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1、A Day in the Life of Deputy General Manager副总经理的一天A Day in the Life of theDeputy General Manager 副总经理的一天Week沃尔玛周 _Task工作内容Time Period时间段Frequency频率Retention保存时间Reference Guide参考资料Sat周六Sun周日Mon周一周一Tue周二Wed周三周三Thu周四Fri周五Check Flash Sales Report 查看销售报告。All Shift所有班次Daily每日Check notes of the previous da

2、y.查看交接本。Daily每日Make sure the floors are cleared and open the store.确保楼面清理和商品陈列在开门前完成, 准时开门营业.As Schedule按营业时间Daily每日Check flags, signing and chairs outside are clean and organized. Umbrellas are open.外围清洁卫生符合营运标准,价格牌,桌椅整洁到位,遮阳伞打开.After Opening开门后第一时间Daily每日OP120Tour with night manager. Identify oppo

3、rtunities and complete them.与夜班经理沟通,巡视楼面。· Ensure store zoning is in compliance with our guidelines;确保店内整理符合公司标准;· Ensure nigh stockers are maintaining features and risers;夜班理货员整理特卖陈列和加高层, 符合营运标准;· Ensure merchandise is placed following our backroom guides and in compliance with the I

4、CS program;确保后仓商品整理符合ICS标准。· Ensure all backroom areas are clean and free of shopping carts. 后仓区域整洁,没有购物车。· Receiving area is clean and organized.· 收货部秩序良好,货物进出顺畅,区域整洁。· Assist in customer service;帮助提供顾客服务;· Collect the keys and return them to the Cash Office.收回夜班经理钥匙,交回现金房.

5、· Complete tour notes for follow up by department.完成副总巡视记录,交各部门跟进7am to 8am上午7点到8点Daily每日Conduct store morning meeting主持商场早会。8am to 9am上午8点到9点Daily每日OP123Tour backroom & salesfloor:巡视后仓和楼面:· Take notes on exceptions such as zoning, missing labels and signing; 记录并跟进有关区域整理,标签和标牌的例外情况。

6、83; Study store in-stock; Task工作内容Time Period时间段Frequency频率Retention保存时间Reference Guide参考资料Sat周六Sun周日Mon周一周一Tue周二Wed周三周三Thu周四Fri周五分析店内存货,订货和楼面商品陈列状况。· Check for low or empty features;检查存货不足的特卖陈列。· Check features and make sure new items are put on the sales floor. 確保新商品和超值商品及时陈列到楼面.· B

7、asic program execution 基本程序的执行Apparel:检查服装区域:· Check in-stock of department部门存货状况· Check image racks; ensure new fashion items are presented;形象架:所有新商品已陈列· Review zoning in each area; 区域整理· Review all rack rules;是否所有陈列遵守服装货架规则· Make sure clearance racks are zoned and appealin

8、g to our customer;清仓商品货架随时整理,吸引顾客。· New modular set in a timely matter.新陈列及时更改。Fresh Area:检查鲜食区· Service case clean and full;展示柜整洁,陈列饱满。· No out of date products in cases/coolers/freezers;展示柜/冷藏柜/冻柜里面没有过期商品。· Product below load limit; (Cooler/Freezer)商品陈列没有超过上限。(冷藏柜/冻柜)· Set

9、 to COMAC.所有陈列符合COMAC要求和鲜食陈列标准。· Seasonally correct.商品陈列符合季节特点。9am to 12am上午9点到12点Daily每日OP058Task工作内容Time Period时间段Frequency频率Retention保存时间Reference Guide参考资料Sat周六Sun周日Mon周一Tue周二Wed周三Thu周四Fri周五· Displays clean and appealing and at adequate temperature; 陈列符合卫生和温度标准,对顾客有吸引力。 · 3+1 serv

10、ice standard. Hot promotion is started.“3+1”服务 , 并已开展热卖促销活动· Lines of customers at the scales.计价台排队情况· Cleaning of the area.区域内清洁卫生标准的执行情况9am to 12am上午9点到12点Daily每日Follow up on merchandise received through DC and directs.了解DC货柜的预约情况,提前做好安排。Daily每日Check on promotion and retailtainment at pe

11、ak business time.营运高峰期内是否开展促销和娱乐顾客活动。10am to 8pm上午10点到下午8点Daily每日Review POS sheets.签阅POS单12:00前Daily每日Walk store and ensure associates are zoning and using 3 meter rule.巡视楼面,确保员工进行区域整理。2pm to closing下午2点到关店Daily每日Review the reports and follow up on exceptions. The reports are but not limited to: 签阅报

12、告,检查部门跟进情况,报告包括但不限于:· Store managers recap; 商店经理小结;· On-line exception report; 联机例外报告;· Department Markdown Recap; 部门减价小结报告;· Markdown more than 50 dollars summary report; 减价大于400元报告;· DC receiving detail report; DC收货详情报告;· Terminal productivity report; 终端生产率报告;· E

13、xtended transaction report; 扩展交易分析报告;· Price override report; 价格替代报告;· Refund review report; 退款审核报告;· Management review report; 管理审核报告;· Void match report; 作废匹配报告;· Margin report of fresh; 鲜食库存追踪报告;· Throwaway report of fresh. 鲜食每日损耗单。By 3pm下午3点前Daily每日Task工作内容Time Peri

