【医药健康】NA length polymorphisms苏州大学法医系_第1页
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1、dna length polymorphisms苏州大学法医系苏州大学法医系 xrepeated dna tandems satellite dna refers to long repeat units of hundreds to thousands of bp. often found surrounding the centromere. minisatellite or vntr have a core repeat unit of 10-100 bp (d1s80) microsatellite or str have repeat units 2-6 bp.rflp analys

2、is rflp restriction fragment length polymorphism; for related dna molecules, a difference in dna fragment sizes after restriction enzyme digestion difference results from presence of different dna sequences certain regions of genome are highly variablerflp基本技术 dna的提取 re消化 琼脂糖电泳分离 印迹转移 探针选择 探针的标记 分子杂

3、交 谱带显示dna extractedrestrictionenzymeproducesfragmentsdouble-strandedfragmentsseparated byelectrophoresistransfer from gelto membrane radioactivelylabeled probein single strand formdevelop film,dnatypingpattern appearsvisualizebandingby exposureto x-ray filmwash toremoveexcessprobedenaturedto single

4、strandedfragmentscover membrane with probe, incubate the basis of rflp analysis environmental effects on rflp testsconditions sunlight, moderate temp. hot, humid weather no sunlight, hot weather gas, oil, detergent, acid, base, salt, bleach, non-human dna soilcan be tested-up to 6 weeks-10 days or l

5、ess -5 months or more -no effect-precludes teststep 1 dna的提取dna的纯化 有机溶剂萃取、乙醇沉淀 柱层析过滤法 凝胶柱层析技术step 1 dna的提取的提取dna 的定量 琼脂糖凝胶电泳结合溴乙锭荧光测定法 紫外分光光度法 dna探针杂交法step 1 dna的提取的提取step 2 re 消化step 2 re 消化消化 also called restriction enzymes occur naturally in bacteria hundreds are purified and available commercial

6、ly named for bacterial genus, species, strain, and typeexample:ecorigenus: escherichiaspecies: colistrain: rrestriction endonucleasesstep 2 re 消化消化 recognize specific base sequences in dna cut dna at those recognition sitesrestriction endonucleasesstep 2 re 消化消化 enzymes recognize specific 4-8 bp seq

7、uencesecori5gaattc33cttaag5 recognition sites have symmetry some enzymes cut in a staggered fashion some enzymes cut in a direct fashionpvuii5cagctg33gtcgac5restriction enzyme recognition sitestep 2 re 消化消化restriction endonucleases cut dna molecules at defined positionsstep 2 re 消化消化3、饮食相关因素:肝癌的发生与生

8、活习惯息息相关。长期进食霉变食物、含亚硝胺食物、微量元素硒缺乏也是促发肝癌的重要因素。黄曲霉毒b1是目前已被证明有明确致癌作用的物质,主要存在于霉变的粮食中,如玉米、花生、大米等。另外当摄食大量的含有亚硝酸盐的食物,亚硝酸盐在体内蓄积不能及时排出,可以在体内转变成亚硝胺类物质,亚硝酸盐含量较高的食物以烟熏或盐腌的肉制品为著,具有明确的致癌作用。同时肝癌的发生也与遗传因素、寄生虫感染等因素相关。1 临床表现临床表现疾病症状疾病症状肝癌的早期表现很不典型,往往容易被忽视。以下症状可供参考: 1、食欲明显减退:腹部闷胀,消化不良,有时出现恶心、呕吐; 2、右上腹隐痛:肝区可有持续性或间歇性疼痛,有时

9、可因体位变动而加重; 3、乏力、消瘦、不明原因的发热及水肿; 4、黄疸、腹水、皮肤瘙痒; 5、常常表现为鼻出血、皮下出血等。 肝癌的一些典型症状只有疾病进展到中晚期时才会发生,而那时往往已经丧失手术机会,因此平时的自我检查非常重要。当感觉疲惫乏力持续不能缓解时,很可能是肝病的预兆;心窝处沉闷感,或是腹部右上方感觉钝痛,有压迫感和不适感等,体重减轻,时有原因不明的发烧及出现黄疸,应尽早前往医院检查。1-2 诊断鉴别诊断鉴别检查主要包括血清甲胎蛋白(afp)和肝脏影像学检查。甲胎蛋白是目前常用的,也最简单实用。我国60%以上肝癌病例的血清afp400 g/l,95%的肝癌患者具有乙肝病毒(hbv)

