已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、新高考英语作文新题型一一概要写作,怎样科学备考?概要写作题型特点概要写作(summary ),牛津高阶英语词典(第8版)对它的定义如下:A summary is a briefstatement that gives only the main points of something not the details”。也就是要求考生在整体把握原文的前提下,用自己简洁、精练的语言,对原文的主旨大意进行高度的浓缩,写出一篇语义连贯的 短文,也可称之为摘要。这一题型一方面考查学生通过阅读获取文章主旨大意和关键词的能力,另一 方面也考查学生的写作能力即用简洁的语言概括文章重要信息的能力以及对文章整体结

2、构的把握能 力。因此,概要写作是基于阅读理解和书面表达的,是二者的有机结合体,是阅读理解和书面表达的 沟通桥梁。从考试说明上对概要写作的评分原则以及各档次的给分范围和要求的规定中,我们可以发 现概要写作有以下特点:客观性:概要写作其实是一种客观的复述,在正确理解原文的基础上,用自己的语言忠实地再 现作者的思想,写作内容要全面,既不能漏掉任何要点,也不能随意增加内容;写作时要尽可能避免 使用原文中的字句。考生应通过释义的方式,用自己的语言呈现原文主要内容。需要注意的是,考生_不能对原文进行解释和评论,也不能掺杂任何个人想法,或做出任何评判,因此不能出现“believe ”,I think &qu

3、ot;等字句。简洁性:简洁是概要写作的一个显著特点。概要写作是一种对原文浓缩”后产生的新语篇,通过删除原文中的细节减少例证,简化描述内容以及去除重复来实现语言的简洁性,但是简洁的同时还要做到意义的完整。连贯性:概要写作并不是写提纲那样只是要点的罗列。写概要时,必须在各要点之间增加一些体现逻辑的关系词,使概要衔接紧密、脉络清晰。写出的概要读起来要完整连贯分析把握评分原则考试说明中关于概要的评分原则中第一条:本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分;评分时,先根据所写概要的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求衡量、确定或调整档次,最 后给分。其中最高档次第五档(21-25分)的给分描述如下:理

4、解准确,涵盖全部要点;能准确使用 相应的语法结构和词汇;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所完成的概要结构紧凑;完全使用自己 的语言。根据以上的评分原则,我们该如何正确把握概要写作呢?下面以考试说明中概要写作的样 题为例:阅读下面短文,然后用60个单词左右概括短文的要点。Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt.In the early 16th cen tury, people thoug

5、ht that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opinion had it that washi ng off dirt with hot water could ope n up the skin and let ills in. A particular dan ger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the

6、king of England in 1546. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a frie ndly way. Henry IV, Ki ng of France, was famously dirty. Upon lear ning that a n oblema n had take n a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the n oblema n should not

7、 go out.Though the belief in the adva ntage of dirt was Ion g-lived, dirt has no Ion ger bee n regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18th century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to health. Clea n water supply and hand washi ng are practical means of preve nting disease. Yet

8、, it seems that sta ndards of clea nli ness have moved bey ond scie nee since World WarD.Advertiseme nts repeatedly sell the idea; clothes n eed to be whiter tha n white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too far?Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely no wada

9、ys. Many first-time pare nts n ervously try to warn theirchildre n off touch ing dirt, which might be resp on sible for the spread of disease. On the con trary,Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist ( 免疫学家 ),encourages children to play in the dirt tobuild up a strong immune system. And the latter po

10、siti on is gaining some reas on.首先通过阅读我们知道文章一共有4段,它按照时间的顺序、总-分的方式来陈述人们在不同时期对于 dirt "的不同观点,即 Attitudes towards dirt have been changing over time 。文章第一段的第二句是全文的主旨,第二、三、四段都是在不同时期人们对于dirt"的不同看法,基本可以确定attitudes >dirt和time为全文的关键词。其中第二段是讲在16世纪,欧洲一些国家特别是英法两国中的皇室贵族们对于dirt ”的态度;第三段是讲在18世纪时,人们对于di

