7、碳水化合物调节的酯化或酰胺化反应捕获的生物分子的羧基酸基团。生物素连接器可以嵌入传导聚合物段而醛组可以被整合到硅纳米线的表面。直接与生物分子功能化的纳米线(没有链接器)也可以实现。例如,硫醇化的DNA自组装在金表面,而酶可以在聚合物纳米线的电聚合生长期间被截留。在后一种情况下, 用于溶解膜模板的苛刻化学条件可能对生物催化反应的结果产生深远的(不良)影响。此外,导电聚合物纳米线可以在电聚合化和样板溶解步骤之后(通过某些群体,如。,羧基单体) 功能化。各种生物医学应用将受益于纳米线表面上大量的亲水基团(比如半个。聚(乙二醇),乙醇胺),从而使其抗蛋白质。表面化学还应该确保正确的方向,因此需要一个具
8、有良好生物活性和可接受的受体(特别是在生物亲和性实验中)。在黄金纳米线上的硫烷混合层尤其具有吸引力,它控制受体取向而减少非特异性吸附的影响。图2. 选择性功能化的多节的金属纳米线与寡核苷酸和蛋白质通过不同的连接器连接。这样的空间局部功能化给予以纳米线为基础的设备多功能性。3.以纳米线生物材料为基础的亲和力生物传感器纳米线独特的性质为生物识别接口从电子信号转导到强大的生物电信号传感器的设计提供出色的前景。一维(1 d)半导体或导电聚合物纳米线等电子检测尤其具有吸引力,他们能无标签实时监测生物分子的相互作用。因为纳米线的表面体积比高和新颖的电子传递性能,他们的电子电导受到轻微的表面扰动的强烈影响。
9、把目标生物分子绑定到功能化受体的半导体纳米线从而导致在“大部分”纳米线结构中载体的损耗或积累, 因此产生了不同的电导率信号。与其相反的是,平面薄膜半导体器件只有表面受到绑定事件的影响。这样的纳米线传感器从而直接提供对生物亲和力相互作用的无标签的实时电检测。实时监控功能还能通过高度可逆的电导率变化显示来自表面受限受体的目标分析物的绑定(捕获)和解脱(释放)(图3)。图3. 单个病毒从一个硅纳米线设备的抗体受体上绑定和解脱并随时间变化产生相应的电导率变化。纳米线的极小规模也显示出对大量减少纳米传感器阵列的极大潜力。它能把大量的传感元件安装到一小块地方用于创建高度密集阵列设备。尽管仍然面临挑战,就装
10、配可控性和连接性来讲,纳米线是优于类似的1 (D) 碳纳米管的。单个纳米线感应器元件和不同表面受体的功能化导致不同的目标生物分子多组分生物检测和为疾病生物标志物的筛选提供了广阔的前景。2001年的前辈的开创性工作说明了这些功能:利用掺硼硅纳米线来监控不同的生物分子的相互作用。这种半导体纳米线的使类型和掺杂剂级别相适应并控制焊丝直径的能力,尤其引人瞩目,这优化他们的电气性能,因此还优化灵敏度。4.基于纳米线的DNA检测和组装功能化的半导体纳米线传感器与寡核苷酸探针提供一个有吸引力的方案用于无标记电子检测DNA杂交。Lieber的团队修改硅纳米线与肽核酸(PNA)受体用来检测基因突变,其占囊性纤维
11、化病例诱发率的75%左右。由于提高了PNA探针识别不匹配的能力,这种PNA功能化的纳米线能够区分在囊性纤维化跨膜受体(CFTR)基因中的野生型DF508突变体。通过干预一个亲和素蛋白质层,PNA受体连接到纳米线表面。这个概念被GAO et al扩展用来设计一种依赖浓度的电阻来显示PNA捕捉探针-功能化硅纳米线阵列,其可以在一个大动态范围内响应,检测极限高达10fm。表面固定通过末端为氨基的PNA探针与硅烷化的硅纳米线阵列的醛基结合来实现。Ozkan的团队报道了三段式纳米线的使用,由碲化铬-黄金-碲化铬组成和电化学有序沉积而成, 作为场效应晶体管(FET)用于DNA杂交的超灵敏检测。黄金段提供了
12、有利的表面功能化属性用于连接硫醇化的 ssDNA探针,在半导体CdSe段显示出引人瞩目的电气性能和调变纳米线电导性。希斯的小组报道了使用烷基化无氧硅纳米线在一个生理相关的媒介内实时测量DNA杂交。这些DNA化验使用的末端为氨基的烷基层是直接产生在末端为氢基的硅纳米线上的。实时DNA检测功能如图4所示。图4.在硅纳米线传感器上不同浓度DNA目标物的实时监测。除了用作电子传感器, 携带ssDNA的纳米线可以用作放大标记杂交检测。例如,我们的团队展示了使用金-铟纳米线的电化学检测DNA杂交。在这里,长段铟提供了一个高度敏感的剥离伏安法探针检测而短的黄金段用于耦合二次硫醇化的DNA探针。DNA功能化纳
14、质与纳米线的独特优势。这样被酶限制的纳米线可用于不同生物电子设备,包括生物传感器、生物燃料电池, 生物制动器。氧化锌(ZnO)纳米线的物理和化学性质与葡萄糖氧化酶(气态氧)相适应用来构建一个高性能的葡萄糖传感器(图7)。这样的表现归功于氧化锌纳米线的中介效应和大的比表面积。氧化锌的离电子点(IEP) 对于通过静电相互作用固定酸性蛋白质正是一个好的阵列。硅纳米线(SiNWs)也被证实支持该阵列,用于在葡萄糖生物传感器中酶的固定。因此葡萄糖氧化酶是在不同治疗后吸附到SiNWs上, 或者生成, HF-腐蚀的或羧基-酸功能化的。电流型生物传感器与羧基-功能化的 SiNWs最多能检测出0.01毫米葡萄糖
15、。图7.以气态氧/氧化锌-纳米线为基础的葡萄糖传感器的制备酶-功能化的纳米线还可以被用于设计即期切换生物电子设备。这样的电子生物设备的磁性开关(激活)已经利用金/镍等分的纳米线完成了。这类自适应纳米线具有磁激活生物电子的流程,为规范生物燃料细胞,生物反应器,和对特定需求的生物传感装置的操作提供了巨大的希望。这里,黄金段作为酶的“载体”,而镍提供了磁处理。图8显示了这些以纳米线为基础的生物葡萄糖电子化的调节过程。纳米线在水平方向的定位导致了酶可调节的活化作用-由于纳米线受限的气态氧和界面二茂铁中介物(A)的有效接触。纳米线切换到垂直位置阻碍了气态氧和界面二茂铁(B) 之间的通信。通过切换酶-功能
16、化的纳米线在水平和垂直位置之间的表面取向,这种磁调制生物电子过程可以重复多次。图8.以纳米线为基础的生物电子转换流程的优化。设置包括气态氧-金/镍纳米线和二茂铁-改性表面,在磁场中的水平位置(A)和垂直位置(B),激活(A)和阻碍(B)之间的纳米线-受限的酶和二茂铁表面间的通信。上部也显示了相应的循环伏安。类似的可切换的生物电子系统用于开发乙醇的酶转换连接醇脱氢酶(ADH)-功能化的纳米线。为此,我们把金/镍纳米线的多功能性和碳纳米管(CNT)的电性能相结合。集成纳米线-CNT微系统依靠ADH-功能化的三段式 (Ni-Au-Ni)纳米线和CNT-改良的测量电流的传感器。纳米线从垂直切换到水平的
17、取向转换 (在乙醇基底和NAD +辅因子的存在下)把抗利尿激素及其NADH产物带到CNT薄膜上。这促进了NADH的电子检测和NAD +的再生,这是连续重复生物电子作用所必需的。这样功能化磁性纳米线的控制生物电子化过程的能力已经被用于开发双重若能系统,甲醇和乙醇连接到AOx和ADH同时发生电子感应,分别被固定在黄金段的中央。6.用于药品运输的纳米线载体纳米材料在医学方面的使用,特别是在运输给定药品方面,是纳米技术最重要的应用之一。而球形纳米粒子在纳米医药方面的应用得到最大的关注,然而对于多功能操作,这样的粒子有一个重要的限制, 它们只有一个(外)表面。相比之下,纳米线可以提供独特的空间定义的地区
18、(段),由不同的材料组成, 这就允许这些线同时执行一些任务,包括选择目标、个体化治疗和成像功能。然而,健康问题可能会限制这些材料的选择。这样的金纳米线可以因此吸收near-IR(NIR)光和发射所需的热量用来局部高热破坏肿瘤。 这是特别重要的体内应用因为这是在NIR光谱范围内通过生物组织的最大的光透射率。通过从金纳米粒子到黄金纳米线的过程中改变形状,还可以提高散射特性和增强成像能力。具有不同的生物分子的功能化纳米线在纳米医学方面应用的重要性不能被高估了。表面化学的控制修改对于目标药物输送是至关重要的。额外的注意事项,如特异性针对非特异性吸收,细胞毒性,循环寿命也必须加紧解决。由于许多有吸引力的
