



1、人教新目标八年级上 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?Section B (2a-2d )教案设计潮州市湘桥区城南中学 成妍贞一、教学目标1. 知识目标:1) 能熟练掌握假期活动的重要词组、句型;学习正确、得体地运用相关形 容词描述假期活动,表达自己的感受等。2) 能掌握“主旨大意法”的阅读技巧,培养阅读能力。3) 能熟练运用一般过去时谈论过去的事件, 谈论旅游经历并记录旅行日记; 能正确使用不定代词;能正确使用常见规则动词和不规则动词的一般过 去式形式。2. 能力目标:结合旅行的话题,通过设计的相关话题的阅读活动达到学习效果,促使学生 由听、说转向综合性地

2、听、读、写。 2b 中两篇旅行日记既是阅读材料,又为学 生提供了写旅行日记的蓝本, 通过阅读的训练, 教给学生阅读技巧, 同时也完成 了语言知识的输入,为语言材料的输出铺垫,达到培养学生读、写能力的目的。 3.情感态度目标:本节课是一个完整的阅读过程, 2b 以日记的形式讲述了一名学生和家人在马 来西亚度假期间的见闻和趣事。 语篇内容包括了对马来西亚的槟城山和著名的海 墘街的介绍。整个授课过程,引导学生谈论自己的旅游经历,倡导学生 “热爱生 活、享受生活乐趣 ”。二、学情分析八年级学生经过一年系统的英语学习,已经积累了一定的语言知识,已学过 一般过去时及少数常见规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式

3、形式。 但因为学生对 一般过去时这个时态的掌握还不是很熟练, 因而,进一步学习巩固是非常有必要 的。再之,写作一直是学生英语学习的短板, 2b 提供了写作蓝本,促使将语篇 落实到写作。 学生对写作内容越感兴趣和熟悉, 就越有话说, 更易于在写作练习 中将思维的焦点放在运用语言表达自己的意思上。三、教学内容分析在教材里, 2a 是读前活动,教师通过“头脑风暴” ,让学生尽可能地说出自 己知道和喜欢的各种度假活动。 而且有意把后续阅读文段中的一部分活动纳入其 中。这样,利用读前讨论将文段中的一部分生词很自然地呈献给学生, 降低了阅 读中生词对学生理解形成的干扰。 2b 是两篇阅读文,除了要传授学生

4、阅读技巧 外,还要在学习范文中汲取写作技巧, 提高写作能力。 教师先简要介绍马来风情, 让学生了解文中词汇,扫清阅读和理解的障碍。明确阅读要求,快速浏览文章, 进行阅读策略培养。然后在细节阅读中找到 Jane 的所见所闻和参与的活动,以 及 Jane 对这些活动内容的喜好和原因。在整节课中,教师主要发挥协助和引导 学习的作用。在要求学生搜寻、选择的过程中提出建议,不是包办代替。四、教学环节与活动Step1. Lead-inRevise the past tense by asking Ss to talk about their summer vacations. Prepare Ss for

5、 the subsequent reading activity. T: How many people enjoy(do not enjoy) going to the beach? The teacher want to do this activity as a class in the following way:1 Have Ss close their textbook.2 Say each activity from the reading , one at a time, eliciting the correct spelling from Ss and writing th

6、e activities on the board(going to the beach, paragliding , riding a bicycle ect.)3 Elicit how many people enjoy and do not enjoy all of the activities listed in the text,and write the answers on the board.Step2.Speed scanning(fast reading)The teacher want to enchance interest in the passage to be r

7、ead by having Ss compete to scan the passage in the following way:1 Ask Ss : Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about Tuesday?2 Read aloud the questions together. Make sure that Ss understand the meaning.3 Have Ss compete to scan a passage in the textbook and find the answers to the questions

8、 on the board. Remind Ss that they should not read the entire passage. They should only read enough to be able to answer the questions.Step3. Skimming(detailed reading)Ask Ss: 1) Where did Jane go on vacation?2) Who did Jane go with?3) What was the weather like on Monday?4) Did they go paragliding o

9、n the beach? And how did they go to Georgetown in the afternoon?5) Did Jane go to Penang Hill with her father or mother?6) What was the weather like that day/7) What did they forget to bring? What happened to them?8) What did they eat on Tuesday? Why did they eat that?Have Ss answer all the question

10、s by reading the two passages.Step4. Intensive reading (Work on 2c: )1. Have Ss read Jan'es diary entries again. Fill in the chart.Things Jane did or saw Djd she like Why or why not?it? (Yes/No)tried paraglid ingThey were delicious.walked around Georgetow nwent to Penang HillIt tasted great beca

11、use she was hun gry.2. Have Ss look at the chart first. Then let them read and fill in the chart.3. Check the an swers. (Look at the big scree n.)Work on 2d:4. Tell Ss they should read the conv ersatio n about Jane trip to Penang aga in and use the information in the diary entries. Complete the conv

12、ersation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.Anna: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on vacatio n last week?Jane: Ito Penang in.Anna: Whoyou go with?Jane: I went with my.Anna: What did you do?Jane: The weather was hot andon Mon day, so we wentonthe beach. Then in the after

13、 noon, webicycles to Georgetow n.Anna: Sounds great!Jane: Well, but the n ext day was not as good. Myand I went to PenangHill, but the weatherreally bad and rai ny. Wea long time forthe train and we were and cold because we forgot to bring anAnna: Oh, no!mon ey, so we only hadJane: And that ' s not all! We also didn ' t bringone bowl of rice and some fish.5. Ss read the conversation about Jane's trip to Penang first then try to fill in theblanks.Step5. Practice1. Ss retell the two stories.2. Do some practice about the passages.Step6. Outward bound1


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