1、as 1657-1992australian standard®澳大利亚标准®fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders design, construction and installation固定平台、走道、楼梯与梯子的设计、施工与安装this australian standard was prepared by committee sf/13, platforms, gangways, stairways and ladders. it was approved on behalf of the council
2、of standards australia on 9 september 1992 and published on 16 november 1992.本澳大利亚标准是由sf/13平台、通道、楼梯与梯子委员会编制的。1992年9月经澳大利亚标准委员会通过,1992年11月16日出版。the following interests are represented on committee sf/13:sf/13委员会由以下单位参加:aluminium development council铝业发展委员会bureau of steel manufacturers of australia 澳大利
3、亚钢铁制造局confederation of australian industry澳大利亚工业联合会department of employment, vocational education, training and industrial relations, qld昆士兰州就业、职业教育、培训与劳资关系部department of labour and industry, tas.塔斯马尼亚州劳工部master builders 建筑商协会construction and housing association of australia澳大利亚建筑与住房协会pacific power太
4、平洋电力公司public works department, n.s.w.新南威尔士州公共工程部royal australian institute of architects皇家澳大利亚建筑师协会water board, sydney-illawarra-blue mountains 水理事会,悉尼-伊拉瓦拉-蓝山流域workcover authority of new south wales新南威尔州工伤保险局review ofaustralian standards. to keep abreast ofprogress in industry, australian standards
5、 are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editions as necessary. it is important therefore that standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition, and any amendments thereto.澳大利亚标准的评审。为了保持标准与工业发展同步,澳大利亚标准需要定期进行评审并发布修订本,必要时出版新的版本以
6、保持更新。因此,标准使用者使用的版本必须是最新版本,同时需要使用所有修正版本的内容。full details of all australian standards and related publications will be found in the standards australia catalogue of publications; this information is supplemented each month by the magazine the australian standard, which subscribing members receive, and
7、which gives details of new publications, new editions and amendments, and of withdrawn standards.澳大利亚标准局出版的标准目录收集了所有澳大利亚标准的详细信息和相应出版物,此信息每月在杂志澳大利亚标准上进行补充说明,已订阅会员会收到此杂志,另外该杂志还会介绍新出版物、新版本和修订本以及废止标准的详细信息。suggestions for improvements to australian standards, addressed to the head office of standards aus
8、tralia, are welcomed. notification of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an australian standard should be made without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.我们欢迎提出有关改进澳大利亚标准方面的建议,欢迎写信到澳大利亚标准局。如发现澳大利亚标准存在任何不准确或含糊不清的内容,请及时告诉我们以便我们做出调查并采取适当措施。this standard wa
9、s issued in draft form for comment as dr 90065.本标准作为dr 90065草案发布,以征求意见。australian standard®澳大利亚标准®fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders design, construction and installation固定平台、走道、楼梯与梯子的设计、施工与安装first published as as ca10-1938.首次刊印作为as ca 10-1938second edition 1963. third editio
10、n 1966. fourth edition 1971第二版1963年,第三版1966年,第四版1971年. revised and redesignated as 1657-1974.修订并重新命名为as 1657-1974second edition 1985. third edition 1992.第二版1985年,第三版1992年published by standards australia (standards association of australia) 1 the crescent, homebush, nsw 2140澳大利亚标准局(澳大利亚标准协会)出版地址:1 th
11、e crescent, homebush, nsw 2140 preface序言this standard was prepared by the standards australia committee on platforms, gangways, stairways and ladders, to supersede as 1657-1985.本标准由平台、通道、楼梯和梯子澳大利亚标准委员会编制,取代as 1657-1985标准。changes to the standard include 本标准做出的修改包括-(a) reducing the minimum wall thickn
