1、An An alysis of the harm ony the prosecuti onconno tati on characteristics and buildAbstract As a harm onious society, the con cept of a harm onious orga ns also has a rich and deep meaning, we n eed to proceed from the actual situati on, to be summarized, abstract and summary In this paper, the act
2、ual experienee in procuratorial work, analysis of the meaning of harmonyprocuratorialorgans, features andbuild.The Paper Keywords harm onious procuratorial orga ns specificati on details ideological educati on,Harmonious conno tatio n and characteristics of the procuratorial orga ns(The meaning of t
3、hecon ceptofharm onyHarm ony inModer nChin eseDicti onary& gt ;& gt;interpretedas “with appropriate and well-proportionedto the right, to fully grasp this meaning, we must grasp the followi ng poi nts:The harm ony of thin gs, the relati on shipbetwee nthe state of the relati on ship, the voc
4、abularyused toidescribe the relati on ship betwee n characteristics of the basic characteristics of this state is “ adequate and well-proporti on ed.2 things with a harm oniousrelatio nship is thenature of differentthings, there are differencesevensig nifica ntlydiffere ntthi ngs.& It ;&It;A
5、n alects> ;>goes:“ Gen tleme n ”& It ;&It;Zhoumediator> ;>cloud:“ the peopleof thepalmSecretarydifficultHarmony ' s” This shows that created the original intentof the word“harmony ” , “ harmony ” of the things inn ature there is a differe nee.Harmony is a value
6、judgme nt, and reached thecon clusi on with respect to a certa in sta ndard or a certa inpurpose and tasks, which has a relative, and only for a particular purpose or task, only the so-called things betwee n with the example of the Taoist, a small coun try,in acti onand rule isharm onio us,Legalism
7、andConfucianism,the world is unified,good governanceisthe harm ony. adhere to the class struggle in the era of the new democratic revoluti on, harm onio us, the era of 2socialist con structi on, adhere to econo mic con structi on asthe cen ter is harm onio us.(Harm ony authorities metrics Harmonious
8、orga ns Esse ntially, it should be the mode of co-ord in ati on betwee n those in ternal eleme nts are very ben eficial to the realizationof public functions,is conducive to socialharmony authorities any authority in order to fulfill apublic fun cti onexists, maximizethe performaneeof agoodjob,isthe
9、mostfun dame ntalvalues​ ​a ndmissi on ofanyorga n, anorga n ofin ternalrelati onsareharm onio us,shouldfirst beadequately perform their fun cti ons as judgme nt sta ndards on the other hand, due to the social authorities con stitute comp onen ts, and the overall harm ony of the
10、com mun ity eventually to implementand reflect the harmony up toeachcon stitue nteleme nt,so the harm onyof theauthorities but also by the degree of fit and harm onious society to judge other words, the authorities can measure based on harm ony or simply summarized as“conducive ” , which is the basi
11、c link between the authorities and the social objective, there are two levels ortwo differe nt sig nifica nee.(Three harm oniouseonno tati onand basiccharacteristics of the procuratorial orga ns(1) the rule oflaw and the so-called rule of law, contains three mea nin gs: one refers to the specific fu
12、n cti ons and internal affairs can be impleme nted to the specificatio n in the form of legal or institutionaldepartments and individuals, making thingstheir people have their own duties. various fun cti ons and the performa nee of the in ternal affairs of clear procedures specification,makingit the
13、Road,peopletiedrationalallocation offunctions andinternal affairsandrun theprogram, meet the requirementsof the scientificandeffective. To sum up, the rule of law means to eliminatethe orga nfun cti onsand internalaffairs un its inthecon figurati onof thedisorder,subjectivityandthefun dame ntaltask
14、ofauthoritiesto carry outtheirfun cti ons, social services, its statutory fun cti ons Needlessto doubt, for the procuratorial orga ns, due out its man dated oversight fun cti ons of other orga ns, the handling of the relationship between this organ in particular the legal level specification to be c
15、lear andcertai nly from the microscopic point of view, the performanee of its functions is to organize specific The staff representativeorgans, the consumptionof certainresources for fun cti onal activities, which gen erated a series of internalin specti onresourcesman ageme ntservices, such aspers
16、onnelemployed retireme nt,appo in tme nt and removal,promoti on,rewards andpunishments,mobility,energy and materials, and so on.these services will run on ly the impleme ntati on of scientific standardization,in order to ensure that theexter nal effect to carry out their fun cti ons.2 impartiality s
17、o-called justice, refers to the allocati on of internal resources to rema in impartial world as long as there are groups, you can not avoid the topic of justice. Orga n is actually a micro-society, loss of justice is bound to the mi nds of authority among its membersinvirtueless, and thus result in
18、a loss of people, loss ofcohesion and solidarity for China' s procuratorial organs,almost in the last line of defense to safeguard social fair nessand justice, if its internal can noten sureimpartiality, it will un doubtedly prosecutors greatly reduced, thus affect ing the fun cti ons to properl
19、y perform the maintenance of social justice missio n.The vitality of the so-called dynamic, refers to the internal organs be able to create a positive act, and progressive atmosphere, as well as appropriate incen tives and competiti on mecha nism able to gen erate sufficie nt in itiative and en thus
20、iasm,in dividual work, dilige nt inthinking, good innovateand to discover and solve theproblems in the work, thuspromoti ngthe overallcontinuous improvementand progress if the rule of lawand justice is a “ hardware sett in gs, vitality is a ” software sett ings“ only the rule of law and justice just
