1、小学六年级英语第一单元过关检测题I. Tran slatio n.(中英互译)(10%)1、 握手 6. say Hello ”2、 留言 7. wait for a bus3、 排队 8.meet new people4、 拥抱人们 9.walk on busy streets5、 接电话 10. other peopleII. 单项填空从每小题三个选项中选出最佳选项。(10%,共10小题,每小题1分) ()1. Should I shake handsothers?A. toB. withC. by()2. How should I an swer the phone? You shoul
2、d.A. say, ”Good-bye. ” B. say, "Excuse me. ” C. say, Hello. ”()3. I am sure youfine.A. isB.will beC. will()4. When I meet an older people, I.A. lood at my feet and say, ”Hello. ”B. wave and say, ”What ' yourn ame?C. shake handsand say,ft' nice to meet you. ”()5. When the bus is coming,
3、you should.A. line up and wait. B. push and stand first.C. sit down on thestreet.()6. That ' my. Pleasehere.A. seat, sitB. sit, sitC. sit, seat()7. The train arrives10:00 am tomorrow.A. inB. atC. on()8. When I get on the bus, I.A. run to the first seat. B. let old people sit down first. C. push
4、people dow n.()9. Pat, I 'm busy now.the phone, please.A. talk toB. sayC. answer()10. Tim isn 'here. I will a message for him.A. talkB. takeC. takingIII. 完形填空(10%)阅读下面短文,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1 分)Mrs. White_1_in a school. It is Su nday. She has_2_classes. At eight in the morning, she_3_t
5、o a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys_4_cakes for her childre n. At eleve n she_5_home. She wan ts to put on her new dress, but she_6_find her bag. She calls the shop assistant ( 售货员),Hello, Mrs. Black. This is Mrs. White. Can you help_7_ find my bag?_8_in your shop. ”
6、Of course, Mrs. White, ” says the assistant.We found three bags here. Butwhich one is_9_? ”I'm_10_, ” says Mrs. White, ”1 can tell you which one is mine. ”()1. A. workB. worksC. worki ngD. study()2. A. notB. anyC. someD.no()3. A. walksB. goC. walki ngD.walk()4. A. a pieceB. a littleC. someD. muc
7、h()5. A. gets toB. getsC. getD.get to()6. A. canB. don 'C. can 'D. isn '()7. A. IB. myC. mi neD.me()8. A. It 'B. ItsC. They 'reD.He '()9. A. youB. yourC. mi neD.yours()10. A. goB. comeC. comingD. comingIV.阅读理解(20%)(共20小题,每小题1分)AGiftMike: Happy birthday, Bob! Here ' a gift
8、 for you.Bob: Tha nk you. What is it?Mike: Guess.Bob: What does it look like?Mike: It has a round face.Bob: Is it a toy doll?Mike: No. It has three han ds. One is long, the other two hands are short. Ithas no legs, but it goes day and ni ght.Bob: Has it any eyes or mouth?Mike: It has no eyes or mout
9、h. But it can speak. In the morning. it calls youget up: It 'time to get up. ”ou ofte n get up late, and it can help you.Bob: Oh, I see.根据对话内容及首字母提示,填写句子所缺单词:1. Today is Bob sb.2. Mgives Bob a gift.3. The gift has no eor m.4. The gift can speak a little E.5. Bob ofte n gets up I.ii.根本对话内容,回答问题:6
10、. Why does Mikegive a gift to Bob?7. How many hands does the gift have?8. Does the gift have eyes or mouth?9. Does Bob ofte n get up early?10. What is the gift?BHow do you make a teleph one call in En glish? Do you know? Let me tell you. If you want to ask some one to come to the telepho ne, you can
11、not say,Pleaseask Mr. to answer the telephone.” You should say, May I speak to Mr.? ”ifyou want to ask who is an sweri ng the teleph one, you should say. Who is this, please? ” 'Is this Mr. ( speak in g)? ” You cannot say, Who are you? ” If you want to tell the other one who you are, you should
12、say, “ This is .( speak in g). ” You cannot stay, Cm. ”i. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前表上T(对)或F(不对)。()11. A Chin ses teleph one call is differe nt from an En glish one.()12. En glish people always say, Please ask Mr.to an swer the phone. ”()13. If you want to ask who is an sweri ng the teleph one, you should say,Who