19、属性(如上所述)功能化金纳米线得到了相当大的关注,它能有效阻止癌细胞诊断和选择性光热光谱分析治疗。例如, 金纳米线与抗-EGFR抗体(EGFR:表皮生长因子受体) 发生共轭作用被用于特定的绑定到恶性细胞。图9。功能化金纳米线在体内针对乳腺癌的肿瘤。这些纳米线通过赫赛汀酸共价反应连接到赫赛汀。PEG硫醇通过硫醇的一部分连接到纳米线。同样,赫赛汀的抗体和聚乙二醇(PEG)共同固定在金纳米线(图9)最近开始使用于在体内针对乳腺肿瘤的治疗。在金纳米棒上的PEG或CTAB涂层在光热光谱分析肿瘤消融方面被证明非常有用。 埃尔赛义德的小组也报告缩氨酸金纳米棒的制备(通过三烷基-三唑链接器),和他们有效的传导
20、能力,并能迅速进入细胞。最近展示了不同DNA寡核苷酸的选择性光从金纳米线中释放。这种路径依赖超快激光辐照产生选择性的金纳米棒并为传送多种药品的策略提供了相当大的保证。英文原文:Biomolecule-Functionalized Nanowires: From Nanosensors to NanocarriersJoseph Wang*aThe unique properties of nanowires offer excellent prospects for designing a new generation of devices and systems exhibiting nov
21、el functions. This Review discusses recent scientific accomplishments in the preparation of nanowirebiomaterial hybrids and their potential applications as nanosensors, nanoactuators, and nanocarriers. Nanowires can be readily functionalized with various biochemicals through different linkage chemis
22、tries. Such integration of nanowires and biomolecules leads to novel hybrid systems which couple the recognition or catalytic properties of biomaterials with the attractive electronic and structural characteristics of nanowires. Receptor-functionalized nanowires are particularly attractive for direc
23、t real-time label-free electrical detection of biomolecular interactions. The unique control over the microstructure of nanowires, and particularly the design of multisegment nanowires, offer spatially defined regions for the defined organization of different biomolecules. This allows the resulting
24、nanowires to perform several tasks simultaneously, and opens the door to a variety of important applications in the areas of nanobioelectronics and nanomedicine. For example, multisegment nanowires designed for nanomedicine applications can couple the selective targeting, therapy, and imaging functi
25、ons. Such spatially defined anchoring of different biorecognition sites provides also distinct opportunities for the self assembly of nanowires into predetermined designs. The opportunities and challenges involved in designing such nanowirebiomaterial hybrid systems and devices are discussed in the
26、following sections.Why Nanowires?Nanowires are critically important building blocks of nanotechnology. 1, 2 Such one-dimensional (1D) nanomaterials have received considerable recent attention owing to their potential applications in different fields. Such attention reflects primarily the high aspect
27、 ratio of nanowires (and corresponding novel electron transport and optical properties) and the versatility associated with the ability to generate multiple outer surfaces (segments) consisting of different materials and hence different spatially resolved functions. The ability to prepare nanowires
28、of different aspect ratios allows fine tuning of their electronic and optical properties. One common versatile route for preparing multifunctional nanowires involves electrodeposition into the cylindrical nanopores of a host porous membrane template, followed by dissolution of the template.3, 4 Such
