已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、英语字母组合发音规律秘诀一、音标认识英语共有48个音标,其中辅音音标28个,元音音标20个。记得我们小学认字的时候就是从拼音开始,英语中的 音标就充当了汉字中的拼音角色,辅音相当于声母,元音相当于韵母。1、元音音标,里面包括12个单元音和8个双元音。单元音:i: i ea: A e: a u: u b: W双元音:ai ei ia au us au e a )i2、辅音音标,分为清辅音和浊辅音,清辅音发音时声带不振动,浊辅音发音时声带振动。清辅音:ptkfs0门ts t/trh1浊辅音:bdgvzd d Cdz dd drrnw j英语的26个字母分两种类型:一种叫元音字母,另一种叫辅音字母。

2、元音字母有:a, e, i, o, u五个,其余为辅音字母。1.开音节1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单节.例:be, he2)以辅音字母(r除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。例:make, like。*在重读的开音门中元音字母按 字母名称读音。2.闭 音节以一个或几个辅音字母r除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音 节,称为闭音节。例:map, desk, is。* 在重读的闭音节中元音字 母读做短元音。字母a, e, i, o, u在重读音节中的读法a/ei/开音节 /ei/ name, take闭音节/纪/ mapi bage/i:/开音节/i:/ be, he闭音节 /e/ egg, best 1

3、/ ai/开音节 /ai/ like, kite闭音节 /i/ bit, fit0/ou/开音节 /ou/ note, no闭音节 /。/ dog> lotu/ju:/开音节 /ju:/ mute, use闭音节 / A / bus, cut重读音节是指在单词中重读的音节, 非重读音节是指在单词中不重读的音节。重读的那个音节,结尾的是元音,就叫重读开音节;重读的那个音节,结尾的是辅音,就叫.重读闭音行一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音(重读音节是指在单词中重读的音切a在开音 门中 ei- name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中« bag dad hat map

4、 black backe在开音节中i : he these me Chinese在闭音 行中 e bed let pen desk yes egg 1在开音节中 ail bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中 fish big drink sit milk swim0在开音 门中 Eu- those close go hoe home no在闭音方中E. clock not box shop socku在开音 行中 ju: student excuse duty Tuesday, 但u在辅音字母j 1 r s后面时读u:音,例如: June blue ruler

5、superau 在闭音节中A bus cup jump much lunch:、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音(重读音节是指在单词中重读的音节)a 在w音后面oj want what watch wash qualitya 在 f n sk ph sp ss st th 前 a: after plant graph ask grasp glass fast fatheri 在一nd -Id 和 gh 前 ail find child light higho 在一st -Id 前ou most postcard old coldo 在 mnvth 前A come monkey love moth

6、er三、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音(非重读音节;是指在单词中不重读的音节。)aEi Ch i na M naAnother .Woman .breakfast . trekfastOrange . PcrindsComrade .kctnridVillage .'viliddCabbage .IcffibiddeE hundred student open weekendi chicken pocket begin children 1E/i holiday beautiful family animalaiexercise satellite0E second tonight so

7、mebody welcomeEu also zero photoUE autumn difficultju(:)J popular congratulation January动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读ei音,例如:operateu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j 1 r s后面时,读u(:)音,例如:July influence February issue 在非重读音行中,许多单词中的元;e i即可以改作E %也可以读作音 四、-r音节元音字母组合1、在互读音节中的读音 字母组合读音例词ar一般发音。:car farm dark sharpener在.w音后面 c: warm qua

8、rter towardsor一般发音c: forty morning short在w音后面a : word worker worseer ir ur a :certainly birdThursday辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼 读规则发音©例如:carry sorry hurry2、在非重读音节中通常读 音,例如:dollar teacher martyr forget Saturday五、-re音节元音字母组合1、在重读音节中的读音are £ E care dare hareere iE here mereire aiE f

9、ire hire wire ore c: more score before ure juE pure cure2、在非重读音节中are ere ire ore很少出现, ure在非重读音节中读E音,例如:picture pleasure3、重读元音字母+r+非重读元音字母组时,重读 元音字母应按a(e, i, o,u)re音行拼读规则拼读, 字母r读音.例如:parent zero story during inspiring4、某些常用词及多音行词经常出现长音短化现 象。例如:orange very American paragraph六、元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音ai/ayeirai