12、ess of steel piping which may be used; 降低了可能使用的钢管的最小壁厚。(b) incorporating a minimum tensile yield stress requirement for aluminium alloys; 加入对铝合金最小拉伸屈服应力的要求。(c) deleting references to specific aluminium alloys and tempers; 删去对特定铝合金及调和物的引述。(d) updating the dimensions of steel sections other than pipin
13、g, to reflect current manufacturing practices; and 根据现行有效的制造规范,更新除钢管外的型钢尺寸以及(e) provision of test methods to determine the integrity of guardrail systems, and the strength of the connection between guardrail posts and the supporting structure. 规定了测定护栏系统完整性以及护栏立柱与支撑结构之间连接强度的方法。© copyright standa
14、rds australia版权归澳大利亚标准局users of standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all standards australia publications and software. except where the copyright act allows and except where provided for below no publications or software produced by standards australia may be reproduced, stored in a re
15、trieval system in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission in writing from standards australia. permission may be conditional on an appropriate royalty payment. requests for permission and information on commercial software royalties should be directed to the head office of stan
16、dards australia.提醒使用标准的用户注意,澳大利亚标准局所有出版物和软件均受版权保护。除非版权法规定或满足以下条件外,在未获得澳大利亚标准局书面许可的前提下,任何人不得翻制澳大利亚标准局发行的出版物或软件,也不得以任何形式储存在检索系统中或经任何形式传播。许可可能附有一定条件或支付适量特约使用金。许可申请及商业软件版权相关信息请直接呈报至澳大利亚标准局总公司。standards australia will permit up to 10 percent of the technical content pages of a standard to be copied for u
17、se exclusively in-house by purchasers of the standard without payment of a royalty or advice to standards australia.澳大利亚标准局允许本标准购买方可以复制标准中10%的技术内容以便内部使用,无需支付版权或告知标准局。standards australia will also permit the inclusion of its copyright material in computer software programs for no royalty payment prov
18、ided such programs are used exclusively in-house by the creators of the programs.澳大利亚标准局还允许软件开发者将受版权保护的资料包含入电脑软件程序中,无需支付特约使用金,前提是此类软件专供开发者内部使用。care should be taken to ensure that material used is from the current edition of the standard and that it is updated whenever the standard is amended or revi
19、sed. the number and date of the standard should therefore be clearly identified.应注意确保所用材料来自本标准最新版,且注意在本标准修正或修订时更新材料。因此已明确指出本标准的编号及日期。the use of material in print form or in computer software programs to be used commercially, with or without payment, or in commercial contracts is subject to the payme
20、nt of a royalty. this policy may be varied by standards australia at any time.通过复印形式或在商业软件程序(有偿或无偿)中火灾商业合同中使用本材料,均须支付版税 。澳大利亚标准局可随时更改此规定。contents目录page页码section 1 scope and general 第一章 范围和总则 1.1scope 范围41.2 application用途41.3 referenced documents参考文献 41.4definitions 定义5section 2 structural design, ma
21、terials and welding第二章 结构设计、原料与焊接2.1design 设计72.2 materials 原料72.3 welding 焊接8section 3platforms, continuous walkways, and steps with landings第三章 平台、连续走道及带平台的阶梯3.1 general requirements 一般要求93.2 protection at sides, ends, edges, and openings 侧边、端部、边缘和开口处的防护. . . .93.3design 设计103.4 guardrailing 护栏10s
22、ection 4 stairways 第四章 楼梯4.1 width and angle of slope 宽度和坡度124.2flights 梯段124.3stairs 楼梯124.4 landings 梯段平台124.5 guardrailing 护栏124.6 handrailing 扶手12section 5 fixed ladders 第五章 固定梯子5.1clearances 间距155.2 access through horizontal openings 通过水平开口进入155.3 ladder landings 梯段平台155.4 guardrailing 护栏155.5s