11、rt ”态度发生的变化;第四段则是讲述现 在人们虽然仍对dirt "持有不同的观点,但是却有越来越多的人认为playi ng in the dirt help peoplebuild a stro ng immu ne system。通过梳理整合这些要点,可以得出文章的概要。浙江省英语教研员葛炳芳老师在关于新高考读后续写和概要写作的指导性讲座中,分享了自己写的样题的概要范文:Attitudes towards dirt have beenchanging over time. In the 16th century, people believed thatdirt on the s

12、kin helped protect against disease. Since the 18th century, however, people havedeveloped the belief that cleaning away dirt can prevent disease. Today, although attitudes to dirtstill differ sharply, more and more people choose to believe that play ing in the dirt can help build up a stro ng immun

13、e.(60 words)对照上述评分原则,可以发现此范文:(1 )精确地表达了文本所有4个要点,并且对文本的内容进行了归纳、提炼和整合;(2)准确地使用了相应的语法结构和词汇,例如在表达 持有某种观点”这一意思的时候,选用了三个不同的表达方法believe ” develop the belief ” choose to believe ”避免了重复;(3 )上下文之间用了恰当的连接词however ” although "等,使行文紧凑浑然一体;4 )对文中的要点运用语义转换, 完全使用自己的语言来表达; 例如要点 1 用 Attitudes towards dirthave be

14、en changing 代替原文第一段的第二句话 there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt;要点 2用 protect against disease 代替 block out against ;要点 3 中用 prevent disease 代替 is good for health ;要点 4 用 today 代替 nowadays ,用 sharply 代替 hugely ,用 more and more people choose to believe 代替 gaining some ground ;( 5)全文 60 词,非常符合词

15、数要求。四大写作步骤概要写作是一项复杂的思维任务,要从一篇 350 词以内的短文中提炼出 60 词左右的内容概要, 必须要掌握一定的方法,它要求写作者具有很高的阅读和重组技巧。因此,其写作过程也较为复杂, 考生可以按照以下四个步骤进行:Step 1 通读全文 理解文本大意概要写作是一种 “阅读 +写作 ”的复合性任务,是有效并真实测试考生语言综合运用能力的项目。 第一遍通读全文,理解文本大意,可以帮助考生从宏观上把握文本的行文逻辑、篇章结构和主旨,为 写作奠定基础。Step 2 细读文本 理清信息主次 概要写作的一个重要功能就是测试考生对所获信息进行整理、加工与概括的能力及策略。文章 的重要内

16、容是为了表明作者的写作目的或论证作者观点而使用的具体论据,具有高度的概括性, 属于概要写作中的必要信息。而细节往往起到突出或强调等作用。写作时要把握文章的主次,分析原文的 内容和结构。 简明扼要地表述出文章的主要内容并注意结构上的先后顺序,同时要避免出现遗漏或胡乱增添要点的现象。Step 3 梳理整合 灵活表达要点 要点全面是评分的重要方面,在概要写作时只有把每段的大意都包括在内才能确保要点的全面。 但是,要点全面不是把每段的段落大意简单地相加,而是需要我们对要表达的内容进行梳理,在梳理的基础上进行整合。为了避免使用原文句子,考生需要灵活采用同义词或近义词进行替换,用不同的 句式进行转换。此外

17、,为了用自己的语言写出准确连贯的概要,还需要对相关要点进行灵活调整,并用丰富的语言、灵活的句式进行表达。Step 4检查修改确定写作终稿概要写作要求结构完整合理、语言表达规范。学生对要点进行梳理整合后,按顺序组合在一起就成了初稿。按照概要写作的评分标准,在文章完成之后还需要对其进行适当检查修改,这样才能成 为终稿。除了检查要点是否齐全、观点是否与原文一致、各要点的衔接与过渡是否自然、词数是否符 合要求这些重要的点以外,考生还需要注意书写规范、字迹工整、卷面整洁。给教师的两点备考建议纵观学生的习作,主要有三类问题:运用有要点;没有完全用自己的语言来表达。针对这三个问题,在平时的教学中,教师要有的

