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1、.目 录第一关 unit 1 综合知识及练习···········2第二关 unit 2 综合知识及练习···········4第三关 unit 3 综合知识及练习··········7第四关 unit 4 综合知识及练习·····

2、;······9第五关 unit 5 综合知识及练习··········10第六关 unit 6 综合知识及练习·········12第七关 unit 7 综合知识及练习··········14 第八关 unit 8 综合知识及练习·

3、83;·······15第九关 unit 9 综合知识及练习·········16unit 1 综合知识及练习 月 日 我花了 分钟完成一、重要单词及短语:buy stamps:买邮票return books:还书borrow books:借书make some tea:沏茶pay a bill:付账buy take-away food:买快餐buy a newspaper:买报纸at the bank:在银行at the librar

4、y:在图书馆at the post office:在邮电局at the restaurant:在餐厅at the news-stand:在报刊亭 in the supermarket:在超市tidy the flat:清扫房屋put the rubbish out:丢垃圾bath the dog:给小狗洗澡polish the furniture:擦亮家具firstthennextafter thatlastlywork hard:努力工作dig-dug:挖post a letter:寄信never mind:从不介意二、重要句型: 1the children are doing some j

5、obs for their mother2what are they doing? 3cherry is going to help her grandmother4what is she going to do? 5im sorry youre illim sorry to hear that6can i help you?what can i do for you? 7can you help me to tidy the flat?8charlie wanted to help his grandmother 9what did he do ?where did he go?10ther

6、e was a boy ten minutes ago 11he did not know how to read maps12thank you for digging the garden 13do you remember what to do?14hes going to post a letter at the post office三、重要语法知识点:a现在进行时:肯 定 名: 否 定 句: 一般疑问句: 动词加ing规则:略 b一般将来时:肯定句: 否定句: 一般疑问句:c一般过去时:肯定句: 否定句: 一般疑问句: 动词加ed规则:略 不规则动词过去式:要求熟记一、按要求写单词

7、: 1child(复数)_2library(复数)_ 3tidy(过去式)_4pay(现在分词)_ 5put(现在分词)_6make(现在分词)_ 7find(过去式)_8hard(形容词)_二、找朋友: 1returnaa bill 2paybthe rubbish 3tidycbooks 4put outdthe furniture 5makeetrees 6polishfthe classroom 7plantgmany letters 8dighthe tea 9postisome holes三、仿照例句改写句子: eg:tomreturn bookstom returned book

8、s last weektom is going to return books tomorrowtom is returning books now 1lilybuy a newspaper _ _ _ 2tom and johnbuy take-away food _ _ _ 3the little boythrow the rubbish away _ _ _ 4the mandig ground the tree _ _ _ 5marypolish the furniture _ _ _四、句型转换:变为否定句和一般疑问问和特殊疑问问。 1the children are doing s

9、ome jobs for their mother _ _ _ 2charlie went to the library yesterday _ _ _ 3the man will dig the field in the garden _ _ _ 4peter is going to plant some vegetables _ _ _unit 2 综合知识及练习 月 日 我花了 分钟完成一、重要单词及短语: building:高楼大厦neighbourhood:邻近环境,周围环境 sports centre:体育中心shopping centre:购物中心 public toilet:公

10、共厕所 post office:邮电局 car park:停车场 dental clinic:牙科诊所 recycling bin:回收箱swimming pool:游泳池 model:模型village school:乡村小学 burn down:烧毁、倒塌have a meeting:开会 make friends with sb:交朋友send a parcel:寄邮包 a lot of=lots of:许多an mtr station:一个地铁站 go to the dentist:看牙医recycle rubbish:;回收垃圾 go swimming:游泳二、重要句型: 1what

11、 places are there in your neighbourhood 2there is an mtr station 3is there a dental clinic in your neghbourhood? yes,there iswe can go to the dentist here no,there isntwe cant see a dentist here we need a dental clinic 4what do you need? 5no place like home:east or west,home is best家最好 6one day ther

12、e was a fire 7how do you like?你有多喜欢? 8dont you like?难道你不喜欢吗? 9it will take me a long time to make friends at my new school三、重要语法知识点: there be 句型表示有: 现在式:there isare there isntarent isare there 过去式:there waswere there wasntwerent waswere there 将来式:there will be there wont be will there be 注意:there be