23、tep ladders 踏板式梯子 175.6 rung ladders踏棍式梯子175.7 individual-rung ladders (step-irons)梯级固定的梯子(阶梯脚踏) 21appendices 附录a typical component dimensions and spacings for guardrailing常见构件尺寸和护栏间距26b testing of guardrail posts 护栏立柱试验28c testing of guardrails 护栏试验29standards australia澳大利亚标准局australian standard澳大利
24、亚标准fixed platforms, walkways, stairways, and ladders design, construction and installation固定平台、走道、楼梯和梯子的设计、施工与安装section 1 scope and general第一章 范围与总则1.1 scope this standard sets out requirements for the design, construction, and installation of fixed platforms, walkways, stairways, and ladders which
25、are intended to provide means of safe access to and safe working at places normally used by operating, inspection, maintenance, and servicing personnel.范围。本标准规定了固定平台、走道、楼梯和梯子的设计、施工和安装要求。这些设施旨在为操作、检查、维修和服务人员提供安全进入工作场所并在其中安全工作的方式。the standard does not apply to situations where special provision is mad
26、e in appropriate building or other regulations, e.g. means of escape from fire. requirements for portable ladders are not included in this standard.本标准不适用于已为相应建筑物提供了特殊设备或做出其他规定的情况,比如火灾逃生方式。本标准也不包含对便携式梯子的要求。1.2 application the design, construction, and installation of a platform, walkway, stairway, o
27、r ladder shall comply with the appropriate requirements of section 2 and the specific requirements for the type of structure, as follows:用途。平台、走道、楼梯或梯子的设计、施工和安装必须符合第二章相关规定以及以下对结构类型的特定要求:(a) platforms and walkways: section 3. 平台和走道:第三章(b) stairways: section 4. 楼梯:第四章(c) fixed ladders: section 5. 固定梯子
28、:第五章the application of the relevant sections and the limits of slope are illustrated in figure 1.1.相关各章的适用范围以及坡度极限见表1.1。where it is not reasonably practicable to meet the full requirements of this standard, advice should be sought from the regulatory authority.若现实中无法满足本标准全部要求,则应向管理机构寻求意见。notes:注:1so
29、me structures and vehicles will be unable to comply with all the requirements of this standard. special structures include radio masts, towers, portable on farm light-weight silos, and the like. vehicles include road tankers, waste disposal trucks, and the like.一些结构和车辆无法满足本标准所有要求。特殊结构包括天线杆、塔、以及农场便携式
30、轻质筒仓等类似结构。车辆包括公路罐车、垃圾车及类似车辆。2structures and vehicles which are unable to comply with all the requirements of this standard should comply with the relevant design codes for loading.不能满足本标准所有要求的结构和车辆应符合相关的荷载规范设计。1.3 referenced documents the following documents are referred to in this standard: 参考文献。本标
31、准参考文献如下:as澳大利亚标准1170saa loading code saa荷载规范1170.1 part 1: dead and live loads and load combinations 第1部分:静荷载和活荷载以及组合荷载1170.2 part 2: wind loads 第2部分:风力荷载1192electroplated coatings nickel and chromium 静电涂层-镍与铬1538saa cold-formed steel structures code saa 冷成型钢规范1554saa structural steel welding code s
32、aa 钢材焊接规范1554.1part 1: welding of steel structures 第1部分钢结构的焊接1604preservative treatment for sawn timber, veneer and plywood 锯材、饰面和胶合板的防腐处理1650hot-dipped galvanized coatings on ferrous articles 铁制品的热浸镀锌层1664saa aluminium structures code saa 铝结构规范1665saa aluminium welding code saa 铝焊接规范1720saa timber
33、structures code saa 木结构规范1720.1 part 1: design methods 第1部分 设计方法1734aluminium and aluminium alloys flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate 铝和铝合金-薄板、卷板和钢板1782flooring milled from australian-grown conifers (softwoods) (excluding radiata pine and cypress pine) 由澳洲松树(软木材,除了辐射松和柏木)制成的地板。1789electroplated coat