10、感染的背景,10%有丙肝病毒(hcv)感染背景,还有部分患者hbv和hcv重叠感染,因此如果在病毒性肝病基础上合并afp 400 g/l应该高度怀疑肝癌可能,尽早完善影像学相关检查,做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗。 现代医学影像学手段也为肝癌的诊断提供了很大的帮助,为肝癌的定位、定性、定量、定期和制定治疗方案提供了可靠的依据。 1、最常用的是肝脏超声检查,超声检查为非侵入性检查,对人体组织无任何不良影响,其操作简单、直观准确、费用低廉、方便无创、广泛普及,可用于肝癌的普查和治疗后随访。 2、ct已经成为肝癌诊断的重要常规手段。腹部ct增强扫描可清楚地显示肝癌的大小、数目、形态、部位、边界、肿瘤血供

11、丰富程度,以及与肝内管道的关系,对于进一步明确诊断,与其他良性肝脏占位相鉴别,同时明确肝癌的分期分级,对于指导治疗及判断预后有重要意义。通过影像分析软件还可以对肝脏内各管道进行重建,可以精确到各肝段血管的走行,肿瘤与血管的关系,模拟手术切除平面,测算预切除肿瘤的体积和剩余肝体积,极大的提高手术安全性。 3、肝脏特异性mri能够提高小肝癌检出率,同时对肝癌与肝脏局灶性增生结节、肝腺瘤等的鉴别有较大帮助,可以作为ct检查的重要补充。 4、pet(正电子发射计算机断层扫描)-ct全身扫描可以了解整体状况和评估肿瘤转移情况,更能全面判断肿瘤分期及预后,但是价格较为昂贵,一般不作为首选检查。 最好的专业

12、文档,免费在线浏览,下载后可以修改编辑,欢迎下载收藏。products generated by restriction enzymescohesive end cutters (staggered cuts):enzyme recognition site ends of dna after cutecori5gaattc35gaattc33cttaag53cttaa g5psti5ctgcag35ctgca g33gacgtc53gacgtc5blunt end cutters (direct cuts):enzyme recognition site ends of dna after

13、cuthaeiii5ggcc3 5gg cc33ccgg5 3cc gg5step 2 re 消化消化digestion of dna with different restriction endonucleasesthe same sticky ends produced by different enzymesstep 2 re 消化消化agatctwild-type allelemutant alleletctagaa single nucleotide change can make a differenceagagcttctcgarestriction sitenot a restr

14、iction sitestep 2 re 消化消化step 3 电 泳电 泳 琼脂糖凝胶电泳 100 bp 60 kb 的大片断dna 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 5 500 bp 的小片断dnastep 3 电电 泳泳step 4 印迹转移 rflp 技术step 5 探针的选择dna 探针 dna 探针是一条较短的已知序列的dna单链。rflp探针是小卫星dna的核心序列串联重复的多聚体片断step 5 探针的选择探针的选择dna fingerprintingdetermination of an individuals unique collection of dna restriction f

15、ragmentscollect tissue samplehow to do dna fingerprintingthe big picture1000 cellspcr analysisrflp / southern blot20 cellswhat they often look like.incomplete digestdna 纹印which suspect, a or b, cannotbe excluded frompotential perpetratorsof this assault?minisatellite vntr alleles (400-1000 bp) can e

16、xhibit preferential amplification.step 6 探针的标记探针的标记 同位素标记法 非同位素标记法 半抗原类标记法 生物素类标记法 酶标法step 7 分子杂交分子杂交 概念:特异性探针与待测dna 在复性条件下形成稳定异源dna双链的过程 步骤 预杂交: 杂交 离子强度:以na离子中和dna的负电荷 探针浓度: 探针长度 杂交温度 洗膜 多基因座探针采用5ssc液 单基因座探针采用0.1ssc液 1ssc液:0.15mol/l氯化钠和0.015mol/l柠檬酸钠step 8 谱带显示 x光片感光 定影 显影amp-flpamp-flp amplified f

