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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx翻译真题集(专升本英语)【精品文档】河南专升本公共英语2001 61. In addition, 75% of the worlds mail is written in English; 60% of the worlds radio stations now broadcast in English. 而且,世界邮件的75%是用英语写的,世界广播电台的60%用英语播音。62. A supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways. 超市在许多方面不同于其它类型的商店。63. A

2、 product that is placed at eye level on a shelf sells much better that one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf. 放在与人眼同等高度货架上的商品比放在低于或高于人眼货架上商品畅销。64. How men first learned to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. 人们最初如何发明了词语还不为人知,也就是说,语言的起源还是个迷。65. We sh

3、ould, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.因此,我们应该学着斟酌字词,精确用词,否则这些词汇会使我们的语言显得愚蠢粗俗。66. 学好一门外语是非常重要的。 Its very important to learn a foreign language well. acquire约半年的时间才完成这篇论文。He spent about/approximately half a year to c

4、omplete the paper.68. 你让我做的事情我都已经做完了。I have finished what you made me do./ those things that you made me do.69. 一旦他适应了新环境,他就会取得更大的进步。 Once he adapted to the new environment, he'll make greater progress.70. 无论贫富,人人都有教育的权利。Everybody, poor or rich, has the right to education.200371. 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。 T

5、his bell is about three times as tall as a person.72. 我听说刘同志在申请回原单位。I heard that Mr. Liu was applying for returning to his former unit.73. 这本书非常有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。This book is so interesting that I finish it without a break.74. 我跟他说了几次,可他一个劲地看书,根本就没听见我说什么。I told him several times, but he kept on reading

6、without hearing what I said.75. As well as being used for taking photographs, X-rays are also used for treating disease parts of the body in order to kill the disease.X光射线不仅被用于照相,还可用于治疗病变部位的疾病。76. A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an a

7、ppointment. The un-punctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time.守时的人习惯于按时行动,并从不在约会中迟到,而不守时的人却从不按时行动。77. In Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like.当今,英国年轻

8、人比以前更容易犯罪,因为他们有更多的自由去他们想去的地方,有更多的钱做他们想做的事情。78. A young housewife in Mexico looks into the cooking pot to see if the food she is cooking is done. She is especially interested in her dinner because she is using a new kind of cooker-one that gets its heat directly from the sun. 在墨西哥,一位年轻主妇看看锅里的饭菜是否已好,她

9、现在对做饭特别感兴趣,因为现在用的是一种新型炊具,它的热能直接来自太阳。 2004 71. 电脑在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。 Computers play a very important role in our daily life/ in our everyday life72. 只要你不断努力,你迟早会取得成功。 As long as you keep on trying, you will succeed sooner or later.你决定邀请谁来参加下周的聚会。 Its up to you who will be invited to the party next we

10、ek.74.这部电影使我回想起了在北京所看到的情景。 The movie reminds me of what I have seen in Beijing.经习惯了这种生活方式。 I have got/been used to this way of life.76. Success relies not only on ones ability but also a willingness to cooperate. 成功不仅取决于个人的能力,而且还取决于合作的意愿。77. In spite of all the difficulties, they are determined to c

11、arry out their promises. 尽管困难重重,他们还是决心实现诺言。78. Educate a man and you educate an individual. But educate a woman and you educate a whole family.教育一个男人,你只是在教育一个人;而教育一个女人,你是在教育整个家庭。79. Scientists have done countless experiments to show that praise is far more effective than criticism in improving human

12、 behavior.科学家们做了无数次的实验,表明在改进人类行为方面表扬比批评更有效。80. Jim used to think that the more time he spent on his studies, the better grades he would receive. But now he has realized that it is not always the case.吉姆过去一直认为,花费在学习上的时间越多,成绩就越好,但现在他意识到事实并非总是如此。200571. In Britain today women make up 44% of the workfor

13、ce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. 当今在英国,妇女占劳动力总人数的44%。几乎一半有孩子的妇女都工作赚钱。72. It is useful to be able to predict the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand. 能预测物价的变动对供应和需求的影响程度是有用的73. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield to any mil

14、itary threat. 我们热爱和平,然而我们不是那种屈服于武力威胁的人。74. Whenever circumstances permitted, they would come and lend us a helping hand. 无论何时,情况允许的话,他们会来帮助我们。75. It wont make much difference whether you leave or stay. 你走还是留,不是很重要。76. 正式语言主要用于政府报告,考试作文和商业信函中。 Formal language is mainly used in government reports, exa

15、mination compositions and business letters.77. 据当地报纸报道,昨天这家银行遭到抢劫。 It is reported in the local newspaper that the bank was robbed yesterday.78.直到天黑了,他才意识到太晚了而无法回家。 He didnt realize it was too late to go home until it was dark.79. 既然你明天就要动身,今晚我们可以一起共进晚餐。 Since you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat din

16、ner together tonight.80. 英国人对不同的文化和不同做事方式不太熟悉,这种情况在其他国家也如此。 The British are not so familiar with different culture and other ways of doing things, as is often the case in other countries.200691.就是在这间小屋里,他们勤奋地工作着。It is in this small house that they are working hard.92.如果我们不努力的话,就学不好英语。If we dont work

17、 industrially/hard, we will never learn English well.93.一个人的学习能力是无限的。The learning ability of a person is unlimited.94. 人和动物的最大区别在于人能学习并使用语言。The biggest difference between animals and human beings is that human can learn and use language.买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了。Sam cannot afford the camera which he de