13、句型中用就近原则: eg:there is a book and two pens there are two pens and a book 写信格式(略)一、中英互译: 1sports center_2post-box_ 3回收箱_4寄包裹_ 5停车场_6一个不同的环境_ 7shopping center_8需要_ 9倒塌_10交友_二、找朋友: 1seeathe rubbish 2recyclebhis car 3borrowca friend 4postda dentist 5parkehome 6makefa book 7movega letter 8feelhunhappy三、仿照

14、例句改写句子:eg:there isnt a clinic we cant go to the doctor we need a clinic 1car park(×) _ _ _ 2library(×) _ _ _ 3playground(×) _ _ _ 4supermarket(×) _ _ _四、句型转换: 1there are some cakes on the table(变为否定句,就划线部分提问) _ _ 2one day there was a fire(变为一般疑问句) _ 3there is some money in my wal

15、let(改为同义句) _ 4there were few people in the past(对划线部分提问) _五、writing:写一封信给你的朋友peter向他介绍你的家庭、学校或城市注意格式。unit 3 综合知识及练习 月 日 我花了 分钟完成一、重要单词及短语: a no smoking sign:禁止吸烟a no parking sign:禁止停车 an mtr sign:地铁a sale sign:打折 an open sign:开门a wet floor sign:小心地滑 a closed sign:关门no entry:禁止进入 taxi:打的处give us info

16、rmation:信息、提示 restaurant:餐厅exit:出口 entrance:入口go out:出去 go into:进入save energy:节能 turn on:打开(电器)be in the wrong places:放错位置 at a high price:以高价make money:赚钱 have a good start:有一个好的开端change:改变 be in the right places:在正确的位置turn off:关掉二、重要句型: 1there is a no smoking sign.2there is an mtr sign. 3we see si

17、gn no entry on a door.4some signs tell us rulesgive us information. 5it says silenceit means you mustnt talk.6you can buy things at a lower price. 7you must turn off the lights when you leave.8you can take a taxi here. 9joyful toy shop did not have a good startit made no money all day. 10the signs a

18、re in the wrong places.语法:a用于辅音开头前,表数目“一”。an用于元音开头前,表数目“一”。如:an hour a book 情态动词must, mustnt, can等后面,要用动词原形。如:she must do her homework. 某些介词的用法:略一、写出以下动词的过去式: 1buy_2return_ 3pay_4tidy_ 5put_6make_ 7go_8do_ 9stop_10dig_ 11bring_12plant_ 13is_14are_ 15send_16write_ 17see_18find_ 19say_20tell_ 21give_2

19、2take_ 23come_24think_ 25have_26change_ 27eat_28drink_二、用aan填空: 1there is _ no smoking sign.2there is _ mtr sign. 3it takes me _ hour to do my homework.4there is _ open sign. 5there is _ h in the word hello.6there is _ u in the word us. 7there is _ smoking sign.8there is _ s in the word smoke.三、用介词a

20、t, in, off, beside, on, up填空: 1we see sign entry _ a door.2we see taxi _ a road. 3you can buy things _ a low price.4you must turn _ the lights when you go out. 5bob goes to school _ seven oclock every day. 6look _ this sign. it says open.7the boss asked tom to put _ the signs. 8there is a bird _ the

21、 tree.9there is a picture _ the wall. 10there are many apples _ the tree.四、仿照例句造句: wet floor:this sign says wet floor. it means you must walk carefully. 1silence:_ 2exit:_ 3save:_ 4sale:_ 5no dogs:_ 6taxi:_ 7no smoking:_ 8entrance:_五、智力英语:( )1you have it. you read it. there are some pictures in it.

22、what is it?its a _. abookblettercpendbox( )2its face is round. its hands are very thin. one hand is long and one is short. what is it? its a _. aboybdogcdeskdclockunit 4 综合知识及练习 月 日 我花了 分钟完成单词、短词:talk about:谈论millions of:数百万different kinds of:不同种类的public transport:公共交通mtr:地铁train:火车tram:双层公交车ferry:渡

23、船comfortable:舒适的uncomfortable:不舒适的crowded:拥挤的cheap:便宜的 expensive:昂贵的walk to school:步行上学enjoy:享受、喜爱hate:讨厌 take off:脱,起飞get on:上车get off:下车look at the view:观光 hundreds of:成百上千feel sick on ferries:晕船across:横过、横穿重要句型: 1traveling by taxi is comfortable2buses are crowded 3i live near the school so i walk

24、 to school4although traveling by tram is cheap,its slow 5walking to school is slow,but its free6i enjoy reading on the train 7i hate getting on and off the bus8i take the bus to school every day 9i go to school by bus every day10i feel sick on ferries一、按要求写单词: 1travel(动名词) 2take(动名词) 3read(动名词) 4pla