29、 template- directed electrodeposition represents an attractive approach for preparing nanowires with diameters of 10300 nm and lengths of 502000 nm. Any material that can be electroplated, including metals, polymers, or metal oxides, can be used as a portion of the resulting nanowires. Such template
30、-assisted electrochemical synthesis has been extremely useful for preparing nanowires with broad range of chemical compositions, including a metallic, semiconductor and polymeric nanowires. Multisegment nanowires can be prepared through sequential electrodeposition of several materials, with differe
31、nt predetermined lengths, into the pores of the template (Figure 1).5 Each of these different segments possesses unique chemical and physical properties. It is also possible to combine different materials (and hence properties) into a single-segment nanowire through the design of composite nanowires
32、 (e.g., gold/ polypyrrole).6 The unique control over the microstructure of multisegment or composite nanowires leads to multifunctionality that allows the resulting nanowires to perform several tasks simultaneously, and opens the door to a variety of important nanoscale devices such as sensors, fuel
33、 cells, actuators, and nanomotors.The integration of nanowires and biomolecules leads to new hybrid systems that couple the recognition or catalytic properties of biomaterials with the attractive electronic and structural characteristics of nanowires. Using molecular linkages that specifically bind
34、to different segments, it is possible to selectively functionalize the individual segments along the nanowires with different biomolecules as well as with other materials.7 Such ability to modify the surfaces of nanowires with different biomaterials, and the unique spatial organization of the variou
35、s biomolecules, offer considerable promise for designing multifunctional nanowirebiomaterial hybrid systems for diverse and important applications, ranging from nanosensors to nanodelivery vehicles. It also offers distinct opportunities for self-assembly of nanowires into predetermined architectures
36、 and their controlled positioning in advanced nanocircuitry.This Review discusses the functionalization of nanowires with biomolecules, recent scientific accomplishments in the preparation of nanowirebiomaterial hybrids, and the potential applications of such hybrids in different important areas, in
37、cluding nanosensors, nanoactuators, and nanomedicine.Surface Functionalization of NanowiresNanowires can be functionalized with different biomolecules, including enzymes, antibodies or nucleic acids, through a variety of established procedures. Such functionalization imparts catalytic and recognitio
38、n/binding properties onto these 1D nanomaterials. Depending on the specific nanowire material, different functionalization schemes can be used for confining different biomolecules onto the surface. While molecular linkers (cross-linked to the captured biomolecule) are most commonly used, direct fuct
39、ionalization with the biomolecule can also be employed. Template-grown multisegment nanowires can lead to spatially controlled functionalization owing to the distinct surface chemistry of the corresponding segments.7 The individual segments can thus be modified sequentially with defined spatial cont
