1、新劳动合同范本中英文双语版本劳动合同employme nt agreeme nt一、立合同双方1. this employme nt agreeme nt is made and en tered by and betwee n the following parties:1 甲方名称:注册住宅:常驻地址:法定代表人:party a:registered address:perma nent address:legal represe ntative:2 乙方姓名: _ 户籍地址:_常住地址:_身份证号;_邮政编码:_联络电话:_party b:registered domicile:habi
2、tual residenee:number of id card:tel:、立合同事由2. recitals鉴于甲方情愿录用乙方,乙方情愿到甲方工作,根据中华人民共和国劳动法、中华人民共和国劳动合同法和上海市劳动和同条例等我国国家和地方政府的有关法律法规和行政规章,以及甲方制定的各项规章制度,本着公平、自愿的原那么,经甲、乙双方协商全都,特签订本劳动合同以下简称“本合同。whereas, party a intends to employ party b and party b intends to work for party a,in a ccordanee with labour law
3、 of the people ' s republic of china, law of the people ' srepublic of chi na on employme nt con tracts, shan ghai regulati ons on employme nt con tracts and china ' s national and local laws, regulations and administrative rules and partya's regulations and rules, and through negoti
4、ation based on equality and free will,the two parties agree to con clude this employme nt agreeme nt (here in after referred toas this agreeme nt) un der the follow ing terms and con diti ons:三、合同条款3. terms and con ditio nsarticle 1 type and validity term of agreeme nt第一条合同类型与期限一本合同为有无固定期限的劳动合同,合同期从
5、_ 年_ 月_ 日起, 至 _ 年_ 月 _ 日止。其中试用期为 _ 个月,自 _ 年_ 月_ 日起至_ 年_ 月_ 日止。fixed-term1.1 this agreeme nt is an employme nt con tractwithor uncertain term; the validity term of this agreement commenceson the dateof ( _ ), and expires on the date of ( _), i ncludi ng aprobati on of ( _ ) mon ths from the date of (
6、 _ ) to the dateof ( _ ).(二) _ 乙方应于本合同签订后,在年月日前到岗位工作。1.2 party b shall, after execution of this agreement, work at the designated positionon or before the date of ( _ ).其次条(工作内容和工作地点) article 2 description of work and work site(一)依据甲方需要,乙方在_ 部门从事_ 岗位工作,乙方到岗后应服从所属部门或上级主管的工作支配。2.1 on the basis of part
7、y a ' s requirements, party b is to work at the position of( _ ) in the division of ( _ ); party b shall be subject to thework arrangement made by the division he or she works in or the director at higher level.(二)乙方应履行甲方制定的岗位职责,按时、按质、按量完成其本职工作。2.2 party b shall perform his or her work duties pr
8、ovided by party a, and shall complete his or her work task in accordanee with the provisions in terms of time limit, qualityand workload.(三)乙方承诺,愿服从甲方依据工作需要、乙方工作力量及其表现而支配或调动的工作岗位。并同意在以下状况下本合同不作变更处理。2.3 party undertakes to accept the arrangement or change of work made by party a in light of party a ' s work requirements and party b ' s working ability and performanee; partyb agrees that this agreement m
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