



1、2019学年度第一学期8年级期中易错题集锦i. choice1. this radio program is well wortli.a. listeningb. listening toc. watchingd. to listen2. -how long you die english dictionary? -about half a year.a. have, gotb. did, buyc. have, hadd. have,bought3. he watched the game with a look because he couldn't believe this ey

2、es.a. surprisingb. surprisedc. surprised. surprises4. the tmie he got up, the road had already been covered with tluck snow.a. byb. forc. atd. until5. water must be kept away.a. to runb. runsc. ruiinmgd. from running6. wonderful time we had in the park yesterday!a. whatb. what ac. how ad. how7. the

3、students from that university were the volunteers of the 29th olympic games held in beijing.a. hundred ofb. three hundred of c. three hundreds d. three hundred8. -can you give me some suggestions? i failed my math exam last time.-work hard, you'll pass the exam next time.a. andb. butc. ord. so9.

4、 - may i put my bike here?-no, you. you should put it over there.a. couldn'tb. needn'tc. mustn'td. won't10. the little boy wonders.a. when will his father fly back homeb. when his father had flown back homec. when had his father flown back homed. when his father will fly back homeii

5、fill in the blanks with the word in its proper forms1. my deskniate look, for he failed in the english test, (happy)2. don't take it away. it is an test paper ( correct)3. my daugliter looks than her deskniate because she has a better diet, (healtli)4. the city government has planned to three ro

6、ads recently. (wide)5. the eifiel tower is 300.51 meters in. (high)6. making a plan for your future study, and you will in the end. (successful)7. the of my house hasn't been easy. (sell)8. mrs. brown asked her friends to help(they) to some salad.9. he is one of yoiuig stars i've ever seen.

7、(ambition)10. some people say provides the only real pleasure in lifb. (achieve)11. aniada is looking even(sad) at her mother's picture tliaii five minutes ago.12. good-looking food doesn't taste food, (necessary)13. if people have collected 50, 000 on this office website, the government wil

8、l payattention to this incident, (sign)14. ben is for collecting homework in our class, and he is very reliable, (response)ui rewrite the sentences as required1. jack is the tallest boy in our class.(同意转换)jack is taller than other in our class.2. mrs smith is busy now. she is doing her housework at

9、home.(同意转换)nirs smith is her housework at home.3. "did you have a good sleep last night?h david asked jun (改成宾语从句)david asked jim he well last niglit.4. the motorbike cost him 8000 yuan last year.(同意转换)he 8000 yuan the motorbike last year.5. most cluldren begm school when they are seven.(同 意转换)

10、most cluldren begin school the of seven.6. the cinema is 20 minutes' walk.(刻划线部分提问)7. the news is exciting.(感叹句)(2 种)8. he didn't go home. he went to the cafe for a short rest.(合并句子)he went to die cafe for a short rest home.part 2 、a. speak b. is workable c. part of d. at other university e.

11、 become more similar to f. anywhere they want g. become the same aslaptop computers are popular all over the world. people use diem on trams and airplanes, in airports and hotels. tliese laptops connect people to their workplace. in die united states today, laptops also connect students to their cla

12、ssrooms.westlake college in virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork 1. . within five years, each of the 1500 students at the college will receive a laptop. the laptops are 2. a s10 million computer program at westlake, a 110-year-old college. the students

13、with laptops will also have access to the internet. in addition, tliey will be able to use e-niail to ' 3. '' with their teachers, their classmates, and their families. however, the most important part of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computers without gomg to c

14、omputer labs. they can work with it at home, in a fast-food restaurant or wider the trees-anvhere at all!because of the many changes m computer technology, laptop use in higher education, such as colleges and universities, 4. . as laptops become more powerfill, they 5.desktop computers. in addition,

15、 the portable computers can connectstudents to not only the internet, but also libraries and other resources. state higlier-education officials are studying how laptops can help students. state officials are also testing laptop prograins6. , too. 、himians have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, sme

16、ll and touch. we use these senses every day of our lives when we work, play, eat and drink. animals have senses too, and sometimes tliey work much better tliaii ours. we have our food prepared for us-but aiunials need to find tlieir own food using tlieir senses. for example, animals that hunt otlier