10、n wait day playairairhairchairpairrepairal在f, m, s前后c:smallballtalk wall allc: 1 always also salt almosto :half calmau/awc:autumndaughter drawea的发音i:teacheasycheap pleaseeheavy bread sweater weathereibreak greateariEhear dear near clear yearOEbear pear wear swearE:earth learnearlyeei:jeepweekgreen t

11、hreeeeriEpioneer deer beerei/eyeieight neighbour theyi:either keyeu/ ew 在 j 1 r s后ju:u:newfewnewspaper flewbrewjewelry / le. eis音之后i:piece field receiveoaoucoat Joan boat goaloar/oor?:roarboarddoor flooroi/oy?inoise point boy toilet001.重读音节词尾的 字母组合00发音素 u:的音。如:too(太; 也),zoo(动物 园),2.在辅音字 母 f, 1, m, n

12、, p, s, t 前的字母组合oo也发 音素u:的音。如:roof(屋 顶),school (学 校),room(房 间),soon(不 久),loop (圈, 环),goose (鹅)boot(靴子),tooth(牙 齿)等.有二个 特例词要特别 注意,它就 是:wool(羊 毛);:footu( 脚);3.字母组合 00在字母d和k前发音 素u的音。如:good(好),b ook(书),look( 看),特例 词 ifoodLu:( 食物);4.在复合词 的非重读音节中的字 母组合OO发音素u的 音。如:bedroom (15b 室),classroom (教室)等;5.在字母1 和d之

13、间的字母组合 00发音素八的音。如:blood (血), flood (洪水) 等.6.后接r时 字母组合00发音素 ?:door,floorou/owauflower house count downouknow row throw thoughA young country enoughu:Jgroupyousoupour?:Jcourse your fourauEour hour oursE:journeyui 在 j 1 r s 后ju:ifluid suicide tuitionLu jjuice fruit suit七、非重读音节中元音字母组合和字群的读音元音字母组合或字 群读音例

14、词ai/ay ,ei/ey iSunday foreign monkeyowouyellow sparrow tomorrow元音字组在非重读音节中读E音例如:neighbour serious famous biscuit coffee -sion -tion Fn_ impression nation-sioo 在元音字母后Vn vision decision occasion-tion 在 s 后 t J En question suggestion-sten Fsn listen-stle Lsl whistle-sure VE pleasure measure-ture Lt J&#

15、39; E picture culture八、元音字母组合在复合词非重读音节中的读音复合词中的第二部分不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母或元音字母组合仍按重读音行拼读规则拼读。例如: everydayei handbag?0?3 blackboardC:有些词随着语言的发展,前后两部分已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一个词。其中的非重读部分要按非重读音 fj的读音规则发音。例如:sun太阳+ dayei日子Sunday星期天holy神圣+ dayei日子> holiday假 日 break 中断 + fast o :斋戒 > breakfast E早餐 cup 茶杯 + board

16、木板C: > cupboardE碗柜九:辅音组合y:这个字母号称半元音,在 组合单词的时候一共有三 种发音,分别是 /j/, /ai/» /i/ o当y在词首的时候,它发/j/,如yes, yard, yet等。当y存在于词中和词尾的时候又分为两种情况:(1)、当单词中没有元音的时 候,y 发/ai/,如 my, fly.(2)、在单词中已经含有元音的时候,y发音为发/,如family, sorryX:这个字母跟f, 1, m, n, s, z 一样同属限音/e/一族,什 么叫限音/e/呢,就是这些 字母的读音都含有,e,限音的意思就是这些字母在组成单词的时候,发音要去掉/e/

17、,比如x这个字 母的发音是/eks/,那么在它组合单词的时候,发间就变成了/ks/。同样的, 其它几个限音/e/一族也遵循着这个规律。(当然有时会有浊化音的产生,比 如说s的读音为/es/,在单词中有时会读成/s/,有时则会浊化为/z/) .m:这个字母多发两个音,由 于音标是一样的,所以在 这里没法对两个读音作区 分,那么在这里只需记住一个单词就可以清楚的了解在什么情况下m这个字母发 何种音,这个单词就是mum血血1,很简单,m在元音前和在元音后所发的音是 不一样的。th/0/thank mouth/ 8/this that withtr/tr/tree train truckdrdr/dr