21、 realized bystatic, form,harm ony,vitality, will have a dyn amic,substantive, deep harmonyunder the rule of law andjustice group has no passi on, do not want to think about the performa nee of their duties and a group of missi on, to discern test to perform their duties, the effect is clearly differ
22、ent.This is because Social Affairs is constantlyevolv ing, specific and in dividual, and the rule of law in the law is always abstract and in general, is relatively stable and lag, it is not possible to in clude and to enu merate allcircumsta nces, must by law en forceme nt abstract method in conj u
23、n cti on with in dividual, accord ing to the basic legal value to determine how to deal with law enforcement officers at this time law en forceme nt attitudes and inner feeli ng will directly affect theeffective nessof lawen forceme nt.4 frien dli nessso-called frie ndly, refers to thein ter nalorga
24、 nscan establish frie ndly day-to-dayin terpers onalrelati on shipsbetwee n the compositi onofpers onnel to be able to un dersta nd each other and agree to help each other to form a benigninterpersonalatmosphere in un dersta nding and frie ndly whe n I would like to emphasize the followi ng poin ts:
25、 First, the in ternal orga nsfrie ndli nessshould be mainly based on thecom mon sense of missio n or resp on sibilityto form thesec ond is frien dly does not mea n that there is no prin ciple,un dersta nding,recog niti onandhelp is not equaltofavoritismin other words,byno means frien dlytodestructi
26、onwithin the ruleoflaw and justice attheexpense of friendly does not mean cliques, Intoleranee so-called feather flock together, people in groups. pers on ality, temperame nt same or similar people, alwaysuncon sciouslyclose, while those with own pers on ality,temperame nt or a differe nt point of v
27、iew,alwaysuncon sciously alie nate this is a no rmal phe nomenon, but I will not go to extremes, such likes and dislikes exte nded to the performa nee of their duties and the internal affairs of treatment,or their own“ friendly ” destroy“ friendly ”an organ, leading to disorders of the internal rela
28、tions.Fourth, thedialecticalrelati on shipoffrien dshipandcompetiti on.can notspeakfrien dlyand denythen ecessarymecha ni smsof competiti on,also cannotbecause of the stresses and competitive vigor and destroythe friendly atmosphere of the internal grasp the key to this relatio nship is to grasp the
29、 fun dame ntal process ing ofthe internalorgans of all ties basically revolves aroundbetter to carry out their fun cti ons.In summary, the procuratorial orga ns harm onyis scie ntific and reas on able sta ndards to determ inetheallocationof responsibilitiesand specific procedures ofthe fun cti onsan
30、din ternalaffairs, justice norms todeterm ine the in ternal allocati on of resources, an effective incen tivemecha nism to stimulatein ternalhuma nresources creativity and in itiative, and moral assisted the in terpers onal atmosphere to develop in ternal-frie ndly, so as to en sure and promote the
31、effectivedischarge of theprosecuti on service fun cti on of legal supervisi on.Reposted elsewhere in the Research Papers Downl oad Second,harm oniouscon structi on of theprocuratorial orga ns(A establish a new system, specific details 1 to Amplify, toen surethat can didates andpositi onscorresp ondi
32、ngto an alyz ingand summariz ing all thefun cti onsandin ternalman ageme ntaffairs categoryshould have a nu mber of basic aspects and processes, as well as fun cti ons and fun cti ons, affairs and affairs betwee n the fun cti ons and affairs based on the n eeds of their work should occur con tact ca
33、tegories, the nu mber of basic aspects and processes, at the same time to sort out all staff the type and qua ntity of the basic tasks in bus in ess on this basis, to compare the two data, i n order to clear the curre nt should do, but there is no clear main responsibilityfor their own functionsand,
34、 at the sametime also makes it clear that the current functionsandaffairs of the basic situationin the staffing and thencombinedwith the existinghumanresources of theauthorities, rules and regulati ons in the form of jobs and pers onnel basic match.(2) the establishmentof a viable performaneeapprais
35、al and quality of case managementmechanism.Purpose of performaneeappraisal is to encouragetheadvaneed, the purpose of quality managementis to nipthe problem in the bud, early leak filled two mecha ni sms from the positive and n egativeaspects to effectivelyprocure orga ns in dividualto carry out the
36、ir fun cti ons inaccorda nee with the specificati on, to do their work.(Bstre ngthe nideologicaleducati on,tostimulatein dividualsubjectivityStren gthe nthecultivatio nofa senseofresp on sibilityand awarenessofthe rule of law, i ndividual foreig n authorities to establish asense of resp on sibility
37、through a variety of ways internalpublicity,educati on,internal and establish normsaware ness so-called sense of resp on sibility,in thedischarge of public fun cti ons, we must clearly realize thatthis idea of ​​the“Law for the People ” , torecog nize their own han ds, esse ntial
38、ly on the terms of reference is used to serve the people and society means, society and people n eed to make good use of their power, so power is first means resp on sibility, the resp on sibility of the society and people. aware ness of the so-called no rms, is the clear normative basis in the perf
39、ormanee of the internal man ageme nt affairs, to find out.(2) to stre ngthe n the cultivati on of the worki nginterestsand career outlook.Interestis strong internaldriv ing force of in dividual behavior in today ' s society, finding a job in order to survive, start may not be their own in terests, but to support their families if only work as rely on to make ends me
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