17、 animals often have very good siglit. some birds can see a mouse at a distance of 1.5 kilometres. however, they dont always catch the mouse. mice have very, very good hearing and this helps them get away from danger!insects sometimes have senses that are different from ours. for example, butterflies

18、 dont taste with their mouths-they taste with their feet. crickets(蟋蟀)don*t hear with tlieir earsthey hear with tlieir legs. chameleons(变色龙)have two eyes, the same as we do, but they can move tlieir eyes separately and look in two different directions at the same time!some animals seem to have a spe

19、cial sense that tells them about the ftitiire. birds, ants and many other aminals are busier lookuig for food just before bad weatlier. this helps them stay alive because its more difficult to find food when the weather is bad. they know that bad weather is conimg. birds also use this ability to get

20、 out of bad weatlier when they fly long distances. for centuries, people have noticed that animals often behave strangely before an earthquake(地震). for example, in january 1975, a lot of fanners in one part of china told scientists that their horses and cows did not want to go mside their bams(畜栩).a

21、 few days later, there was a large earthquake in that region. do animals have a special sense that knows when earthquakes will happen? the answer is probably yes, but scientists do not yet understand how it works, l .from the passage, we know. a.some animals have better senses than huniaiis b.insect

22、s have more senses than humans c.birds can see only 1.5 kilometres away d.niice have better hearmg than birds2 . some animals have very good sight to. a.help them stay alive along b .see the difiereiices of other animals c.catch other anuiials easily d.kiiow when bad weather comes3 . which of die fo

23、llowing is true? a.butterflies use their mouths to taste food.b.crickets use tlieir ears to hear sounds. c.chameleons can look left and nglit at the same time. d.ants look for food only before bad weather4 .today scientists do not yet know. a llow birds behave before bad weather b .why some animals

24、know about die future c.what die weather will be like ahead of time d. if horses are unusual before an earthquake5 . which of die following is the best title of this passage? a.how animals face danger b.how animals behave. c.human senses.d.animals senses.、they say tliat two heads better than one. bu

25、t that isn't 1. if the two heads belong to one snake. for one tiling, each head has a mind of its own. sometimes one snake head wants to go one way, and die otlier wants to go the other way. they end up going 2. .another problem is tliat they fight over the food. wlule they're decidmg whethe

26、r to go after a mouse or otlier animal, die animal will run away. an even bigger problem is that one head might see die other head as bemg food and 3. it even try to eat it.two-head snakes don't have a(n) 4. to live in the wild because two heads often don't agree with each other. 5. , wliile

27、 they are fighting or figuring put which way to go , 6. animal grab (抓住)them and eat them. however, if they are kept in the zoo, two-head snakes can live for a long time. one pair names thelma and louise lived in a zoo for seventeen years.scientists are now studying two-head snakes. they want to see

28、 if the snakes can 7 to work together to catch food.1. a. real b. interesting c. tme d. right2. a. nowhere b. anywhere c. somewhere d. everywhere3. a.lead b. attack c. hurt d. drop4. a.mterest b. difficulty c. choice d. chance5. a.by the way b. in other words c. in factd. in addition6. a.other b. a

29、c. aiiotlier d. the otlier7. a.agree b. learn c. offer d. prefer四、scientists have tried to come up witli biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls . however , none were believable enough to explain the general picture .as one scientist points out , “there are slight genetic (

30、遗传的)differences between the sexes at birth which may a fleet the subjects boys and girls 1c but the difficulty is tliat by the time children reach school age , there are so many other effects that it is almost impossible to tell whether girls are worse at science and maths , or whetlier they've

31、been brought up to tluiik of tliese 2.s as boys,territory5 (领地).m statistics (统计数据)show that in mathematics , at least , girls are equal to boys a recent report suggests tliat girls only stop studying mathematics because of social attitudes one of the reports' authors says , mwhile it is sociall

32、y unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write , it is still acceptable for women to say tliat they are hopeless niaths.our research shows tliat , although girls get marks which are as good as the boys , they have not been encouraged to do so.”the explanation for the difference , which i

33、s very clear3.d die teenage years , goes as far back as early childhood experiences from their first days m nursery school (幼儿园) ,girls are not 4.e to work on their own or to complete tasks , althougli boys are for example , boys and not girls , are often asked to 'help' witli repair work this encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve probleinlater on m life .evidence (证据)s


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