18、/dress driver shsh/shirt wash shortchch/t/child chair catch/ k /school Christmas/ d3/sandwichtw/tw/two twin twentywh/w/ white wheel what/h/ who whose whomts/ts/jackets kitesds/dz/birds friends十、辅音字母组合的读音bbbike bus bag,不发音bomb tombc后跟元音字母a, 0, u时,字母c 发k后跟e, i, y时, 字母c发s例如:cat, come, cut, cake picture

19、 coat music: 例如:nice , decide , Lucy , facedecidecinema。后跟辅音字母k, r, s, t,以及位 于单词最后时,字 母c发k,例如:black , crossing,politics,dictate, picnic.单词中有双写字 母C,后跟元音字 母e或i时第一个 c发k,第二个c 发s,后跟其它元音字 母或字母组合时, 两个c合发一个 k,例 如:successful , accident: 例如:accounto后跟字母组合 ei, er, ie 或与 词尾的字母e组 合时,c发s, 后跟字母组合ia 时,c发门,例如:receiv

20、e, certainly,society; 例如:especiallych-般读作 t门much chick rich teacherkJchemist (化学 家),chem-istry (化学), chemical (化学 的),Christmas(圣诞节),hea dache (头痛), school (学校)等 6个单词中读k/machine-ckZkcockpocketblack knockdddoctorbreadhand day-dgeLddbridge fridgedr-drchildren driver drinkfffivefourbreakfastg在 e i/y 前gb

21、ag garden goddorangelargeGermanghgh字母组合的读音归纳起来主要有 “发音”和“不发音”两种情况。一、gh在卜一列三 种情况下发音1. gh在词首时, 读作/g/0例:ghost/g?ust/2.词首为字母1, 且后跟字母组合 augh时» gh读作 /f/o例:laugh/la:f/, laughter/ la:ft ?/ , cough , enough3.词尾为字母组 合ough时,gh读 作/f/。例:enough/i n?f/,cough/k?f/,rough/r?f/,tough/t?f/二、gh在下列五 种情况下不发音 l.gh在元音字母

22、 i后不发音。例 : bright/brait/ , fight/fait/ , frighten/ frait n/ , high/hai/, light/lait/ , might/mait/ , night/nait/ , right/rait/ , sight/sait/ , slight/slait/2. gh在元音字母 组合ei和ai后不 发音。例:eight/eit/, eighth/eit。, neighbor/ neib?/ , straight/streit/, weigh/wei/, weight/weit/3. gh在字母组合 ought中不发音。例:bought/b?

23、: t/, brought/br?: t/, fought/f?: t/, thought/0?: t/4.字母组合augh 前面不是1时,gh 不发音。caught/k?: t/, daughter/' d?: t?/, naught/n?: t/, naughty/' n?: ti/, taught/t?: t/5.词尾为ough 的词,如以上所 述,有的发/f/, 但有时也不发音。例:although/?: I1?0?8?u/,plough/plau/ , through/0 ru: /, though/?0?8?u/, thorough/' 0?r?/注意:若g

24、h不是字母组合,而是分属 于前后两个不同的音节时,不适合以上 规则。例:dininghall/* daini?h?: 1/gu-g -guegu 在 非重读音节中guessleaguedialoguegwlanguage anguishhhhot head house hand/hour honestjdVjeep jar joke join Julykkkind bike skate make weekknnJknife know knock11life milk school tallmmmonkeycomeautumnmnmautumn columnsolemnn在k g音前 nnot

25、shine tennoteNunclethankhungry-ngNmorning youngwrongPppaper plane pig ship penphfelephant photo telephoneqkIraqQU-kwquality quiterrred rubber rulers在词首或清辅音 前元音字母间或浊辅音前ssit sleep deskzmusic husbandsc-skscarletsmuscle scienceshJshe fish shirt washttten letter meet在通常情况下在 弱读字母ia ie i。前Jpatient nationtc

26、ht/watchth1当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其 应有的读音。请看:第一类:在以下4 种词类th读 清音,即国际音标的0 :a. Noun 名词: thing, theatre, thumb大拇指, thunder雷,thermos热水 瓶, Thursday, theory, theme, throat 喉咙, thread 线b. Verb 动词: think,thank,throw, thrive, thicken,c. Numeral 数词: three, thirteen, thirty, third, thousandd. Adjective 形 容词:thin, thick