25、y(动名词) 5comfortable(反义词) 6busy(反义词) 7fast(反义词) 8interesting(反义词) 9cheap(反义词) 10easy(反义词) 11ferry(复数) 12library(复数) 13bus(复数) 14watch(复数) 15beach(复数) 16get(动名词) 二、用括号中词的正确形式填空: 1 (travel)by taxi is comfortable2 (listen)to music is relaxed 3 (watch)tv is boring4 (play)computer games is interesting 5 (

26、get)on a bus is crowded6 (play)football is exciting 7playing with friends (be)happy8 (buy)a new car is expensive 9buses (be)crowded三、改错: 1play basketball is my favorite sports 2i like swim very much 3running with a dog are interesting 4swiming is good for us 5lucys hobby is shop 6although traveling

27、by taxi is expensive ,but it is comfortable. 7because watching tv is fun ,so i like it. 8she enjoys play the piano. unit 5 综合知识及练习 月 日 我花了 分钟完成一、重要单词及短语。 (1)an airport:一个飞机场(2)a check-in counter:检查入口柜台 (3)an x-ray machine:x-光机器(4)a suitcase:一个行李箱 (5)a boarding pass:登机许可证(6)an id card:一张身份证二、重要句型。 1m

28、r mo is at the x-ray machine. he has a suitcase.2we take the train to the airport. 3they show their id cards.4we found our seats before we had a drink. 5i went to sleep after i watched tv.6take a nap. 7this is my book. that is your book.8these are my books. those are your books. 9these are our seats

29、. that is her seat.10this is his seat.三、语法知识点: 连词:before:在之前after:在之后 人称代词:我我们你你们他她它他、她、它们主格iweyouyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouyouhimheritthem 物主代词:我的我们的你的你们的他的她的它的他、她、它们的形容词性myouryouryourhisheritstheir名词性mineoursyoursyourshishersitstheirs一、用适当的代词填空。 1mr green is a teacher. teaches chinese. 2mary lives in

30、 beijing. likes it very much. 3mimi is my cat likes fish very much. 4mr and mrs white like china very much. say chinese people is friendly. 5amy and i like playing outside. go to the sports centre every day. 6this is my rabbit. love it very much. 7lily has two rabbits. she often takes to the park. 8

31、tom is lovely. i like play with very much. 9jane is a good student. the teacher often praises(表扬) . 10that is my ruler. please give it to . 11where is my id card? i cant find . 12you should help tommy. you shouldnt laugh at .二、仿照例句,改写句子。 eg: this is my room.this room is mine. 1that is your apple. _

32、2this is his cat. _ 3those are our books. _ 4these are their coats. _ 5that is her dog. _ 6this is its fish. _三、用适当的代词补充短文。 mr and mrs li went to japan last week. after checking in they went to the departure gate. please show me (a) boarding passes, said the man at the gate. mr li gave the man (b) b

33、oarding pass put mrs li could not find (c) . wheres (d) boarding pass? you had it mrs li said to (e) husband no, i didnt. i only had (f) , he said. the lis looked through (g) bags. just then a woman came. i found this boarding pass, she said. is it (h) ? yes, it is, said mrs li. thank you very much.

34、 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) unit 6 综合知识及练习 月 日 我花了 分钟完成单词、短语: a harbour:港口a village:村庄a housing estate:房地产、高楼 low buildings:矮房a long bridge:长桥a hundred years ago:一百年以前 a sedan chair:轿子a ferry (ferries):渡船tram:电车 bicycle:自行车get water from a well:水井饮水a tunnel:隧道重要句型: there were many villages in o

35、ld hong kong.there are many tall buildings in hong kong now. a hundred years ago people got water from a well.fifty years ago they got water from a tap. were there any ferries in old hong kong?yes, there were./ no, there werent. was there an mtr?yes, there was./ no, there wasnt. did you watch tv?yes

36、, i did./ no, i didnt.语法:一般过去时(was, were, v-ed,不规则动词过去式)一、用动词的正确形式填空。 1my sister (be) a middle-school student five years ago. 2i (see) mary two days ago. 3shenzhen (be) a small city fifty years ago. 4there (be) many bikes before, but now there (be) many cars. 5there (be) a few cars one hundred years ago. 6they (have) a basketball match last weekend. 7my father (buy) a new house last year. 8tom (swim) yesterday morning. 9she (find) her


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