14、od时间段Frequency频率Retention保存时间Reference Guide参考资料Sat周六Sun周日Mon周一Tue周二Wed周三Thu周四Fri周五Review the reports of Cash Office including but not limited to:签阅现金房报告及相关报表,包括但不限于:· Refund review report; 退款审核报告;· Management review report; 管理审核报告;· Void match report; 作废匹配报告;· Balance cash fund

15、report; 平衡基金报告;· Pickup/Deposit report; 提取存款报告;· Suspended transaction report; 中止交易报告;· Register sales report; 收银机销售额报告;· Departmental leasing report; 部门租赁报告;· Leasing Counter Sales Summary 租赁柜台销售统计;· Bank Deposit Sheet 银行存款单4pm to closing下午4点到关店Daily每日Tour floor at pea

16、k business hours and make sure that all associates are serving customers. Conduct CBWA.高峰期巡视楼面,确保员工都在楼面服务,对员工进行CBWADaily每日Tour the fresh, checkout, customer service desk and escalators at peak business hours.检查鲜食计价台,收银区,服务台,健康步道,客用扶梯等顾客密集区,确保各部门正常运作Scan outs, feature tracking items and store ads ite

17、ms on floor. Work on clearing items.在楼面扫描缺货,特卖陈列及店内广告商品,处理清仓商品。As Needed必要时Daily每日Check associate dress code.检查员工着装标准。Daily每日Follow up on pick list execution.跟进提取清单程序的执行。Daily每日Serve customer and associates with 3-meter rule and open door.使用3米原则, 服务顾客和员工,执行门户开放政策。Daily每日Work on emails on merchandisi

18、ng and operational issues.完成文件工作。Daily每日Communicate with GM and EDGM for assistance when necessary.及时向总经理和常务副总反映问题并寻求解决方法。Daily每日React to any incidents.处理店内的紧急事宜Daily每日Task工作内容Time Period时间段Frequency频率Retention保存时间Reference Guide参考资料Sat周六Sun周日Mon周一Tue周二Wed周三Thu周四Fri周五Check on receiving of DC truck.

19、Hand over the work to the night manager, attend shift meeting.了解DC到货及卸柜进度,与夜班经理交接,参加夜班班前会。23:00Daily每日Check on overnight plans of each department. Prepare for the next day.检查各部门晚班完成工作及标准恢复情况,为第二天营业做准备。21:00下班时Daily每日Close the store for the day.关店,结束营业。按营业时间Daily每日Attend Department Manager meeting参加店

20、内管理层会议。Monday周一Weekly每周Conduct mgmt weekly meeting with division.组织本分区的管理层周会。As Scheduled按照安排Weekly每周Ensure department managers follow weekly competition schedule.确保部门经理按照竞争程序完成市调。Weekly每周Inventory the change fund of the Cash Office.现金房基金盘点。Weekly每周Spot check modular and clearance items.抽查陈列图调整,商品清仓

21、情况。Weekly每周Collect CBS and take part in merchandising meeting.收集部门信息,参加采购沟通会,递交CBS。Weekly每周Check on the follow up of Bulletin and COMAC.督促部门在规定时间内完成Bulletin,COMAC的跟进工作Weekly每周Check competition at least once every week and make action plans.每周至少一次到竞争对手处了解情况并且制定相应的竞争策略。Weekly每周Verify the risk control

22、review is conducted and exceptions are followed up. The related information is shared at management meeting on Monday.完成风险控制检查,发现例外立即跟进,并在周一管理层会议分享信息。As Scheduled按照安排Weekly每周Task工作内容Time Period时间段Frequency频率Retention保存时间Reference Guide参考资料Sat周六Sun周日Mon周一Tue周二Wed周三Thu周四Fri周五Review the reports: 签阅周报并跟

23、进各种例外,包括但不仅限于:· Top 50 items listing by retail; 销售前50名商品报告-零售计;· Top 50 items listing by units; 销售前50名商品报告_数量计;· Competition review report; 竞争审核报告;· 30 day competition review report; 30天竞争审核报告;· 5-week no movement report; 五周无流动商品报告;· No item movement report; 无流动商品报告;

24、83; In-active item report; 非活跃商品报告;· Out of stock report; 缺货报告;· Departmental markdown report; 部门减价小结报告;· Top 50 items with highest markdown report; 减价金额最高的前50名商品。Review orders for supplies.根据部门自用品的盘点结果,审核订购量。As Scheduled按照安排Two weeks 每两周Participate in the Afternoon Tea with Customers

25、 conducted by the Customer Service Team. Participate in meeting with Risk Control Team.不定时参与顾客服务小组组织的顾客下午茶活动,每月参加安全小组工作。Monthly每月Attend monthly fresh inventory.(Fresh DGM)鲜食副总必须参加月底鲜食盘点。Monthly每月Participate in associate meeting.参加员工大会。Monthly每月OP055Participate in the high shrinkage meeting.参加高损耗会议。Weekly每周Check the execution SWAS plan, ordering and inventory of


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