17、ragment length polymorphismsshort tandem repeats(strs)str region of dna containing tandem copies of di-, tri- or tetranucleotide repeat units. examples:dinucleotide repeats: gtgtgtgtgtgttetranucleotide repeats: tatctatctatctrinucleotide repeats:acgacgacgacgshort tandem repeats (strs)the repeat regio

18、n is variable between samples while the flanking regions where pcr primers bind are constant7 repeatsaatghomozygote = both alleles are the same lengthheterozygote = alleles differ and can be resolved from one anothershort tandem repeats (str) repeating units of an identical (or similar) dna sequence

19、, where the repeat sequence is 2-6 base pairs in length. the repeat units are arranged in direct succession of each other, and the number of repeat units varies between individuals. nomenclature for str alleles: international society of forensic haemogenetics (isfh) issued guidelines in 1994 & 1

20、997 aid in reproducibility and comparison of datanomenclature for str alleles:choice of strand if within a coding region, coding strand should be used if not within a coding region, use the sequence first described in public database if nomenclature established prior to the guidelines, the original

21、nomenclature is maintained.th01: note that using the top strand versus the bottom strand results in different repeat motifs. 1 2 3 4 5 65-ttccc tcat tcat tcat tcattcat tcat caccatgga-33-aaggg agta agta agta agta agta agta agtggtaacct-5 6 5 4 3 2 1nomenclature for str alleles:choice of allele designa

22、tion number of repeats.number of bp in incomplete repeatex: a common microvariant of th01 is allele 9.39 tetranucleotide repeats and one incomplete repeat of three nucleotides.allelic ladder for d1s80manual gelallelic ladder on automated gelstr allele frequencies05101520253035404567899.310caucasians

23、 (n=427)blacks (n=414)hispanics (n=414)th01 marker*proc. int. sym. hum. id (promega) 1997, p. 34number of repeatsfrequency13 core str locilocus namelocationrepeat motifclassificationallele rangenumber of allelescsf1po5q33.3-34tagasimple6-1615fga4q28ctttcompound15-51.269tho111p15.5tcatsimple3-1420tpo


25、lex24-387013 codis core str loci with chromosomal positionscsf1pod5s818d21s11th01tpoxd13s317d7s820d16s539d18s51d8s1179d3s1358fgavwaamelamelmale-specific y chromosome strs useful for analyzing male-female mixtures from sexual crimes.pcr 技术modern-day pcr methods are powerful tools for analyzing small

26、amounts and fragmented dna molecules. high sensitivity means that less than 1 ng of dna required for str multiplex analysis. high sensitivity means that avoiding contamination from extraneous dna is extremely important.extreme dna degradation can affect successful pcr amplification. pcr amplificatio

27、n requires that the template dna be intact at the site of primer annealing. pcr amplification requires that the template dna be intact between the primers for full extension.mutations mutations can occur at str loci most str mutations involve the gain or loss of a single repeat unit. can be difficul

28、t to determine from which parent contributed the mutant allele. low mutation rates are important for paternity testing.chemical inhibition of enzymes materials such as textile dyes or hemoglobin can inhibit enzymatic function. results can look like degraded dna.solutions to pcr inhibition remove the

29、 inhibitor by re-purifying the dna sample. dilute the effects of the inhibitor by: adding less sample volume; adding more dna polymerase; adding bovine serum albumin (bsa);in 32 cycles at 100% efficiency, 1.07 billion copies of targeted dna region are createdpcr copies dna exponentially through mult

30、iple thermal cyclesoriginal dna target regionthermal cyclethree steps denaturation annealing extentionstep 1: denaturation combine target sequence, dna primers template, dntps, taq polymerase target sequence: usually fewer than 3000 bp identified by a specific pair of dna primers- usually oligonucle