18、放矢地对学 生进行训练和培养。提高学生提取文章要点的能力概要写作是基于原文理解对所读内容进行简要概述的过程。因此,扎实的阅读理解能力是基础,读懂、读透原文是第一要务,在这个过程中阅读策略是有力的保证。因此,教师要培养学生区分主要 观点、事实与一般支撑性事实的技能,从而能概括出文本的主旨、要点和次要点,在写作时知道哪些是主要的,要保留,哪些是不太重要的,可以忽略;要培养学生辨识文从而把握文本的整体框架,写作时能做到层次分明、条理清楚;要培养学生识别文体特征的能力,知 道不同文体的不同谋篇布局、遣词造句等特征,从而能更好地理解文本并根据其特征写出与之相匹配的概要。提取文章要点、次要点及关键词或词组

19、的方法主要有两种:取舍法,即在原文上用下划线标出 重点内容、关键词句,戈搏与中心大意不紧密的内容;列提纲法,即按原文的层次结构,将文章的中心大意、要点、次要点都用自己的语言逐一列出,以便组织概要。培养学生灵活释义转述的能力概要写作要求学生在表达时完全使用自己的语言,而学生在习作中往往不能做到这一点,究其原因在于语言基础薄弱,词汇积累不够以及句法知识掌握不全面。夯实学生语言基础首先要扩大学生的词汇量,让学生了解这些词的用法,同时要培养学生的释义转述能力。学生要想通顺地释义句子, 首先必须对原句有透彻的理解,然后用自己熟悉的词汇、句型加以表达。概要写作的释义转述方法我 们可以从以下5个方面来对学生

20、进行训练:改变语序;转化词性;反义表达;同义词语代替;改变句 子结构。只有当学生在平时积累并学会了熟练使用这些释义转换能力,才能在考场上游刃有余地发挥。同时,在日常翻译练习中,教师也可有意识地引导学生一句多译,增强语言运用的灵活性;也可以让 学生多练习句型转换这种题型。精品资料新咼考英语作文新题型读后续写,如何有效复习?读后续写是新高考英语科目中的新题型,很多同学仍不太熟悉。今天,浙考微君邀请资深阅卷老师从2016年10月英语首考的真题切入,教大家如何复习。首考真题回放第二节读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。One weekend in July,Jane a

21、nd her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnightby a lake in the forest. Unfortunately ,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel .By the time they reached the lake ,Ja ne was so angry that she said to Tom,f"m going tofind a better spot for us to camp ” a

22、nd walked away.With no path to follow ,Jane just walked on for quite a long time .After she hadclimbed to ahigh place ,she turned around ,hop ing to see the lake .To her surprise ,she saw nothing but forest and ,far bey ond ,a sno wcapped mountain top .She sudde nly realized that she was lost.Tom! &

23、quot;she cried. Help! ”No replyf only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom .Ja ne kept moving ,but the farther she walked ,the more con fused she became .As ni ght was begi nning to fall ,Ja ne was so tired that she had to stop for the ni ght .Ly ing awake in the dark ,Ja ne wan te

24、d very much to be with Tom and her family .She wan ted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickli ng(滴落)somewhere at_a_distance._Quickly she followed the sound to a stream. To_her_greatjoy,_she also saw some berry b

25、ushes. She dra nk and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeli ng stron ger now, Jane bega n to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard ahelicopter. Is that for me?Unfortun ately, the

26、trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minu tes later,ano ther helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again.But no more helicopters came and it was getting darkagain.It was daybr