13、are you? ”()14. You can say I'm ” to tell the other one who you are.()15. If you want to ask some one to come to the telepho ne,you shouldsay, 'Please ask Mr to answer the phone. ”ii. 在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。()16. If you want to know who is answering the call, you should say,“?”A. What ' your
14、telephone numberB. Who is speaking over thereC. Who are you speak ingD. Who is this, please?()17. Whe n you want to tell who you are on the teleph one, you should say,A. This is. B.I am.C. That '.D. My name is.()18. If you want to ask Mr Smith to some to the phone, you should ask,A. May I speak
15、to Mr Smith, please B. Are you Mr Smith, pleaseC.Is Mr Smith answering the call D. Could I ask Mr Smith to answer the call.()19.Which is the best title for this passage?B. Finding some oneD. Funny dayB. tell somethi ng to somebodyD. speak well in En glish(共5小题,每空1分。)A. Making a teleph one call.C. In
16、trouducing(介绍)yourself()2O.The passage is about how toA. talk with an En glish pers on.C. make a teleph one callV. 完成句子(10 %)根据首字母提示,完成句子,每空填一个单词。1. They are walking on a b street.2. With younger people, we can wand say Hi, I "m Pat.3. When you answer the phone, you can take a m 4. What do you
17、do whe n you mnew people?5. We shouldn ' them when we meet strangers( 陌生人).VI. 根据情景选出最佳答案(10%)(共5小题,每小题2分)()1. When I an swer the phone, how should I do?A. You should say, Who are you? ”B. You should say,Who are you speaking? ”C. You should say,Who are that speaking? ”()2. When your frie nd give
18、s you a gift, how should you do?A. say,“don 'like it. ” B. say, Thanks, that ' nice of you. ”C. say nothing whe n you get it.()3. When we get on the bus, what should we do?A. We should run into the bus. B. We should push people.C. We should let old people sit dow n first.()4. When your famil
19、y isn 'at home, how should you an swer the phone?A. I should take a message.B. I shouldn 'answer the phone.C. I should say , “am Bob ”()5. Whe n you don 'liste n clearly the others what they say, you shouldsay,A. Say it againB. Pardon me?C. HelloVII. 补全对话(10%)/A. I am writi ng it dow n n
20、ow.B. are your mum and dad at home?C. My train arrives at 10:00 am tomorrow. D. I am fine, thanks.E. This is Aunt Molly.<Bob: Hello?Aunt molly: Hello, Bob.Bob: Hi, Aunt Molly, how are you?Aunt Molly:. Tell me,?Bob: No, I am sorry. They aren 'here. Can I take a message?Aunt Molly: Sure. please
21、 write it dow n.Bob: Yes,.Aunt Molly: Than ks, Bob. I will see you tomorrow.VIII. 书面表达 (10%)(共1小题)礼仪,礼貌在生活中非常重要,以“ How To Be Polite To Others ”为题,写一篇 文章,告诉大家怎样做对别人才能是有礼貌的, 才能成为一个有礼貌的孩子。 不 少于60个单词。(8分)春雨的色彩说课稿一、教材内容分析:春天里万物复苏,百花争艳、绿草如荫、一派迷人的景色。春雨的色彩 意境优美,散文诗中绵绵的春雨,屋檐下叽叽喳喳的小鸟,万紫千红的大地,给 人以美的陶冶和享受,与此同时启
22、发幼儿通过简洁优美的语言以及相应的情景对 话练习感受春天的勃勃生机。激发幼儿热爱大自然的情感,启发幼儿观察、发现 自然界的变化,感知春的意韵,并尝试运用多种方法把春雨的色彩表现出来,以此来表达自己的情感体验。二、幼儿情况分析:中班下学期的幼儿探究、分析、观察能力有了一定的发展,并且孩子们充满 了好奇心和强烈的探究欲,能主动地去探究周围和环境的变化,并且能根据变化 运用自己的表达方式将感知到的变化加以表现。 同时这个时期的幼儿的语言表达 能力及审美能力有一定的发展,孩子们在平时的活动中也积累了许多有关绘画方 面的经验在活动展示出来。三、活动目标:教育活动的目标是教育活动的起点和归宿, 对教育活动
23、起着主导作用,我根 据中班幼儿的实际情况制定了一下活动目标:1、情感态度目标:引导幼儿感受散文诗的意境美。2、能力目标:发展幼儿的审美能力和想象力。3、认知目标:帮助幼儿在理解散文的基础上感受春天的生机,知道春雨对 万物生长的作用。四、活动的重点和难点:重点是:引导幼儿份角色朗诵小动物的对话, 感受散文诗的优美,进而丰富 词汇、发展幼儿的观察能力、思维和语言表达能力。难点是:学习词语“淋、滴、洒、落”、学习春雨的对话、诗句“亲爱的小鸟们, 你们说得都对,但都没说全面,我本身是无色的,但我能给春天的大地带来万紫 千红”。五、活动准备:1、经验准备:课前学会朗诵诗春天,并组织幼儿春游,根据天气情况
24、 实地观察春雨,让幼儿感受了解春天的有关知识经验。2、 物质准备:小动物头饰、教学课件、幼儿绘画用纸笔六、教法:陶行知先生曾经说:“解放儿童的双手,让他们去做去干”所以在 本次活动中,我力求对幼儿充分放手,对大限度的激发幼儿的学习兴趣,让他们 自己去探究、去发现、去感受,我主要采取了以下教学法:1、谈话法:在活动得导入环节我运用与幼儿进行有关春天主题的谈话,帮 助幼儿积累整理自己积累的有关春天的知识经验。2、演示法:在活动中我通过多媒体课件向 幼儿展示春天的勃勃生机,春 雨的色彩散文诗的情景,也是通过课件中轻柔的配乐诗朗诵体现出来的。 现代 教学辅助手段的运用进一步强化了他的作用, 使幼儿对春天、春雨更加了解和熟 悉。3、情景演示法:将幼儿置身于春雨的色彩散文情景中,通过角色表演, 强化幼儿对春雨的色彩的感受。此外我还适时采用了交流讨论法、激励法、审美熏陶法和动静交替法加以整 合,使幼儿从多方面获得探
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