18、sires, because its too expensive.96. Where our motherland needs me, I will respond to her call.无论我们的祖国什么时候需要我,我都将响应她的号召。97. Its obvious that the development of science and technology is vital to the modernization of china. 很明显,科技的发展对中国现代化起着至关重要的作用。98. She refused to hand over the car keys to her hus

19、band until he had promised to wear his safety belt. 她拒绝把车钥匙交给她丈夫,直到他答应把安全带系好。99. Quite a few young people nowadays have the habit of listening to background music while doing their home work. 现在,许多年轻人习惯边听背景音乐边做作业。100. As far as the method itself is concerned, it is worth trying. 就这一方法本身而言,是值得一试的。200

20、791. 他一直全身心地扑在工作上。He has devoted himself to his work.92. 一天,苏珊(Susan) 在浏览书籍时,被一个真实故事吸引住了。One day, while scanning books, Susan was attracted by a true story. Browse 93. 和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事。It is not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away.94. 邻居们都不能容忍他那样对年迈的父亲说话。The neighbors cant be

21、ar the way he talks to his old father.95. 李大伯自己虽不富裕,但在别人需要帮助时,他从不犹豫。Although he isnt rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others in need.96. Whether we like it or not, the world we live in has changed a great deal in the last hundred years. 无论我们是否愿意,我们生活的世界在过去的一百年间已经发生了很多变化。97. The key to

22、our room is attached to a large plastic block with the room number on it.我们的房间钥匙系在一块标有房门号的大塑料板上98. As I viewed these once familiar surroundings, images of myself as a child there came to my mind. 当我看到这些我曾经熟悉的环境时,我想起了我孩提时住在那儿的情景。99. Over years, I have written extensively about animal-intelligence exp

23、eriments.多年来,我写了大量关于动物智能实验的文章。100. Youd better open a savings account at the bank near the university.你最好在学校附近的那所银行开个储蓄账户。2008随着经济发展,在中国,旅游越来越受到人们的欢迎。With the development of economy, travelling is becoming more and more popular in china now.他的演讲激励我们比以往任何时候都更加努力工作。His speech inspired us to work harde

24、r than ever before.不管他们说什么,做你认为正确的事。Whatever they say/ No matter what they say, do what you think is right.一个人要想健康,每天锻炼身体是非常必要的。Its necessary that a person do exercises everyday, if he wishes to be healthy.他试了好几次,但试验还是以失败告终。He tried several times, but the experiment ended in failure.Its great pleasu

25、re to have a friend coming from afar.有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?The good traditions of the Chinese people are certain to be passed on from generation to generation.中华民族的优良传统一定会代代相传。Love is like warm sunlight, which will not only bring joy to those who are loved but also add more pleasure to those who love.爱犹如温暖的阳光,

26、它不仅给被爱的人带来欢乐,还给付出爱的人增添更大的愉悦。People from all walks of life express their great respect to our soldiers,because they are the loveliest people in the world.各行各业的人向战士们表达了崇高的敬意,因为他们是世界上最可爱的人.Congratulations on your success in the National College Entrance Examination.祝贺你在高考中取得了优异成绩.200991. 他们已经十年没见面了。The

27、y havent seen each other for ten years.92. 在我看来,讨论是解决问题的好方法。In my opinion, discussion is a good solution to the problem.93. 你应该利用课外一切机会学英语。You should take advantage of every opportunity to study English out of class.94. 她对知识有强烈的渴望,但不知道如何求知。She has a strong desire for knowledge, but she doesnt know h

28、ow to obtain it.95. 人们只有生病了才知道健康的价值。Only when people fall ill can they come to know the value of health. 96. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。97. This idea sounds good, but will it work in practice? 这个注意听起来不错,但实际上行得通吗?98. It is estimated that about 80% of the worlds population cannot a

29、fford to proper food, housing or medical care. 据估计,世界上大约有80%的人口支付不起合理的饮食、住房和医疗保健费用。99. Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes. 美国人常说,人的一生只有两件事是可以肯定的:死亡和纳税。100. We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than ours, c

30、an see clearly at night. 我们知道,由于猫的眼睛比人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以它在夜里能看得很清楚。The cats eyes can take in many more rays of light than ours.2010 81. 长城是中国的历史文化符号之一。The Great Wall is one of the symbols of Chinese history and culture.82. 无论生活多难,我都不会失去信心。No mater how hard/difficult life is, I will never lose my faith/c

31、onfidence.83. 物体离我们越远,看起来就越小。The farther an object/a body is away from us, the smaller it looks.84. 政府已经采取积极措施防止空气污染。The government has already taken active measures/steps to prevent/stop the air pollution.85. 建设和谐校园的关键在于让每个学生都能积极参与进来。The key to constructing/building a harmonious campus is to have e

32、very student take part in it actively. 86. Practice should go hand in hand with theory. 实践应该和理论相结合。87. Closely related to our daily life are goods prices. 商品价格与我们的生活密切相关。88. One who makes no investigation has no right to speak. 没有调查就没有发言权。89. Individual freedom does not in any way mean that you can do what you like at your free will. 个体自由在任何意义上都不意味着你可以按照自由意志行事。90. When it came to his amazing achievements, the famous scientist put an emphasis on the importance of creating rather than waiting for opportunities.当谈及自己惊人的成就时,


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