



1、优秀工作英文自我评价范文对工作的英文自我评价是我们外语能力的一种体现,也是我们自己对自身工作的一种鉴定,今天就给大家分享一下英语的自我评价, 大家快来看看吧工作英文个人自我评价I am a sin cere man, have a stable pers on ality and a high sense of responsibility;Initiative , independent,and havecoord in ati on skills and teamwork spirit;prepared to work hard , have good com muni cati on s

2、kills and Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work forcestrong ability to learn, glad to accept other’s guida nee and criticism. Studious n ature and dedicati on are my greatest stre ngths. Have stro ng determ in atio n to succeed. All I want is to progress together with compa ny d

3、ur ing my bur ning youth.本人个性稳重、为人诚恳、具有强烈的责任感;积极主动、独立工作能力强,同时具有良好的协调能力和团队合 作精神;具有吃苦耐劳精神和良好的交际技能,可以适应在多元文化环境 i和不同的团队中工作;学习能力强并且乐意接受别人的批评指点。我 相信自己的才能,并坚信自己能够成功,而且希望能将自己最热血的 青春奉献给公司与公司一同成长。工作优秀英文自我评价本人自XXXX年XX月XX日起进入XX公司从事XX工作,在不知 不觉中已经过了 X个月的试用期。在这段时间里,我感悟颇多,虽然 这并不是我的第一份工作,但是在此期间,我对于工作一贯谦虚谨慎、 认真负责的工作态

4、度,从来没有改变过。I have bee n in XX compa ny since XX XX XXXX, compa nyhas bee n en gaged in the work of XX, in the past, we have bee nin the probatio n period of x mon ths. In this period of time, Ihave quite a lot of sen time nt, although this is not my first job, but in the mean time, I for the work has

5、 always bee n modest and prude nt, serious and resp on sible work attitude,n evercha nge.在本部门工作中,我一直严格要求自己,认真及时地完成领导布 置的每一项任务,并虚心向同事学习,不断改正工作中的不足;对于集团及公司的制度和规定都是认真学习并严格贯彻执行;另外,本人具有很强的团队合作精神,能很好的协调及沟通,配合各部门负责人 落实及完成公司各项工作,并热心帮助其他同事,与人相处和谐融洽。In the work of the Departme nt, I have strict dema nds on th

6、emselves, serious and timely completion of assigned by each task, and yearned for colleagues to learn, continue to correct deficiencies in; for the group and the company rules and regulati ons are seriously study and to strictly impleme nt;also, I have a very strong team cooperationspirit, can be av

7、ery goodcoord in ati onand com muni cati on,with eachdepartme nt pers on in charge to impleme nt and complete the work of the compa ny, and eager to help other colleagues, and people get along harm onio us.在过去的x个月中,通过不断的学习和自我提高,已经适应了自 己的本职工作,但是对于一个初入公司的新人,要全面融入企业的方 方面面,可能在一些问题的考虑上还不够全面,但是我相信,通过公 司领导

8、及同事的悉心指导和帮助,我一定能在今后的工作中更好的提 高自己的业务水平和综合素质,更好的完成本职工作,不断谋求与企 业的共同发展!In the past x mon ths, through continu ouslear ning andself-improvement,has been adapted to their own work, butfor a newcompa ny,to fullyin tegrateinto theen terprise 's aspects, may be con sidered in some of the issues is not

9、 comprehensive,but I believe that through thecompa ny leadership and colleagues of the guida nee and help, I will be better in future work to improve their bus in ess level and overall quality, better to complete their own work, and con sta ntly seek com mon developme nt and bus in ess!工作英文的自我评价20XX

10、年,银座文化产业公司整体纳入鲁商传媒集团,银座新天 地运营管理中心在总经理的带领下,优化办公环境,树立新形象。同 时完善公司管理制度,打造精英团队。在此机遇大好环境中,作为我 个人存在很多不足,领导对我批评和关怀,深深的打动了我。In 20XX, Ginza, the culture industry as a whole into Lusha ng media group, Ginza Plaza Man ageme nt Cen ter un der the leadership of gen eralman ager, optimize the officeen vir onment,

11、establish a new image.现将个人的工作不足及今后工作的打算总结如下:被动的处理工作,对待工作不能主动出击。工作梳理不够明晰,对于手头上的工 作重点不够明确。本职业务不够熟悉,对外市场了解不够。工作进行 中不懂得地方,未能及时请教询问领导。At the same time improve thecompa ny& #39;sman ageme nt system, to create an elite team. In this opport uni ty, as a good en vir onment, as a lot of my pers onal probl

12、ems, leadership of my criticism and concern, deeply touched me. Now the pers onal work and future work will be summarized as follows: passive treatment work, do not take the in itiative to deal with the work. Work comb ing is not clear, the focus on the task at hand is not clear eno ugh. Not familia

13、r with their own bus in ess, the exter nal market is not eno ugh. Do not un dersta nd the work of the local, failed to con suit the leadership in time.今后的工作打算,进一步加强自身的服务意识,坚持诚信招商, 服务为本。努力学习本职工作专业知识及业务。了解招商方面的资料, 从报纸,电视,网络上学习招商方面的知识,充实头脑,放开思想, 更新观念。空暇时间多去大型CED市场调研,统计数据用于实际工作中。多跑新客户,对新兴起的经营项目多方面了解储备客户

14、资源。The future work plan, to further strengthen theirserviceaware ness, adhere to the in tegrity of bus in ess,serviceorie nted. Work hard to lear n the kno wledge and bus in ess of their own work. Understandingof investmentinformation,from the newspaper, television, network learning investment kno w

15、ledge, en rich the mind, release ideas, update ideas. Spare time to go to the large CED market research, statistical data for the actual work. More tha n running a new customer, the new emerg ingbus in ess projects to un dersta ndthe reserves ofcustomer resources.自己在工作中不足的地方,今后要加强学习,努力提高自身素质: 爱岗敬业,做好自己的本职工作;对领导的关心下、同事的帮助中, 成长为一名优秀的招商工作者。Their lack in the w


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