



1、_4B 知识点总复习易错知识点:1. 介词 at, in, on 的用法at 表示在“某时刻或某个时间点”,如 at one o clockat three fifteenin 表示在“某段时间内”如:在早晨in the morning在下午 in the afternoon在晚上 in the evening ,但是在夜里 at night一年四季用介词in 如: in spring, in summeron 表示“具体某一天、某天上午、下午或者晚上”如 on Sunday, on my birthday, on Monday evening2. have 表示“有,”有两种形式 have

2、和 has 。前者用于第一人称 (I, we), 第二人称 (you) 和第三人称复数 (they), 后者用于第三人称单数 (he ,she , it, the boy ,单个的人名 )或在动词后 加 s,如:( 1) She/He/David has a fever /has lunch.( 2) She/He/David draws some pictures in the park.( 3) He gets up at seven .3. 在 can, can t, want to, do ,don t, does , doesn't ,let 后面加动词原形 。如:( 1)

3、She/He/David can have lunch at twelve .( 2) She/He/David wants to drink some juice.( 3) Don tswim in the river, it s very dangerous.( 危险的 ) (4 ) Let s go to the playground.4. some 一般用于肯定句 和征求别人意见的疑问句中 ,如:( 1) I can see some cakes on the table. 我在桌子上能看到一些蛋糕。( 2) Can I have some cakes? 我可以吃些蛋糕吗?( 3) W

4、ould you like some cakes? 你想要些蛋糕吗?精品资料_any 一般用于 疑问句和否定句中,如:( 1) Do you have any cakes? 你有蛋糕吗?( 2) Can you see any flowers under the tree ? 在树下你能看见花吗?( 3) We don thave any lessons on Saturday. 我们在周六没有课。5. 星期日至星期六Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday注意每周的第一天是星期日,最后一天是星期六书写的时候注意首字母要大

5、写,注意区分周二 Tuesday 和周四 Thursday ,易考易混淆6. 学科类单词Chinese, Maths, English, Music, Art, Science, PE除了 PE, 其他表示学科类的单词 首字母都要大写7. We have Chinese, English, Maths, Art, PE, Musicand Science.多个学科并列时要用 逗号隔开(注意不能用顿号) ,最后两个单词之间要 用 and 连接8. It s time to/for . 句型Its time to +动词 .It s time to have a PE lesson.Its tim

6、e for +名词 .It's time for PE.9. in the tree 表示外来物在树上,如小鸟、猴子、气球等。on the tree表示长在树上的东西,如树叶、果实等。( 1) I can see some birds/ monkeys in the tree.( 2 ) I can see someapples/pears on the tree.精品资料_10. 区分 subject 和 lessonsubject 指的是某一门课程,学科,例: What subjects do you like?你喜欢什么课程?lesson 指的是上的课 ,例: What less

7、ons do you have this morning?你今天早上有什么课?11. be 动词是指 am, is, are 。am 与 I 搭配。is 和一个人或一件物品或it, this, that 搭配。are 和两个及两个人以上或两件或两件以上物品或we, they, these, those搭配。(口诀:我用 am 你用 are, is 用在他她它)如:( 1) I am= I m very cold.( 2 ) She/He/Davidis very hot.( 3 ) The cat is very hungry.( 4 ) It is a fine day.( 5 ) Whos

8、e dressis this ?( 6 ) We/ They are ill.( 7 ) These/ Those cakesare very nice. ( 8 ) Helen and Mikeare at home now.( 9 ) Five booksare on the table.12. 大部分以元音字母“a e i o u ”开头的单词前用 “an”表示,其余都是用 “a ”表示。an apple 一个苹果an elephant一头大象an orange coat一件橙色外套an ice cream一个冰淇淋have an Art lesson上 /有一节美术课an English book一本英语书an egg 一个鸡蛋13 、人称代词宾格物主代词缩略形式主格第一人称ImemyIm=I am精品资料_weusourWe re=we are第二人称youyouyouryou re=you are(单复数)第he


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