:will elect-pulse diagnosis instrument becreate ?will elect-pulse diagnosis instrument be create ?chinese tradition medicine is the spiritual inheritance of chinese civilization. in recent years people in the world have more passion and con fide nee in traditional

2、 chin ese medicine. i am very interested in diagnostic methods of traditional chinese medicine inspection, smelling and listening, questioning and feeling the pulse.after learning knowledge of traditional chinese medicine for a few time, i get a point that maybe people can create an elect-pulse diag

3、nosis instrument that can easily identified cardiovascular diseases by the theory of feeling the pulse.in ancient china, gold, wood, water, fire and earth were considered as the components of everything. wu xing theory was introduced to the traditional chinese medicine theory to illustrate the re i

4、at i on and changing regulation between parts of the human body. in traditional chinese medicine, the five viscera is a joint-name for the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. heart is correlated with fire, liver is with wood, spleen with earth, lung is with gold and kidney is with water. there ar

5、e restriction and generation processes among these five viscera the disease of one viscera can lead to the malfunction of the others.inspection entails the physician using visual senses to investigate a patients condition. this includes observation of the entire body (spirit, color, form, bearing),

6、as well as content derived from areas of the body, the tongue etc. this is a method for traditional chinese medicine physicians to understand and predict the pathological changes of internal organs through observing abnormal changes in the patients vitality, appearance, secretions and excretions. th

7、e chinese physicians realized the close relationship between the external part of the body, especially the face and tongue, and the organs. any slight changes that appear reveal the pathological conditions of various parts of the body.listening and smelling refer to listen to voices of patients, cou

8、ghing, wheezing, and smell the patienfs bad breath, body odor and other odors.questioning means that doctors ask the patient or the accompanist questions to know the complete condition of the disease only by serious inquiry could doctors know the patienfs ordinary constitution, living habit, cause o

9、f disease, process of outbreak and medical treatment, self-imposed symptom and medical history and family history.pulse-taking is a method that doctor uses his tactile sensation of fingers and palm to touch patienfs body to get diagnostic data. the pulse-taking means to know the patient's condit

10、i on through feeling his pulsating moveme nt, which is the most imports nt part of this diagnosis, since the ancient time, the pulse-taking method had included feeling not only the pulse, but also the skin, arms and feet, chest and abdomen and some other parts.in, traditional chinese medicine doctor

11、 diagnose disease through the above four methods, while western medicine usually diagnose disease through all kinds of instruments. the traditional chinese medicine is incomparable to western medicine in inspection instruments. the advantage of testing of western medicine is that they can only inspe

12、ct a terminal disease or when disease develop to a certain extent. but an experienced doctor of traditional chinese medicine can easily diagnose disease through -inspection, smelling and listening, questioning and feeling the pulse in the very beginning time, when the results of western inspection a

13、re often all right. so traditional chinese medicine have its uniqueness and advantages.the combination of traditional chinese medicine and western medicine has been a hotspot in medicine in recent years cardiovascular disease has been a main cause of death. i have a hypothesis that medical scientist

14、s can create a an elect-pulse diagnosis instrume nt that easily identified cardiovascular diseases through the combi nation of advantages of traditional chinese medicine and western medicinefirst, in traditional chinese medicine, the method of pulse-taking will be more helpful. because all the disea

15、ses are connected to the five viscera, the malfunction of the viscera will reflect on the related organs, and the color, sound and pulse of the organ will change.the purpose of pulse-taking is to know the pulse condition. doctor feel the pulse rate and ide ntity the abno rmal pulse. deferent abnorma

16、l pulses reflect d if fere nt diseases. according to wu xing theory, cun pulse and guan pulse of left hand reflect the function of heart, liver, kidney and small intestine. cun pulse and guan pulse of right hand reflect the function of taste, iungs, kidney and small intestine.an experieneed doctor o

17、f traditional chinese medicine has the clear feeling and image of the pulse rate.the pulse is differentiated in terms of depth, speed, strength, shape and rhythm. different conditions of the pulse indicate different syndromes a normal pulse is smooth, even and forceful with the frequency of four bea

18、ts per breath (approximate 60/min). however, the pulse may vary due to age, sex, and body constitution, emotional state and climatic changes due attention should be paid to distinguish!ng it from an abnormal pulse.second, western inspection instruments can reflect accurate electronic waveform and analyze the data then diagnose diseasecauses of the symptoms are often attributed to exogoneous evils that invade the body and disrupt its internal balance leading to illness, but illness can also arise on the inside of the body and express symptoms on the outside a skilled tcm practitioner is


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