40、rol. Such localized functionalization relies on the differential reactivity of the individual segment materials and involves molecular linkages that bind specifically to different segments along the nanowires. The template preparation route facilitates the biofunctionalization of the edges of nanowi
41、res, as desired for various (end-to-end) assembly applications.Various linkage chemistries can be used to functionalize the individual segments with different biomolecules in accordance with the specific surface chemistry of the corresponding segment material (Figure 2). For example, alkyl thiols bi
42、nd strongly to gold, histidine binds strongly to nickel, while isocyanides bind strongly to platinum. Such selective functionalization of multisegment nanowires requires careful attention to the relative binding affinities and to the order of functionalization. The versatility of using alkyl thiols
43、stems from their ability to form self-assembled monolayers that can be further modified into chemically- or biologically reactive surface layers (via covalent coupling of different materials to their functional end group). For example, different carboxylic or amine end groups can be used for cross-l
44、inking with the amine or carboxylic-acid groups of the captured biomolecule through carbodiimde-mediated esterification or amidation reactions. Biotin linkers can be embedded within conducting-polymer segments while aldehyde groups can be incorporated onto silicon nanowire surfaces.Direct functional
45、ization of nanowires with biomolecules (without a linker) can also be achieved. For example, thiolated DNA can be self-assembled on gold surfaces while enzymes can be entrapped during the electropolymeric growth of polymeric nanowires. In the latter case, the harsh chemical conditions used for disso
46、lving the membrane template may have a profound (adverse) effect upon the resulting biocatalytic activity. 8 Alternately, conducting polymer nanowires can be functionalized after the electropolymerization and template-dissolution steps (through certain groups, e.g., carboxy, in the monomer). Various
47、 biomedical applications would benefit from blocking of the remaining surface of the nanowire with hydrophilic moieties e.g., poly(ethylene glycol), ethanolamine and hence making it protein resistant. The surface chemistry should also ensure proper orientation and hence an optimal bioactivity and ac
48、cessibility of the receptor (particularly in connection to bioaffinity assays). Mixed monolayers of alkylthiols on gold nanowires are particularly attractive for controlling the receptor orientation while minimizing non-specific adsorption effects.NanowireBiomaterial-Based Affinity BiosensorsThe uni
49、que properties of nanowires offer excellent prospects for interfacing biological recognition events with electronic signal transduction towards the design of powerful bioelectronic sensors.912 One-dimensional (1D) semiconductor or conducting-polymer nanowires are particularly attractive for such ele