27、, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough彻底的第二类:在以下 两种词类th读 浊音:a. Pronoun 代词: they,them,their, theirs, this,these, that, those, theresympathy, sympat hetic, mathematics, healthy, wealthy, Luther, arathon (马拉松)等。b.Functional:词:the, than, then, though, thus, therefore2当位于词尾(或 音节之尾)时,其 读音多数是清音, 只有在少数单词 中,如:with,

28、 smooth中读浊 音。如:bath, breath, both,cloth,tooth, health, wealth, arithmetic 等。tr-trtreetraincountry truckVvvery voice love leavewwweek win wake sweet wait/不发音Answer two3当位于两个元 音之间时,其读音 多数是浊音。但是,也有读清音 的,如 : other, mother, brother, another, father, weather,feather, leather, further, breathe©如在单词 me

29、thod, nothing, anything,wh-wh-在字母0前 wwhat when white whyLhwho whose wholeX在重读元音前 ksboxtextexercisegzexample existexactwr-rwritey-jyes yard yellow youngzzpuzzle zero zoo十一:元音组合aieiwait paintayeimay play day sayair旧air hair chairalbltall small ballara:farther farm car armeai:lmeat please tea readehead

30、 bread :readyidTheater ear hear near5beare :earthee/i:/meet see bee feet jeepeir/ e? /theirer/ ? /worker teacher?:/herere/i ? /here八?/where thereew/ju:/new few/u: /flewgrewightighairight high brightirira:bird girl shirt thirtyoaauboat coatongoollong song00ubook foot goodu:moon balloonor:short fork p

31、orta:word world workoor:door floorore:more store soreOUauout house mouthour:fouryour*audOuraubowl windowaunow cow floweroyoilboy toyurturn十二:元音字母组合ar重读a:mark carve article party market March farm hard例外在W 后D:warm warn reward war非重读agrammarer重读a:service certainserve非重 读worker farmer teacheror重读):form

32、 important corner horse在W后a:work word world worth非重 读mirror doctor forbid forgetur重读a:churchThursday nurse turn return非重 读surprise surroundmurmurir重读a:thirsty dirty first girlai重读 音节eitailor remaingrain sail praise raise brainsaid e非重icaptaina读音|Jcertainau,causeaunt a:al?:walk ball all talkhalf a: a

33、lms a:):1always almost already althoughaw,draw dawn sawaireafair affair hair upstairsareeadare glare sharecompare carefulare a:aug h3:taught caught daughter naughtylaugha:fay重读 音节eidelay play say way todaysays e非重 读音 |ViSundayMondayeeai:repeat leaf lead peace disease creamesweater thread headache he

34、avy breakfast特殊eigreat greatly breakiareal ideatheatre0point choiceeei:lsleepfreely weed steel degreeoy0toy boy joy joyful00在其 他字 母前u:roof choose school shootwoolu footuearidappearclear near hear dear earheart a:在k, d前utook look cook stood wood goodfoodu: flood A blood Aa:heard learn earn early sear

35、choor?:floor doorpoor .uaOUaupound rouse mountain trousers ground thousandshoulder a usoulEaueawear bearswear pear eiireceive seize ceilingAcouple cousin double country touch troubleewju:few new newssewau在 1, r 后u:blew flew threw drewu:route group routinesoupereteathere wherehere iaey重读 音节eigrey hey

36、 obeykey i:ucould should would非重 读音节imonkey donkeyoug h):fought bought brought thoughtthoughau plough Eau cough throughu: thorougha enough ifeig heiweight eight eighty1 lei:lpiece thief field chiefdiet aiaj quiet aidailie tie dieowaudown brown flowerknowledged irea iswire inspire hire tireaubowl sow

37、 window row owner low show throw growighairight fight night high bright lightuure重读 i'Y IVuasure surelyoaauloaf roadsoap coat boatbroad): abroadL):非重 读音节a:pleasure . 1 plesaoibivoice noise十三:26个字母发音规律a/ei/name cake table/?0?3/apple cat map am/a : /want dance/o/what watchb/b/book big bag boxc/k/c

