



1、初中英语相似单词用法区分总结rise、arise、raise arouse四个词看起来很像,其实差别很大。首先, rise, arise 是不及物动词 raise, arouse是及物动词1. rise (rose, risen) vi.上升,升起,升高;上涨;文:(躺、坐或跪后)起立,起身;起 床说明主语自身移向较高位置,常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、蒸汽、河水、温度、物价等,无被动态。1) The sun rose at seven o'太阳七点钟升起。2) The moon has risen above the hills.月亮已经从山上升起。3) The river has ri

2、sen by several meters.河水上涨了好几米。4) The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水涨了。5) The temperature in the room is rising higher and higher房间里的温度越升越高。6) Soon steam can be see n rising from the wet clothes艮快就看见水蒸气从湿衣服里冒出来。7) The price is rising.物价正在上涨。1. arise (arose, arisen) vi.问题,困难等)出现;发生,产生;主语一般为抽象名词,

3、女口 problem, trouble, quarrel, difficulty, misun dersta nding, disagreeme nt 古: 起身; 起来; 起立。无被动语态。常用短语:arise from / out of sth.由引起;因产生。 如:1) Problems arose from the outsets 开始就产生了很多问题。2) How did the quarrel arise? 争吵是怎么引起的?3) They are talk ing about problems aris ing out of the lack of com muni cati o

4、n.他们正在谈论由于缺乏交流而产生的问题。2. raise vt.说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其它事物的,往往有使物体达到其应有的高度的含义。可用于被动语态。如:1) 招募:to raise an army2) 养育、栽培:to raise a family3) 提高 raise salaries工资,raise the rent租金。4) 举起 raise one ' s hand5) 提出问题 raise a question1) Salaries have now been raisec现在薪水已增加了。2) The price was raised to £ 10.价

5、格涨到十英镑。3) Heavy rain raised the river stage.暴雨使河水水位升高。4) The boss promised to raise her salary老板答应要给她加薪水。3. arouse意为“激起,唤醒;使.奋发”可用于被动语态1) arouse one ' s interest / sympathy起某人的兴趣 / 同情心”2) arouse sb.唤醒某人3) He fell into a sou nd sleep, don't arouse him.他睡熟了,别唤醒他。4) He was aroused from his slee

6、p by the doorbell.门铃声把他从睡眠中唤醒。辨析*arise没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物rise使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨”raise与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物I.用上述动词的正确形式完成下列句子。1. Heand walked to the win dow.2. Hehis hat to me as a sig n of respect.3. The birds also attack crops whe n the opport unity.4. The

7、people ' s living standard has greatly been.5. Her temperature is still.6. Theyglasses to the frie ndship betwee n the two peoples.他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯。7. This weight is too heavy; I ca n'tit.这东西太重,我举不起来。8. The lecturemy in terest.报告引起了我的兴趣。9.Salaries have been。现在薪水已增加了。10. Serious complicati ons

8、mayfrom this sudde n cha nge of pla ns.突变的计划可能会导致严重的纠纷。11. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The prices arefast these days. Nobody can get the pricesA. going dow n; to bring dow n B. rising; bring dow nC. rais ing; bring dow nD. rising; brought dow n.2. They ' veup to 20,000 yuan for the Hope Project.A. roseB. raiseC. raisedD. rise n3. When the questionat the meeting, no one could answer it.A. roseB. aroseC. cameD. raised4. Last year the advertis ing rateby 20 perce nt.A. raised B. aroused C. aro


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