34、ings zinc on iron or steel 电镀层-铁或钢镀锌1790electroplated coatings cadmium on iron or steel 电镀层-铁或钢上镀镉1810flooring milled from cypress pine 柏木地板1866aluminium and aluminium alloys extruded rod, bar, solid and hollow shapes 铝和铝合金-挤压棒材、条材,固体和中空型1892portable ladders 便携式梯子1892.2 part 2: timber 第2部分:木材2105ino
35、rganic zinc silicate paint 无机硅酸锌涂料2269structural plywood 结构胶合板2796timber seasoned hardwood milled products 木材经干硬木磨碎制品3600concrete structures 混凝土结构3700 saa masonry codesaa 砌石规范3990(int)steelwork for engineering applications 工程用钢架4024safeguarding of machinery 机器的防护4024.1 (int)part 1: general principle
36、s 第1部分:总则4100 steel structures 钢结构1:21:2.71:8踏板式梯子踏辊式梯子非安全区带平台的阶梯楼梯带盖子或栅格的走道走道第五章第三章第四章表1.1 坡度极限1.4 definitions for the purpose of this standard, the definitions below apply.定义。本标准采用下列定义:1.4.1 accepted accepted by the authority having jurisdiction.公认获得权力机构认可。1.4.2 floor the surface of a platform, wa
37、lkway, or landing.地板平台、走道或梯段平台的表面。1.4.3 going in a stair, the horizontal distance from the nosing of one tread to the nosing of the next tread. 级距相邻踏板的突沿之间的水平距离。1.4.4 guard railing a structure to prevent persons from falling off any platform, walkway or landing.护栏防止人员从平台、走道或梯段平台上跌落的结构。1.4.5 handrail
38、 a rail to provide handhold on a platform, walkway, stairway, or step ladder. it may form part of a guard railing.扶手平台、走道、楼梯或踏板式梯子上供人抓握的围栏,可为护栏的一部分。1.4.6 individual-rung ladder a ladder without stiles, each rung of which is individually attached to a structure or equipment.梯级固定的梯子没有梯框的梯子,每一级踏棍分别固定在结
39、构或设备上。1.4.7 ladder a structure with treads or rungs, with or without stiles and handrails. 梯子带有踏板或踏辊的结构,不管有没有梯框和扶手。1.4.8 ladder cage a fixed enclosure which encircles the climbing space of a ladder.梯笼环绕梯子攀登空间的固定围笼。1.4.9 landing a level area used to provide access to a stairway or ladder, or located
40、at an intermediate level in a system of stairways or ladders.梯段平台楼梯或梯子入口的水平面,或位于一套楼梯或梯子系统的中间高度层上。1.4.10 nosing the rounded edge of the tread projecting over the riser.突沿突出于楼梯竖板的踏板的圆形边缘。1.4.11 pipe a tubular product made as a production item for sale. it may be round, oval, square, or rectangular in
41、section.管一类管材,作为产品生产出售,截面可为圆形、椭圆、方形或矩形。note: for the purpose of this standard, the word pipe is synonymous with tube or structural hollow section (circular, square, or rectangular) although these words are used for different types of products by different industries.注:本标准中,“管”一词与“管子”或结构空心型钢(圆形、方形或矩形
42、)同义。但这些术语在不同行业中用于不同类型的产品。1.4.12 platform an area provided for access or working, which is elevated above the surrounding floor or level.平台用于通行或工作的区域,高于周围地板或平面。1.4.13 reasonably practicable practicable having regard to 适度可行是否可行与以下情况有关(a) the severity of the hazard or risk in question; 可疑的危害或风险的严重性(b)
43、 the state of knowledge about that hazard or risk, and any ways of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk; 对于此类危害或风险的了解程度,以及消除或减轻危险或风险的方式;(c) the availability and suitability of ways to remove or mitigate that hazard or risk; and 消除或减轻危险或风险的方法的有效性和适当性;以及(d) the cost of removing or mitigating tha
