1、道听途说教你一眼认出英语单词的意思(太绝了,学英语的朋友必须收藏)(转载)_娱乐八卦一天涯社区( teach you a hearsayrecognize the meaning of words in english (great, learn englishfriends must collect) (reprint) _ entertainment gossip _tianya)url 二http:/www. tianya cn/publicforum/content/funinfo/1/2544804. shtml二gbk编码作者:qdully 2011-3-24 10:31:00请大
2、家想一想,英语是谁发明的?英国人呗!英国人认不认识汉语? 不认识!那么英国人在学英语单词的时候需不需要记住单词的汉语意 思?不需要,英国人的英语课本里根本就没有汉字,何谈记住单词的 汉语意思?那么既然英国人学英语不需要记住(甚至根本就见不到) 单词的汉语意思,那么中国人学英语为什么要去记住单词的汉语意思 呢?这种做法大家不觉得奇怪吗和害羞吗?;然而由于中国人学英语时都在背单词的汉语意思,因此大家反而觉不 岀”背汉字”有什么奇怪的了。其实仔细想一想,这个行为真的很奇 怪,奇怪的根源不在于行为本身,而在于中国人普遍不会直接识别英 语单词的意思,因而只好靠汉语符号来机械地帮助记忆英语单词的意 思,这
3、样去学英语不仅多此一举,而且必然会陷入苦海无边的符号记 忆灾难中和害羞;其实英语单词和汉字一样,存在着很多的”偏旁部首”,知道了偏旁 部首你就可以根据它们直接来猜测单词的意思,虽不说百分之百猜 准,但起码可以猜测个大概,至少在别人告诉过你单词的意思后你可 以恍然大悟地领会它,这样就可以大大增强你对英语单词”见字识 意”的能力,做到真止认识一个单词,而把它的汉语意思仅做为一般 参考和害羞;举儿个例了来说吧:­;比如单词代表,请别急着告诉我你认识这个单词,其实你不见得”认 识”这个单词,你仅是凭着你的记忆力记住了这串英语字母和两个汉 字符号”代表”之间的对应关系,这样去学英语你会多费
4、劲?下面我 来告诉你这个单词为什么是”代表”的意思。重新在英语里是一个偏 旁部首,它是”回来”的意思;预也是一个偏旁部首,是”向前”的 意思;送也是一个偏旁部首,是”发出去、派出去”的意思;一仅是 偏旁部首之间的个”连接件”,没了它两个辅音字母t就要连在一 起了,发音会分不开,会费劲,因此用一个元音字母一隔开一下;性 也是一个偏旁部首,是”人”的意思。那么这儿个偏旁部首连在一起 是什么意思呢? re-pre-sent-a-tive,就是”回来-向前-派出去-的 人”,即”回来征求大家的意见后又被派出去替大家讲话的人”,这 不就是”代表”的意思吗!这么去认识一个单词才是真正”认识” 了 这个单词
5、,把它认识到了骨子里和害羞;比如单词yesome,是一些。是的表示肯定,the suffix "some" can mean "to a certain degree that is not what it means why do you have to use chinese to correspond to english meanings instead of thinking in english?give me another example: psychology. 一psy二sci is a radical, "know" ch
6、o is a radical, is the,zheartz, meaning; lo is a radical, said meaning; gy is a radical, z,learning means, logy together "theory" the meaning of. so psy-cho-logy is linked to the theory of knowing the mind, and that is what psychology means-by analogy, not much for example, my point is cle
7、ar, that is, not to memorize the meaning of chinese words, and to methods for identification of "radical" to truly understand a word, understand a word, you will find that the chinese translation of vocabulary is actually very reluctantly. sometimes even translate, because chinese and engl
8、ish are two different writing systems, both in the text is not one-to-one, memorizing english words only mean the chinese characters can not really understand the word, will cause many difficulties of the follow-up study, will cause you a lifetime to see the english words such as smoke and mirrors a
9、lways have the strange feeling, can not afford to retire一so the next question is, how many "radicals" in english, how to know and learn them? -i found two main reasons chinese unfamiliar to english radical answering this question, one is the important content in the schoot s english teachi
10、ng, we can not go to school in the classroom (this is the defect of the current school english textbook need to compensate for the two;) is one of the few book store sales on this aspect the book is too complicated, dynamic and hundreds of thousands of pages, the content of bitter is huge, the impac
11、t of these knowledge popularization, which is common sense is not sense in fact, english radical school called "root", also commonly used in more than 200, they are like the 26 letter of the same common and important, likechinese radicals as comm on and important, which is an important par
