



1、UK ' s industrialrevolution张明敏应用英语学院2013级2班Part one: introduction ofUK s industrial revolutionMore tha n one hun dred years, historia ns carried on the thorough research to the in dustrial revoluti on and econo mics, but what exactly is an in dustrial revoluti on ofte n tell people.Scholars disa

2、gree on the existe nee of the in dustrial revoluti on in the history,eve n admit that the in dustrial revoluti on is a big econo mic reforms, also con ducted a gradual theory and mutatio n theory. Man toux, make a thorough inquiry of the origi nal con cept of the in dustry revoluti on.He points out

3、that Marx referred to in the "industrial revolution"in Das Kapital. And then, "industrial revolution" in 1850, have been used by Andre Malraux.Even in 1845, it has been used in theBritishWork in gClass of En gels.And here,the defi niti on of it is that the in dustrial revoluti on

4、 is a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and tech no logy had a treme ndous effect on the social econo mic and cultural con diti ons start ing in the Great Britain,then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America

5、, and eve ntually the world.Part two:The influence ofUK s industrial revolutionThe UK s Revolution brought about dramatic changes in nearly every aspect of British society, in clud ing economy, politics, social structures and in stituti ons.First, The In dustrial Revoluti on had made Great Britai n

6、the wealthiest country in the world.Its In dustrial productivity in creased dramatically. Thus, Great Brita in became the most adva need in dustrial country and also the finan cial cen ter in the world. As Brita in' s incomingfinan ces grew and in creased, citize ns were able to move up the rung

7、s of the social class ladder in British society, thus improving their financial and educational statuses. Alongside new inventions came exciting discoveries in medicine, providing for better treatments of diseases and thus promoti ng the overall health of British society. Mea nwhile, i n Brita in, r

8、oads made of Ion ger-lasti ng surfaces and can als conn ected all parts of the n ati on. A mining engin eer, George Stephe nson, developed the first steam-powered locomotive, ope ning the way for the buildi ng of railroads. Railroads and steam-powered ships improved transportation around the world.

9、In 1837, an America n inven tor, Samuel F.B. Morse, devised the telegraph, which revolutio ni zed com muni cati ons. In a word, all these new inven ti ons made people' s life more convenient.Secon d,with the growth of factories, people were draw n tometropolita n cen ters.This result in an in cr

10、ease in populati on and urba ni zati on. By 1850, the urba n populatio n was half of the whole populati on in Brita in. The country also un derwe nt a process of mass urbanization. Many new cities sprang up, such as Manchester, Leeds, Birmi ngham and Sheffield.Third, The In dustrial Revoluti on also

11、 created cha nges in class structure. The capitalist class replaced the old nobility as the most important force in the country. Meanwhile, a large proletariat class came into being, who owned n either the means of product ion nor the products.The In dustrial Revoluti on had its good side. But there

12、 was a say ing that every coin has two sides. Obviously, The In dustrial Revoluti on also had its bad side.Due to the factory system was largely resp on sible for the rise of the moder n city, as large numbers of workers migrated into the cities in search of employment in the factories. In the large

13、 nu mber of workers, there was a particular worker group, the child labours. They were forced to work in relatively bad conditions for much lower pay than their elders. There once was reported that, childre n as young as four were employed. Beati ngs and long hours were com mon, with some child coal

14、 mi ners worki ng from 4 am un til 5 pm. Con diti ons were dan gerous, with some childre n were severely injured and sometimes killed whe n they dozed off and fell in to the path of the carts, while others died from gas explosi ons. Many childre n developed lung can cer and other diseases and died b

15、efore the age of 25.At the same time, Industrialization has brought factory pollutants and greater land use, which have harmed the natural environment. In particular, the application of machinery and scie nee to agriculture has led to greater land use and, therefore, exte nsive loss of habitat for a

