



1、Room to have a great start 成功的开始Acco unts Supervisor会计主管Hotel Level:I -VDepartme nt:Finance酒店等级:一一五部门:财务部Job Band:7Reports To:Chief Accou ntant, Assista nt Director of Finance &职位等级:7直属上级:Busin ess Support总会计师,助理财务总监JOB OVERVIEW 职位概述« Produces all in voices and stateme nts for the Finance D

2、epartme nt and supervises the accuracy of work of junior members of the Accou nting team 为财务部编制所有的账单和对账单,监督会计队伍中低职位职员工作的准确性。?At InterContinental Hotels & Resortswe want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitan and In the Knowwhich means we n eed you to:* Be charm ing by being approachable, hav i

3、ng con fide nee and show ing respect.* Stay in the momentby understanding and anticipating guests' needs, beintatteid takingown ership of gett ing things done.* Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special.在洲际酒店及

4、度假村?,我们希望宾客感觉风格独特、时尚现代和深入洞悉,这意味我们需要你:*亲切、充满自信、体现尊重来展现富有魅力 的你。*理解和预测宾客的需要、做到细心周到、具主人翁精神、把事情办好,保持专注当下。见多识广、分享阅历、展现你的风格来创造令人感觉特别的时刻,做到令人难忘。DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES工作职责 Con ducts shift briefi ngs to en sure hotel activities and operati onal requireme nts are known 进行交接班说明以确保了解酒店各项工作和运营的要求。 En sure th

5、e timely billi ng of accou nts 确保及时发送账单。 Maintains a fili ng system for accou nt receivable records*执行应收帐款的登记系统。 Bala nee daily tra nsfer to city ledger and post, edit and update to accou nts receivable system«每日结清挂帐及登帐工作,整理并更新应收帐款系统。«Han die corresp ondence and queries regard ing city led

6、ger accou nts«处理有关挂账账目往来和要求。«Recon cile all accou nts为所有账目对账。« At month end write off over dues after departme nt and guara nteed no show accou nts月底为部门和担保的未按预订抵达的过期账户销账。* Prepare and in put jour nals for tran sfer betwee n debtor accou nts准备和输入分类账目以便借方账项间的转账。« Liaise with guests

7、 and appropriate pers onn el (Credit Man ger/Reservati on sales Agent) to en sure special accou nt arran geme nts are in line with guest requireme nts与客人和相关人员(信贷经理,预订销售代表)联系,确保特殊的账户按客人要求结账。* Resp ond to and resolve accou nt queries«处理解决帐目方面的问询。* Collate suppliers docume ntati on for process ing

8、*核对供应商的各类单据以便进行财务处理。* En sure all in voices have the appropriate docume ntati on attached and approvals prior to process ing*在处理发票前应确保所有发票均附有相应的审批单据。* Process all in voices and stateme nts处理所有发票和账单。* Record and process payme nts of goods and services*记录并处理各类产品及服务的付款工作。* Maintain clear lines of commu

9、nication with outside companies to ensure timely and accurate supply of goods and services与外部公司保持有效沟通,确保所需产品和服务能够及时、准确的提供。* Check arithmetic accuracy and in voices and assig n gen eral ledger codes as per chart of accou nts* 核对数字的准确性和发票,按照账目表分派挂账代码。* Recon cile Food and beverage gen eral and direct

10、items with Food and Beverage con trol departme nt* 与餐饮管理部门核算餐饮总账目和直接分项账目。* Recon cile the weekly purchase log* 核对每周的采购账目。* Prepare cheque run for approval on a weekly basis*每周准备所需使用的支票并提交审批。* Recon cile supplier stateme nts with establishme nt records and follow up on any discrepa ncies根据现存记录核对供应商的单

11、据并跟踪处理发现的出入。* Maintain the batch register and balance daily to general ledger* 进行帐目分类登记及每日总帐的平帐工作« Prepare the accruals jour nal at month end for regular suppliers and delivery dockets not paid月底准备常规供应商的分类帐目及尚未付款的送货单。« Calculate travel age nt commissi ons«核算旅行社佣金。« Prepare travel

12、 age nt cheque listi ngs编制旅行社支票付款表。« Participate in other departme nt stock-takes and month end close as appropriate«必要时参与其它部门的盘点和月末封账工作。Investigate cashiers over' s and under as required and communicate any unexplained discrepancies to yourMan ager必要时调查岀纳账目的岀入并就无法解释的账目不符情况与自己的上级经理交换意见

13、。«Works with Superior on man power pla nning and man ageme nt n eeds与上级一起制定本部门人力资源规划和管理需求。ACCOUNTABILIT Y 责任范围Number of employees supervised管理的员工Direct Accou nts Clerk / Gen eral Cashier直接会计文员,总出纳In direct NA间接 无Ann ual Operat ing Profit/Payroll Budget-年度经营利润和薪金预算N.A.无Key Metrics -主要绩效指标 Comple

14、ti on of assig ned tasks/projects 完成分配给的工作和项目的情况 Timely and up to date reports 及时和更新报告Decisi on Making Resp on sibilities (Decisi on Rights) 决策职责(决策权)- Departme nt Budget部门预算Page 3 of 4第4页,共4页任职要求QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTSRequired Skills -技能要求« Demon strated ability to in teract with custo

15、mers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Compa ny.«完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。«Proficie nt in the use of Microsoft Office熟练使用微软办公软件« Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities.4具有解决问题,推理,号召,组织和培训能力«

16、Good writing skills*良好的写作技能Qualificati ons学历« Bachelor ' s degree or Diploma in Accou nti ng, Finan ce, Bus in ess Admini strati on or related field.*具有会计,财务,商业管理或相关的学士学位或毕业证书。Experie nee-经验* 2 years accou nting experie nee which in cluded rec on ciliati on, cash man ageme nt, payables, an d/or receivables or an equivale nt comb in ati on of educati on and work-related experie nee. 两年会计工作经验,包括核帐,现金管理,应付款和应收款经验,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的 背景The statements in this job description are intende


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