12、t of learning english lesson we should study, learning english should be early to master these importa nt comm on sense, as soon as possible to get rid of rote foolhardy, early into the scientific and effective literacy statusenglish word -1, ag=do, act do, move -2, agri二field fields, fields (agri,
13、agro, agr), -3, ann=year 一4, audi二hear listen to -5, be11二war war -6, brev=short short 一7, ced, ceed, cess二go walking -8, cept二take takes -9, cid, cis二cut, kill cut, kill -10,cirearing rings, circles 一claim, clam二cry, shout yell 一clar=clear clear, clear, -clud二close, shut, shut down -cogn二known know
14、s -cord二heart heart 一corpor=body body -cred二believe, trust believe, trust cruc=cross cross 一cur二care cares about 一cur, curs, cour, cours二run, run,dent二tooth teeth 一di二day,-"diet二say said,dit二give to 一don二give to -du二tow two,due, duct二lead boot - ed二eat eats 一equ二equal, etc., all flat - ev=age,
15、age, life, age, period,- fact二do, make do, as - fer=bring, carry, take -f1or=flower flowers 一flu二flow stream 一fus=pour flow, irrigation, dumping -grad二step, go, grade steps, walk, level - gram=write, draw, write, draw, text, graphics, - graph二write, records, write, draw, record, graphics, gress=go,
16、walk walk - habit二dwell live 一hibit二hold take, hold 一42, hospit二guest guest 一43, idio二peculiar, own, private, proper, special, personal, proprietary 一44, insul二island island, -45, it二go walks -46, ject二throw throws 一47, juven=young young, young 一48, lectchoose, gather pick, receive -49, lev二raise li
17、ft, 1 -50, liber二free free -51, lingu=language language -52, liter=letter text, letter -53, loc二place place -54, lo萨speak words, say -55, loqu=speak words, say 一56, lun=moon moon 一57, man二dwell, stay live, stay 一58、吉诺比利二手手­;59、损坏二海海­;60、中介二中间中间­ ;61、记忆,记忆记忆­;62、合并二浸,沉沉,没&
18、amp;shy;63、移民二删除、移动迁移­;64、军事二士兵兵­;65、迷你二小,小小­;66、我不知道惊奇­二;67、错过二送投,送,发(小姐也作麻省理工学院)和害羞;68暴民二移动动­;69莫特二死亡死­;72、11 月二新新­;73、数二数数­;74名名和害羞的二;75、操作二工作工作­;76、毛利二上升升起­;77、paci二和平和平,平静­;78、像素二推,驱动推,逐,驱­;79、小彭、笔二挂悬挂/重量/支付称量支出
19、,付钱,花费­;80、宠物二寻求追求­;81、电话二声音声音­;82、pict二油漆画,描绘­;83、计划二全满,全­;84、折 plic 二倍,重叠­;85、pon 二把放置­;86、推广二人人民­;88、pos 二把放置­;89、精度二价格价值­;90、穿刺二点,刺点,朿ij­;91、pur 二纯清,纯,净­;92矩形二右,直正,直­;93、破裂二打破破­;94、萨尔二盐盐­;95、
20、其次,人生景象二爬爬,攀­;96、sci 二知道知­;97秒,跟着跟随­序列二;98、教派二切切割­;99发送、桑斯二感觉感觉­;100、sid 二坐坐­;103、spect 二看看­;104精神二呼吸呼吸­;105、尾二切切割­;106、覃、十、锡二持有握,持,守­;107、保护盖掩盖­二;108远程二远远­;109、时间二时间时­;110倾向(儿万,帐篷)二拉伸伸­;111领地二土地,地球土地,陆
21、地­;112、文本二编织纺织­;113道二画拉,抽,弓|­;114,联合国为­;115城市二市城市­;118、变量二改变变化­;119, 法师二来来­;120、垂直,版本二转转­;121六、通过二方式道路­;122, 可见,vid 二看看­;123、维生素二生活生命­;124、薇薇二生活活­;与害羞;与害羞;【第二部分,多认词根,多识单词】­;125, aer (0)空气,空中,航空­;126 alt
22、 高­;127, 是爱­;128、行走行走­;130、人(0)人,人类­; 131 a 区水­;132、拱统治者,首脑拱形统治­;133、avi 鸟­;134蝙蝠打­;135、文献书­;136 birg 战斗,打­;137、cad、cas 降落,降临­;138、证书确定,确信­;139、慢性时­;140、cid 降落,降临­;141临床倾­;142、会议世界(0),宇宙­;
23、143、疯狂的统治工艺支持­;146、循环(0)圈,环,轮­;147、dem (0)人民­;148、德克斯特右­;149、医生教­;150、dom 屋,家­;151、宿舍睡眠­;152、宿舍跑­;153自我我­;154、错误漫游,走,行­;155、火警铃、寓言言­;156、菲徳联盟­;157、煮沸沸,热­;158、fiet, fig molding, fictional - 159, fid trusts -fil