27、eak whe n Jane wokeup.注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。答题情况分析及审题建议第一,从逻辑方面来看,大部分考生对故事的主要情节拓展基本做到了合情合理,衔接较为顺畅。但是,也有不少考生构思能力较为欠缺,无法在短时间内理清故事脉络以及写作意图,对所给的十个关键词、两段开头语中提供的线索信息没有很好利用,未实现语言交际的目的。第二,从语言方面来看,大多数考生能做到语言的基本正确。但是很多考生仍然基础薄弱,不能用英文传达意义

28、,出现一些低级错误。第三,抄袭现象比较严重。抄袭的情况一般分为三类:抄自续写原文部分,抄自试卷的其他部分(如阅读题),或者之前背诵的某一段文章。由于读后续写的内容连贯性强,抄袭的同学很难浑水 摸鱼,往往以零分或低分告终。第四,内容创新不够,平淡无奇。既然是故事,需要一定的情节构思和布局,不要求考生必须出奇制胜,但也需要考生能有较清晰的逻辑思维能力和一定的创造能力,情节合情合理,达到最后的合 理收官。第五,整体卷面美观程度有待提高,行文书写体现不了语言美。审题可从两层面入手读后续写,可以说是英语写作的集大成者”它包含了 写作” 阅读” 分析” 创造”其中,最难的是合理的创造,即逻辑。那么,如何才

29、能在故事续写中做到合理审题、合理创造呢?我们可以 从结构阅读、情节阅读两个层面分析。既然是英语阅读,那么无论是读后续写的篇章,还是阅读理解题中的文章,都应该坚持阅读的最重要一步:分析全文结构。阅读理解类的文章,主要涉及社科类,偶尔有叙事类。但是,读后续写主要以故事类文本为主,阅读理解中的结构分析法仿佛一下子失去了作用。确实,故事类文本的分析 与社科类文本的分析有很大区别。故事可能在逻辑上缺乏科学性,在情节上充满跳跃性。不过,所有 故事都离不开六要素:who, whe n, where, what, how, why”这才是故事的真正结构,因此考生在阅读时,不应该走马观花看情节,而应找出文章的六

30、要素,然后将每个主要事件都用六要素串联成一句话。这样一来,冗长的故事就成了两三句,文章的结构自然水落石出。同时,考生还应该分析答题 纸中已给出的两个开头句包含的主要句子结构,这样才能保证正确的写作方向。情节是故事生命力所在,不论一个故事辞藻多么华丽,没有精妙的情节安排,词汇都成了一纸空壳。为了写出符合故事发展的尾巴”就必须先分析原文的情节发展方向。除了采用上文提到过的六要素分析法,在审题时还应该着重分析三个点:起因、转折、高潮。这三个点中,最重要的是起因 与转折。大家或许会问:为什么高潮部分不是最重要的?因为故事高潮基本都会留给考生自己去创造, 即使原文中出现了故事的高潮,那也是次要的。只有确

31、定了故事的起因,考生才能合理推断这个起因 会导致的可能结果;只有确定了故事的转折,考生才能合理地将故事发展下去。不过,在设计情节时,同样要考虑六要素,将它们串联成一句话,再将这句话添砖加瓦变成段落。优秀范例点评范例一But no more helicopters came and it was gett ing dark aga in. Immediately, an absolutedark ness ruled the forest. Jane, exhausted and scared, lay dow n n ear a stone, miss ing her familyata di

32、stance. All the fantastic memory crowded in and she couldn'help crying, Hadn 'I quarreledwith Tom, walked away and climbed to the high place, I wouldn 'be trapped in this awful place, confron ted with the dan ger of dying." She regretted with en dless an xiety, and the n became asle

33、epwith shining tears in her eyes.It was daybreak when Jane woke up . Weak as she was, she struggled to her feet, continuingsearching for assistanee.To her great joy, a helicopter was flying overhead again and again. Eagerand excited, she flagged her yellow blouse and spared no effort to yell so as t