44、t hazard or risk. 消除或减轻危害或风险的成本。1.4.14 regulatory authority a minister of the crown, a government department, commission or other authority having power to issue regulations, orders or other instructions having the force of law in respect of any subject covered by this standard.管理机构对于本标准中所有规定,有权发布规章
45、、命令或其他拥有法律效力的指示的内阁阁员、政府部门、委员会或其他法定或政府机构。1.4.15 rise the vertical height from the top of one tread to the top of the next; also refers to the total height of a flight or series of flights, taken from the top of one floor to the top of the next floor.板高从踏板顶端到下一踏板顶端的垂直高度,也指梯段或一系列梯段的总高度,从地板到下一地板顶端的距离为准。
46、1.4.16 rung ladder a ladder consisting of stiles and rungs. 踏辊式梯子由梯框和踏辊组成的梯子。1.4.17 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory.必须表示一段陈述为命令式的。1.4.18 should indicates a recommendation.应当表示一个建议。1.4.19 stairway a sloping stepped structure having not less than three rises and having a slope within the
47、 range of 26.5 degrees to 45 degrees inclusive.楼梯一种有坡度带踏步的结构,梯级不少于三级,坡度在26.5度至45度之间(包含)。1.4.20 step ladder a ladder consisting of stiles, treads and handrails.踏板式梯子由梯框、踏板和扶手组成的梯子。1.4.21 stile a side member that supports the treads or rungs of a ladder. the terms side rail, and stringer, are often us
48、ed synonymously.梯框支撑梯子踏板或踏辊的侧边构件。“侧板”和“支撑件”常用作其同义词。1.4.22 walkway a passageway that is either level or sloping from the surrounding floor or level. a walkway may be a continuous structure or steps with landings.走道一类过道,可为平面或倾斜在周边地板或平面上。走道可为连续结构或带有梯段平台的阶梯。section 2 structural design, materials and wel
49、ding第二章 结构设计、材料与焊接2.1 design设计2.1.1 general the design of the structural work comprising the platform, walkways, stairways, ladders, and guardrailing shall comply with the relevant requirements of the following standards:总则。包括平台、走道、楼梯、梯子和护栏等结构的设计必须遵守以下标准的相关要求:(a) for aluminium: as 1664. 铝:as 1664(b)
50、 for concrete: as 3600混凝土:as 3600.(c) for masonry: as 3700. 石材:as 3700(d) for timber: as 1720.1. 木材:as 1729.1(e) for steel: as 1538, as 3990(int) or as 4100. 钢:as 1538,as 3900(int)或as 41002.1.2 design loadings设计荷载2.1.2.1 floors floors shall be designed for the dead load of the structure plus a super
51、imposed live loading of not less than 2.5 kpa uniformly distributed, or a concentrated loading of not less than 1 kn at any point, whichever produces the most adverse effect.地板。地板的设计荷载必须为该结构的静荷载加上不少于2 .5kpa均匀分布的迭加活荷载,或者是施加在任一点处不少于1000n的集中荷载,以造成最坏影响的为准。where the floor of the platform or walkway
52、or landing is likely to be loaded in excess of the above requirements, the design loading shall be based on the requirements of as 1170.1.若平台、走道或梯段平台的地板有可能承受超出上述要求的荷载,则设计荷载必须以as 1170.1的要求为基础。in special cases, where large floor areas or concentrated loads (or both) have to be considered, variation of
53、 the design load specified above may be referred to the regulatory authority.对于必须考虑大型地板面积或集中荷载(或两者)的特例,对以上指明的设计荷载所作的更改应当咨询管理机构。 guardrails the guardrailing shall be designed to withstand whichever of the following live loadings produces the most adverse effect:护栏。护栏设计必须使其能够承受以下任一活荷载造成的最坏影响:(a
54、) a force of 550 n acting outwards or downwards at any point on the top rail, edge or post. 向外或向下施加在护栏顶端、边缘或立柱任何一点的 550n作用力。(b) a force of 330 n per linear metre acting outwards or downwards on the top rail or edge. where appropriate, wind loadings in accordance with as 1170.2 shall be added to the above live loadings. 向外或向下施加在护栏顶端或边缘每延米330n的作用力。如果
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