50、ctronic detection as they lead to a label-free real-time monitoring of biomolecular interactions. Because of the high surface-to-volume ratio and novel electron-transport properties of these nanowires, their electronic conductance is strongly influenced by minor surface perturbations. Binding of tar
51、get biomolecules to receptor-functionalized semiconductor nanowires thus leads to depletion or accumulation of carriers in the “bulk” of the nanowire structure and hence to distinct conductivity signals.13 This is in contrast to planar thin-film semiconductor devices where only the surface region is
52、 influenced by the binding event. Such nanowire transducers thus offer direct label-free real-time electrical detection of bioaffinity interactions. The real-time monitoring capability is coupled with highly reversible conductivity changes upon binding (capture) and unbinding (release) of the target
53、 analyte from the surfaceconfined receptor (Figure 3).14The extreme smallness of nanowires offers also great promise for massive redundancy in nanosensor arrays. It allows packing of a huge number of nanowire sensing elements onto a small footprint for creating highly dense array devices.15 While st
54、ill facing scalability challenges, nanowires are advantageous over analogous 1D carbon nanotubes in terms of fabrication controllability and connectivity. Functionalizing the individual nanowire sensing elements with different surface receptors leads to multiplexed bioassays of different target biom
55、olecules and holds great promise for the screening of disease biomarkers.9 The pioneering work of Lieber in 200113 illustrated these capabilities in connection to the monitoring of different biomolecular interactions and using boron-doped silicon nanowires. The ability to tailor the type and level o
56、f the dopant within such semiconductor nanowires, and to control the wire diameter, has been particularly attractive for tuning their electrical properties and hence their sensitivity. Nanowire-Based DNA Detection and Assembly Functionalizing semiconductor nanowire transducers with oligonucleotide p
57、robes offers an attractive route for label-free electronic detection of DNA hybridization.1619 Liebers group modified silicon nanowires with peptide nucleic acid (PNA) receptors for detecting the gene mutation responsible for about 75% of cases of cystic fibrosis.16 Owing to the improved mismatch di
58、scrimination of PNA probes, the PNA-functionalized nanowires were able to distinguish wild-type from the DF508 mutation site in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor (CFTR) gene. The PNA receptors were linked to the nanowire surface using intervening an avidin protein layer. The concept was exp
59、anded by Gao et al18 for designing PNA capture probe-functionalized Si nanowires arrays displaying a concentration- dependent resistance response over a large dynamic range with a detection limit of 10 fm. Surface immobilization was accomplished by attaching amine-terminated PNA probes to the aldehyde moieties of the silanized silicon nanowire arrays.Ozkans group17 reported on the use of
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