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1、unit 6text comprehensioni. decide which of the following best states the autho r psurpose of writing.a.ii. judge. according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. f. refer to paragraphs 1.it is true that the flag the narrator hangs draws little attention in paris, but the

2、 reason is not that parisians or frenchmen are not interested in flag-hanging in general. rather, the independence day is an occasion special for americans only and, understandably, the french show little interest in the day or the celebrating flag.2. t. refer to paragraph 2.3. f. refer to paragraph

3、 3. the autho sr children have had little chance of learning the history of the u.s. at school, and the parents as native americans are the only ones who could have taught them about it. this, however, is not true of children in general in france.4. f. refer to paragraph 4. they do not conceal the d

4、ark side of the american society but try to keep their children from the follies of the american society like school shootings.5. t. refer to paragraph 9-11.6. f. refer to paragraph 12. globalization is both beneficial and detrimental. it helps to blur the clear-cut divide between cultures on the on

5、e hand but makes children less than fully immersed in a foreign world on the other.iii. answer the following questions.1. for one thing, flag-hanging is the only thing he can do in paris to celebrate the independence day, which is part of his national heritage. for another, he intends to use it as a

6、 special occasion for teaching his children about the american history and as a reminder of their native american identity.2. the children seldom mix languages up because they have acquired french through the school instructions and english through their family life with english-speaking parents. an

7、d they seem to know when to use which.3. refer to paragraphs 4-8. the benefits of raising children in a foreign culture, as the writer suggests, include acquiring a foreign language and culture and avoiding being exposed to the problems of the native culture.4. it is difficult, according to the auth

8、or, to make the children understand and identify the virtues of their native culture without living in it. family instructions are not satisfactorily effective and have to be complemented by other means such as re-entering into the native culture and taking children to historical places.5. because h

9、e grew up in a foreign culture and he knows it is quite an issue to know how to raise children in a foreign culture without losing their native identity. he understands that the issue involves the efforts on the part of the parents.6. globalization is like a double-edged sword to the growth of child

10、ren in a foreign culture. on the one hand, it helps to reduce differences between the foreign culture and the native culture, and facilitates the physical and spiritual re-entry into the native culture. on the other hand, it unfortunately makes it more difficult than ever for children to be fully im

11、mersed in the foreign culture.iv. explain in your own words the following sentences taken form the text.1. july 4 is one of the times i, as a native american, feel instinctively uneasy about the great gaps in our children s understanding of their american identity, and thus i am motivated to do some

12、thing to fill the gaps.2. and living away from our native country does not matter much.3. when i lived in france as an expatriated child, the french kids were dressed in the unique french style, thus looking quite different from their counterparts in other countries.4. full immersion in a truly fore

13、ign world no longer seems possible in western countries, and i think this is a deplorable impact of globalization upon the growth of children in a foreign country.structural analysis of the textthe author of this text follows a “specific-general” pattern in his discussion, i.e. he first talks about

14、what it means to his children to hang the national flag of their native land in a foreign country on july 4th every year and then expresses his view on the importance for expatriated people in general to keep their cultural identity, especially when the whole world is undergoing a process of globali

15、zation. the specific points can be found in his discussion of the costs and benefits of raising children in a foreign culture in paragraphs 4-9 while the general conclusion can be found in paragraphs 10-12, especially paragraph 12.vocabulary exercisesi. replace the underlined words in the sentences

16、with appropriate forms of words chosen from the text.i. pursue 2. resonates 3. confronted 4. clich s e5. had suppressed 6. has confirmedii. fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. fluency 2. enrollment 3. accessible 4. obtainable5. personification 6.enlightened 7.globaliza

17、tion 8. promptingiii . fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text .1. took pride in 2. was immersed in 3. resonating with 4. had - been exposed to 5. in his mind's eye 6. a glimpse of 7.convey to 8. turned toiv. explain the meaning of t

18、he underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. literature 2. joined 3. motionless 4. more than 5. quickly6. desiresgrammar exercisesi. note the use of the words in italics.where and when are relative adverbs, introducing relative clauses.ii. complete the following sentences, using where, when or w

19、hy.1.why 2. where 3. when 4. where 5. where 6.where 7.why 8. when iii. rewrite the following sentences, omitting either the antecedent or the relative adverb if possible.1. sam knows where we are meeting.2. /(the omission of the village may cause a loss of information since it carries specific messa

20、ge. if we omitwhere, then we need to insert in afterborn.)3. four in the afternoon is the time he always reads./ four in the afternoon is when he always reads.4. /(similar to sentence 2)5. i don t know the exact time i should meet him.6. why he resigned is still unknown.iv. rank the following senten

21、ces according to their degree of formality.more formal less formal:2 3 1v. make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentences.1. he failed in part because of his carelessness.why exactly she hated him i doht know, but i think it was in part bec

22、ause he had insulted her.2. there were times when i didn't know what to do.can you suggest a time when it will be convenient to meet?3. the beaten enemy had not other choice than to surrender.it's none other than the manager himself.translation exercises1. translate the following sentences i

23、nto english, using the words or phrases given in the brackets .2. the hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.3. i saw, in my mind's eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her soh s death.4. his walk reminds me of the way his father used to walk.5. i mixed the date

24、s up and arrived on a wrong day.6. her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter was accepted by oxford university.7. theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for being filtered by the government or the media.8. the democ

25、rats have launched a campaign to win women voters over in this presidential election.9. after he inherited his father's estate, he was immersed in all kinds of pleasure.ii. translate the following passage into chinese.美国人热情友好,不像许多外国人想象的那样浮于表面。人们认为美国人易感动情。在典礼上看到国旗或者参加庆祝美国昔日荣耀的游行时,美国人可能会热泪盈眶。与家人团圆

26、或与朋友相聚时,他们也会十分激动。他们喜欢穿着得体, 即使“得体”无异于奢华炫耀。他们爱说大话,虽然只不过是说说而已。他们有 时会嘲笑自己,嘲笑自己的国家,有时候甚至过于自责,然而他们始终有着强烈 的爱国之心。他们对日常琐事知之甚广,对自己所在的城市和州深为关切。然而, 有时候外国人却抱怨说,美国人对外部世界漠不关心,所知甚少。exercises for integrated skillsi. dictation.people who identify themselves as members of a social group/(family, neighborhood, professi

27、onal or ethnic affiliation, nation)/ acquire common ways of viewing the world/ through their interactions with other members of the same group./ these views are reinforced through institutions/ like the family, the school, the workplace, the church, the government,/ and other sites of socialization/

28、 throughout their lives./ common attitudes, beliefs, and values/ are reflected in the way/ members of the group use language/-for example,/ what they choose to say or not say/ and how they say it./ thus in addition to the notion of speech community/composed of people who use the same linguistic code

29、,/ we can speak of discourse communities/ to refer to the common ways/ in which members of a social group use language/ to meet their social needs.ii. fill in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate .1. by2. but 3. on 4. for 5. although6. avoid 7. ones 8. celebrationslist

30、ening exerciseskey to listening exercisesb.1.1) work for a professor ten hours a week help him understand how the u.s. culture works from the inside2) teach some course s get to know “student culture” in america3) pray at the mosque every friday keep him in touch with arabic culture and religion4) h

31、ave amany for company never feel as bad as sayed 2.the relationship between him and his mother is very close at home, so he felt a lot of grief about being separated from home.3.1) take him to the grocery store for food.2) take him to the discount store for household items3) take him to the mosque for prayers4) invite him to dinner4.1) phone his mother in egypt2) learn about the u.s. culture3) make friends from the u.s. and all over the world4) tease and joke all the timetext ii stuck i


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