31、otides that are about 20 nucleotides heat to 95 degrees celsius to separate strands (for 0.5-2 minutes) longer times increase denaturation but decrease enzyme and templateq heat denatures dna by uncoiling the double helix strands.step 2: annealing decrease temperature by 15-25 degrees primers anneal

32、 to the end of the strand 0.5-2 minutes shorter time increases specificity but decreases yield requires knowledge of the base sequences of the 3 - endselecting a primerprimer length melting temperature (tm) specificity complementary primer sequences g/c content and polypyrimidine (t, c) or polypurin

33、e (a, g) stretches 3-end sequence single-stranded dnastep 3: extention5、选择性肝动脉造影是侵入性检查,因肝癌富含血供,以肝动脉供血为主,因此选择肝动脉造影可以明确显示肝脏的小病灶及肿瘤血供情况,在明确诊断后还可以通过注射碘油来堵塞肿瘤供养血管达到治疗目的,适用于其他检查后仍未能确诊的患者。有乙肝、丙肝的病人应定期复查,如有可能应每年查体,肝脏b超是最基础的检查。1-2 疾病治疗疾病治疗很多人闻癌色变,认为肝癌是不治之症,其实大可不必如此惊慌。目前,我国对于肝癌的防控取得了一定的成果。当确诊为肝癌时,首先要端正心态,正确客观

34、对待。因为目前针对肝癌的治疗方法较多,涉及到多个学科的共同协作,如果能够得到正确合理的治疗,肝癌远期疗效还是比较理想的。肝癌治疗总的原则是早期发现和早期诊断,强调实施规范化的综合治疗。 手术治疗手术治疗是肝癌首选的治疗方法,通过完整的清除肿瘤组织,达到治愈的目的。现代肝脏外科手术技术日益进步,肿瘤大小并不是制约手术的关键因素。能否切除和切除的疗效除了与肿瘤大小和数目有关,还与肝脏功能、肝硬化程度、肿瘤部位、肿瘤界限、有无完整包膜及静脉癌栓等有非常密切的关系。行手术切除的患者一般要求其一般情况良好,即没有心脏、肺脏、肾脏等重要脏器的器质性病变,肝功能正常或接近正常,具体需要客观的肝功能储备评估指

35、标,如黄疸水平、白蛋白水平、吲哚氰绿滞留率等指标,同时没有肝外肿瘤转移灶,肿瘤部位局限,而不是多发或弥漫性分布。早期肝癌手术切除后一年生存率达80%以上,五年生存率达50%以上。如在术后辅以综合性治疗,可以获得更好的效果。 外科治疗手段除了肝切除还可以选择肝移植手术,尤其对于那些合并肝硬化,肝功能失代偿的小肝癌患者,肝移植手术是最佳的选择。目前,我国每年大约开展4000例肝移植手术,其中肝癌患者比例高达40%。关于肝癌肝移植的适应证有很多标准,主要关注肿瘤的大小、数目和有无血管侵润及淋巴结转移。综合来说,这些标准对于无大血管侵犯、淋巴结转移及肝外转移的要求比较一致,但对肿瘤的大小和数目的要求不

36、尽相同。我国标准与国际的肝癌肝移植标准相比扩大了肝癌肝移植的适应证范围,超出标准的肝癌患者在接受肝移植治疗后虽然最终可能会发生复发和转移,但是其生活质量和生存时间要明显优于其他治疗方式,所以应根据供受体的需求比例做出综合判断来选择适应证。 其它治疗其它治疗包括射频消融、微波消融、高强度聚焦超声、动脉化疗栓塞、酒精注射、冷冻治疗、放疗、分子靶向治疗、免疫治疗和中医药治疗等,主要用于由于各种原因不能接受手术治疗的患者。 其中,肝癌射频消融或微波消融治疗原理是利用微波或射频的热效应,通过组织中极性分子尤其是水分子的振荡加热肝组织,从而在靶区内引起热凝固,通俗点说就是烧死肿瘤,能达到与肝癌切除、肝移植