34、o attract others ' attention. Fortunately, she was eventually noticed and brought into the helicopter. There, she saw her husband, a man staring at her, wearing an expression of relief. As tightly as possible, shehugged him and was too thrilled to say any thi ng. Besides, they agreed n ever to q

35、uarrel aga in, determining to live the life to the fullest.【点评】该篇作文在逻辑、语言方面做到了平衡、全面、出色。首先,在逻辑上,该篇文章做到了合理合情:起初,主人公身陷森林,内心充满了悔恨,在面对困难时焦虑、畏惧;之后,主人公努力求生,最终获救,并且领悟到了一定的人生道理。纵观整个 故事,情节发展不仅符合两段给出的开头所限定的情景要求,而且还设置了一定的悬念,增强了故事 的可读性。在语言上,这篇文章并没有一味采用大词、难词,而是在高中词汇范围内精挑细选,活用了许多小词,增加了许多阅读趣味。例如,文章第一句an absolute da

36、rk ness ruled the forest "中,rule ”一词就使用了拟人的修辞手法,让森林阴森黑暗的一面展露无遗,同时描绘出主人公身处绝境的紧迫性。在 Eager and excited, she flagged her yellow blouse.”一句中,直接将情绪形容词放在句首,使用了非谓语动词的语法,表达精练。此外, There, she saw her husba nd, a man stari ng at her, weari ng an expressi on of relief.”一句中,使用了几个短句,却包含了两处非谓语动词语法,同时活用了wear ”一

37、词,把两个人相见时的场景生动地描绘了出来。总体来说,这篇文章反映出该考生课外阅读较多,平时应有较多练笔。范例二But no more helicopters came and it was gett ing dark aga in. Clusters of stars decorated thevast sky, weakly shining in the moon-eclipsed dark ness. Rages and apprehe nsion calmed dow nand exhaustions came dominatingJane as she hopelessly fell

38、down into the soft grass. Thetran spare nt stream soun ded amus ing and was no Ion ger as in furiated asthe stream of her mind hours ago. She thought about Tom, memories floodi ng out as she closed her eyes and recalled thekindness of him. Regretfully, she fell asleep, flower singing adhering to her

39、 ears (flowers' singingadheri ng to her ears).It was daybreak when Jane woke up . Sunshine embraced the forest plain, reflecting to bloom her yellow blouse to be an attractive flower ”.ln her sleepy eyes, a helicopter was right in the sky. Wild with joy, she jumped up, grabbing the blouse and fl

40、ourishing it while crying. The helicopter spotted her and began to land on the grass.ft's Tom! I know he will, he will come! ” A pair ofasto un ded hand reached Jane's cheek.Where did you go? If someth ing happe ned to you, I'llalways have it on my conscienee.” They hugged more tightly.f

41、"m sorry. ” Jane said.【点评】这篇文章最大的特色就是语言能力非常突出。首先,全文使用了非常多的高级词汇,如cluster, rage, domi nate, i nfuriated"等等。这些词汇不仅准确地描绘出人物的动作,而且对环境描写也更为生动。不过,其词汇的使用也有一些只求大、不 注意词义搭配自然程度的嫌疑,甚至有误用,如adhere, flourish, astou nd"等。在修辞方面,文章多处使用拟人修辞手法,女口Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky, weakly shining in

42、 themoon-eclipsed darkness."以及 Sunshine embraced the forest plain."两句中,两个动词decorate ”embrace ”使用了拟人。在语法上,全文主要使用非谓语动词,力求用最精练的语言表达出最生动的画面。值得一提的是,文章虽然没有使用许多句式,但却从没给读者句子重复、单调的感觉,究其原 因,是作者巧妙地给每句话设置了不同的主语。另外,本文每句话采用的写作切入角度也值得研究。 例如,第一段中,作者从远景(stars, sky )到近景(stream ),再到细节特写(ears),勾勒出了故 事发生的不同场景,

