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1、2. barbern.理发师网 e.g. i'm going to the barber's to get my hair cut.1. aboardad., prep. on or into (a ship, train, aircraft, bus, etc.)在(船、车、飞机等) 上come aboard (fig)become a new memberof an organization 入伙, 加盟亘 e.g. new employeeswho came aboard in the last six weeks have not been tested.4. bill

2、ionairen.亿万富翁;大富3. billionnum.(美、法)十亿;(英、德)万亿6. by/from all accountsoe.g. this country is more than two billion us dollars in debt.5. blendv. mix together thoroughly (将)混合blend in mix harmoniously 融洽,十分 协调ie.g. as a newly-appointed manager, he was not sure whether he could blend in.7. carry onbehave

3、 in a wild or improper way ; conduct ; continue举止随便;进 行;继续做oe.g. there's nothing unusual about them.they carry on just like everybody else.according to what everyone says 人人都说 网e.g. the chinese football team will play the koreans tonight. it should be a match worth watching, by all accounts.8. c

4、elebrityn. famous person 名人zie.g. celebrities of stage and screen 演艺界名人9. cheerfula. (of a person) happy in a lively way; (of sth.) making one feel happy 愉快的;令人愉快的亘 e.g. they are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.11.courtn.球场列e.g. are the players on court yet ?13. democratn.民主党人;民主主义者列e.g.

5、this is the time fordemocrats and not10. corporate a.公司的zie.g. corporate executives usually have high salaries.12. cultivatevt. improve by care, training or study;develop 培养,陶冶zie.g. they encourage students to cultivate special interests in theoretical physics.14. deservevt. be worthy of 应受,值 得_1e.g

6、. i am only partlydictators (独裁者)15. dimen.(美国、加拿大的)10分硬币17. employeen.雇员,受雇者oe.g. the manager sacked3 employees.responsible for the success of this book. my collaborator (合作者) deserves more credit.16. discount n. amount of money, which may be taken off the full price 折扣 zie.g. traditional retailers

7、 who've opened cyberstores(网上商店)may offer special discounts to online shoppers.18. employer n.雇佣者,雇主 3e.g. we need a reference from your former employer before we can give you adefinite job offer.19. executiven., a.经营管理方面的(人员);行政方面的(人 员)oe.g. she's an executive in a computer company.21. folk

8、n. (usu. pl) people in general人们;人民 oe.g. they got married and had kids and lived like other folks.23. generosityn. the quality of being willing to give money, help, etc.慷慨,大方 亘 e.g. there are stories about his generosity, the massive amounts of20. flashya. attracting attention by being too smart an

9、d decorated浮华的,华而不实的zie.g. a flashy sports car22. folksya. simple and friendly 友好的,坦率的zje.g. steven comes from a folksy town in south california.24. get away withdo (sth.) without being caught or punished 做(某事)而未被发觉或未受惩罚3e.g. they claimed that they knew how to playmoney he gave to charities.25. hand

10、outn. information given out in the form of a printed sheet, leaflet 印刷品,宣 传品e.g. official handouts describe the president as "particularly noted as a scholar".27. hold to keep to遵守,不改变 oe.g. john holds to his belief that you can be successful as long as you work hard.29. liablea. likely (t

11、o do sth.) 有可 能(做)的the system and get away with it.26. headlinen.(报纸上的)标题网 e.g. the headlines in the newspapers were to please millions of people in china: beijing to host the 2008 olympic games.28. lay down establish制定;设立 i'e.g. conditions for membership are laid down in the soccer club rules.3

12、0. locala. of a particular place 地 方的,当地的亘 e.g. the sports meeting is liable to be postponed until next week because of the bad weather.31. loyaltyn. being true and faithful (to)忠诚e.g. my father is a soccer fan. his loyalty to the local team has taken him all over the country to see them play.33. ma

13、nsionn. a large house, usu. belonging to a rich person(豪华的)宅邸,大厦列e.g. his mansion is同 e.g. three-quarters of the investment needed to host the olympics would be borne by central and local government.32. make up form; constitute 构成,组 成zie.g. women make up nearly 50% of university entrants.34. mayor n

14、.市长located up a small hill.3e.g. the mayor cut the ribbon (彩带)for the opening ceremony.35. memo n. a note of sth. to be remembered 备忘录 到 e.g. an inter-office memo 内部备忘录37. on the run in flight; continuously active 奔逃,逃避;忙个 不停oe.g. i have been on the run all day and i am exhausted.39. openingn. the a

15、ct of becoming or making open, esp.officially (正式的)开张, 开幕oe.g. the minister made a speech at the opening of36. muddya. covered in mud 沾满 泥的;泥泞的网 e.g. when it rains the ground becomes very muddy.38. open up (infml)开门;打开网 e.g. open up, or i break in.40. optionn.期权,购买(或由售) 权;选择自由 stock option优先认股权 oe.g

16、. we have an option on the piece of land.the bridge.41. pastor n.牧师43. pep rallya gathering intended to encourage the listeners 豉舞士气的会议45. qualifyv.(使)具有资格亘 e.g. highly trained staff are well qualified to give practical advice to students when they select courses.47. rankv.(将)列为(某等42. pepn. (infml)

17、keen activity and energy 劲头,活力 网 e.g. the young man is full of pep.44. pick upn. a light van having an open body with low sides 小卡车,轻型货车46. rallyn., v. 集会网 e.g. they held an antiwar rally.48. remotea. far away in space or 级)ranking n. 地位;等级 到e.g. he is currently ranked second in the world as a tenni

18、s player.49. reportern.记者兆.g. the reporter finished the news article just before the deadline.51. retirev.(使)退休retired a. (of a person) having stopped working, usu. because of age 退休time 遥远的【时 e.g. the supply of electricity to remote mountainous villages is one of the local development projects in y

19、unnan province.50. reservevt. keep for a special use; book (a seat, room, table, etc.) 将留作专用;预定zie.g. some seats on the buses are reserved for the old.52. rewardv. give (sth.) to sb. in return for work or services 奖赏_1e.g. the officer is to be了的e.g. although their careers are important they plan to

20、retire at 50.53. schemen.阴谋;计划schemer n. 阴谋家e.g. all the schemes and intrigues (阴谋诡计)are doomed to failure.55. shelln. (ame)猎枪弹;炮弹;壳oe.g. shells burst over the city.57. steerv.驾驶steer clear of keep away from 避开,避免oe.g. children are told torewarded for his efforts with promotion to the rank of inspector.54. scholarshipn.奖学金zie.g. some companies have set up scholarships for both students and teachers at our university.56. sighvi.叹气,叹息 网 e.g. he sighed for the days of his youth.58. stingya. unwilling to spend money 吝啬的 3e.g. he tried to


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