37、相媲美的根治效果。适用于较小的单发肝癌,并远离重要血管,肝癌手术切除术后复发或肝功能储备功能差不能耐受手术切除的肝癌患者。 肝动脉介入栓塞化疗即通过动脉置管的方法到达肝动脉,注入栓塞剂或抗癌药,常用于不能手术切除的中晚期肝癌患者,能够达到控制疾病延长生存的目的。对于不宜作肝动脉介入治疗者和某些姑息性手术后患者,可采用联合或序贯化疗,但是肝癌对化疗效果不佳,常达不到好的治疗效果。 最近几年问世的新的分子靶向药物索拉非尼可以延缓肿瘤进展,能一定程度上延长生存期,此次通过国内外的临床试验结果表明,索拉菲尼可以延长患者生存时间达2-3个月,延缓疾病发展时间为73%,但该药物价格较为昂贵,同时可能会伴有

38、腹泻、皮疹、高血压、手足综合征等较严重不良反应,效果还需进一步评价。1-3 疾病预防疾病预防迄今尚缺乏一种能够适用于所有肝癌患者统一固定的治疗方案,所以肝癌的治疗应该个体化,在每一例肝癌患者的治疗中,都需要外科、影像科、介入科、肿瘤内科等多学科相互补充和有机结合。早期治疗方案的选择将极大影响肝癌患者的预后。因此,早期发现、早期诊断、早期治疗和预防工作显得尤为重要。 对于35岁的男性、具有乙肝病毒(hbv)和(或)丙肝病毒(hcv)感染、嗜酒的高危人群,一般是每隔6个月进行一次检查。对afp400 g/l而超声检查未发现肝脏占位者,在排除妊娠、活动性肝病以及生殖腺胚胎源性肿瘤后应进行ct和(或)

39、磁共振成像(mri)等检查。如afp出现升高但并未达到诊断水平,除了应该排除上述可能引起afp增高的情况外,还应密切追踪afp的动态变化,将超声检查间隔缩短至12个月,需要时进行ct和(或)mri检查。若高度怀疑肝癌,则建议进行数字减影血管造影(dsa)肝动脉碘油造影检查。应高度警惕厌食、乏力、精神差、长时间低热、水肿、肝区疼痛等症状,做到早发现。 在日常生活中要注意以下几点: 1 避免情绪波动,保持乐观的精神状态,应尽量避免或减少引起情绪波动的各种刺激活动; 2 避免过度劳累:过度的脑力或体力劳动不仅可使肝癌患者机体的抵抗力降低,促使癌症的复发或转移,而且可加重肝功损害,导致病情恶化; 最好

40、的专业文档,免费在线浏览,下载后可以修改编辑,欢迎下载收藏。amplificationmultiplex pcr over 10 markers can be copied at once sensitivities to levels less than 1 ng of dna ability to handle mixtures and degraded samples different fluorescent dyes used to distinguish str alleles with overlapping size rangesamelogenind19d3d8th01vwa

41、d21fgad16d18d2amelogenind19d3d8th01vwad21fgad16d18d2two different individualsdna size (base pairs)results obtained in less than 5 hours with a spot of blood the size of a pinheadprobability of a random match: 1 in 3 trillion human identity testing with multiplex strssimultaneous analysis of 10 strs

42、and genderampflstr sgm plus kitcommercial str multiplex kitskit namecompanystr locipower of discriminationampfistr sgm pluspe applied biosystemd3s1358, d16ss5391:3.3 x 1012d2s1338, amelolgenind8s1179,. d21s11d18s51, d19s433tho1, fgapowerplex 2.1promegad3s11358, tho1,!:8.5 x 1010d21s11, d18s51, vwad8

43、s1179, tpox, fgapenta epower plex 16promegacsf1po, fga, tpox, 1:1.8 x 1017tho1, vwa, d3s1358,d5s818, d7s820, d13s317, d16s539,d18s51, d21s11pentad, pentae amelogeninabi prism 310 genetic analyzerabi prism 310 genetic analyzer automated gel pouringautomated sample injectioncapillary electrophoresis with multi-color detection capabilitiesclose-up of abi p


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