43、让故事显得有血有肉,情节丰满,这也成为了文章逻辑上的出彩点。范例三But no more helicopters came and it was gett ing dark aga in. Desperate andhopeless, Jane knelt down, tears streaming down her face. Never in her wildest dream had she thought that she would run into such serious trouble. However, she had no alter native but pace bac

44、k and forth in the forest. It suddenly occurred to her that she had a family andTom to attend to,any way, she should try her best to find the lake. After seem in gly a long time, Jane felt tired and lay dow n in the dark ness.It was daybreak whe n Jane woke up. She picked up the con fide nee and slo

45、wly walkedalong the stream. To her great joy, she eventually arrived at an open area. Praying thatthehelicopter would come back again, Jane sat down. After what seemed a long time, she could hear a voice somewhere at a dista nee. With her eyes sparkli ng, she struggled to her feet and shouted,f'

46、m here! ” To her surprise, it was Tom. Upon seeing Jane, Tom immediately rushed out to her, foldi ng his arms around her.【点评】首先,在逻辑上,文章前半段对剧情的合理拓展非常符合情境:主人公从悔恨到无奈,最终鼓起勇气寻找出路。情节的丰富曲折增强了故事的可读性。在语言方面,文章使用了多种句型,如Never in her wildest dream had she thought that shewould run into such serious trouble.”一句使用

47、了倒装句;It sudde nly occurred to her that she had afamily and Tom to atte nd to.”一句用了主语从句;Pray ing that the helicopter will come back aga in,Jane sat down. ”一句使用了非谓语动词。句型的多变避免了句子的单调乏味,使文章更有灵性。同时,一些词汇的使用也使文章比较生动,例如Desperate and hopeless, Ja ne kn elt dow n, tear streami ngdown her face. ”一句中,stream &quo

48、t;的使用非常贴切。范例四But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again . Feeling unbearably cold and extremely exhausted, Jane was quite at a loss as to how to cope with the terrible situation. She could do nothing but keep on going to find an open place, praying thatthe helicopter would comeaga in

49、. Nevertheless, there was not a soul in sight and everythi ng was so dead-look ing. Being in the depth of despair, Jane tried in vain to keep back her tears and promised herself that she would by no means quarrel with Tom aga in. So weak was Jane that she lay on the ground and fell asleep aga in.It

50、was daybreak when Jane woke up . To her great joy, a helicopter was just right over her head. She yelled with all her stre ngth in a desperate attempt to free herself. This time, luckily, Jane was spotted and ultimately saved by the people in the helicopter. Then she was sent to the local police sta

51、ti on. At the front door stood her dear husba nd who suffered great an xiety whe n Jane was no where to be found. Tears of joy and relief welled up as they fin ally held each other tightly.Jane ' yellow blouse was badly worn out but that ' no big deal. What was more significant was that they

52、 started to know that tolerati on would always be the best policy.【点评】该作文最大的亮点在于其语言的地道性。从文中使用了at a loss ”, ih a desperate attempt ”,spot ”, worn out"等词。同时,该考生的组句能力也非常出色。文章中出现了多个长句、复杂句, 例女口 Feeli ng un bearably cold and extremely exhausted, Jane was quite at a loss as to how to cope with the terrible situatio n.”一句中,非谓语动词是其中的亮点语法,表达了人物当时的身体状况。值得一提的是,该篇作文中没有一处出现人物对话,但仍然保证了故事的可读性与真实感。为何?因为作者对故事的各人物的动作、心理活动等方面都进行了细致入微的描绘,代替了语言相对简单的对话,反而让文章的语言显得更书面化。这一点,值得各位考生借鉴一一人物对话写得越多,意味着作文的口语程度越高,往往不太容易得分,如果犯错,却容易失分,所以不太建议用大 量对话。考场写作注意


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