24、 line flat blows - fleet, flex bend -flict hits 一frag, fract break, fold -frig cold -fug fled, scattered -fund, found base, base -gam marriage -gram cereals, grains 一grav weighs -greg group, set -gyn, gynce (o) women -hal breathe -helic (o) helix 一hes, her adhesion 一ign fire 一integr, whole, 一junct c
25、onnection, link -later side 一leg reads 一leg, legis, -luc light, -lumin light, -magn (i) big -matr (i), metro mother -mega big -mens measure 一meaning,me nt heart, god, wisdom, thought, min protruding, protruding 一misc mix, mix 一mis (o) hate, hate - mon cautions to remind 一mon alone, a 一mur wall -mut
26、transform 一nat was born -nav ship -nect, nex junction, line -negr, nigr, black -nihil without -noc, nox damage 一noct (i) night -norm specification, regular, normal -nutri nutrition, 一orn decorative - par live, produce 一pari says, "talk about ­.;past feed, eat 一path (o), pathy, disease, t
27、herapy,patr (i), father, father, -ped feet, foot -ped children, children 一petr (o) stone 一eats 一phil (o) love -phob (ia) afraid of 一 plex overlap, heavy - polis city -prim first, initial - radio root 一ras, rad wipe, scrape 一rid, ris laugh, -rod, ros, bite, gnaw, -rot wheel, turn -rud primitive savag
28、e 一rur, rus rural 一sat, satis, satur feet, full and full,sen old 一simil, simul similar, same - sol, ­ alone;sol sun 一soph wisdom -sper wants 一spers, spars, scatter, -splend shines, shining 一stell star 一tact, tag touch 一the (o) god -ton sound, -tort twist 一tour circuitous, turn -trud, trus, pu
29、sh, punch, -tut, tuit guardianship, custody -umbr shadow 一ut, us,-vas walk, roam 一vai strong -van empty, no 一ver (i) true -voc, vok, voice, yell,-vol, volunt will, will,252, volu, volv roll, turnthese are called root affixes all the languages of latin and derived languages are made up of prefixes +
30、roots + twists and turns, compound, derivation + suffix in foreign languages, phonology, grammar and so on, we should learn the formation of words the english language teaching at the local authorities is frankly immature teaching methods are very harmful fundamentally unscientific, unprofessional,
31、or unsystematic many people who write textbooks are not professiona1. they recite two texts and remember the basic dictionaries the who 1 e grammar is broken. it's not systematic at all. moreover, the language of this thing is customary, it is accumulated step by step, the domestic all pay atten
32、tion to quick, shorthand, speed exam, fast forget don,t know the answer. linguistics, grammar, phonology, phonetics without introduction of the system how can an apprentice realize the mystery of the formation of a language? domestic foreign languages are all for exams, not for usethe mainland is fa
33、r behind hong kong, taiwan, japan and south korea in foreign language research so far, we do not have a special interpretation of the language, history, development, structure, translation, but abroad, and equipped to the high school library not because there are fewer mainlanders, but fewer people go abroad because of the lack of mechanism and motivation.authors: qdully, 2011-03-24, 10:36:49welcome friends who study english to exchange experienceauthors: qdully, 2011-03-24, 10:59:09i think root memory should be populari
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