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1、7第7课时八年级上册Un its 710i. 选择填空1. Jane thinks that she is going to beastronaut when she grows up.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Could you go with me to see Tan gsha n World Expo n ext Saturday?I'd like to, but I'll first check my to see if I have time then.A. diary B. bookC. calendarD. letter3. Don't

2、 waste water. Water is very important and no one can liveit._A. withoutB. withC. except D . besides4. Mom, I want to watch the program now.Sorry, you can't do thatyou finish your homework.A. when B . if C . after D . until5 .Are you going to Mary's party?I won't goI am in vited.A.ifB . u

3、ni ess C . whe nD .after6 .Three.pen cils are there in your pen cil-box?A.How oftenB . How longC.How muchD. How many7 .The exam seas on is coming up. Stude ntstwo exams n ext Mon day.A.haveB . hadC. will haveD. are havi ng&(2019 预测)Now the fruits and milk are in the blender. What should we don e

4、xt?We shouldthe ble nder.A.cut upB . mix upC. turn onD . put on9 .They will not go to the concert if ittomorrow.A.will snowB . sno wedC. snowsD. snow10. Can you go to the ci nema with us toni ght?.I might help my mother do the housework.A . I'd love toB. rm afraid notD. Don't worryC. Sounds

5、greatn.完形填空When I was about twelve, I went to a restaura nt for dinner with my family. It was win ter, and on that ni ght it was really 1.As my mom and I headed towards the restaura nt from our car, a girl and her mother came up to us. They 2 if we had any spare cha nge. My mom immediately asked whe

6、re they lived. They poin ted to an old car in a park ing lo t across the street. The 3 said there were six of them livi ng in that car.My mom han ded them a few dollars. The n, 4 sent me i nside the restaura nt with my dad and my three sisters. But she did n't come.Later, I 5 that she had gone h

7、ome and emptied our cupboards into a few bags. Then, she took some 6 from the dinner table to the car and han ded the bags to the family.A few days later, I asked her 7 she helped those people. She told me that we were lucky and that their family was n't as lucky.andHere I stood, 8 in almost new

8、 clothes, the n went back and enjoyed a warm bed for myself. I remembered that the other girl did n't have any food 9 she only had a cold, old car to live in with 10 other people. I will n ever forget what she did that ni ght, and how she taught me one of the best less ons I have ever learn ed.1

9、.A.warmB.coldC.coolD. hot2.A.askedB.toldC.talkedD . spoke3.A.boyB.manC.stude ntD . girl4.A.sheB.heC.theyD.we5.A.ha nded out Bfound outC.put outD. took out6.A.clothesB.moneyC.foodD . books7.A.howB.whe nC.whereD . why&A.woreB.dressedC.putD . brought9.A.to drinkB. to playC.to eatD. to visit10.A.fou

10、rB.fiveCsixD. seven川.补全对话(2015 山东济南中考)Paul: Hi, Katy. 1Katy: Fine, thanks, Paul.Paul: How was your weeke nd?Katy: 2 I visited my gra ndpare nts, and I went fish ing with my gra ndpa.Paul: Sounds like you had a good time, Katy. 3Katy: Party? What party?Paul: Tomorrow is my birthday.Katy: Sure. 4 Paul

11、: Around 6: 00 p . m.Katy: 5Paul: No, I'll buy all the food and drin ks.Katy: OK. See you tomorrow.1. A.Are you free? B. How are you?C. Can I help you? D. How's the weather?2. A.Yes, we did. B . That's too bad.C. It was great. D . He was friendly.3. A.Can you come to my party?B. What did

12、 you see?C. Did you go to Amy's party?D. What about Sun day?4. A.Where do you live?B. How can I get there?C. When will it start?D. When does she arrive?5. A.How do you make a salad?B. Is there a post office nearby?C. What's your favorite food?D. Do I need to bring anything?"阅读理解Dear Kar

13、en ,租用)As you probably kno w, it's my sister Suzie's 16th birthday in a week. We're pla nning a surprise party for her. Julie's going to pick her up from school as usual on Friday but she's not taking her home. She's bringing her to the Palace Hotel, the big moder n one n ear

14、 the stati on. We're havi ng a meal there and we've also hired( the ballroom( 舞厅)for a party in the evening. I hope you can come!All her friends from school are coming and quite a few of the people from our village, too. Of course, Mom and Dad are coming up from En gla nd and I've man ag

15、ed to persuade( 说服)our other sister, Marie, to come over from Australia. She's bringing her kids with her, too.After the party we're going to have ano ther one on Saturday! Well, not really a party. We're inviting the family and close friends (that includes you) for a meal at the house.

16、If the weather is nice, we'd like to have a barbecue in the garde n. Julie is going to make a special cake for Suzie.Any way, we hope to make it a really special weeke nd for Suzie. On Sun day we're all going for a walk in the coun try. You know how she loves walk ing and we're all going

17、 to n eed a bit of exercise after all that lovely food. We're hop ing to go up to the lake. Marie said she wan ted her kids to feed the ducks just like what Suzie and she did when they were very young. I'm sure Suzie will love that, too.It would be great if you could come over for the weeken

18、d. We would all love to see you.Let me know as soon as you can.Best wishes ,David1. Who is Karen?A. David's cousin.B. David's friend.C. David's sister.D. David's classmate.2. David and Julie are planning to have Suzie's birthday party on Friday evening.A. at the Palace HotelB. at

19、 the houseC. in the gardenD. beside the lake3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned?A. To make a special cake.B. To have a barbecue.C. To go swimming.D. To feed the ducks.4. won't come for the meal at the house on Saturday because Daviddoes n't in vite them/her.A. Kare nB. People from the

20、ir villageC. Suzie's Mom and DadD. Marie and her kids5. David is pla nning a walk in the country on Sun day because hethi nks .A. Suzie loves walking very muchB. Suzie used to take a walk there after dinnerC. it is special for Marie's kids to go for a walk in the countryD. Suzie can feed the ducks in the river when going for a walkV .书面表达(2019 -原创)上星期,你和李明等同学度过了一个美好的周末。你们开始想去哪里?最后去了哪里?当时天气怎么样?都做了些什么?请根据所给图画,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,投稿给你校英文周刊。注意:1.词数:100左右。2文中不得出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。参考答案1.1 5 BCADB 6 10 DCCCBII .1 5 BADAB 6 10 CDBCB川.BCACDIV .BACBAV. Last


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