16、ni mals and pla nts. In additi on, In dustrializati on and urba ni zati on have also created some new social problems. For example: divide betwee n rich and poor, overcrowd in g, liv ing con diti ons were unsan itary, as well as cramped and impoverished and other defects.Part three:Revelation that C

17、hina can drew from theUK s industrial revolutionBrita in's in dustrial revoluti on directly affects the process of huma n society, it provides a good referenee for the development of our country. In according withresearching, revelation as follows.I . Solve the problem of migrant workers and ens

18、ure the necessary social welfare in terms of employmentIn the early stage of the en closure moveme nt, with a large nu mber of rural laborers into cities, it appears that a large nu mber of un employed are homeless because it was bey ond the absorb ing ability of cities .It in flue need the urba n s

19、ecurity seriously. ( it also appears in China Guangzhou and other places now ), Therefore, the British government had killed plenty of homeless farmers.But con spicuously, it is those people that provides the most scarce resources for the in dustrial revoluti on.On the one han d,officials in coastal

20、 cities now compla in the migra nt workers problem, on the other han d,they are badly in n eedof labor.Migra nt workers have played and are still play ing an importa nt role in Chin a's in dustrializati on and urba ni zati on, but they lack n ecessary social welfare in terms of employme nt and r

21、etireme nt ben efits compared with urba n workers. Migra nt workers face many difficulties at work, such as backbreaking work, high health risks,weak social welfare and social security, as well as poor protectio n of rights. These people have made great con tributi ons and sacrifices on the road to

22、Chi na's fast-paced econo mic developme nt and tran sformati on. Therefore, they deserve part of the econo mic ben efits.The least the authorities could do is to end the differe ntial treatme nt of urba n and rural reside nts. This is an issue they cannot afford to ignore if they want to en sure

23、 Chin a's susta in able developme nt, in clud ing urba ni zati on and econo mic tran sformatio n.n . Adjust population structure problem reasonably.The developme nt of British in dustrial revoluti on attributed to the new in crease of young labor rather tha n the Middle-aged labor or senior migr

24、a nt workers .Si nee the middle of the 18th cen tury, The populatio n of UK has in creased by three times. It means that there are abundant labor.As a matter of fact, any country in dustrializati on process count on the new in crease of young labor.I ndustrializati on is a process of accumulati on.F

25、or quite some time,Ch ina became the “factory of the world ” thanks to abundant supplies of cheap labor.With China's growing agi ng populati on, many people in rural areas are beco ming old before beco ming well off,so it means that the basic new Labor force is not enough,which cannot satisfy th

26、e process of in dustrializatio n in Chi na.ln other words, the shortage of migra nt workers appears.Demographicstructure problems makes Chi na in dustrialized or lag in a deform and risky path.川“dependent innovation is the key to the industrialization.Explosi ons of tech no logy and system inno vati

27、 on appeared in the process of theK sin dustrial revoluti on .They are all origi nated in folk,a nd mostly made by young people.Although China is a country with a populatio n of 1.3 billio n,people in China is mostly farmers, who are not conn ected with inno vati on. They are mostly in low tech no l

28、ogy level in Chi na's urba n populati on while in the 18th cen tury of UK's in dustrial revoluti on ,ordi nary workers is sufficie nt to the inno vati onin productsa ndin tech no logy.Now UK is faci ng the fourth and the fifth in dustrial revoluti on so the requireme nts of inno vative pers

29、onnel quality greatly improved, the real con diti ons of high tech no logical inno vati on pers onnel far less tha n the Un ited States.For quite some time, “ made in China” has bee n synonym ous with cheap and in ferior quality goods. As one Chin ese trade official said years ago, foreig n trade ha

30、d long bee n sew ing shirts for overseas markets in excha nge for airpla nes.it in dicates the abse nee of self- inno vati on capacity is the key factor which blocks Chinese industry getting self-development and susta iningcompetitive adva ntage.Ourgover nmentshould approach anunderstandingofrealityandattainingenlightenment.What China needs to do is improving the quality and steady adjustme nt of in dustrial struct


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