1、Module 2Unit 2 What are you doing?外研版外研版英语英语四四年级上册年级上册第一课时第二课时第一课时句子接龙 五人一组,进行句子接龙。速度最快,说的最准确的为获胜组。E.g.S1:Im reading a book. S2: Shes reading a book. Im running. S3: Shes reading a book. Hes running. Im swimming.Describe the pictures.read a bookfly a kitetake picturesride a bikeListen and chant.Watc
2、h the video.Listen and fill in the blanks.Im _ a book.Hes _ a kite.Shes _ pictures.Theyre _ a bike.readingflyingtakingridingIm reading a book.Hes flying a kite.Shes taking pictures.Theyre riding a bike.Listen again and chant with it.Lets chant together.New words and phrases.child拓展Childrens Day 儿童节L
3、isten and say.listen to music辨别listen听的动作;hear听的结果talk to my friend辨别talk to sb. 和某人交谈talk about sth. 谈论某事Chinaread a book about China辨别China 中国china 瓷器China-What are you doing?-ImChina-What is he/she doing?-Hes/ShesWatch the video.Listen and answer.1. What are the children doing? _ _2. What is Tom
4、doing? _Sam is listening to music.Amy is talking to her friend.Hes reading a book about China.Listen again and read after it.What are you doing, children?Im listening to music!Im talking to my friend!Whats Tom doing?Oh, he is reading a book about China! Ha haRetell according to the following informa
5、tion.Mother & Father:Sam:Amy:Mother & Father:Amy & Sam:What are you doing, children?Im listening to music!Im talking to my friend!Whats Tom doing?Oh, hes reading a book about China! Ha haLets act out.-What are you doing? -Im listening to music!这是现在进行时的特殊疑问句及回答,询问他人正在做什么。-What are you doi
6、ng? -Im reading a book.例-What is she doing? -Shes playing the piano.例句型结构:What + be + 主语 + doing + 其他? 回答:主语 + be + 现在分词 + 其他.现在进行时常用句型。现在进行时的肯定句。They are playing football.例句型结构:主语 + be + 现在分词 + 其他.现在进行时的否定句。They are not playing football.例句型结构:主语 + be + not + 现在分词 + 其他.现在进行时常用句型。现在进行时的一般疑问句。Are they
7、 playing football?Arent they playing football?例句型结构:Be(+not) + 主语 + 现在分词 + 其他?Practise. 一列同学前一个问,后一个答,答者接着问下一个同学。进行What are you doing? Im.问答练习。看看哪列同学速度最快,说得最标准。一、选一选。A. fly a kite B. listen to music C. ride a bike D. talk to a friend 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _CABDTry to do.二、单项选择。( ) 1. Tom is _. A. riding
8、 a bike B. ride a bike C. rides a bike( ) 2. My friend Lingling is _. A. flies a kite B. flying a kite C. fly a kite( ) 3. This book is _ China. A. about C.in C. with ABA( ) 3. These _ are playing football. A. child B. children C. childs( ) 4. My father is _ his friend. A. talking to B. talking at C
9、. talking about( ) 5. What _ you doing? A. are C. am C. is BAA1. 词汇: children, listen, talk, China.2. 短语: fly a kite, ride a bike, listen to music, talk to.3. 句型: -What are you doing? Im -What is he doing? HesSum up.1.将活动一的韵句唱给自己的妈妈听。2.听、跟读活动二,并模仿表演。3.结合本课所学内容,创编一个新对话并表演出来。Homework第二课时Listen and sin
10、g.Lets review.Read as quickly as you can.Read and do the actions as quickly as you can.Pair work: -What are you doing? ImChinaPair work: -What is he/she doing? Hes/ShesChina1234TiantianMaomaoLanlanXiaoyong ABCDListen and match. Then say.Listen and read after it.1. Hello, Im Tiantian. Im listening to
11、 music.2. Hi, Im Maomao. Im playing table tennis.3. Hello, Im Lanlan. Im playing basketball.4. Hello, Im Xiaoyong. Im playing football.1234TiantianMaomaoLanlanXiaoyong ABCDDescribe the pictures.Pair work.-What are you doing? Im listen to music read a book write a letter play football talk to you do
12、my homeworkListen and say. Then sing and do the actions.Watch the video.Lets sing and do the actions together.ARE YOU DOING IT TOO?Im listening to music. Im reading a book.Im writing a letter. Come here and look.Im playing football. Im talking to you.Im doing my homework. Are you doing it too?What a
13、re you doing?Im playing football.Mime, ask and answer.Call your friends and write.Lily, what are you doing now?Im watching TV.What are your friends doing?ActivitiesNameswatching TVplaying footballswimminglistening to musicreading a bookLilyDo and say.风筝的起源 风筝起源于中国,最早的风筝由古代哲学家墨翟制造的。据韩非子外储说载:墨翟居鲁山(今山东
14、青州一带)“斫木为鹞,三年而成飞一日而败”。是说墨子研究了三年,终于用木头制成了一只木鸟,但只飞了一天就坏了。墨子制造的这只“木鹞”就是中国最早的风筝。 风筝最初常被利用为军事工具,用于传递信息、知识之窗知识之窗测量距离和测查风向等。隋唐时期,由于造纸业的发达,风筝改由纸糊,很快传入民间,成为人们娱乐的玩具。 宋朝时,风筝已在民间广泛流行。随着国际交往的增加,中国的风筝流传到世界各地。先是传到日本和朝鲜等邻国,后又传到了缅甸、马来西亚、印度尼西亚等地。元代时,在中国游历17年的意大利人马可波罗归国后,把风筝介绍到了西方。知识之窗知识之窗一、根据图片,完成句子。1. I am _. 2. Tom
15、 is _.3. Xiaohong is _.4. Sam is _.5. Daming likes _.riding a bikelistening to musicdoing her homeworkswimmingrunningTry to do.二、连词成句。1. he, doing, what, is (?) _2. I, talking, you, am, to (.) _3.reading, China, theyre, book, about, a (.) _What is he doing?I am talking to you.Theyre reading a book a
16、bout China.1. 短语: listen to music, play table tennis, listen to music, write a letter, do my homework. 2. 句型: -What are you doing? ImSum up.1.将今天所学歌曲唱给自己的妈妈听。2.画一些图片,用“-What + be + 主语 + doing? -主语 + be + 动词现在分词.”和同伴问答。Homework谢谢大家学生课堂行为规范的内容是:按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。不做与课堂教学无关的事,保持课堂良好纪律秩序。听课时有问题,应先举手,经教师同意后,起立提问。上课期间离开教室须经老师允许后方可离开。上课必须按座位表就坐。要爱护公共财物,不得在课桌、门窗、墙壁上涂写、刻划。要注意保持教室环境卫生。离开教室要整理好桌椅,并协助老师关好门窗、关闭电源。 本课件是在本课件是在Micorsoft Power
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