38、at cake cup clock car/s/face nice pencil booksd/d/desk doll dog dade/i:/he she meet me/e/elephant egg bed penf/f/fine friend fly foot fang/s/gun glass glad glove/d3 /age orangeh/h/hat he house hand 1/ai /fine bike five ice/i/is sit miss pig picturej/ d3 /jeep jam jacket jark/k/kite cake black thank1

39、/I/leg left ruler flag lamp/I/apple bowl tell oldmam map my mouth milkn/n/no know new hand0/?u /old home nose coke/o/dog not clock box/A /son month mother loveP/p/map jeep pig pen appleq/kw /quite quilt quickr/r/red radio brother rackets/s/sit miss this smile books/z/nose those rose rulerst/t/it sit

40、 not that table littleu/ju: /use usually excuse/A ./bus us sun duck/ u /put pull pushV/v /five vase very sevenw/w/we window watch wantX/ks /box six foxy/ai /my fly why bye/ / / J /yes yellow/ i /happy baby veryz/ z /zoo zero音标发音【元音】音标发音1、i :字母组合:ee ea e ie/eiee: three tree green sheep meet beef see

41、seekea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasee: he she meie/ei: piece receive ceiling 2、i发音字母i y ei:sitpicture it is list six mixfitPigbig build missy:mythmany twenty happy dictionarye:defectdecide delicious3、Le字母组合ea e aea: head bread pleasure heavene : elephant electric reme

42、mber sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesa : many any4、加字母组合aa : bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad blackback glad flag shall man5、:字母组合ir ui“ ear er orir : girl shirt skirt thirty third birdur: hurt furtherear: learn earn earth hearder: term her nerd serveor: attorneythirteen6、字母组合er oro

43、u ar o ae urer: teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderor: doctor actor mayor author tractorou: delicious gracious pleasurear: familiar collar dollaro: together tomorrow today lesson Washington control politea: around account ago elephantmantabanana Canada Japan china e: heaven listenur

44、: pursue Saturdayo: woman wolf13、ai字母组合i y7、a:字母组合ar aar: car farm card arm gardeni: bike like write right light might nighta: fast class last glass plant aunt calmy: cycle bye shy8、A发音字母u o ou oo14、ei字母组合 ai a ei ay ea eyu: up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup busai: main gain rain waito: come mother d

45、ose brother love abovea: hate date gate fateou: trouble rough flourishei: eight neighboroo: blood flooday: say way stay pay delay ea: great break9 D:字母组合 al or au our arey: they grey(灰色)prey(捕食)al: small wall talk tall hall ball call15、ia字母组合 eer ea ere earwalkeer: deer beer peeror: short more lord

46、horse for forty sportea: idea realizedoor floor storeere: here mere sereau: author caught autumnear: ear near fear tear sear dearour: four mourn court bought16、au字母组合。ow oaar: warm quarrel quartero: note broken coke vote noow: window wallow yellow hallow shadow10、b发音字母。aoa: boat road loado: hot lost

47、 lot fox box mop hop loss17、ua字母组合 oor ure uelcollar notoor: poora: want wash watchure: sure cure pure18、au字母组合ow ou11、Lu:字母组合0。 o uow: flower towel tower now downoo: food moon room gloom broom doom gooseou: out about house mouse doubt mountaintooth19、£,字母组合 air ear are ereo: shoe do twoair: ai

48、r hair fair chairu: true truth blue full prudeear: bear pear wearare: share stare care fare dare12、u字母组合oo ou u oere: where thereoo: look good foot book wood20、bi字母组合oi oyou: should could01: soil boil spoil coin point joinu: put full bull pull pushoy: boy toy joy annoy soybean【辅音】音标发音1、p字母组合:pc: coo

49、k articlep: put pushtap stoppost tripch: school chemistrypersonk: back rock2、b字母组合:b6、g字母组合gb: brother but bombg: garden get give go3、t字母组合:t7、f字母组合:f gh pht: teacher student touch tellf: left scarf fun4、d字母组合:dgh: laugh tough roughd: down decide dirty doctorph: elephant dolphin geography5、k字母组合:c ch ck k8、v字母组合:vv: vacation visitveryge: cabbage (卷心菜) bridge9、s字母组合:s css cej:joke juice enjoys: student small skill sit sir19. tr字母组合:tric: decide center criticizetr: trip try strongtrumpetss: grass discuss glass class20. dr字母组合:drce: nice face rice micedr


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