进口代理合同协议书范本 中英文版_第1页
进口代理合同协议书范本 中英文版_第2页
进口代理合同协议书范本 中英文版_第3页
进口代理合同协议书范本 中英文版_第4页




1、进口代理合同协议书范本 中英文版编号:_进口代理合同甲方:_乙方:_签订日期:_年_月_日甲方:_party a: _ co., ltd.乙方:_party b: _co., ltd经甲乙双方共同协商,就甲方_托付乙方代理清关、运输等事宜,达成协议如下:through friendly negotiation, about party a entrusting party b as p arty as agent of customs clearance and shipment of _, as well as _ things related, party a and party b ha

2、s reached the following agreement:第一条:托付事项article 1: items of trust甲方的_托付乙方代理的行为,由乙方登记建档,随时承受海关稽查,双方必需遵守海关法和其他相关的法律法规。the action that party a entrusts party b as its consignee shall be registered and filed by party b for the sake of customs inspection at any time, and both parties shall abide by the

3、 customs law and other corresponding laws and regulations.其次条:甲方的责任和义务article 2: party as responsibilities and obligations1.甲方在货物运抵口岸前向乙方供应报关合同、报关发票、托付书及货物流向等报关所需文件和相关资料。_运单收货人及到站地址需精确无误,如因甲方供应运单、文件及收货人等单证不齐、有误造成不能准时通关,产生的滞留费、变更费及口岸相关费用由甲方担当。1. party a shall provide customs clearance documents and m

4、aterials, such as contract, invoice, proxy and distribution destination, and so on, to party b before goods arriveat the port. information about _consignee and distribution address shall be accurate without any mistake. party a shall cover retention charge, change fee and alternation cost caused by

5、delayed customs clearance, in case the delayed customs clearance are caused by incomplete, wrong documents, such as delivery sheet, files and consignee, provided by party a.2.货物进入中国口岸前,甲方必需把所需资金一次性转入乙方指定账户,用于交纳货物通关等各项费用。2. party a shall transfer money required, which shall be used as customs clearan

6、ce fee, into the designated account of party b at a time before goods arrive in china.3.如因甲方资金缘由所产生的口岸滞留、仓储、海关滞报等费用,由甲方担当。3. party a shall cover the fees of port retention, storage and delayed declaration, in case the fees are caused by party as financial matter.第三条:乙方的责任和义务article 3: party bs respo

7、nsibilities and obligations1.乙方负责审核甲方供应的合同及文件等单证是否齐全、有效。1. party b shall be responsible for auditing whether documents, like contract and files, provided by party a are complete and valid or not.2.由于乙方对合同条款执行不力,或因不能准时办理清关手续给甲方造成损失,甲方有权向乙方追索给甲方造成的损失。2. party a shall have the right to claim compensati

8、on on damage caused by party bs insufficient execution and delayed customs clearance procedure.3.乙方在办理甲方所托付业务时,按每柜收取费用。3. party b shall charge by per container when processing the entrust business.4.乙方负责代理甲方报关、运输等工作,如因乙方缘由未能准时报送、发运所产生的口岸滞留、仓储、报关滞报费用由乙方担当。4. party b shall be responsible for customs c

9、learance, shipment entrusted, and so onby party a. party b shall cover the cost of port retention, storage and delayed customs clearance, in case the situation of delayed customs clearance and shipment are caused by party b.5.乙方应准时向甲方供应到货及发运状况,包括:数量、发运时间等。5. party b shall provide information about a

10、rrival and shipment status, including quantities, delivering time, and so on.第四条:在执行本协议过程中,甲乙双方发生纠纷应共同协商解决,协商不能达成全都时可通过法律途径解决。article 4: in the event of any dispute or difference of opinion, both parties shall use their best efforts to settle such dispute or difference of opinion amicably by negotia

11、tion. however, any dispute or difference of opinion which cannot be amicably and satisfactorily by negotiation in spite of the best efforts used by the parties, shall be finally settled by local arbitration committee.第五条:本协议一式_份,双方各持_份。article 5:the agreement is in_, while each party keeps _copy.第六条:本协议自签字盖章之日起生效,有效期_年。article6: the agreement shall come to effect after signing and sealing, and the period of validity shall last for _ year.第七条:本协议中未尽事宜,双


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