



1、Unit 11.与众不同并产生影响make a difference2.热衷于;对很有热情be on fire for3.与相似的be similar to4.放弃对未来的梦想与希望give up one's dreams and hopes for the future5.(时间 )流逝go by/go on/pass6.与 订婚get/be engaged to7.另一方面on the other hand8.结果是;最后的情况是turn out to be9.科学理论a scientific theory10.美国口音an American accent11.前因后果the ca

2、uses and effects12.相反地,用相反方式the other way around13. 达到目标reach one's goals14.对 感到好奇be curious about15.被诊断为 be diagnosed with16.There is no doubt that毫无疑问 17.It 's clear that这是很清楚的 17.There is no point in doing. 做某事没有作用或没有意义19.It takes sth. to do sth.做某事需要 2A Unit 21新闻媒体news media2上升,增长,攀登go u

3、p3(使)烧成平地,烧毁burn down4根据了解的情况作出决定make informed decisions5理解或同情某人(某事)relate to sb./sth.6与。有关be related to sb./sth.7特写,特辑,专题报道feature stories8交换角色,转变角色switch roles9抢劫某人某东西 , 抢劫某处rob sb/ a place of sth.10真实地反映事情和意见reflect events and opinions truthfully11使能适应,改变adapt to12精神上的满足spiritual fulfillment13沉溺于

4、be addicted to14解决社会问题solve social problem15对。表示注意, 引起关注 draw attention to16 中国日报China Daily17 人民日报The People'sDaily18 不同的意见和观点被包容different views and opinions are tolerated19时事current affairs20在各方面,到处on all sides21尊敬,钦佩look up to22热点话题a hot topic23表达心声make one's voice heard24紧跟时代的,跟上时代的be up

5、dated25用。武装, 配备。武器 be armed with26聚焦focus on27培养兴趣develop an interest in28肇事者a trouble- maker29有。听 /观众with an audience of30It is /was first time that sb. have/had done sth.Unit 31. 做某种选择 make choice2 一张木头做的餐桌 a kitchen table made of wood3. 中国古建筑 classical Chinese architecture4. 违背,对。不利 go against5.

6、发展中国家 developing countries6. 更接近自然 stand much closer to nature7. 在建设中 under construction11.在的内部及周边in and arou nd 12.悉尼歌剧院 the Opera House in Sydney13. 黑体字 words in bold 14. 流畅的线条 the flowing lines15. 和比较 compared with 16. 属于 belong to17. 从自然中举例子 take examples from nature 18. 都一样, 仍然 all the same19.充

7、满 be filled with /be full of 20. 用装满 fill up with21.从上面看 view from the top 22.把置于一旁,储蓄setaside23. 把和连在一起 join to 24. 装饰着 be decorated with25. 匆忙, 很快地 in a hurry 26. 充当 act as27 拆倒 . pull down 28. 和分享 share with29. 在的选择上 in the choice of 30. 在建设中 under construction31.覆盖着 be covered with 32. 被盖着 be co

8、vered by33. 提醒某人某事 remind sb. of sth . 34. 使变得特别 make sth. special 35.成功地做某事 succeed in doing sth 36.工厂的重生 a second life for factory 37.平面布局 the floor plan 38. 拆除 pull down39.兵工厂 army factory 40. 在 20 世纪 50 年代早期 in the early 1950s 41.初出茅庐的艺术家 beginning artists 42. 在临近地区 in the neighbourhood43.摇滚乐手 r

9、ock musicians 44. 艺术展 art exhibitions45.列出的清单make lists of 46.外国侵略者 foreig n in vaders47.量体温 take one' s temperature 48.展览 on display49.以终结 end up in 50.第一眼 at first gla nee51.设定目标 set goals 52.艺术作品 art works53. prefer sth. 54. 某物给某人印象深刻 sth. impress sb.prefer sth to sth. 使某人牢记某事,给某人印象深刻Prefer t

10、o do sth rather than do sth. .impress sth on sb /impress sb.with sth.=prefer doing sth to doing sth给某人留下印象 make an impression on.sb.prefer sb(not) to do sth.5 5 .发现某人做某事find sb.doing sthwould prefer that .发现某事被做成了 find sth.done偏爱 have a preferenee for sth/doing sth 56. in style/out of style 流行过时have

11、 a preferenee of sth to sth in the western style 西式56. 充满了奇妙的色彩与形状full of fantastie eolours and shape57. 感觉他们冷漠不友好experienee them as eold and unfriendly58. 在墙上张贴两幅图片put up two pietures on the wallII. StrueturesI. If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like?(主句谓语

12、would do 从句谓语 were/ did) 表示与现在或将来事实相反2. The room was furnished with antiques. (be furnished with furnish sth with with)3.It is also eonvenient to live elose to your work.4.1 wouldn 't feel happy living in a bloek of apartments.5.Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is eovered by a gray n

13、et of steel, and it looks just like a bird 's nest made of tree branehes.6.1) Modern buildings impress us beeause they are huge. (impress sb)We were most impressed by/with your effieieney.2) The manager impressed on his offiee staff the importanee of keeping aeeurate reeords. (impress sth. on/up

14、on sb)3) The impression she makes on me is that she is honest. (make/leave an impression on sb.)7. Both in the ehoiee of materials and shape of buildings, aneient arehiteeture stands mueh eloser to nature.8 .Most of Gaudi' s works were con strueted in and around Barce Iona. Look ing at the arehi

15、teeture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastie eolors and shapes.10. Birds fill up the spaces between the branches of their nests with soft materials.II. Honey is to a bee what milk is to a cow.12.1 want you to keep me informed of how things are going with you.13.At last I succeeded in making m

16、yself understood.14.Often these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years.15.1) The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as very different from Chinese architecture.2)She sets aside a bit of money every month.3)I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.4) Let ' s set aside my personal feelings.16. Mu


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